Shameless (The Therapist #2)

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Shameless (The Therapist #2) Page 15

by Ws Greer

“Of course.”

  I’d listen to anything this man has to say, because I remember how easy it was to talk to him last time. I’d just decided to start acting like a grown, single woman, and Liam was here venting about how pushy his lawyer father was. I remember how good it felt to have someone to relate to, but before we could even connect, he finished his drink and was gone without a trace. It looks like fate has brought us together again.

  “I signed the final papers to close on a new building today,” Liam says with a broad, proud smile. He turns to sip his drink, but that grin never fades. It’s so strong of a smile that it’s contagious, making me smile, too.

  “That’s cool,” I answer. “Still working business with your father?”

  “Well, that’s the really cool part about it, Ms. Milton,” he says, and I instantly fall in love with how he says my name. “The papers we signed today were to close on a new building to house our new law firm. I took the bar exam, and now I’m starting my own firm with another lawyer friend of mine. It’ll be called Liam and Rind. His name is William Rind, so it makes sense. Wait. It makes sense, right?”

  Liam bulges his eyes when he looks at me and I giggle like a schoolgirl at his playfulness. He must’ve really been down in the dumps the last time we spoke, because he seems like a whole new man today. Much brighter and more alive. His smile is vibrant and flirtatious, and his sense of humor is on full display. It makes him even more attractive. Could he be any more perfect?

  “Yes, it definitely does,” I answer. “Well, I’m proud of you, Liam. That’s awesome. Way to go.”

  Liam lets out a joyous chuckle before climbing out of his seat to take a bow in front of everyone in the restaurant. The bartender laughs and starts to applaud, causing three or four tables next to us to clap as well.

  Liam twirls his hand in a circle and dips his head. “Thank you very much,” he says, grinning from ear to ear. Apparently, getting out from underneath his father’s thumb was exactly the relief he needed, and I love how much I can relate to that.

  “All right, all right,” Liam says as he sits back down. “Enough about how awesome I am, Tessa, geez. I get it, you like me. Let’s just move on, all right?”

  I let out another giggle with a shocked expression on my face.

  “Uhh, all right. Somebody is really full of themselves today,” I say, reveling in how good it feels to laugh and smile.

  “I know, I’m sorry. It’s just a really good day,” Liam says. “But, enough about me. I want to hear about you. Last time I saw you, you were talking to me about your mother. How has that been going?”

  He remembered. My heart does a little jig in my chest.

  “Well, it was rough for a while, but it’s better now,” I tell him. “We had to have a real heart to heart, but we got it all out in the open. I told her how I felt about the way she was treating me, and she apologized. She hasn’t been the same since. It’s been so surreal that I’m still waiting for the day she goes back to how she used to be, but so far so good. It’s been awesome.”

  “That’s great! How do you feel now?”

  “Like a thousand pounds has been lifted off my chest and shoulders, and I’m able to walk around free for the very first time. I feel like I’m floating, something you can relate to, I’m guessing.”

  “You're guessing right,” Liam agrees. “I had a heart to heart with my dad, too. He didn’t take it as well as your mother did, so we had to go our separate ways. Once I was free from him, I felt like I could fly to the moon and back, so I went ahead and kicked the bar exam’s ass. Now, my firm will compete with my father’s. Payback’s a bitch.”

  Liam chuckles and sips his drink, pulling another smile from me. “You seem to be really enjoying your moment.”

  “I am! That guy has been a thorn in my side my entire life. I tried to do what you did. I tried to give him a chance to learn about how I felt and make adjustments, but he didn’t want to do that. He’s too hard-headed. So, I had to do what I had to do. All that matters now is that I’m happy. This feeling is irreplaceable. It can't be beat. Peace of mind means everything. I know you feel me on that one.”

  “I absolutely do.”

  “Yeah, I knew you would, Ms. Milton. That’s why I like you.” Liam knocks back the rest of his drink and stands up. Watching him get up and prepare to leave gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach. I don't want to just let him go this time, but I feel nervous about asking him for his number, so I’ll wait to see if he asks me for mine.

  “All right, I’ve done enough celebrating tonight,” Liam says. “Now I have to get to work so that the firm comes out swinging. So, I’ve got to go. It was great talking to you again, Tessa. Let’s do it again soon.”

  “Yeah, we really should,” I reply, hoping he takes the hint.

  “All right. Have a good night,” Liam says, before turning on his heel and walking out.

  As he exits the restaurant, Missy comes strolling in, her red hair swinging behind her as she sits down next to me.

  “Did you miss me?” she asks. “How long you been here?”

  “Long enough to have a drink and some conversation,” I answer, but I don't feel as chipper as I did a second ago.

  “You okay,” Missy asks. “You seem down.”

  “I’m fine. Let’s get you a drink,” I say. “Excuse me, bartender. Can we get her a…”

  “Ms. Milton,” I hear a voice call from behind me. I turn around to find Liam standing there, and my heart rate doubles.

  “Listen, I have to be honest here,” Liam begins. “I was sick the last time I left here without getting your number. I really enjoyed talking to you, and I think we can both get along and relate to each other in a way I’m not sure I've felt before. I couldn’t just leave here a second time without asking if you're seeing anyone.”

  Missy and I both freeze, shocked by this turn of events. I could leap for joy right now.

  “Umm, no. I’m not seeing anyone,” I say, doing my best to keep my smile from overtaking my face.

  “I don't know how something like that happens,” Liam says, shaking his head. “You’re entirely too beautiful to be single. I was wondering if maybe I could have your number. Maybe we can go on a date and talk without me having to drink and run off so fast.”

  “Absolutely. I’d love that,” I answer, and I can't put my number in his phone fast enough.

  When it’s all said and done, Liam smiles at me and Missy. “Awesome. Thank you. I’ll give you a call soon.”

  “Can’t wait,” I answer, just before Liam turns and walks out.

  As soon as he’s gone, Missy turns to me with her mouth agape and her eyes wide. “Tell me everything!”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  ~ Tessa ~

  “Tessa, did you drop off the deposit last night?” my mother asks. She steps into my office wearing a white button-up and blue jeans, covered by a baby blue apron, but her clothes aren't what I focus on. It’s the easy going smile she’s wearing that I see first.

  “Yeah, I did,” I reply. I smile back, and instinctively wait for her to ridicule something about my appearance. My hair is down, and I didn't go all out on my makeup this morning. I was too tired for all of that, so maybe that’s where she’ll hit me. She keeps her eyes trained on me for a moment, and I expect her complaint to come spiraling at me like a missile any second now.

  “Okay, I figured you did. Just wanted to make sure,” she says, pinching her lips together, but keeping her smile intact. “Everything going okay with you, sweetie?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine,” I reply, and I think to leave it there, but another thought crosses my mind before my mother can walk out. “Actually, Mom, I’ve been thinking. You know, I’m always up to date on everything finance related around here. I’ve been doing this for so long that the system I have in place pretty much runs itself. I feel like I’m sort of bored sometimes, and I was considering taking on another account. One from another business.”

  My mother stares a
t me with no expression on her face, blinking a few times while she calculates what I just said.

  “Would that affect you coming here?” she asks.

  “Yeah, maybe a bit,” I answer. “I was actually thinking about getting my own building. Some place I could manage a handful of accounts and have multiple streams of income. I’d have to grow it over time, and even hire a staff at some point, but I think I want to go into business for myself. Milton Animal Clinic would be my ribbon-cutting client. I’d never leave you guys behind, I just think I need to expand. What do you think?”

  Judy lets out a breath, just before her face softens and she tilts her head to the side.

  “I think that’d be great, Tessa,” she says. “I really do. Your father and I would miss having you around here, but you’re right. You've been here since you were just a teenager. You're a grown woman now, and you're absolutely smart enough to start your own business. I think it shows incredible growth. Your father and I will support you however you need us to. Just let us know how we can help.”

  “Wow,” I say with raised eyebrows. “Thank you. I appreciate that very much.”

  “You're welcome,” my mother says before turning on her heel. Before she walks away, she looks over her shoulder. “I’m very proud of you, Tessa.”

  In my chest, I feel a strong urge to cry. It stings like needles prickling underneath my rib cage. I don't even know where it came from, but it takes everything in me to swallow it back down just to be able to respond.

  “Thanks, Mom,” I reply. My mother flashes a soft but genuine smile just as she walks out.

  Once she's gone, I pause a moment to think about how she’s done such a dramatic turnaround. Is telling people how they make you feel really that powerful of a tool? It seems to have forced my mother into a complete reversal of how she used to be, and I’m so glad I took Dr. Colson’s advice and spoke my truth to her. Well, it wasn't just Dr. Colson. I think my first conversation with Liam had a little something to do with it, too.

  “Well, it seems that letting a guy fuck you from behind on the counter in the lobby is exactly the medicine your mom needed,” Missy says as she waltzes into my office. Her red hair is tied into a tight ponytail, and her Delaware T-shirt matches the color of her apron, so they almost blend in together.

  “Keep your voice down,” I snip in a whisper. “Don't say that around her. I don't want it to trigger her into going back to being the most annoying person in my life. You're going to jinx it.”

  “Oh, excuse me. You're right.” Missy comes in and takes a seat on the small black couch across from my desk. “So, you're about to branch out, huh? Gonna just leave me here to fend for myself.”

  I giggle. “Yeah, I think it’s time. I didn't get a degree just to keep working at the same place I worked before I ever had a degree. But, you can work for me once I get it off the ground if you want.”

  “Aww,” Missy says, placing her hand over her heart. “Just let me know when it’s ready, and when you're offering extensive math classes for me to learn how to do shit with numbers, and I'm there.”

  We both chuckle together, before falling into silence. I think we both know big changes are coming. That kind of thing is always scary for everyone involved, but it’s the right thing to do. It’s going to take a lot of work, but I’m ready for it.

  I think to vocalize my thoughts to Missy, but before I can speak, my cell phone vibrates on my desk. The number that comes across the screen isn't one I recognize, but it’s a Delaware area code, so I decide to pick it up.

  “Hello?” I say, and Missy starts to get up to leave so I can have some privacy.

  “Hi, is this Tessa Milton?” Liam’s voice booms from the phone loud enough for Missy to hear, and she pauses in the doorway.

  “Yes, it is. Hi, Liam,” I say as my eyes widen. I instantly feel a fresh surge of glee and adrenaline in my chest. Missy even does a little dance before she sits back down to be my perfectly nosey support system.

  “So, you did give me the right number?” Liam says, and I can see his smile through the phone.

  “I did,” I reply.

  “Well, thank you, Ms. Milton. How are you doing?”

  Much better now!

  “I’m good,” I say, making sure I don't go overboard. “Really good, actually. How are you?”

  “I’m great. Busy with work, but I’m still so thrilled with it that it doesn't really feel like work right now. I’m sure it will later, but for now, it’s the best kind of busy in the world.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” I answer. I smile at Missy, and she reacts by forming a heart with her hands and mouthing “You're so cute,” to me with a gigantic smile on her face.

  “So listen,” Liam goes on. “Now that I've mustered up the courage to call you and I see you didn't give me the wrong number, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go on a date with me sometime soon. I’ve been dying to have some fantastic conversation with someone who listens and relates to me, and I think you might be the only person who can pull it off while also making it look really good.”

  I smile so big it hurts my face. “I’d love to.”

  “Great! Are you free later this evening?”

  “I’ll make sure I’m free whenever you'd like to meet up.” Missy falls back in her chair and fans herself, and I roll my eyes as I smile.

  “Okay, awesome,” Liam replies. “How about seven-thirty? Ruby Tuesday in Milford sound okay?”

  “It sounds great,” I answer. The excitement I feel is almost too much to hold in any longer. “I’ll see you then.”

  “See you then.”

  “Okay. Bye, Liam.”

  “Goodbye, Ms. Milton.”

  The second I hang up the phone and pull it away from my ear, my excitement breaks through the blockade, and Missy and I both erupt into childish screams of excitement.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  ~ Tessa ~

  Liam smiles at me like he’s seeing me for the first time, and he really likes what he sees. As a matter of fact, allow me to rephrase. Liam smiles at me like he’s seen me a million times, and realizes how much he loves seeing me—like seeing me will never get old to him. The kicker is that this is only the third time we’ve seen each other. Liam just has this flicker of light in his eyes that shines like a star buried in his pupils, and the star brightens when he looks at me.

  “What?” I ask as I begin to feel a little awkward from him staring.

  “I don't know,” Liam says, adjusting in his seat. “You're just nice to look at.”

  I can feel myself starting to blush, and I literally fan myself to keep my face from turning red. Sometimes, a simple compliment is the most effective.

  This is the most dressed down I’ve ever seen Liam. The two times we ran into each other before, he was making a quick pit stop in Applebee's to have a drink to blow off some steam and celebrate an accomplishment, respectively. He was dressed in a nice suit every time, but tonight he’s in a dark gray button-up with the top two buttons undone, revealing a toned chest with a barely-visible tattoo teasing just beneath the edge of the second button. I can’t make out what the tattoo is from here, but my eyes are drawn to it. Liam is still fancy, but it’s toned down. It doesn't change anything, though. He's as gorgeous as ever.

  I chose to dine in a flowing black dress with silhouettes of flowers sweeping across the bottom. It’s a little elegant, but it makes me feel gorgeous. These days, I’m all about doing what makes me feel good, regardless of what people may say about it. Life is too short to care about the opinions of strangers.

  “So, how was work today? I’ve been curious about whether or not things held up for you the way you hoped they would,” Liam says.

  Our waitress brings our food and places it on the table. Liam ordered steak, while I chose two chicken breasts topped with asiago cheese and bacon.

  “Well, I told my mother that I wanted to start my own business,” I begin to explain before a sip of my ice water. “To my complete and ut
ter surprise, she was very supportive. Even offered to help. So, I guess I’m branching out.”

  Liam nods his approval while swallowing down some steak smothered in A1 sauce. “Wow. That's incredible. I’m sure you're excited.”

  “For sure. I sort of stole a page out of your book on that one.”

  “Sounds like it,” Liam says behind a smile. “I’m impressed, Ms. Milton. Staking your own claim. That’s great.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I love how strong-minded you are,” Liam says. The man has no sense of embarrassment when it comes to dishing out compliments. “You're focused, and you speak your mind. You don't see that enough from people, especially women, unfortunately. Personally, I think women should speak their minds more often, although I know society frowns on that kind of thing.”

  “Fuck society,” I reply, stealing a line from Dr. Colson. Liam smiles like I just gave him a gift he’s been wanting his entire life. “I don't mean to be so blunt… Well, yes I do. After everything I’ve gone through recently, including my breakup, I’ve found a ton of comfort in speaking my mind and doing things I want to do. There’s no room for caring about other people’s opinions to the point that it affects what I do.”

  “I hear that.”

  “So, when I tell you that I find you incredibly attractive, and that I keep wondering what that tattoo on your chest looks like without your shirt on, I mean it. I’m saying it because that’s what I want to say.”

  Liam twists his mouth into a confused smirk.

  “I don't mean to be too forward and come on too strong,” I go on. “It’s just the zone I’m in these days. Blame my therapist, but I’m just being honest. You're gorgeous, Liam, and I love how you keep putting a smile on my face. After dinner, I was hoping you could show me that tattoo while we lay in my bedroom.”

  I let the words linger in the air for a while, hoping I didn't just ruin a perfectly good date by being over-the-top. Liam, on the other hand, looks completely calm. He even grins before speaking again.


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