Baby + the Late Night Howlers

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Baby + the Late Night Howlers Page 25

by Kathryn Moon

  I swallowed hard at the exquisite hold of her cunt around my knot, her body gasping and clasping onto me.

  “Fuck, kitten, you feel so fucking good.” An omega fit an alpha’s knot like a tight sleeve of pleasure and Baby was designed for me. I rocked, my fingers in a bruising grip on her hips and ass, and touched every tender nerve inside of her, reveling in the rippling response of her body massaging around my cock.

  Baby was out of words, head tossing her red mane into a wild mess, breasts still pink from my hands and mouth, fingers digging into pillows, all while she was battered against endless pleasure. I groaned at the picture of her, at the exquisite torture of her milking my cock for more, and then collapsed forward, arms sliding under her back to hold her against my chest.

  The rut was coming on, vision hazing and thoughts losing meaning. All I had was Baby clinging and clawing, her wordless cries in my ear urging me on. Rock, fuck, suck. I bent my head to her throat and licked over her pulse, teeth aching to bury themselves into her throat.

  Another time. It was my last coherent thought before the alpha rut took over and I bucked and snarled Baby through endless orgasms.



  Bullet and I were still entwined when the others found the nest, his knot slow to deflate and Bullet even slower to release me from his arms. When Jonah tried to slide in next to me, Bullet snarled in a low warning. It was Seth who was allowed to take the place at my back, and Jonah next to him.

  When I woke the next day—the sun well into the sky and shining dimly through the fogged glass dome overhead—Mackenzie was also in the room with us, near the steps as if he were the first defense. Ryan and Tornado were missing. I rolled in Bullet’s loose but determined hold and winced as I realized how badly I needed to visit that bathroom I’d seen the night before. Seth blinked sleepily at me, Jonah no longer behind him.

  “Where’re the others?” I mumbled, slowly prying myself free from Bullet’s arms.

  “Green and Tornado found rooms to sleep in when we realized you and Bullet were…gonna be awhile. Scorch went to explore more.” He grinned as my cheeks heated. “You good?”

  I nodded and then took a closer mental inventory of my body. “A little sore. That was…a rut?”

  Seth shrugged, and I grinned. Right. My beta would know as much about an alpha’s rut as I did. Even now, I was a little hazy on the details. All I knew was that by the time Bullet was fucking me with his knot, I was absolutely drowning in roses and something deeper, like the scent of earth deep down at the tips of a root system. I had no idea how many times I’d orgasmed or if the heavy, sinking, collapsing pleasure that took over my body and thrummed through my veins could even be categorized as an orgasm.

  I did know that Bullet had hit his own finish a number of times and I was more than usually sticky between the thighs. Thank god for the Center’s complimentary birth control.

  “Whatcha need?” Seth asked, smiling softly at me.

  “A shower,” I answered immediately. “A sandwich. Um… a little help walking?”

  Bullet grumbled and rolled face down as Seth helped me up out of the pillows and blankets. My legs were absolutely weak, having been pushed back against my chest at one point as Bullet strove to drive deeper against me, his head thrown back, eyes wild, veins standing out hard on his throat.

  God, even worn out, I was already looking forward to seeing that vision again.

  Seth nudged Mackenzie in front of the stairs, making him sit up with scrunched eyes and rumpled copper hair. “I’m helping Baby clean up. Can you get some lunch and bring it back up here?”

  I opened my mouth to say I wanted to explore the mansion I’d just woken up in, and then shut it just as quickly. Seth was right. I wanted to be back in that nest. Now that I’d found the nest of my dreams—prettier and cozier even than the ones from the other fancy packs I’d interviewed—I really only wanted to be there.

  Seth lifted me up against his chest and carried me down the short stairs and across the small landing into the bathroom. It was bright and glittering by day and I flinched and tucked my head down.

  “Shower or bath?” Seth asked, setting me down and going to dim the lights and shut the curtain.

  “Um shower…and then maybe a bath?” I really wanted to clean myself up, but a soak sounded amazing too. “Could I have like, a second of privacy first though?”

  Seth laughed. “Of course, I’ll go get your robe from your bag.”

  By the time Seth got back, I was stretching under steaming hot water in the ridiculously enormous shower stall, twisting and arching and bending, until my muscles felt less like jello and more like I’d been satisfied to within an inch of my sanity the night before.

  “I may not be an alpha, but that is a view I cannot tear my eyes off,” Seth said behind me as I reached down to touch my toes.

  “Get in here and snuggle me,” I said. “It’s too big.”

  “What a bossy omega.”

  I grinned and bit my lip. I liked the joy in his voice as he said that, proof that I could be myself completely with my pack.

  “Bullet’s snoring like a train up there, and his balls look like raisins,” Seth said, making me snort-laugh as he stripped out of his boxer briefs and joined me under the hot water. “I think you wore him out.”

  “He wore himself out. I was just a very lucky bystander.” I wrapped myself around Seth’s back as he stepped under the spray, lifting his face and soaking his dark hair. My fingertips played down his stomach, teasing at the top of his cock as I considered a thought. “I didn’t throw Jonah or Tornado into rut when they knotted me.”

  “They’re both a little scared of you,” Seth said. “Or scared of themselves with you. It’ll happen sooner or later, and I’ll be in charge of making sure Scorch doesn’t bite anyone’s head off when it does.” I smiled at him as he turned to face me. “No one thought this pack would ever find its omega, precious. They just gotta realize they get to keep you now they’ve found you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I said.

  “I know.” Seth pressed his lips to my forehead for a long, affectionate moment. “Let me wash your hair for you, and then we’ll get in the bath together and I’ll tell you about all the wacky, rich people shit we found in the house last night.”

  I laughed at the offer and switched places under the steady beat of the water, my eyes falling shut as Seth worked his hands over the knotted muscles in my shoulders, up the back of my neck and into my hair. A moan slipped out at his touch, and he twisted my hair around his hand and lifted it off my neck to kiss there.

  My lips parted as my core made a soft clench of need. I was warm between my thighs, tingling and aching as if I hadn’t just woken up after a night-long sex-a-thon with Bullet.

  “Precious, you’re perfuming,” Seth said. He released my hair and found my bottle of shampoo waiting on a shelf, organized by one of my pack the night before.

  “I…am, yeah,” I said, laughing lightly and then biting off a whimper as Seth dug lathered fingers into the roots of my hair.

  “Want me to get one of the others once I’m done with your hair?”

  I sighed and leaned back into his chest, trying to ignore the thrumming heat rolling through me and enjoy the peace of Seth. “I’d rather just have you,” I said. “We haven’t had any time alone together, and you…” I blushed as emotions clogged my throat.

  Seth turned me to face him, tipping my chin back with one hand and smoothing the shampoo bubbles off my face and down into my hair. “I’ve missed you too, Baby. But every time I see you with our alphas I think, ‘This is her. This is the girl we were meant for. I’m so fucking lucky I found her.’”

  It was absolutely, one-hundred-percent the heat’s fault that I was crying and smiling at the same time. “I’m luckier,” I said, and then I wrapped my arms around Seth’s chest and pulled him closer, rising up to my toes and tipping my head to slant my lips against his.

  Seth hummed into t
he kiss, arms wrapping around me and crushing me to his chest, arching over me, tongue licking across the seam of my lips and then retreating.

  “You’re gonna want a knot, precious,” he said, brow slightly furrowed. “I should get Jonah or—“

  Did my beta, wonderful Seth, think he wasn’t enough for me? I bounced up, nipping at his chin and drawing his attention away from the door. “You know, there’s moments when not having a knot can really come in handy,” I said.

  He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head. “Not sure how many omegas would agree, but I’ll bite. When’s that?”

  “When you want to be fucked in the shower but you don’t want to end up stuck here for an hour while the water turns cold,” I said. I could only imagine if Bullet had me in the shower while he was rutting away, the two of us mindless. My legs would’ve given out after the first slam of pleasure.

  Seth’s laugh broke out, sudden and loud, bouncing off the tile of the shower. I kissed his throat, sucking over where his pulse fluttered under my lips, his hands gripping tighter on my lower back as his cock started to stir.

  “I don’t need you to have a knot,” I said, our chests pressed together, hearts pounding. “You make me feel amazing with a look, let alone how it feels while you’re inside me.”

  “Precious,” Seth sighed out, bending his head and nuzzling my cheek. His lips pressed to my ear as he murmured, “You had me at shower sex.”

  I grinned and leaned back to share my smile with him but he caught my face in his hands, pulling my mouth to his and demanding a kiss deeper and needier than before. He stepped forward, body guiding me backwards under the spray of water as he licked into my mouth. And then farther back, pressed between him and the tile, his cock growing stiffer and sliding between my parted thighs.

  After a moment, he laughed against my mouth and pulled away, pressing kisses from my cheek to my ear. “You smell like Bullet, and I’m weirded out by the fact that I don’t mind. He smells better on you than he does on himself.”

  I laughed, head falling back and giggles catching on sighs as Seth mouthed down my throat to my shoulder.

  “You know what I want? Not now, but someday,” Seth murmured, hands stroking my skin and up to my breasts, weighing and then massaging them in his hands. “I want Scorch and I to share you. Fill you up like the others can’t.” I moaned, and he huffed against my collarbone. “Well, maybe Books and Tornado. Not sure what their routine is.”

  I grinned as he glanced up at me, hunching and sucking softly on the tips of my breasts. “I haven’t um…no one’s ever…had my ass before,” I said, cheeks heating.

  Seth’s smile grew wide, cheeks swollen and eyes crinkled shut. “Well, I’m pretty familiar with the act so I’ll be sure you’re ready and begging for it. Right now, I have a different kind of idea though.” He stood up straight, cupping my cheek and taking a long sipping kiss from my lips.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Mhm. Turn around for me, precious.”

  I raised an eyebrow and tried to fight my grin. “How different are we talking?” ‘Cause this seemed like kind of the start to me losing my anal virginity, so to speak.

  He laughed. “If we started that without Scorch, he’d never forgive either of us. Different different. Turn for me.”

  I gave him a last playfully suspicious glare and then turned to face the wall. Seth pulled my hair back over my shoulder, kissing either side of my neck and running his hands down my arms. His fingers looped around my wrists, lifting them from my sides and setting them to the wall. A shiver ran down my spine at the silent demand of Seth’s hands over the back of mine, pressing mine in place. He followed the shiver with kisses down the line of my back, hands on my hips and tugging them back away from the wall until I was bent at the waist. Water hit the center of my back and ran like kisses over my sides to drip from my breasts.

  “Are you sure I’m not about to get fucked in the ass?” I asked, breath catching. If I was, I was still pretty sure I was going to enjoy myself. My heart was thumping and my sex was damp from more than the shower after those kisses.

  Seth laughed, hands on my ass as he settled on his knees behind me. I let my head hang, seeing his smile appear between my parted thighs, his lengthy cock standing at attention. I held my breath as that smile pressed to the back of my thigh, teeth dragging and pinching the soft flesh. When he repeated the touch to the other thigh, I whimpered and turned my face to my arm, closing my eyes and biting my own skin as Seth’s tongue stroked a full line from my clit to my asshole, hands holding me apart for the touch.

  “Mmm. Precious, I am never gonna get over that taste. Fuckin’ birthday cake on my tongue.” He went in for seconds and I threw my head back, my groan full and loud as his tongue traced every fold and dip, teasing at my openings and then returning to curl around my clit.

  One hand moved closer, two fingers pressing in and testing me, Seth groaning as I clenched around him.

  “That’s my perfect omega,” he said, the words making me whine and my hips roll. “Begging for more with that sweet pussy of hers. I won’t make you wait, Baby.”

  My relief hiccuped on my voice as he pumped a few more times, rising from his crouch and then crowding behind me, the hair on his thighs nestling against my skin. His slicked fingers guided the head of his cock to my opening. He plunged in with a quick thrust, both of us calling out loudly at the sudden strike and squeeze as I clenched around him. Yes, I wanted more, the full fuck of a knot inside of me, but I wouldn’t say a word of it this time. Seth was enough as himself, and anyway it’d been a while since I’d gotten to enjoy the slide and buck of plain old fucking.

  “Again,” I begged, and Seth groaned and rolled his hips as I praised him.

  “You feel so good, precious. I dunno how any of us stand not being inside of you every fucking second.”

  I whined and rocked into his thrusts, body tensing and tightening as his fingertips tiptoed up from where his cock was buried in me to the tight hole he’d laid claim to earlier with words.

  “You want me to touch you here too, Baby?”

  I nodded rapidly. “Yes. Seth, honey, yes.”

  He pulled almost entirely out of me with agonizing slowness as the tip of his index finger circled the puckered rosebud of my ass. I whined and then the sound choked off as both finger and cock pressed in at once, the contrasts of pressure leaving me clawing at the slick tile in front of me, body squeezing twice as tight around Seth.

  “Fuuck. Fuck that’s good. I’m gonna fuckin’ die inside you when Scorch fills you up with his knot.”

  The very thought of that kind of pressure and completion left me fiery and trembling all over. My head was so full of the idea, hips working between Seth’s touches, that I missed the moment he reached overhead with his other hand, pulling the removable shower head loose from its holder. Water splashed against my feet and legs and then my eyes opened wide as I watched him circle my waist, aiming the spray of water directly for my center.

  I shouted, startled by the sudden slam of pressure against my clit, my feet trying to skid away but with nowhere to go. Seth was all around me, finger slow and gentle in and out of my ass, hips slapping behind mine with the steady pound of his cock inside me. And now this. I moaned and gasped and begged, the unrelenting dig of the water pressure like a hammer of insistent pleasure that echoed through my bones and made me weak.

  “Fuck, Seth, Bomber, oh fuck, I can’t—“

  “You can, precious,” he rasped, his own breath harsh. “I can feel you, Baby. You’re so close.”

  I was, but it felt like an impossible distance, my breath wild in my chest, heartbeat equally uneven. The roar of the water and of our breathing grew louder as the sensation felt narrower and sharper on my clit as if I was fit between three points of pressure, squeezing me down into a diamond of cutting arousal.

  Too focused on the game of the showerhead, Seth’s second finger was slipping against the tight ring of muscle before I realized it. I came with
a sudden shout, legs wobbling like the bones in them had just shattered with my orgasm. My hands slipped on the tile and Seth crowded me forward, pushing me against the wall. His fingers pulled slowly free of my ass, and his thrusts gentled as I caught my breath. Between me and the wall, the showerhead remained trapped and perfectly poised against my trembling, fluttering sex.

  “Hang in there, precious, I’ve got you,” he said in my ear.

  I whimpered and turned my face, searching blindly for his and sighing as his mouth met clumsily with mine, lips and tongues caressing each other hungrily. His pace sped up inside me, groan falling against my cheek as I clenched around him every time he bottomed out inside me.

  “Is it too much?” he asked.

  The water pressure was right up against me, dulled by closeness, and instead of that sharp and demanding sensation from before, it now felt like three wet hot mouths sucking and licking at every inch of my sex. Added to how fast and deep Seth could fuck me without a knot locking him in, I was losing my mind to the sensations.

  “It’s fucking awesome,” I breathed, voice ragged. “Don’t stop. Want you to fill me up, beta. Show our alphas whose girl I am.”

  I smiled at the gentle growl he made, his left hand reaching up to cup the front of my throat as he became rougher and more urgent. The friction of thrust and pull was decadent inside me and Seth wasn’t nearly as big as Bullet so the faint soreness left over from the night before was only being teased in the sweetest ways. I was limp against the wall, but the steady rhythm of Seth’s fucking and the strange and erotic massage from the water put me in a hypnotic hanging point of ecstasy.

  “My girl, precious,” Seth hissed in my ear, fingers firm on my throat without squeezing.

  “Yours,” I moaned.

  I wasn’t sure if I would come again, even though every single nerve in my body was singing. My cunt was squeezing tighter and tighter, trying to draw out a knot that wouldn’t come, and Seth was grunting and snarling behind me.


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