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Hero Page 19

by Paul Bellow

  “The game changes,” Bernard said. “We’re doing fine.”

  A sudden horror flashed through my mind.

  “Did the troglodytes capture Sarah?” I asked.

  “Only one way to find out,” Bernard said. “Let’s go into the tunnels.”

  “Shouldn’t we go get the others first?” Sheldon asked.

  “There’s no time,” I said as I stepped toward the side tunnel and peered inside. “We need to find Sarah before they kill her or do something worse.”

  Bernard stepped up beside me.

  “If that wasn’t their leader,” he said. “We might be in for a big fight.”

  “Sarah’s worth the risk,” I said.

  We walked into the side-tunnel with me in the lead.

  “It’s dark,” Bernard said. “Even with the torch.”

  “Want me to put on the dwarven belt?” Sheldon asked. “I think I can still cast spells as a dwarf, and I’ll have night vision. We can sneak up on whoever is ahead.”

  “Good idea,” I said. “Have you tried the belt out yet?”

  “I was saving it to use the CON bonus on leveling up because I’m not too excited about growing a beard. But I forgot to put it on before the battle with the trogs ended.”

  Sheldon took the belt out of his bag then put it around his waist. As soon as the buckle clasped, the attorney-turned-wizard changed into a dark-skinned dwarf.

  “This is cool,” he said, peering down the dark tunnel.

  “Do you see anything?” I asked.

  “No,” he said. “The tunnel bends up ahead.”

  “Let’s go, but slowly,” I said. “Stop as soon as you see something. We may need you to cast another light spell to help us see for a fight.”

  “I’ve got more than enough mana,” he said.

  “Let’s go,” I said. “Weapons at the ready.”

  In single file, we crept down the dark tunnel.

  Would Sarah be okay? Had she died?

  Ryu would pay if he had anything to do with her getting captured.

  “Hold on,” Sheldon said, stopping.

  “What?” I whispered, seeing lights ahead.

  “It opens to a lit cavern,” Sheldon said.

  “Stay back and support us with any offensive spells you can,” I said calmly. “And if you see another shaman or a leader, go for him.”

  “Got it,” Sheldon said. “I’ve got Flaming Discs of Lava now.”

  “We should retreat and get the others if there’s too many,” Bernard said.

  “Not if Sarah’s in there,” I said. “We can’t let her die.”

  Before either of them said another word, I continued down the tunnel. We approached an immense natural cavern lit by glowing orbs floating in the air.

  I saw a dark figure suspended in a cloud of mist between four pillars.


  I rushed into the room, both swords raised. Two troglodytes charged.

  Seven of the reptilian beasts had swords. The eighth had feathers and a stone rod in its hand like the other shaman. I ran forward and attacked the first one I met.

  Your slash INJURES the troglodyte for 12 damage.

  Your pierce HITS the troglodyte for 8 damage.

  The troglodyte is dead.

  Your Weapon Craft (Dual Wield) Skill has increased Weapon Craft (Dual Wield) is basic level 2 of 10

  Bernard killed the second trog that had foolishly charged us. Even Sheldon took down two of his own with his Flaming Discs of Lava.

  I glanced into the mist a moment, not sure if I wanted it to be Sarah or not.

  “Keep the shaman alive,” I said as I pressed forward.

  Your slash INJURES the troglodyte for 14 damage.

  Your pierce HITS the troglodyte for 10 damage.

  The troglodyte is dead.

  Only two of the foul creatures with swords remained.

  I went for one while Bernard hit the other.

  Your slash HITS the troglodyte for 9 damage.

  Your pierce GRAZES the troglodyte for 6 damage.

  The troglodyte is dead.

  A half-dozen Golden Bolts whizzed toward the shaman.

  “No!” I yelled, wanting the shaman alive to disable the mist trap.

  The troglodyte shaman is dead!

  Combat is over!

  You get 6,000 xp divided by three party members.

  You get 2,000 xp.

  You have 62,247 xp You need 12,753 xp for level 9 Rogue --> Bounty Hunter

  “Sheldon!” I screamed. “What are you doing?”

  As I stomped over to him, Bernard stepped between us.

  “Hold on,” he said. “It happened in the heat of the battle. We’ll figure it out, and we don’t even know if it’s Sarah in there or not.”

  I took a deep breath then walked over to the four pillars. Bernard followed, also examining the smooth marble columns for any clues.

  “There has to be something,” I said. “Keep guard, Sheldon.”

  When he didn’t respond, I glanced over my shoulder and saw him walking away.

  “Hey,” I said. “Stop. Where are you going?”

  “Let him go,” Bernard said. “He’s probably going to get the others. We’ll figure this puzzle out on our own.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “But he should’ve said something.”

  “I found something,” Bernard said.

  “What is it?” I asked, peering over his shoulder.

  “The quality is astounding,” he said. “I almost didn’t notice it myself, but I’ve been bumping my detect skills like mad. There’s a button.”

  “Are you sure it’s not connected to the trap?” I asked.

  “Only one way to find out,” he said.

  “Wait.” I grabbed his wrist. “Let’s think this through.”

  “Yeah,” he said. “It might be trapped. Good idea.”

  He stepped back. I stared at the stone, unable to see the button.

  “Maybe it’s best she stays in there,” Bernard said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Think about it,” he said. “I’ve been here decades now. That’s a long time. If she’s frozen, all she’ll remember is waking up and getting out of the game.”

  I frowned, overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions.

  “What if she’s conscious?” I asked. “That would be even worse.”

  “Yeah,” he said. “I’m sorry. Just tossing out ideas.”

  “It’s fine,” I said.

  We both fell silent as we stared at the devious troglodyte trap. I still didn’t understand why she’d gone off on her own. None of it made sense.

  “I don’t think Sheldon is coming back with the others,” Bernard said.

  “You might be right,” I said. “We should try to get her out before any other trogs show up. I’m fairly confident the button does something.”

  “I’m with you,” Bernard said.

  He stepped over to the pillar with the button he’d found.

  “Ready?” he asked with his finger poised to press.

  I nodded, hoping for the best.

  After he pressed the button, I saw the mist rise to the ceiling. Sarah fell to the mosaic tiles on the ground. A loud bell rung from somewhere hidden.

  I rushed over and knelt beside Sarah.

  “Are you okay?” I asked. “Can you hear me?”

  She lifted her head, brow furrowed.

  “Where am I?” she asked.

  “Stop that bell!” I yelled.

  “I’m trying,” Bernard said.

  “Let’s get her out of here before…”

  My voice trailed off as a dozen troglodytes rushed into the cavern from a tunnel on the far end. A tall leader appeared with them.

  It pointed a long, scaled finger at us. The hiss coming out of his mouth didn’t sound good even if I didn’t understand what he was saying.

  “Get ready,” I said, stepping in front of Sarah. “Try to protect her as best you can.”

��m by your side,” Bernard said.

  Mace in hand, he stood beside me. Together, we waited for the trogs to reach us.

  “If we don’t make it out of this, Bernard, it’s been nice gaming with you.”

  “Don’t talk that way,” he said. “We have a chance.”

  The giant troglodyte shouted. All the soldiers stopped, swords raised.

  I gripped my own weapons even tighter.

  They want a fight? I’ll give it to ‘em.


  Troglodyte Mass Destruction


  As I stood my ground, defending Sarah in between the pillars, I heard a familiar shout from behind us.

  “Battle positions!” Axelrod yelled.

  I glanced over my shoulder and saw the dwarf and the others rush into the cavern. The trog leader shouted again, sending the soldiers toward us.

  Josh reached us first, barreling ahead to take on the troglodytes.

  “Make sure Sarah is safe,” I said, glancing at Bernard.

  “Got it,” he said. “We’ve got this.”

  I wasn’t so sure as I turned and saw five troglodytes pile onto Josh. They sent him to the ground then heaped themselves on top of him. Axelrod rushed past, battle-ax swinging.

  “Heal Sarah,” I said as Ryu walked up. “They need my help.”

  Without waiting for an answer, I ran forward to help kill the trogs on top of Josh. He might be our best chance of taking out the trog leader.

  Axelrod cracked a skull of a troglodyte as I reached them. I stabbed another through the stomach then poked it in the back with my second weapon.

  Your slash INJURES the troglodyte for 13 damage.

  Your pierce GRAZES the troglodyte for 7 damage.

  The troglodyte is dead.

  Your Weapon Craft (Dual Wield) Skill has increased Weapon Craft (Dual Wield) is basic level3 of 10

  Josh jumped to his feet and roared in anger and frustration.

  “Give him some room!” I yelled as I moved to the left.

  Axelrod ran forward to take on the leader as I faced two grunts.

  Your slash INJURES the troglodyte for 12 damage.

  Your pierce HITS the troglodyte for 10 damage.

  The troglodyte is dead.

  As I pulled my sword out of his partner, the other attacked me with a broadsword.

  The troglodyte HITS you for 9 damage.

  You have [78/125] health remaining.

  At least the blade wasn’t poisoned, I thought as I launched another offensive.

  Your slash HITS the troglodyte for 10 damage.

  Your pierce HITS the troglodyte for 8 damage.

  The troglodyte is dead.

  I surveyed the battlefield. Only four troglodyte soldiers remained. Their boss kept on fighting, swinging a mighty two-handed sword at Axelrod and Josh.

  Where are the magic users?

  I moved forward to help mop up. As if on cue, a few Flaming Discs of Lava shot past me. They hit a troglodyte, killing it instantly, while the remaining three charged me with murderous rage in their evil, reptilian eyes.

  The troglodyte GRAZES you for 6 damage.

  The troglodyte HITS you for 9 damage.

  The troglodyte HITS you for 8 damage.

  You have [55/125] health remaining.

  I hoped someone would heal me, but I kept attacking so Axelrod and Josh could concentrate on the giant troglodyte leader.

  Your slash INJURES the troglodyte for 12 damage.

  Your pierce HITS the troglodyte for 9 damage.

  The troglodyte is dead.

  Only two more to go.

  Several more Flaming Discs of Lava slammed into another troglodyte.

  Make that one.

  It hissed then swung at me one last time.

  The troglodyte GRAZES you for 6 damage.

  You have [49/125] health remaining.

  Your pierce MISSES the troglodyte.

  Your slash HITS the troglodyte for 9 damage.

  The troglodyte is severely damaged.

  So much for mixing it up.

  Three Golden Bolts took the last troglodyte down.

  “I need healing!” I yelled, examining the situation with our two main fighters.

  When no one answered, I ran forward to help Axelrod and Josh finish the leader.

  The giant troglodyte wielded its massive sword expertly. Both Axelrod and Josh had taken damage. I snuck behind the beast, hoping for a back stab opportunity.

  Somehow sensing me, the trog leader pivoted then swung its massive sword.

  The troglodyte champion MAULS you for 27 damage.

  You have [22/125] health remaining.

  I staggered back as the giant troglodyte turned to deal with Axelrod and Josh. Sarah was already on her feet in the distance, giving me hope.

  I retreated to check on Sarah and the others. When I walked up to them, Ryu stepped over and placed his hands firmly on both my shoulders.

  Waves of healing passed through my body.

  You feel better!

  You have [97/125] health remaining.

  “That’s better,” I said. “How’s Sarah?”

  “I’m fine,” she replied. “Axelrod and Josh need my help.”

  “You’re too weak.” I stepped in front of her. “Rest. Sheldon’s got this.”

  “I’m out of mana,” Sheldon said.

  “Stand back,” Sarah said then cast a spell.

  A burst of blue-tinged lightning shot from her hands, hitting the giant troglodyte. She fell to the stone floor of the cave along with the trog leader.

  Combat is Over!

  You get 10,000 xp divided by seven party members You get 1,429 xp You have 63,676 xp You need 11,234 xp for level 9 Rogue --> Bounty Hunter

  “Healing!” I yelled as I knelt next to Sarah’s motionless body.

  “Let’s loot the bodies and get out of here,” Axelrod said. “We need to go. This little side adventure has slowed us down enough.”

  “I think we should stay,” Josh said as he wandered over.

  Bernard used the last charges in his healing wand, but Sarah didn’t open her eyes.

  “What’s wrong with her, Charlotte?” I asked.

  “She’s been through a lot in that trap,” she answered. “Give her time.”

  “We don’t have time,” Axelrod said, shaking his head. “We’ve got to go.”

  Bernard stood and said, “I think we should stay.”

  “This ain’t no democracy,” Axelrod barked. “Respect my authority!”

  “It should be a democracy,” Bernard said. “You’ve done fine so far, but you’ve also made mistakes. Leaving Sarah behind would be a huge mistake.”

  “Did I say leave her behind?” Axelrod asked.

  He walked over to Bernard, staring up at him.

  “Is there anything you can do, Ryu?” I asked.

  The priest shook his head, no emotions on his face.

  “Weren’t you on guard last night?” Josh asked. “Why didn’t you see her leave?”

  “I must’ve been distracted,” Ryu said then shrugged.

  Josh stepped toward him, but Bernard got in his way.

  “Come on, let’s give Sarah some room,” he said.

  The half-orc barbarian glared at Ryu while the latter turned and walked away to talk with Axelrod. I sat on the cold, hard floor, waiting for Sarah to open her eyes.

  Why had I wanted her in the game? I should’ve listened to my father and not messed around with it. Would we ever escape the Tower of Gates?

  Sarah opened her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” I asked. “We cast heal after you fainted, but it didn’t do anything.”

  “I think it’s a lingering effect of the mist trap,” Charlotte said.

  “You could’ve said something earlier,” I said.

  I stood and offered Sarah my hand.

  “We should get going,” I said.

  As I helped her up, I heard a commotion on the far side of the cavern. Josh ran forward w
ith Axelrod close behind as another shaman and at least a dozen trogs approached.

  I pulled out both my weapons and surveyed the scene. Axelrod and Josh had plowed into the lizard foot soldiers rushing forward, taking out two each, but the battle wasn’t over.

  “Sarah, stay here,” I said then crept toward the shaman while hugging the wall.

  “Good luck with that idea,” she said, following me.

  I watched as she pulled a potion she’d secreted away. Smiling, I turned and continued toward the shaman. The troglodyte with a crown of bones noticed us.

  She sent a Lance of Lightning at the shaman. It screamed then fell to the floor of the cave, body still shaking. I kept going forward, trying to stay unnoticed.

  As I reached the shaman, I attacked with both weapons at once before he had a chance to stand. Both solid stabs to his midsection connected.

  Your slash HITS the troglodyte shaman leader (Gilgor) for 10 damage.

  Your pierce HITS the troglodyte shaman leader (Gilgor) for 8 damage.

  Gilgor the troglodyte shaman leader is not concerned with you.

  The game’s getting detailed on this guy. Is he going to be a problem?

  As the shaman pulled out a potion and quaffed it, I got in another attack.

  Your slash HITS the troglodyte shaman leader (Gilgor) for 8 damage.

  Your pierce GRAZES the troglodyte shaman leader (Gilgor) for 6 damage.

  Gilgor the troglodyte shaman leader is not concerned with you.

  The shaman glowed bright green as the potion took effect. Sarah hit me with her restore spell arrow from a distance.

  You feel energized!

  You have [125/125] health remaining.

  +10% chance to hit

  I attacked again, hoping to end the bright green lizard creature’s life in the game.

  Your slash INJURES the troglodyte shaman leader (Gilgor) for 12 damage.


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