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Maverick Page 3

by Ashers, LeAnn

  “I am so excited for another grandbaby. Now we have three.” She gets a dreamy look on her face. “Life just couldn’t be better.”

  I smile back. “You’re exactly right.” The last couple of months have been the best of my life, I just can’t imagine how life could be better.

  “What is on your finger?” River asks someone, and I turn around at the same time as Katherine. “WHAT!” we yell at the same time.

  I hurry over to Jessica, looking at her hand to confirm.

  I am so happy for her, I can’t help but scream a little in excitement and Katherine does the same. I try not to laugh because we’re so similar.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Katherine asks.

  “Me being pregnant kind of took over mine and Chase’s brains. We were going to announce it today,” Jessica explains

  Chase walks over and takes my daughter’s hand, kissing the back of it. I sigh and look at Katherine, thankful she raised such an amazing son for my daughter.

  I take Hunter back from Jessica, smooching him on his chubby cheeks, and he giggles sweetly. Katherine gets that doe-eyed look when she sees him.

  Katherine can’t resist another second and takes him from me. I look around to see if I need to do anything when I notice a man staring at me, leaning against the wall.

  I turn away immediately, feeling way too hot all of a sudden. First, he is extremely attractive and he looks around my age. He has dark brown hair, beautiful brown eyes that I can still feel on me, and don't forget the beautiful, colorful tattoos.

  “Time to eat!” Katherine yells to everyone and hands me Hunter, then I hand him off to Jessica so she can place him in his high chair.

  I wait until everyone gets their food before I get mine, sitting next to Jessica in case she needs me with Hunter, but then he sits down next to me.

  I’m over-aware of every single movement of his and mine. He takes a long drink of his beer and gently sets it back onto the table, my eyes getting their fill of his tattoos on his arms and hands.

  “Maverick,” he says in a deep voice that just glides over me like butter. Goosebumps break out across my skin at the mere sound of him.

  I gather my nerve and look at him fully. “Isabella, Bell for short.”

  Before I can even say anything else, Lani gasps dramatically behind us and I turn around to check on her, she’s holding her stomach. “I just had a contraction.”

  That sets everyone in motion, they take off running towards their vehicles. We offer to clean up and lock up the house for them as the guys put up the tables and chairs.

  River and Jessica stand next to me, looking at each other. “Mom, Maverick is nice.”

  I blush at them, acknowledging that I was nervous around Maverick. “He is nice.”

  “Would you ever consider going out on a date with someone?” River asks.

  “I think I would. I’m just not sure how you do all of that,” I answer honestly. I’ve never been on a date in my life. I was just married—my only everything was with my ex-husband.

  I don’t want to think of him, but that’s all I have to compare. Honestly, I don't think I’ve been properly kissed in my life. All I know is his lips smashing against mine as he did horrific things to me.

  I know it’s not meant to be like that, relationships, but that’s all I know and that’s sad to me.

  I walk outside and spot Chase talking with Maverick. Jessica puts her hand on my back, like she’s trying to give me strength.

  When we reach the guys, Jessica gasps dramatically. “Oh no, Mom, how will you get home?

  Maverick steps up. “I can take her home, if you don’t mind riding on the back of my bike?” He grins at me.

  My heart starts beating so hard, I can feel it in my ears. I look to Jessica and then to Chase, before I say, screw it. Nothing can happen to me that hasn’t happened to me before. “That’s fine, thank you.”

  He looks slightly surprised that I agreed. “It’s my pleasure, darlin’.” I step up next to him, and he puts his hand on the small of my back, leading me to his bike.

  The hand on my back burns me. It’s so large it’s covering my back almost completely.

  He leads me to a beautiful bike, which he straddles like he’s done it a million times and I’m sure he has. “Alright, darlin’, with your right leg lift it over the back and slide on.

  He lifts his hand out for me to hold. I stare at it for a few seconds before I place it in his.

  I look clumsy as all get out as I get on, but I do it.

  Maverick looks back at me and smiles. “Here, darlin’.” He hands me a helmet to put on and I clip it into place.

  His hands wrap around my calves, scooting me flush against his back, and I stop breathing being so close to him.

  I try not to panic, swallowing it down, knowing that he’s just trying to help me and that he’s not being mean or aggressive.

  Maverick turns around so he’s fully looking at me. “Hey, you don’t have to go with me if you’re not comfortable, darlin’. We just met and I understand.”

  In a split second I feel safe with him. He gave me a voice and a choice. A choice to do what I want.

  I smile and it’s one that reaches my eyes, because I mean it. “No, I’m comfortable.”

  His face softens as he studies my face before he smirks at me. “I’ll go as slow as you need, darlin’.” He winks, and I almost fall off the bike, his words and that wink more than affecting me.

  He starts the bike and the vibration startles me. I can feel all kinds of parts of my body tingling—I didn’t even know it still worked.

  “Hold tight.” He gently takes my hands and pulls them around his waist.

  He pats my knee before he takes off and I am hooked. The second I feel the warm breeze on my face, I am in love. It’s complete and utter freedom.

  We pull out onto the highway and he speeds up. I laugh loudly, my stomach dipping as he turns around a curve slightly.

  Maverick glances back at me, flashing a smile. His eyes glow with happiness, then he speeds up a little more on the open road.

  “Hold on, darlin’,” he yells over the loud thundering of the bike. I tighten my grip on him, resting my chin on his shoulder and closing my eyes, just enjoying the feeling.

  We pull up to a red light, my mind going crazy that this is actually happening.

  Sometimes I honestly pinch myself because my life feels like a dream. It’s like I’m in slow motion and I have to let myself catch up with everything.

  But the thing that’s blowing my mind most of all is that I’m on the back of a motorcycle, Maverick in front of me with my legs wrapped around him, and I am not terrified.

  This is something small and insignificant for most people, but not when you’re a survivor. Every little feat should be celebrated.

  “Do you want to get some food since our dinner got interrupted?” he asks, waiting for the light to turn green.

  “I would like that,” I answer honestly.

  I catch the small grin on his face when I agree. It makes me happy that he’s happy with my answer.

  We drive through town. I notice right off the bat that he gets a lot of female attention and I laugh at a few of them almost wrecking. It’s hilarious.

  He pulls up outside of a known steakhouse in town that I’ve eaten at a few times with the girls.

  “Let me have your hand, darlin’, to help you off the bike.” I slip my hand in his and he grips slightly. I slide my leg over the bike.

  He doesn’t let go as I think he will. Instead he holds on as he gets off himself and tucks my hand deeper in his. My hand is swallowed by huge one.

  Honestly, he is huge all over. The tattoos on his arms, neck and his piercing brown eyes would scare anyone.

  I don't feel scared though. I just have major butterflies swarming my stomach like I’m fourteen again, before my life became absolute hell.

  He opens the door for us, the cool air hitting as we walk inside and I shiver from the sudden
cold. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the darkness in the room.

  The hostess at the entrance looks at Maverick’s cut and she grabs two menus and waves for us to follow her.

  Maverick pulls out my seat for me, scooting it in as I sit down. He sits in front of me, facing the room.

  “You’re a gentleman.” I smile sweetly at him, loving that he thought to do that.

  He chuckles, before licking his lips, resting his elbows on the table and leaning closer to me until we’re face to face. “Only sometimes, darlin’.” He winks and arches an eyebrow, resting in his seat and giving me a look that promises so much more.

  My face burns and I fumble, trying to look at the menu. My heart is racing in my chest.

  “I wonder how far that blush goes, darlin’.”

  My menu falls to the table and my eyes widen in shock. He busts out laughing, holding his stomach, his beautiful eyes on me.

  I don’t even care that he teased me. If he continues to look at me like that, I don’t care what he says.

  “You’re absolutely beautiful, darlin’. Do you know that? Right down to that blush.”

  I blink at him in shock. Somehow those words healed a small part in my fractured heart and gave me a piece of myself back. “Thank you, Maverick,” I whisper softly.

  His face softens. He reaches out and pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. “It’s nothing, darlin’.”

  But it so is; it’s everything.

  I shrug my shoulders, giving him a sheepish smile. “Thank you nonetheless.”

  “I heard you like to volunteer at the women’s shelter. Chase told me,” Maverick adds at the end.

  I’m not worried about whether Chase betrayed my trust about my past. I know he wouldn’t do that to me.

  I had to go through a process of being completely ashamed and embarrassed.

  “I do. I’ve grown really close to this little boy there named Ronny. He’s eight and he’s obsessed with books.” I grin widely thinking of Ronny.

  The waiter comes and we order our food. Maverick scoots closer to me so he can hear better over the music.

  I put my napkin in my lap and smother butter on a roll, taking a bite. I close my eyes, savoring the taste.

  Food is something I’m still getting used to. All of these months later I won’t leave a single bite on my plate if I can help it.

  I open my eyes to see Maverick’s gaze on my lips, his jaw clenched as I lick the butter off. I take my napkin, wiping my face in embarrassment.

  “Ronny is a special little boy,” I continue. “His mother is not the best to him, unless she’s different once I leave. I understand she may be dealing with things, but Ronny is hurting too.”

  “Do you know why they’re there?” he asks, his muscles clenched as he butters a roll.

  How can the small movement of buttering a roll be attractive?

  I shrug. “I didn’t really ask, but I know it was an abusive past. I’m sure it was Ronny’s father or a stepfather.”

  “I would love to meet Ronny.”

  I sit up in my seat, excited that he wants to meet him. The more people in his corner the better, in my opinion. “Come with me any time. I’m going back tomorrow morning.”

  Maverick smirks. “I would love to spend the day with you tomorrow.”

  There go those darn butterflies again. I smile sheepishly and look down at my lap, trying to tell my cheeks to stop turning red.

  Dinner flies by. We talk nonstop about anything and everything. It’s one of the best nights of my life.

  Now we’re heading to my house. I’m kind of dreading that he’s going to leave and go home, but I’m thinking of that fact that he’s planning on going to the center with me tomorrow.

  I reach over and put the code in the gate. The doors swing open and he drives through.

  He turns off the bike and turns around to look at me. I chew on my bottom lip, wondering if I should invite him in—or is that too forward?

  Hell, today has been all about firsts for me. I think I just had my first date ever at thirty-eight years old.

  “Do you want to come in and watch a movie?” I ask, the nerves immediately settling in.

  “I’d love to, darlin’.”

  I unlock the door and he follows me inside. The house is quiet and I try not to overthink and imagine the worst.

  What if he tries to have sex with me? I’m not ready for that yet. I need that complete trust before I know I can bare myself completely.

  My next worry is, what if someone doesn’t want to wait for me to be ready? What if they see me as less of a woman?

  I close my eyes for a couple of seconds, breathing deep, trying to stop the thoughts that have taken over my brain.

  I take the remote off the coffee table and sit down. He sits directly next to me, and our thighs graze.

  My mouth dries. I was with him for hours during dinner and I didn't have any kind of nervousness, but right now I feel exposed.

  I try to breathe and not have a complete panic attack. It’s not even Maverick, it’s me and my thoughts that have driven me to this.


  I watch as Bell transforms right before my eyes. She was fine, laughing and smiling so fucking beautifully that it hurt.

  Now she’s trying to catch her breath, her hands shaking as she runs them up and down her legs.

  I slide to the floor in front of her, making sure she can see me. I take her hands, which she’s running against her legs. “I’m here, darlin’. Shhh.” I run my fingers over the top of her hand.

  Her eyes are slightly glazed over, but little by little, she starts to come back, her breathing normalizing.

  “There you are, darlin’.” I smile, seeing her beautiful eyes staring back at me, clear and panic free.

  Her bangs have fallen in her face once again. I lift my hand to push her hair behind her ear, when she flinches.

  She flinches so hard, she clenches her eyes shut and braces herself like I was going to hit her.

  That’s when it fucking hits me like a ton of bricks, someone has hurt her. Someone has laid their hands on her.

  Rage unlike anything I’ve felt before powers through me, wanting revenge.

  I push it down, saving that for another fucking day.

  “Hey…I won’t hurt you.” I slowly press my finger under her chin, until she’s looking at me.

  She’s horrified by her reaction, I can tell.

  “Don’t look like that, darlin’. It doesn’t change a fucking thing. Just means I need to be more careful around you. I want you to be many things, and scared isn’t one of them.” I throw in a wink, emphasizing the double meaning.

  She blushes once again and that shit does something to me. I want to run my tongue along every single part of her that’s red. I want to feel that heat beneath my tongue.

  One day. Right now it’s about her.

  She lets out a deep, ragged breath. “Thank you for understanding.” She gives me a deep look.

  I press my hand to her burning cheek. “I’d never not understand. I want you to feel safe around me. Never hide that from me,” I tell her.

  Her head falls forward until her face is buried in my neck, her arms around me. I don’t hesitate. I stand up and put her in my lap, allowing her to take whatever the fuck she wants from me.

  I pull the blanket tight around her, tucking her in. I don't know if that fucking helps her, but it seems like the right fucking thing to do.


  I can’t believe that I had a panic attack right in front of Maverick. Then when I realized I was having it, it got even worse because I didn’t want to have one in front of him.

  I’m not scared of Maverick. I just think old thoughts and feelings came out of nowhere, overwhelming me.

  Right now? It’s complete heaven. My arms wrap tightly around Maverick, holding him close.

  For the first time in my whole entire life, I feel safe.

  I feel safe in every part of my being, emotion
ally, physically. When he said it doesn’t change a thing, that made me feel so much better.

  “Thank you.” I lift my head from his shoulder and look at him. He turns his head and smiles.

  He lifts his hand, running his fingers through my hair, rubbing slightly. “It isn’t a thing, darlin’. How you feel is what’s important.”

  Gosh, my heart.

  The way he speaks to me, I’ve never had that before. I smile sheepishly and lean back over, lying on him once again.

  I breathe deeply. The way he smells is intoxicating.

  I can’t believe I’m brave enough to lie here with him.

  But most of all, without fear.

  “Sleepy?” He runs his hand down my back, pulling me tightly into him. Gosh, the way he feels is absolutely amazing.

  Chills drift up my spine when he touches the base of my back where my shirt has ridden up a little.

  “Do you have any kids?” I ask, curious about his life.

  He shifts on the couch, scooting farther down, pressing his chin to the top of my head so easily, like this happens every day.

  “I don’t. I was a Navy SEAL for many years of my life. Once I got out, me and Konrad just rode our bikes for months, traveled the land we worked hard to protect.” I reach forward and take his hand, settling on the couch next to us.

  I put my palm in his, looking at the difference in our hands. Those hands could hurt me, kill me in a second, but he’s holding me, touching me gently.

  I peek up at Maverick, who’s grinning ear to ear at me. “You’re tiny, sweetheart.” He closes his hand around mine easily, his southern drawl sending goosebumps down my back.

  I slide out of his lap. One part of me wants me to stay there forever, but I want to look into his eyes as he speaks to me.

  I curl my legs under. He positions the blanket over my legs without a second thought as he continues talking. “I met Smiley; he was the president at the time. He threw his idea to me, we pooled our cash together and now we own hundreds of businesses all over Texas and other states. The Devil Souls MC are very similar to us, but they are newer.”

  “Wow, I’m proud of you. It seems your hard work has paid off.”


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