Grizzly Promise

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Grizzly Promise Page 15

by Becca Jameson

  “Which is what?”

  He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips for a brief kiss to her knuckles, which made her breath hitch. “That your fake boyfriend is flirting with my construction worker and vice versa.”

  She glanced outside, lifting onto her toes. “You think?”



  “My thoughts exactly.”

  “Then maybe we should walk away from the window and give them some privacy,” she suggested.

  “We could go back to the bedroom?” Wyatt smirked.


  Paige needed to steer them to a different path. A safer one. She wasn’t ready to face his bedroom again yet. “I’ve already seen your bedroom. How about you show me the rest of the house.”

  He gave a quick nod. “Good idea.” Not releasing her hand, he led her down the hallway. “So, you’re familiar with the master bedroom.” He pointed to the first door on the left. “Across the hall, we have a home office. I work long hours and spend a lot of time in the evenings in there.”

  She glanced inside to find it messy, which made her smile.

  “Next, we have a guest bath.” He pushed the door open but kept walking. “This room is a guest room, though I don’t often have guests.”

  There was one more door. “What’s the last one?”

  He took the last few steps and opened the closed door. “Not sure yet. Got any ideas?” It was totally empty.

  She chuckled. “Didn’t you design the house yourself?”


  “Why did you built more rooms than you needed?”

  He shrugged and turned back down the hall, not looking her in the eye. “I guess I was preparing for a future family.” His words were nonchalant. Bland. He was trying not to scare her.

  She had a small freak-out moment anyway, of course. Kids? No such thing had ever been on her radar. For one thing, they required having sex. For another thing, she hated to think something would ever happen to a child of hers like happened to her. It would kill her.

  Wyatt detoured back into the master bedroom. Against her better judgment, she let him. The lighting was dim. Neither of them had opened the blinds. He sat on the edge of the bed and angled her between his legs, his hands running down her arms until they loosely held her wrists. “Shake whatever you’re thinking from your mind. Let it go.”

  “How do you know what I’m thinking?”

  “I can imagine. Besides, when you pull back from me emotionally, your body gets stiff, and your pulse increases.” He squeezed her wrists. “Your face is also flushed. And you’re straining so hard to block me from your mind it’s palpable.”

  She lowered her gaze to his lap, wishing immediately she hadn’t.

  He released her, slowly fisted the bottom edge of his sweatshirt, and drew it over her head. He was smiling as he dropped it to the floor. “We’re alone now.”

  She shivered.

  His gaze lowered to her chest. “Jesus, woman.”

  She followed his gaze, realizing what he was seeing. The tight spandex hugged her full breasts, leaving nothing to the imagination. The T-shirt she’d borrowed was indeed less revealing.

  He was wrong about one thing, though. She had several combinations of outfits like this one, but she never wore them out of the house. She had never even belonged to a gym. She worked out in her apartment. No way in hell would she wear something that would draw attention to her to jog or go to a gym.

  She wore comfortable clothes like this in front of Gavin or her parents or alone. She could add Wyatt to that list now. But no one else. So he needn’t worry.

  The thought of adding Wyatt to her list of people she allowed close to her was still hard to wrap her head around. But it was also a given. Like he’d said, it wasn’t something she could deny. She still wasn’t sure it was the best-laid plan for Wyatt, but she understood his reasoning that he didn’t have a choice in the matter. Nature decided they should be a couple. And She wasn’t backing down.

  For the first time in her life, she wasn’t hyperventilating over the smoldering look a man was giving her. In fact, it felt good. Really good. Too good.

  Her knees were weak. She set her hands on his spread thighs to steady herself and nearly gasped at the power of his muscles. And then she jerked back, releasing his legs to fist her hands at her sides. The thickness of his penis between his legs was inches from her. Unavoidable.

  Her chest pounded. Half of her was scared out of her mind from being so close to his arousal. She could scent it. His pheromones filled the room with his lust for her. It was heady and frightening at the same time. Did she smell as powerfully turned on as he did?

  Because she knew the other half of her was totally aroused also. A war was waging in her mind. She wanted to run from the room. Run from her past. Run from ever having to face her future.

  She also wanted to touch him. Feel his hard contours beneath her hands. Explore a man’s body. Did he fully realize she’d never seen a penis before? “I should go. Gavin’s probably waiting on me.”

  “Gavin left ten minutes ago, a few minutes after Kelly left.”

  She flinched, lifting her face to his while inhaling. Dale was gone too. “Where did they go?” How did I miss that?

  “They went to get a tool Dale needs. Gavin drove him.”

  “He told you all this?”

  “Yes. While I was showing you the rooms.”

  “Right.” Naturally, Paige didn’t have the ability to communicate with Gavin that Wyatt had with Dale. But Gavin had Dale for a translator—or rather a messenger of sorts. And… Gavin had Dale… Hmmm.

  “Are you and Gavin sharing a car?”

  “No. He has his bike too, but it’s hard to bring a suitcase on it.”

  He nodded and then sighed, his shoulders slumping. “I know you’re fighting a battle in your head, babe. I can see it on your face. I’d like you to put your fears aside and go with your instincts. I swear I won’t do a single thing you aren’t ready for. I won’t even touch you without telling you first. Promise.”

  She swallowed. God, she wanted to explore him. Could she?

  He might have read her mind. Maybe she wasn’t blocking. Or maybe he was simply intuitive. “Go ahead. Touch me. Anywhere you’d like. I won’t move a muscle.” Except he shocked her by yanking his T-shirt over his head and dropping it to the floor on top of the sweatshirt she was no longer wearing.

  His back was straight, hands palms up on his thighs. “I’m a statue,” he declared.

  She licked her lips, but stopped herself halfway, glancing at his face.

  His eyes were narrowed. Lust?

  Tentatively, she set her hands on his biceps. Her limited experience with men extended to Gavin, who was muscular but kind of skinny, and her dad, who was significantly larger than Gavin, but he wasn’t a man who worked out regularly. She couldn’t really count Antoine—it was weird having a name to go with her attacker after all these years—because she hadn’t touched him herself, or if she had, she had no recollection.

  What she recalled was shoving at him and then finding herself on her hands and knees. She shook thoughts of her rapist from her mind. They didn’t belong in her mate’s bedroom.

  She took a step back, releasing Wyatt and closing her eyes, willing her mind to focus on the man who would be her mate instead of the man who stole her innocence.

  Again, she realized she was not blocking Wyatt when he spoke. “Don’t give that asshole your power. He’s stolen so much from you. Years. Ten of them. Don’t give him another day. If you let him control your future, he wins.”

  She opened her eyes. “You’re a bigger shrink than Gavin.”

  “That may be true. But I come by that knowledge honestly. Someday I’ll tell you.”

  Something she’d suspected in the early hours of the morning resurfaced. “Antoine attacked others. That’s why he’s in custody.” It wasn’t a question. It was more of a moment of dawning.

p; “Yes.”

  She shivered, wrapping her arms around her middle. “People you know.”


  Sharp pain stabbed through her skull behind her eyes. She buckled and would have fallen to the floor if Wyatt hadn’t lurched forward to grab her. He pulled her into his embrace, his hand cupping the back of her head. “Not your fault,” he whispered, reading her mind again.

  But it was her fault. Her biggest fear in life come true. A fear she’d always carried with her vomiting all over the room to make her feel dirty and disgusted.

  Wyatt’s hands held her tight, not moving. One at her lower back, one threaded in her hair. “You were a child, babe.”

  She swallowed the tears. She’d cried so much they wouldn’t come easily. She rested her chin on Wyatt’s shoulder, inhaling his scent. It called to her through the pain as if she were drowning, but someone was yelling above the water. If she could just open her eyes and reach for the extended hand, she could be saved.

  She squeezed her eyes tighter, imagining the water taking her away from this life. The pain. The burning hurt. The blame. If only I had told someone…

  “Shhh.” He rocked her gently. “Not your fault.”

  She forced herself to concentrate and ask the hard questions. “When was he caught?” She whispered.

  “Almost a year ago. End of last summer.”

  “How many…are there?”

  “I don’t know.” He held her, not letting go, not forcing her to look him in the eye, either. Was it easier for him that way? Or maybe he was making it easier for her.

  She unfolded her arms and set her palms on his chest between them, flattening them against his firm smooth skin and absorbing his strength. “How many are you sure of?”

  “Three including you, but the other two weren’t raped.”

  She lifted her face, meeting his gaze. “They weren’t raped,” she deadpanned.

  He shook his head. “He tried. They got away. Long story. For another time.”

  She nodded. She could accept that. She was in no emotional state to handle more. But he’d given her the most important detail. So far, she was the only rape victim. “There will be others,” she stated.

  “Yes.” He rubbed her back, easing his hand down from her head to the back of her neck. “I’m afraid so.”

  “No one turned him in?”

  “It would seem not.”

  “Why are we all cowards?” She was furious with herself, pressing against his chest.

  “Paige, you’re not a coward. You’re the bravest, strongest person I’ve ever met.”

  A sharp, sardonic laugh escaped her mouth. “Right,” she muttered sarcastically.

  “Don’t sell yourself short. You survived. You made it work. You had a fantastic friend by your side. You went to high school and university. You’re standing here in front of me now ready to take on the world. I’m sure you could benefit from some counseling, but he didn’t win. Don’t let him start now.”

  Was he delusional? “That’s calling the glass way too half full. Think of all the years I’ve been hiding. From myself. From the world. So much pain. I never dated. I’m not even sure I can now. I’m an emotional disaster. I may never recover. And now I realize for the first time that my silence hurt other people.” She lifted a hand and slapped herself on the forehead. “Why did I never consider this possibility?”

  “Would it have mattered? Did you forget he threatened your family and your friend? You didn’t feel you had another choice at the time, and you were fourteen years old. Too young to make better decisions. So was Gavin.”

  She sighed. “You’re right. And you’re probably right about counseling too. Maybe it would help. Someday.”

  “Whenever you’re ready. Whatever you need, I’m here for you. And while we’re at it, let me paint my half-full glass in a shiny light for you.” He didn’t stop talking. “I’m not going to belittle your pain or emotional turmoil. It’s legitimate, and you own it. But I’m not super sorry you didn’t date.” He gave her a tentative half-smile. “Means you’re all mine now. I’m kinda pumped about that part.”

  He gave her a teasing little shake. “And another thing, you did a solid by your friend. For all these years, you protected him. Granted, I’m not sure he should be hiding like this, and I hope he finds a way to come out soon and live authentically. But you wouldn’t have been able to do what you did for him if you’d been dating or already bound to me.”

  “Who says I would have bound to you? Maybe I would have found some other poor schmuck along the way, and you never would have known about me.”

  “Nah. I don’t believe that. You’d have been roaming around for the last several years pining for the unknown, waiting to meet me. Looking. Searching. Hoping,” he teased.

  “You can’t know that.” She set her hand back on his chest, giving him an ineffective shove.

  “I do know it. For a fact.” His voice was serious. “I didn’t roam around with that searching hope for twenty-four years. I carried it for thirty-two.”

  She stopped breathing. “Wyatt…” His name came out so softly. She searched his face.

  His eyes held just a twinge of sadness, but he blinked and smiled. “I have you now.”

  “Yes, you do.” She was more certain than ever he was right. She had a long way to go, but she was his.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Paige smoothed her hands down Wyatt’s chest, suddenly needing to resume her perusal. A certain level of urgency filled her. Wyatt was right. She’d let Antoine steal ten years. He wouldn’t take another ten minutes. This was her time. She had no idea how far she could let things go without panicking, but she intended to follow her instincts for now.

  Wyatt released her to set his hands on the mattress at his sides, leaning back slightly. “I’m all yours.”

  His belly dipped when she stroked her fingers over his abs. The man had no fat on him. Anywhere. When she let her gaze lower to the bulge in his jeans again, she decided there was no way she could deal with that part of him yet. So she smoothed her hands back up his chest, over his shoulders, and down his biceps.

  Lifting her fingers, she brought them to his face. His jaw was set firm. She stroked his cheeks. The slight growth of beard was soft. She flattened her palms and eased them into his hair. Since the first time she’d seen him, she’d wanted to run her fingers through the thick locks. So soft. The curls fell back to land haphazardly on his forehead.

  She brought her lips to his shoulder, suddenly needing to taste him. As she dragged her tongue along his skin toward his neck, she inhaled his scent. Pure Wyatt mixed with his soap and shaving cream and even his shampoo—definitely not the raspberry one he’d bought for her.

  Wyatt sucked in a sharp breath.

  She didn’t stop, instead kissing a path down his pecs. When she reached his nipple, she instinctively flicked her tongue over it.

  He groaned low and deep.

  Wetness soaked her panties when he made that sound. The vibrations alone reached her lips and made her sex come alive. Suddenly, her yoga pants were too tight. So was her tank top.

  A restlessness made her frantic. She jerked her hands from his chest to his thighs, gripping them as she lifted her face. She was breathing heavily. Her brain was foggy with arousal.

  He didn’t move, still leaning back on his hands. His face was red, his eyes penetratingly deep. He was holding the barest edge of his bottom lip between his teeth. He didn’t speak.

  She breathed faster, inhaling more of his scent with every sharp intake of breath. The drive to advance this exploration made her skin heat, a tingling racing up her spine. She wanted more. She’d never wanted anything so badly in her life. Whatever more was, she needed it now.


  He swallowed. “Whatever you need, baby.”

  “I need you to touch me.”

  He nodded. “You’re sure? This is not a race.”

  “This is totally a race. Now, Wyatt.”

nbsp; He gulped this time, sitting taller.

  Her entire body was on fire with need. “Please.”

  “Paige. Slow down. Deep breaths. Not gonna rush this.”

  “I feel rushed.”

  He chuckled softly. “That’s too bad.” He lifted his hands in front of her, palms open, and then he set them on her waist. He held her gaze as he slid them up slowly until his thumbs grazed the undersides of her breasts. “You may never wear this outside of the house. And I suggest you only put it on when you intend to seduce me.”

  She nodded. “Noted.” She had no idea if wearing it in the future would be a good idea or a bad one yet, but his words made her blood race through her veins. She pursed her lips and closed her eyes, concentrating on the feel of his thumbs brushing against her sensitive skin.

  “I need you to watch me, Paige. I need to know where you are emotionally. I can’t be sure if I can’t see your eyes.”

  She opened them, her lips parting. “Please…” She didn’t even know what she was asking for.

  His hands slid higher to cradle her breasts entirely while he held her gaze. When his thumbs stroked over her nipples, she gasped and arched into him.

  Holy hell. Arousal raced through her as if there was a direct connection between her nipples and her sex. Her breasts seemed fuller. Heavy. The way he held them so reverently made her sway in his direction. She grabbed his shoulders to steady herself.

  His brows were drawn together slightly in concern. “You okay?”

  “Better than.”

  He was so gentle. Antoine had not been. He’d grabbed. Squeezed. Groped. Hurt her. She only remembered pain and fear. Nothing like this. She shook that asshole from her head and focused on Wyatt.

  “You with me?”


  He leaned forward. “Need your lips.”

  She parted hers, closing the distance to offer him her mouth. The moment their lips touched, she sighed into him. It felt so right. She relaxed as he slid his tongue along the slit of her lips as if tasting her. She touched the tip of hers to his, and her eyes slid closed again.


  How was it possible that she could be this relaxed in the hands of a man?


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