Break Away

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Break Away Page 42

by Van Barrett

  Still, Austin took his image and reputation seriously. The last thing he needed – or his Dad needed – was to be caught flat-footed in some scandal. Other students had the luxury, however careless, of having their red-eyed, bong-clutching, dopey-faced visages floating around on Facebook.

  Austin didn't. That could wreck his career before it even got started, to say nothing of what it'd do to his Dad's career. Because the political opportunists would leap on an opportunity like that, guaranteed.

  Which is why Kelly was so surprised when Austin didn't make a big deal when he swallowed down that pot cookie. She half-expected him to stick his finger down his throat on the spot and hack it up – then drag the offending hippie in to the authorities for negligent distribution of illegal substances.

  At the very least, she expected him to rush off in a huff and suffer his hellish, pot-fueled trip alone. She could just imagine the sorry sight: Austin sitting on the floor, all alone in the dark, his back up against the couch. In his fancy one bedroom apartment. A mess of Cheetos crumbs trailing down his fancy Oxford, now unbuttoned and disheveled. The look on his face as he reconsidered every thing he thought he knew – and not enjoying any second of it.

  But that wasn't what happened.

  No, instead, Austin shrugged it off. What can ya do, his demeanor said. But that just didn't seem like him. Maybe, with graduation only a couple months away – Austin was finally starting to relax a bit? Maybe, with his real-ass adult life set to begin in a matter of weeks, he felt like he'd missed out on the quintessential college experience? You know … what college is really about. Trying new things. Experimenting. Finding out who you really are.

  Maybe. Who knows. All Kelly knew was that it was a surprise that Austin took it all in stride. She thought that the cookie seemed to effect him the second it hit his belly. Maybe it was just the placebo effect, but Austin seemed at ease, for once. And not so polished, guarded, or calculating. He wore a persistent smile, a cute one, one she hadn't seen before – one that seemed so gosh-darn genuine and carefree. Boyish, even – full of wonder and with a sense of sweet vulnerability.

  It was interesting to see. That – and the liking he took to Amanda's boyfriend, Mike. Mike was agreeable, of course, a good-natured guy who was easy to get along with. But they couldn't be more different in terms of their core beliefs and ideology. Mike was open-minded, liberal, willing to try anything. Austin, of course, was conservative and not so open to experimentation. But the two set all that baggage aside and chatted for hours, as if they'd been chums from old times. Even though they'd only just met.

  Kelly thought she was finally getting what she'd always wanted: Austin, having a good time and meshing well with her friends. Her friends could finally see what a good guy her boyfriend was, and would understand why she'd bothered dating him in the first place. Because she'd had to endure the questions for two years now – Austin Rockwell? That College Republican asshole? Seriously? How the hell can you date that guy? – and the dirty, pitying looks they gave her when she told them he was actually a great guy. As if she were some kind of Stockholm Syndrome victim with no idea who she was involved with.

  It was a hell of a lot of judgment to endure from people who had never met him. All they knew about Austin was who his Dad was: The Wisconsin Senator, Jim Rockwell.

  But finally, finally, Austin was here, among her friends, and he was fitting in. And he sure seemed like he was actually enjoying it, too.


  Thirty minutes after he ate the cookie, Austin felt it.

  His belly quivered. A delicate tremor unleashed a wave that swept up and down his body simultaneously; it tingled up his spine, echoed through his extremities, tickled every last hair standing on his scalp. And then the wave went crashing back to where it came from. And then it reverberated all over again, up and down, up and down, until at last it subdued.

  “Whoa,” Austin chuckled, muttering quietly to Kelly. “I, uh … I feel it.”

  “Yeah?” Kelly asked. “Are you okay? Do you wanna go home? We can go if you want.”

  “No. I'm fine. Let's stay.”

  So Austin and Kelly stayed at the party. The hours rolled by. Glenn tried, again and again, to argue politics with Austin. It got to the point that even Mike officially had enough: he banished Glenn from the party. Told him to go home and sleep it off. Reluctantly, Glenn left. And Austin thanked Mike.

  The night got later. The keg dried up, only spitting out frothy foam from the tap, and a horde of the revelers fled for another party like a starving swarm of locusts. Mike's closer friends stayed behind, seeking conversation and friendship more than alcohol.

  “Do you wanna go?” Kelly asked Austin several times through the night. She was used to Austin going to bed early.

  “No,” Austin would grin. He was having a good time.

  With heavy eyes, more of Mike's friends scampered off and went home as the night passed.

  At last, at 3 AM, all that remained – Austin, Kelly, Mike, Amanda, and two of Amanda's girl friends, Sarah and Lauren. Ever since the keg ran out, the friends had switched to Mike's secret stash of beer and liquor in his bedroom.

  That's where they stayed now, sitting in a circle on the floor.

  Mike stood up to change the record. (Yeah, record. Turns out, some people still preferred vinyl records to digital recordings. Huh. Who would've thought?) Drunkenly, he knocked over his beer bottle, and the glass clattered and clanged noisily as it tipped over in the center of the group.

  “Whoops,” Mike said. He pulled off the record that they'd just finished. It was Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys. Austin hadn't heard that album in forever – it brought him back to being a kid, riding in his Dad's cherry red '76 Stingray convertible with the Oldies station on the radio.

  It made him feel weirdly nostalgic. Almost emotional, even.

  The empty beer bottle still lingered on the floor, between the circle of friends. It seemed like everyone stared at it. Austin thought that its presence seemed to beg for something. Pick it up, throw it in the trash – just do something with it. But they all stared at it instead, waiting for the music to begin.

  Mike laid down a new record and set the needle on it. The crackle of static felt somehow warm and soothing to Austin – the ticks and pops of the vinyl sweet like candy for the ear.

  “What'd you put on?” Austin asked curiously as Mike sat on the floor and rejoined the circle.

  Mike held up the LP. The letters were big and bold – DINAH WASHINGTON. The album was What a Diff'rence a Day Makes!

  “Oooh, Dinah,” Kelly cooed as the music began playing.

  “Always a nice way to end a night.” Mike grinned. “Not that I'm kicking anyone out!”

  “Face it, Mike, you can't get rid of us even if you wanted to!” Sarah laughed.

  “So? What should we talk about?” Mike asked. He shot Austin a look. “We've already grilled Austin all night, so we're gonna need a new topic.”

  Amanda reached for the beer bottle, still lying in the middle of the circle of friends. She got a devious look in her eyes and looked around the circle.

  “Uh oh,” Mike laughed. “What're you thinking, honey?”

  “Hmmm. How 'bout a game of spin the bottle?”

  “Spin the bottle,” Austin chuckled dismissively. “You can't be serious.”

  “Why not?” Amanda giggled. “It's late. We're drunk and crazy. Fuck it. Who cares?”

  Kelly and the other girls laughed. “Yeah, why not?” Kelly repeated.

  “You too, Kel?” Stumped, Austin gave her a shocked look. He figured she wouldn't want to – the odds were hardly in her favor, after all. Two guys, four girls? All attractive, sexy and smart college girls, at that. Who would actually want their boyfriends making out with other women? Kelly and Amanda would, Austin supposed. It just seemed like a monumentally bad idea, a recipe for jealousy – maybe even worse.

  But Kelly wanted it, after all. And, with the cookie still in his system, Austin was as open t
o it as he'd ever be. He started to consider it.

  He craned his neck over to Kelly's ear, trying to get as much privacy as they possibly could in front of five others.

  “But won't you … get mad?” he asked quietly.

  “No,” she whispered back. “This is your get out of jail free card.”

  “Uh.” He shrugged. “Uh, okay. Fine.”

  “We're in!” Kelly chirped, and the others cheered. Austin noticed Mike nod stoically.

  “I'll go first,” Amanda said as she set the bottle down and spun it. The bottle twirled, slowing, until it landed on … Kelly.

  “Heh.” Austin laughed, shaking his head.

  Here we go. Never thought I'd see her kiss another girl, Austin thought to himself. He knew he should be excited, since it was supposed to be the one thing that drove all guys absolutely wild. So he watched and waited.

  Amanda locked eyes with Kelly and bit her lip. The two girls leaned forward and met in the middle of the circle. A short, nervous pause ensued – before they pushed through it and their lips briefly embraced. They came apart and the friends giggled.

  Austin shrugged. It wasn't the most exciting he'd ever seen … at least he hadn't a reason to be upset, though.

  Mike's turn was next. He spun the bottle and got Lauren. Austin studied Amanda's face as her boyfriend kissed another woman. Amanda's lip curled with a darkness, almost like she was deriving some kind of twisted pleasure from the game. Mike and Lauren kissed not once, twice, but three times before they had to practically pry themselves away from each other.

  And Austin started to wonder. What the hell did I get myself into? He didn't want anyone to kiss Kelly that way but him. Or vice versa.

  Kelly's turn was next. Please not Mike, please not Mike, Austin thought to himself.

  The bottle landed on Sarah, and Austin breathed a sigh of relief. The girls came together for a kiss that was short, sweet, and innocent. She's a good girl, Austin thought.

  Austin's turn was next. Reluctantly, he grabbed the bottle and spun it forcefully. It seemed to turn in circles forever, spinning and spinning, as if the bottle had a mind of its own and never wanted to stop.

  Hell, I could be alright with that, Austin thought with a smirk. Go ahead, break the laws of physics.

  But of course, the bottle had to stop at some point. And at last, it did. It landed on … Amanda.

  Austin gave Kelly a look before he leaned in. Kelly nodded her head, urged him on. But still, it felt somehow wrong to kiss his girlfriend's best friend – even with her permission.

  Austin looked at Amanda. She was ready. She wanted it. He could've sworn she pushed her chest towards him, offering him a glimpse at her tits – and he knew a lesser man would've stolen a peak at her cleavage as they leaned in. This was supposed to be an innocent game, after all, even if it felt decidedly more adult at this very moment.

  Austin and Amanda's lips met. Amanda was an attractive girl – no doubt about that. And he'd be lying if he said he hadn't entertained thoughts of her at, ahem, certain times. But with his girlfriend sitting next to him, there was no enjoyment to be had. It simply felt inappropriate. Even if Amanda, her lips pulling and sucking at his, clearly wanted him to kiss her deeper …

  Austin pulled back before she did. He looked at Kelly. She smiled back at him, but beneath the surface, Austin thought a touch of unease.

  This is crazy, he thought. Why would a committed couple subject themselves to this torture?

  But he didn't do what he thought was right – which was to apologize to the group and wish them a good night while he stood up, took his girlfriend by the hand and led her home. Blame it on the weed that made his legs feel a thousand pounds heavy, blame it on the fog in his head, blame it on whatever you wanted. The only thing that mattered was he didn't do what he knew he should've done in that moment.

  Lauren spun next. She drew Sarah. The two kissed.

  Then Sarah's turn. She drew Kelly. Austin watched.

  Amanda's turn again. She drew her boyfriend Mike. The two kissed each other with a fiery, jealous, and unrelenting passion. And Austin thought he might have caught a glimpse of what fueled their relationship …

  It was Mike's first turn. Austin watched as the bottle slowly came to a stop and landed on … him.

  “Oh, ha,” Austin chuckled. “That's a do-over.”

  “No!” the girls shouted in protest.

  “There are no do-overs! You gotta kiss whoever you draw, those are the rules, or else you're out!” Sarah ranted.

  “What? No!” Austin shook his head. “That's gay.”

  The words had barely escaped his throat before Kelly's elbow jabbed him, hard, in the ribs. The looks around the room told Austin he'd said something unmentionable.

  “Whoa,” Lauren shook her head. “Not cool, dude.”

  “Well? What do you call it when two men kiss?”

  Amanda threw in her two cents. “Hey, maybe the Republicans at your frat parties are cool with that kind of language, but around h--”

  “Sorry. I forgot I'm in the 'safe space.'” Another elbow rocked his ribs amidst the group's hisses. “Alright, alright! I'll do it. Sheesh.”

  Mike had a smug look on his face. Ready, he leaned forward.

  “Argh,” Austin mumbled as he stumbled forward and reluctantly pressed his lips into Mike's.

  The kiss was short – nothing more than a peck on the lips. And Austin pulled back.

  “Booooo!” the girls around the circle jeered.

  “Whatever, whatever.” Austin waved his hand in the air as if he could wipe away everyone's disappointment.

  But he couldn't help but notice something about Mike. Mike still sat leaning, bent-over in the middle of the circle. He had clearly expected more from that kiss. And he looked irked, maybe even pissed, that he'd been short-changed. He gave Austin one hell of a look – his eyes smoldering. He looked determined, but for what, Austin didn't know.

  The hell? Austin wondered.

  Kelly's turn. She drew Mike. Austin fidgeted with his hands as he watched his girlfriend kiss Mike like she hadn't kissed the others. Then again, Mike was … more demanding than they were. He stole her bottom lip and sucked it passionately. A jealousy stirred in Austin's stomach.

  When they came apart, Austin noticed his fists were balled in his lap. And now it was his turn.

  Austin grabbed the bottle, ready to draw one of the girls again and make a big show of it. He spun the bottle. But it landed on … Mike.

  “Oh, for God's sake!” Austin cried out, only half-joking, and everyone laughed.

  He rolled his eyes and bent over, leaning into the middle of the group. He tried to give Mike a quick peck on the lips again, but Mike grabbed the back of his head and stopped his escape. Austin's eyes widened as Mike claimed his lips.

  Holy shit! Austin thought, the quietest of whimpers escaping his mouth, and he knew only Mike had heard it. Felt it, at that.

  Satisfied, Mike let him go. A strange, morbid curiosity bubbled from Austin's stomach as he made eyes at Mike while the others took their turn at the bottle.

  What the hell? Austin wondered. Mike wore a smirk, his eyes locked on Austin's, as the others kissed. What's he trying to do here?

  On Mike's next turn, he drew Austin. Again. The girls broke into a fit of giggles and cheered.

  “Really?” Austin whispered under his breath.

  They kissed again. This time, Mike didn't have to keep him from escaping. Austin felt sucked in – his lips drawn irresistibly to Mike's. It was strange. So strange. The feel of another man's face that close to his. His masculine scent – a salty, manly smell that Austin had only really encountered from his years of playing team sports when he hugged his teammates after a momentous goal or huge victory. This was like that, but so much … stronger. So much more pure. And heavy.

  And then there was the prickle of Mike's stubble, sharply poking Austin's clean-shaven chin and jaw. That was, well, … foreign, a new feeling, for sure. You'd thin
k coarse hairs stabbing your face would be unpleasant. And it was. But, somehow, at the same time, it was an indescribably comforting sensation.

  A man was strong. Powerful. Even when he wanted to be gentle, even when he let you get this close to him, he could still hurt you in ways. He was prickly. Just like the rose's thorn.

  Shit, Austin gasped, reminding himself to pull away from Mike.

  A tense quiet briefly gripped the group. Only Dinah's music played. Someone had to remind Lauren it was her turn.

  “Oh, uh, right.”

  Austin didn't even pay attention to who the others drew. At some point, one of the girls spun the bottle and it landed on Mike. Mike kissed her, but his gaze never broke from Austin's. The two men stared at each other, waiting for the inevitable. Somehow, they both knew what would happen when either of them spun the bottle. Was the game rigged – was Mike doing it on purpose?

  But no, he couldn't have been. How could you rig spinning a bottle? Maybe it was something else – fate. Except Austin didn't believe in fate.

  Mike spun the bottle. This time, no one shrieked with surprise or excitement when it landed on Austin. Instead, everyone shifted – the steaminess of their kisses had grown so thick and hot in this small bedroom, it was almost unbearable. The girls' lusty throats ached as they watched the men come together once more.

  Their kisses went deeper. Heavier. With each embrace, Mike's lips grew plumper, juicier. The tingling jolt of electricity jumped from Mike's upper lip and zapped Austin's. It tasted like the fresh air after a rain storm.

  Dinah's classic cover crooned from the speakers:

  What a difference a day made / twenty four little hours . . .

  The girls, seated in a circle, watched with baited breath as the two men kissed like long lost lovers.

  There's a rainbow before me / Skies above can't be stormy . . .

  Their hands gently cupped each other's faces. Their fingers ran through the other's hair. They pulled at each other, trying to kiss deeper, as if they could become one.


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