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F*CKER Page 4

by Amo Jones


  “Control your woman.”

  “Relax.” Becca nudged me with her shoulder, handing me my drink with a leaf in it.

  “What’s this?” I asked her, pointing down to the glass.

  “It’s a Mojito!” she answered, grasping onto my hand and pulling me toward the crowd.

  I couldn’t believe I agreed to come to this. Indie was going to be so pissed I didn’t invite her, but I had no time, and Becca said she didn’t feel like looking after her little sister tonight. Before today, I only really knew Becca from being around Indie. This side of Becca was a little crazy. She seemed to always be hyper aware of everything. We pushed through the crowd of sweaty bodies until we hit the front, where the stage began. It was only small here at The Shack, but every Saturday night when the boys played, apparently it would fill up. I knew they were already quite well known, but I didn’t think I grasped just how deep that fan base was.

  “So, you and Ryker?” Becca asked, waggling her eyebrows at me and playing with the straw with her mouth.

  I laughed. “Um, no. He’s sort of just taken it upon himself to babysit me, I think. My dad asked him to watch me last night at Matty Shumaker’s party, and ever since then, he hasn’t left me alone.”

  Becca giggled. “You, my friend, are very fucked.”

  “What? Why?” I asked, taking a long pull of my drink, the icy mint freshness soothing my nerves and cooling me down from the inside out. The mass of people that were surrounding me were not helping my claustrophobia either. My fingers started to tingle as a breeze of excitement washed over me.

  “Because he wants in, and what Ryker wants, he usually gets,” she replied, bobbing on her feet and watching as the crowd started to thicken. A single sweat drop trickled down my chest, so I took another large gulp of my drink.

  “How long have you and Leo been together now?” I asked, ignoring her statement.

  “Two years this Sunday. Don’t do that,” she said, shaking her head. “I mean, I love him, but don’t fall in love young. You will find yourself having to make decisions that impact both of you, and then you’ll find yourself putting your own personal goals on the back burner just so they don’t interfere with your relationship. Don’t. Do. It. Go out, drink lots, fuck hard, and just hope like hell that when you die, you go out screaming with a tattooed hand gripped around your throat while being pounded from behind.” She laughed, glancing back to the stage with a smile on her face.

  “Holy fuck.” My mouth dropped open. “You’re kind of a slut.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Oh yes, honey. I’m a strong advocate for the liberated woman and how we should be allowed to embrace and enjoy sex just like our fellow men do.” She winked at me, and then the lights dipped low. This girl was one hundred percent crazy, but I think I loved her a little. She was so different from Indie. Not in the slut way, because Indie was pretty outspoken when it came to how much she enjoyed a good screwing, but in the way that she was raw and just wanted to be… reckless. Indie put up a front about being an easy, outgoing girl, but she had boundaries. Becca didn’t, and it both excited and scared me.

  Bodies began to push from behind me.

  I looked to Becca. “What the hell? Anyone would think this is a freaking Metallica concert.”

  She laughed, dipping her head by my ear. “They’re pretty big, babe.”

  My eyebrows shot up in surprise. I never knew; I mean, I knew they ruled the school, but I had no idea they had this many fans already. There were girls removing their shirts and swinging them around in the air while their boobs jiggled all over the place. I laughed, my body relaxing a little while looking at Becca.

  She smiled. “You’re a little crazy under all those politician daughter shenanigans, aren’t ya? Maybe Ryker won’t ruin you after all. Maybe you’ll ruin him.” She chuckled, and before I could answer her, the boys started casually walking onto the stage.

  Chanting began from beside me that sounded like muffled screams, and Becca looked at one girl that was a few people across from us who had Leo’s name in bright pink lipstick across her chest. She rolled her eyes and shrugged at me. This was surreal. I brought my attention to the stage, landing them on Ryker, whose stare was already boring into mine. My cheeks heated and my pulse picked up. I ran my tongue across my now dry lips, taking in the electric atmosphere.

  Everyone began to die out of my vision, the chanting and the screams disappearing and the view around me fading into blackness as my breathing deepened. Ryker winked at me with a smirk before his skilled fingers started picking at the electric guitar that was sitting over his shoulder. Their songs sounded similar to System of a Down, which naturally resulted in me loving them. Loving it a little too much, because by the time they started the closing song, I was well and truly legless drunk, gripping onto Becca as we bounced and laughed to their cover of Disturbed’s “Inside the Fire”. A smile so large was stretched over my mouth, and I looked up to Tommy, who was sitting at the drums, and gave him a nod. He smirked at me, winking before drumming out the chorus.

  I looked up to Ryker, who was giving me the sexiest evil eyes I could have ever imagined. I mouthed, What? and he shook his head with a grin before the solo guitar part came in and his skilled fingers chipped away effortlessly. Tommy introduced his beat straight after, and then the guitar came back in to finish it. Ryker’s bottom lip was pulled into his mouth as he smashed out the finishing line of the song, and the entire crowd erupted into fits of screams, along with Becca and me jumping up and down with our hands in the air. I mentally told myself I needed the boys to do a System of a Down cover, maybe BYOB—just to piss Ryker off, because I’ve heard that guitar work, and that shit sounds difficult with a capital D. I wrapped my arm around Becca’s neck as we both attempted to walk our sweaty, drunk bodies back through the crowd and to the bar.

  Becca ordered another couple drinks and handed them to me. “The boys will be out soon. We can go wait at their table, if you want?”

  I shook my head. “I can’t sit. I feel like I need to dance now.”

  She laughed, shaking her head as a twinkling glaze sparked in her eye. “Let’s dance. Let’s dance dirty, make Ryker wish he could tap that ass.”

  “He probably could.” My hand flew up to cover my mouth, and Becca erupted in fits of laughter.

  “Oh, girl, hold my drink.” She passed me her drink and I took it.

  “I should probably warn you now: alcohol is like truth serum for me, and I tend to be brutally honest once I’ve had a few,” I slurred behind a laugh.

  She stood up straight, squaring her shoulders. “You, my friend, are a waste of a human hanging around with my lame sister.”

  Indie. Fuck.

  My smile dropped a little. “I love your sister, probably a little too much, because there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her, which is a problem, because you know her and her crazy ideas.” I shook my head, and Becca wrapped her arm around my waist. I hooked my arm around her neck again as we began to walk back to the dance floor, kicking our feet out and singing along to the song that was just finishing up, with our drinks sloshing around everywhere.

  “Cotton Eye Joe” started blaring through the speakers, and we both whipped our head to each other and screamed before we started dancing around, doing our best line dancing attempts, which were very poor. We started to mix up country dancing with booty hopping, laughing all over the place, when a body pushed up against my ass and hands gripped around my hips. I laughed, spinning my head back, expecting to see Ryker there, but instead, it was Jason. I paused, turning in his grip.

  “Hey! What’re you doing here?” I garbled, trying to zone my eyes in on him, but failing when doubles started to push out from him. I giggled, reaching out to touch his second face; I was tripping majorly. I almost fell backward until his arm wrapped around my waist, picking me up with ease. Jason was left-tackle on the football team. He was broad, strong, and had deep chocolate eyes that were surrounded by a
scruffy but tidy mop of hair. It worked for him and all his boyish charm.

  There wasn’t a girl in school who didn’t want to sleep with Jason Miller. His father, Johnny Miller, was the famous football player who played for some big, hot shot NFL team. He was rich and filthy famous, therefore, making Jason very much sought after. Aside from brief conversations passed between both of us when I was with Indie, who was with his best friend, Matty, we hadn’t really been alone together; ergo, this was awkward. Lucky, I was drunk.

  “We stopped off here before heading out to the bridge. What’re you doing here?” he asked, looking behind me at Becca, who was dancing to her own beat.

  The bridge was a place in the middle of farmland where people would drink at some weekends. The old railway bridge went over the local river that ran through the farm. The last owners anyone knew were the Bruchal family. Their story was freaky. Tom Burchal, the father of four and husband to Sarah Burchal, came home from work early one day and caught her in bed with his friend. He shot them both before shooting himself, leaving the kids to go into foster care. This was before I was born, but everyone knew about the Bruchal farm. The house was burned to the ground not long after the incident, and no one had built on the land since, leaving us all to use it as a drinking meet. The bridge was far away from where the house used to stand, so it didn’t feel that haunted. I still didn’t like going though.

  “We came here—”

  “With us,” Ryker interrupted as he came up behind me, his arm wrapping around my neck protectively while glaring at Jason.

  “With them,” I confirmed with a smile.

  Jason nodded his head. “Cool. I might catch you another time, yeah?” he asked, his eyes reaching into me for a hint, I’m guessing.

  I smiled. “Yeah, okay. Hey, is Indie with you guys?”

  He jerked his head. “Yeah, she’s meeting us out there. You don’t wanna come?”

  Ryker’s grip tightened around my shoulders. I beamed a fake smile. “Nah. I’ll catch up with you another time though.” Maybe that came out wrong, because Ryker’s grip hadn’t loosened.

  The hell is his problem?

  “Yeah, sounds good.” Jason smirked, which implied to me that maybe he took what I said in the sense that I was hoping he wouldn’t take it.


  “I’ll text you tonight,” he mumbled, and then started walking toward the front door.

  Ryker’s grip dropped suddenly, before he began to follow Jason out the door with his jaw clenching and his fists balled.

  Double crap.

  I hooked my fingers onto his arm, yanking him back, only it did nothing, because the mere size of Ryker is unexplainable for someone of his age.

  “Ryker!” I yelled, and he stilled, stopping in his step. The boys were watching closely, and I looked to Becca for help. She just smiled at me, and mouthed, Told you.

  Ryker spun around, his jaw flexing a couple times, looking at Ryder, who looked down at me. What the hell was going on?

  “Ryker?” I repeated, softly this time.

  He finally brought his eyes down to mine, a calm smile coming to his mouth. “Yeah, baby? Whassup?” Like he didn’t almost take out Jason just for talking to me.


  Shaking my head. “I’m too drunk for this shit,” I stated with a smile, attempting to lighten the mood.

  He laughed, the tension in the air lifting, and my shoulders sagged. God, he was intense.

  “All right, baby, come on. We’re taking this party back to my place.”

  He pulled my body under his arm and I molded into him, as we walked out the door and all separated to head back to the Oakley household.

  Something told me this night was far from over.

  “Bro, you gonna slow down?” Leo asked, pointing to my… I’ve lost count of how many drinks I’ve put away since being here. Getting my hackles up over Jason fucking Miller shocked me. Shocked me enough to drown whatever the fuck was stirring in my gut down with alcohol.

  “Bro,” I mimicked, smiling at him. “Wanna watch your woman? She’s sort of rubbing off on Bry a little too strong.” We looked to both girls, who were dancing in the center of the garage, where a few of us were all drinking and chilling out. Both their bodies were wrapping around each other sensually, and both mine and Leo’s heads started to tilt to the side as we brought our hard liquor up to our mouths. System of a Down’s “Spiders” was playing, the bass sinking deep into my pores and rushing straight to my cock. It’s true, I fucking loved music, but I loved it even more when Bryleigh’s tight little body fucked the shit out of the beat.

  She looked toward me, a sensual smirk kicking up on her mouth, and my eyes twitched. I sagged back into my seat, throwing my arms over the top of the sofa. She smiled, carrying on her little performance. I looked down to my lap and then back to her. She tilted her head at me questioningly, a silent conversation igniting between the two of us. I smirked and repeated the action, my head nudging down to my lap then back to her. I saw the moment it clicked to what I was implying, because a beaming smile lit her face. I could see Leo watching us closely from the corner of my eye and I shrugged at him.

  He shook his head. “Victor is gonna beat your ass.”

  “Naah,” I said, lifting the vodka to my mouth again. The effects of the alcohol have doubled since the last swig I took. “He loves me.”

  The guitar solo came in, and before I knew it, Bryleigh’s little body was in front of us dancing in sexy slow little circles around me. She straddled my lap and ground her heat all over mine. The grip I had on my bottle tightened. I didn’t actually think she would have the balls to do it; there was a whole different side to this chick, and I fucking loved it. I brought my hand up to cup her ass, running it slowly up her lean back, and she laughed, throwing her head back. Fuck, I’m drunk, and all I wanna do is fuck the shit out of her.

  I wrapped her hair around my wrist and yanked her face down. Her lips hovered above me, the trickle of her warm breath cascading over mine and igniting some sick perverted beast that lived inside of me but never really surfaced—until I met her. My cock was rock-hard, and all I wanted to do was rip her panties down and shove my dick deep in what I knew would be the hottest fucking gap I would’ve ever ventured into.

  She smiled, her hazy eyes looking down to my lips. I drew my tongue out and slowly licked it across the rim of her lip. Her body tensed, and goose bumps set off over her skin. Yeah, that’s right. Your sweet little pussy wants this just as much as I do.

  “Jesus, Ryker. Did you just lick her like she was a piece of meat?” Tommy’s voice cut through.

  I chuckled, resting my head back onto the chair, but leaving my hand firmly on her back. “I’d lick her pussy right here and right now too, Tommy. I think you know that.” Her eyes grew wide. I laughed before adding, “But I won’t, because I don’t feel like sharing… this one.”

  Tommy laughed, running his finger over his top lip. “That’d be her call, wouldn’t it?”

  My body stilled. I diverted my glare straight to him. “No, it wouldn’t, and there’s no way you’re getting a taste of this one. Smart ass.”

  “Do I get a say?” Bryleigh asked from on top of my dick, where she damn well belonged.


  “Yes,” Tommy interfered. I scowled at him. If the fucker knew she was a virgin, it’d scare him right off. He doesn’t mess with virgins, since the last one he popped cried outside his bedroom window every night for a whole month. Was funny as fuck—we still have the video of her doing it one night. Just to torment him.

  Bryleigh smiled, pulling her bottom lip into her mouth and cocking her head. She’s a little fucking cock tease, I’m almost certain I’ve met my match, only this is worse, because the little shit is still a virgin.

  “Can I rain check?” she asked shyly. Yeah, don’t play the shy card now. I could see right through that façade.

  Tommy nodded with a smirk. “For sure. Anytime, baby.” My grip on her back tig
htened as I pulled her down to the couch, laying her flat on her back. I wasn’t worried about the people who were here. It was only a few close friends and their girlfriends/boyfriends. Tommy sat back, watching us closely. Fucking kinky bastard. I dropped my body over hers and stretched her legs open with mine, grasping onto her thigh and hitching it over my hip. She smiled and peered up at Tommy, her eyes hooded in lust. The way I squeezed her thigh, strong enough to get her attention and maybe leave a bruise, made me realize I was a little territorial when it came to her.

  “Ouch! Jesus, calm your chill, would you?” She laughed from under me. Her tits jiggled from under that tight little top, and I cocked my head toward them, letting go of her leg and bringing my hand up to grope one. She smirked, lifting her crotch into me lightly. A growl escaped my lips, and I dropped my face into the crook of her neck, circling my hips into her with one hard movement.

  “You really wanna do this, baby? ‘Cause I don’t know if I can take much more of not knowing how your tight cunt will feel wrapped around my dick.”

  Her breathing froze. She wrapped her hands around my face, pulling me to look at her. “You cannot talk like that with me,” she said sternly.

  Ha! I got her. Knew she couldn’t keep up with this mouth.

  “Wanna know why?” she asked sweetly, her green eyes boring into mine. I smirked with a shrug. “Because it makes my pussy so wet,” she said, and this was the exact moment I knew I was fucked. “That all I wanna do is ride you until I forget my own name.” Then she drew her motherfucking tongue out of her mouth and ran it across my lip, sucking my lip ring into her mouth and biting down on it softly.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Tommy whispered. “Ryker Oakley has met his match.” I could hear Becca laughing hysterically in the background along with Leo.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I grumbled at them, all while keeping my gaze locked on Bryleigh’s smug face. My eyes narrowed until a grin set on half of my mouth. I jackknifed up from the couch and grasped onto her hand, pulling her off the couch with the room spinning lightly.


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