Mackenzie (Heritage Bay Series Book 2)

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Mackenzie (Heritage Bay Series Book 2) Page 30

by M. A. Foster

  Makes sense.

  “So, what are you gonna do?”

  “My mom thinks Zach and I need to give each other some space for a few days before we end up doing something we both regret.” She huffs out a humorless laugh. “I think it’s a little too late for that.” She looks over at me. “What happened with Cole?”

  I tell her everything that transpired yesterday and today. Then I finally admit something to her that I’ve never told anyone before. “I think I have abandonment issues. Everyone I’ve ever loved leaves me.”

  She extends her hand to me and I take it. “I’ll never leave you, Harper,” she promises.

  A promise no one should ever make.

  Because eventually everyone leaves.

  Even if it’s not by choice.

  “THIS PLACE IS packed,” I say loudly over the music, snacking on chips and queso while we wait for the rest of the food to be brought out.

  “Jayla!” the server calls as she steps out from the kitchen.

  Jay raises her hand and the waitress makes her way to our table.

  And that’s when I see it.

  Judging by the way Jay’s eyes nearly pop out of her head and the embarrassed flush creeping up her neck, she sees it, too. It’s like a car crash—you just can’t not look at it. I can’t help but let out a small giggle as the server sets Jay’s food down on the table and lingers for a few moments, asking if she needs anything else.

  “No, thanks,” Jay says, looking anywhere but at the camel toe that’s practically staring her in the face. When the waitress leaves, I expect Jay to make a smartass comment or a joke, but instead she clears her throat and shifts uncomfortably in her seat.

  Oh my God, she’s stunned silent. This is a first. It amazes me that someone with so much sass can be so easily embarrassed.

  By this point, tears are streaming down my face.

  “What’s so funny,” Emerson asks.

  Jay looks over at me. “You saw that?” she asks through a laugh of her own.

  “What?” Emerson asks as Grace eyes us curiously. Poor Grace.

  “Emerson!” the same server calls out as she once again exits the kitchen.

  “Grace!” another shouts right after.

  Grace and Em raise their hands, Em turning in her seat just as the waitress arrives with her food. Her eyebrows skyrocket to her hairline, and I nearly double over in my chair.

  Once the servers are out of earshot, Jay murmurs, “Not what I had in mind when you suggested Taco Tuesday, Mom,” at the same time Em says with a grimace, “That looks painful.”

  “I think it winked at me,” Jay adds with a snort.

  Annnd I’m dead.

  IT’S FRIDAY, AND thankfully I have the night off. This week has been exhausting. Cole and I did not break up—not that it’s even an option, according to him—but I’m not ready to completely forgive him either. I believe nothing happened between Cole and Ashton, and surprisingly, she confirmed it. Oh, and she also wanted to let me know that I can have Cole because she’s over him.

  Insert eye roll.

  It’s nearly dark out when I step out of the performing arts building. The guys’ locker room door is propped open as players from the varsity baseball team linger in the doorway and around the common area, which is lit up like a Friday night football game.

  As I make my way to my car, I spot a familiar head of dark hair. He’s not on the baseball team. Carter is leaning against the side of the building with his foot propped up on the wall. Standing in front of him is Reagan, and if it weren’t for the bright lights, I wouldn’t have noticed the bored look on his face. What’s he doing with her?

  I pretend I don’t see them as I continue to my car, but just as I walk past them, out of the corner of my eye, I see Carter’s head swivel my way.


  Footsteps echo behind me and I pick up my pace. Pulling my keys from my purse, I hit the button to unlock my car. I reach for the door and yank it open. Suddenly, a hand reaches out and slams it shut.

  Gasping, I spin around knowing I’m about to have it out with Carter Nixon. The guy who’s been Cole’s best friend since kindergarten and has barely said ten words to me since Cole and I started dating.

  Carter laughs. “How long are you gonna drag this out?”

  “I’m not.”

  “You are. Stop fucking with him. Either forgive him for being a dumbass or move the fuck on.”

  “I’m not fucking with him. He needs to realize what he did is not okay.”

  Carter raises his brows. “He does know. You’re not the only one who was pissed at him. Don’t let the cocky exterior fool you, girl. It’s all an act to protect himself. He’s a good guy who made a mistake, and he’s been punishing himself for a very long time.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Carter shakes his head. “Not my story to tell. Maybe if you get over yourself and give him a chance. He’ll tell you.”

  Reaching behind me, I grab the door handle. “Thank for the advice, Dr. Phil.”

  Carter throws his head back and laughs. “You’re a smartass. I can see why he loves you.” He nods and takes a step back. “Have a good night, Harper.”

  JAY IS IN her music room sitting at the piano. She’s been hanging out in here a lot this week. I hover in the doorway for a moment and watch as she gets lost in the melody, then pauses to scribble something on the notepad resting on top of the piano.

  I make my way over to her. Without looking up, she scoots over, allowing me to slide next to her.

  She pauses again to write something before she sets the pencil down and looks over at me with sad, red-rimmed eyes.

  “You’re working on a new song?” I ask, curling my arm around her shoulder.

  “Yeah.” She sniffs. “Having my heart broken has given me plenty of material to work with.” A tear slides down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away. “It hasn’t even been a week and I feel like I’m dying, Harper.”

  “Jay.” I tilt my head. “Why don’t you just call him? I know he misses you. You’re both miserable.”

  She shakes her head. “Not yet.”

  “We need a girls’ night,” I suggest. “Wanna go to that taco place again?”

  Jay snorts. “No, thanks.” She scrunches her nose. “I’m not sure I’ll ever eat there again. I still haven’t recovered from almost being swallowed by a camel toe.” She shudders.

  I laugh so hard, tears prick the corners of my eyes.

  Jay giggles. “Justin Phillips is having a party tonight. I told him I’d be there, and I’m kind of in the mood to party. You down?”

  “Am I down to party with my best friend? Hell yes.”

  LEVI BARKS OUT a laugh when he sees Jay and me coming down the stairs. “You two are trouble.” He shakes his head as he holds the front door open, and we make our way to her Range Rover idling in the driveway. “What kind of party is this?” he asks, climbing behind the wheel.

  “CEOs and high-class hoes.” Jay snickers. “Can you tell which one of us is the CEO and which one is the ho?”

  Levi shakes his head again. “I’m not touching that.”

  I laugh to myself.

  Jay is the ho.

  She’s wearing a short lacey baby blue dress with long sleeves, an open back, and a perfectly placed pattern designed to conceal her private areas. She bought me the same dress in emerald green, but I chose to be the CEO.

  A sexy CEO.

  I’m wearing an oversized men’s business shirt, leaving the top three buttons undone, with a loose tie around the collar over a black lace bra and matching cheeky lace panties, garters, and high heels. Working at JC’s long enough, I know how to throw together a sexy outfit.

  The drive to Justin’s is short. Levi drops us off before he goes to park the car, telling us he’ll meet us inside.

  I’M JUST PUTTING Willow to bed when my phone buzzes in my pants pocket.


  “Come pick me up,” Zach commands. “We’re goin
g to the Phillips’s party.”

  “No way. I’m already on Harper’s shit list.” I’m not giving her any more reasons to be pissed at me and drag this shit out longer than she already has.

  “Jay and Harper are at the party.”

  “You’re shitting me. I thought Harper was working tonight.” I look down at the dress shirt and pants I wore to dinner with my parents to celebrate my committing to Gulf Coast University. “Give me thirty minutes.”

  Thirty-five minutes later, I pull up to the Phillips residence and park illegally on the sidewalk, then push my way through the sea of half-naked bodies spilling out of the house into the front yard.

  “Zach, your girl is here,” some random chick yells.

  A random dude steps in front of me and slaps me on the back like he’s my best fucking friend. “Dude, Harper is sexy as fuck. You still hittin’ that?”

  Is this dude for real?

  The look on my face must be enough of a warning, because he backs away with his hands raised in surrender. “Sorry, man, just sayin’. You’re a lucky guy.”

  Turning my head, I catch a glimpse of Jay moving through the crowd. What the hell is she wearing?

  Maroon 5’s “Animal” blares over the house speakers and Jay throws her hands up, shouting something—but I can’t hear her over the music—before she disappears into the crowd.

  “Oh hell no!” I shoulder past the idiot and charge toward Jay, looking over my shoulder to make sure I didn’t lose Zach. “Did you see what Jay was wearing?”

  “No. Where is she?” He immediately scans the crowd. Logan, Brad, Evan, and Levi, Jay’s security, are standing near the bar, looking our way and laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” I snap.

  “What’s up, Harry Potter?” Brad quips, earning a round of laughs.

  I roll my eyes. Always the comedian.

  “Shut up, dickhead. I wasn’t planning on coming, and I’d already taken out my contacts,” I explain. If I’m not wearing my contacts, then I need my glasses to drive at night. I scan the bodies on the dance floor and spot Jay in a short blue, see-through dress, but I don’t see Harper.

  I look over at Levi. “You let Jay leave the house wearing that outfit?”

  He narrows his eyes and curls his lip. “I’m her security, not her fuckin’ stylist, asshole.”

  “They’re out there dancing and having a good time,” Logan says. “Don’t do anything stupid or you’ll screw up any chance you have of fixing this. You hear me?” He points at me. “Especially you, Mackenzie.”

  “I know, I know.” I run a hand through my hair. “Believe me, I’ve been getting my ass chewed out all week. And Willow thinks I’m a meanie-face.”

  “Damn. Willow doesn’t pull any punches.” Zach chuckles.

  “Jay and Harper have been tossing back shots like water,” Logan informs us. “I counted four before they went out on the dance floor.”

  I frown. “Harper doesn’t drink, and Jay knows better.”

  “She does now,” Brad states. “And I don’t think Jay gives a shit.”

  Zach turns to Logan. “What’s Jay wearing?”

  “Nothing like that.” Logan nods to a tall blonde wearing a leather corset with matching leather booty shorts and high-heeled boots. She offers him a flirty smile over her shoulder, and he lets out a low groan. “I need to get laid.”

  Cherry walks up, breathless and giggling, and leans in to Brad. “Jay is a trip.”

  “What are they doing?” I ask.

  “They’re dancing,” Cherry replies, throwing a dirty look at Zach and me. “They’re having fun.”

  Lexi emerges from the dance floor, laughing. “Oh my God! I can’t keep up with those long-legged bitches,” she pants, fanning herself.

  “Save some of that energy for me.” Evan wiggles his eyebrows and curls an arm around her waist.

  “What the fuck is she wearing?” Zach bellows and starts forward, but Logan stops him with a hand on his chest.

  Following his line of sight, I spot Harper wearing a white men’s dress shirt, open in the front with a black lace bra and panties underneath and a loose tie around her neck. Jesus, she’s wearing garters. I imagine that right now I look like one of those cartoon characters, jaw on the ground and eyes popping out. “Harper is so getting her ass spanked for this.”

  “She’s been drinking,” Logan reminds Zach and me. “Do you really want to go another round?” His eyes flick between the two of us. “Didn’t think so.”

  Harper and Jay brush right past Zach and me with saying a word and make their way up to the bar.

  They think they’re funny.

  Jay is stubborn, but I’m the fucking definition.

  “Jay, I can see your tits and ass through that dress. I’m pretty sure neither Emerson nor Bass would approve of this”—I wave a hand over her so-called dress—“piece of fabric.”

  Jay spins around, clearly ready for a fight. “Last I checked, I’m an adult, and you’re not my father.” She pauses and rakes her eyes over me before she bursts out laughing. I can smell the alcohol on her breath. “You look like fucking Clark Kent.” She doubles over, one hand on her side and the other holding onto the bar. “Look, Harper, it’s Cole-ark Kent.” She throws her head back and laughs even harder.

  Harper eyes me over her shoulder and snorts.

  I smirk. Harper loves my glasses.

  Let’s just say she has a thing for hot, nerdy men.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” I move to stand behind Harper and place my hands on the bar, caging her in. “I’m the man of steel.” I grind against her backside. “Isn’t that right, Harper?”

  “Ugh, you’re an idiot,” Jay says, rolling her eyes.

  “What the fuck are you wearing, Harper?” I hiss.

  “She’s wearing her ‘fuck off, Cole’ outfit,” Jay quips. “It’s couture from the line of ‘guys are assholes.’ It was made especially for her.”

  Any other time, I’d find Jay funny, but right now she’s pissing me off.

  I snap my gaze to her. “Mind your biz, Jay.”

  “It is my biz, Cole.” She rocks her head from side to side. “She looks hot. Get over it. Maybe you should try complimenting her instead of acting like a jealous control freak. What do you care, anyway? This isn’t a fairy tale, Cole. Trust me. I, of all people, know there’s no such thing as a happily ever after.”

  Her expression morphs into anger as she spits my words back at me.

  “I told you I was sorry. I didn’t mean it,” I argue.

  “Yes you did. You just don’t like hearing your own words thrown back in your face.”

  “Babe, you’re drunk,” Zach finally speaks up.

  “Well shit.” She holds up her hands, gesturing to Zach and me. “We’ve got Superman and Captain Obvious!” She bugs out her eyes.

  I grin but Zach looks away, trying not to laugh.

  “Hey, Cole,” the most annoying voice I’ve ever heard squeaks. It’s high-pitched and nasally, and it grates on my nerves. I look down into the cleavage of the biggest tits I’ve ever seen squeezed into one of those sheer black nighties, open in the front to show off her flat stomach and sheer black panties.

  “Do I know you?” I arch a brow, trying to recall if I’d ever met her before.

  My eyes move back to her chest.

  Nope. Even if I was drunk, there’s no way I’d forget those tits.

  “Stacey,” she purrs, wrapping her arm around mine. “Remember? We, uh….” She looks around and lowers her voice. “We hung out at that lake party last summer.”

  I pinch my brows, confused. Who the hell is this chick?

  A shot glass slams down on the bar with a loud smack. Harper. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath as guilt and shame wash over me, untangling my arm from Stacey’s vice-like grip.

  I just fucked up big-time.

  “Excuse me, Lacey?” Jay purrs, mocking Stacey, crossing her arms over her chest.

  And here we go.
br />   “It’s Stacey,” she sneers.


  Jay is two seconds away from smacking the shit out of this girl.

  “Who cares.” Jay gives an annoyed flick of her wrist. “Did you not see we were in the middle of a conversation—one of us being his girlfriend?” She jerks her thumb to Harper and, after a brief pause, smacks her palm against her head. “Oh, my bad. You probably couldn’t see over those enormous tits. Seriously, you should put those things away before someone gets hurt. And FYI, that outfit screams desperation.”


  “Of what, future backaches? A place to hide small children?” Jay cups her breasts. “Does it look like I have anything to be jealous of?”

  Kill me now.

  “Jay,” Zach gently warns.

  Harper’s whole body shakes with laughter and she slaps her palm down on the bar.

  “Cole Mackenzie doesn’t do relationships. Everyone knows that.” Ah. I get it now. She’s trying to start drama. I’ll bet my entire football career that Ashton, Hannah, and Reagan are behind this.

  “Someone didn’t get the memo,” Zach murmurs, and Stacey turns in his direction, arching her back.

  “You’re Zach, right? Didn’t we hook up at Devin Milner’s party last summer?”

  Zach’s eyes go wide, then shift to Jay as he sputters, “Uh… no. I don’t…. I think I would—”

  “Finish that sentence, Zach, and I will punch you in the dick.” Jay keeps her glare locked on Stacey, her hands propped on her hips. “Excuse me, Lacey, tits for brains.” She snaps her fingers in front of Stacey’s face. “He’s private property, and you’re trespassing. Walk away or”—she grabs a toothpick from the bar—“I’ll use this to pop those water balloons.” She waves her off. “Now go away before I smack you.”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  Jay’s eyebrows shoot up to her hairline and her mouth slowly curls up on one side.

  She’s gonna pounce.

  Levi takes a step closer to Jay, and Zach shoots me a pleading look to do something.


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