THE HOT BAD BOYS BOX SET: A Bad Boy Romance Collection

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THE HOT BAD BOYS BOX SET: A Bad Boy Romance Collection Page 7

by Wood, Lauren

  “Would you like me to call you by your real name Danessa?”

  She looked down and smiled. “Yes, I would. It helps me to remember that I am not really Ruby, this plaything that works here.”

  He told her that he wouldn’t call her anything else. It was about that time that she was being called to the stage and the conversation was over. She hadn’t spilled the beans, but she was thinking about it by the way she was speaking. “I guess it is my turn. I will see you later Charlie.”

  I watched her go and stayed a few minutes longer before I went back upstairs to get some work done. My mistake to be with Ruby was going to be a problem, especially if my partner was going to take all of this time and energy to try and see what it was she was bothered by. I don’t know why I was so worried about everything, but I was. I felt like I was at a precipice and I wasn’t going to like what I found at the end of it.

  Chapter 19


  I didn’t find the apartment that I was looking for, but I did find something that would do for a little while until I could spend more time and find something better. It was a bit too much and it still wasn’t in the best of neighborhoods, but it got my brother’s approval which I guess I still needed. It wasn’t like I was going to really be that upset if I lost it, considering what he was doing, but it made it easier when I had to tell mom and dad that I was going to be moving into the city as well. It wasn’t going to go down well and I really needed Charlie there to help smooth it over.

  When I woke up and they told me that I was going to have to ride in with Rex, I was filled with mixed emotions. While it was good that I was going to spend some time with Rex alone, hopefully a repeat of the other night, I wasn’t going to have anyone on my side when it came to telling my parents.

  With no choice but to tell Charlie goodbye, I got in the car with Rex and tried not to look as dejected as I felt. It was going to be one of those times that I wished I was anywhere else.

  We weren’t riding long before Rex told me why Charlie was acting so differently.

  “So your brother knows that you know. Someone told him that you were at the club the other day.”

  “Well at least I know why he has been acting so weird now. He has been really uptight. I should have said something, but I didn’t want him to worry even more.”

  “I don’t think you can stop that from happening. Your brother is always a little high strung when it comes to the family. He will get over it. I am sure, but for now if you could not rub it in his face, that would be good.”

  “Do you really think I am that kind of girl?”

  “Maybe. It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  I smiled at Rex and shrugged. “Siblings are like that. I have to torture him sometimes and the fact that my brother is like some kind of pimp is definitely going to come out eventually.”

  “Is that what you think of me? That I am some kind of pimp?”

  “No, but I did take a peek in your rom. You have some serious issues going on there Rex.”

  He laughed which was a bit of a surprise and he shook his head with mirth. “So I am going to be the one getting the ribbing since you can’t say anything to Charlie about it?”

  “Yep. How did you guys decide to become pimps? I mean did it just come to you one day or what?”

  “Actually it kind of did. I was bartending and this guy wanted to sell his club. He was sick of dealing with it and one thing led to another and the next thing I know we are buying the club. It took everything we had and before long it was turning a good profit.”

  “So what makes you so successful?” I was grinning now, still unsure how I got to having this conversation with him in the first place.

  “Well, it is all about picking the right girls.”

  I sat back in the seat and looked out the window. Flashing of sex went through my head and I tried to shake them off. I didn’t want to think of him and Candy together, but of course that was where my mind went. I knew that she worked for him now and then there was the redhead. I was in way over my head with Rex and it was now that I really realized it.

  “Yeah, I can see how that can be difficult.”

  “Are you mad?”

  I looked out the window and shook my head. “Why would I be mad?” It wasn’t like he was mine. I knew what I was getting into when I went into his room that night. I knew that it was a one-time thing, but I would have been lying to myself if I didn’t admit that I didn’t want it to be more.

  “I don’t know. The temperature in here just went down about ten degrees in the last few minutes. I don’t know what is on your mind Sherry. It has been weird between us ever since we were together.”

  “It is weird and I don’t know. Charlie has been acting weird and I don’t know what to do about him. If he found out about us Rex, there would be hell to pay. He would freak out. Did you see the way he was acting when I was there? He was treating me like I was still a teenager.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think Charlie should ever know about us. I don’t think he would take that very well.”

  “That is an understatement if I ever heard one.”

  “But what your brother doesn’t know can’t hurt him.”

  I wanted to agree with him and in many ways I did, but I was still not sure if this was the right thing. Rex and I were from two very different worlds and I don’t know if I was ready for his kind of world.

  “Well it only happened the one time. It is no big deal. He doesn’t have to ever know about that one time. We can just pretend that it just didn’t happen.”

  “Is that what you want? Do you really want to pretend like it never happened?”

  “I don’t know what I want.”

  “I know what I want.”

  I turned to him and asked him what it was that he wanted. Without hesitation, he put his hand over my mound and squeezed. “This is what I want Sherry. I want to make you come again. I can still hear it in my head. I just want to hear that sound again and feel your fluid flow all over me.”

  I didn’t know what to say to him and when he started to move his hand in a circular motion, my eyes closed and I forgot all about what I was supposed to be doing or what I wasn’t supposed to be doing. All I could think about was Rex’s touch on my core. He really knew how to make me feel so good.

  Chapter 20


  “Those sounds. Mother fuck that is hot.”

  I tried to slow his hand down, afraid that he wasn’t going to be able to pay attention to the road, but Rex didn’t seem to have a problem multitasking at all.

  “Rex! Oh my God!”

  The rubbing had turned into more and he was sliding his fingers underneath my shorts and then underneath my panties. He was so deep inside of me that it felt like he was fucking me, his thick finger pushing deeper, as he added another one to the mix. The new width pushed on the sides of my sheath, making it feel so damn good.

  My eyes opened and I remembered that we were on the interstate and there was nowhere that we could just pull off and finish what we started. Rex was going to torture me with need and before long my hips were rising up from the seat and I was asking him to pull over.

  “I kind of like you like this. Now you can’t give me a hard time.”

  It was hard to think of anything, but I felt like if I was going to be bothered, then he deserved to be bothered too. I grabbed the thickness in his pants and heard him groan. His fingers moved faster, pushing me to orgasm and I gripped his cock tightly as I did. I didn’t want him to think that he had gotten the best of me. As soon as the wave of pleasure subsided, my hand started to move onto his shaft again.

  “Why don’t you pull over somewhere Rex? I don’t think that I am going to make it to Hartford like this.”

  He chuckled at me and didn’t relent. It made it so I was unable to argue my case and I had a rising suspicion that it was what he wanted. If I wasn’t able to speak, I wasn’t able to really say anything one way or another.

will be fine. I like when you are like this Sherry. You are a lot easier to keep in line.”

  I slapped at his hand, but he was determined to make me pass out from the pleasure. It was the only conclusion that I could come to know that my body was already threatening to do just that.

  “Please Rex.”

  He didn’t answer me, but a few minutes later he turned into a rest area and pulled off to the side. It wasn’t long before he was coming over to my side, forcing my chair down and back so that he could go between my legs. I looked around me, scared as hell that we were going to be seen. Rex didn’t seem worried or bothered by it at all. He was far more worried about other things and when he slid into me, our concerns meshed well together because I could think of nothing else but him inside of me.

  I was wet from all of his playing and he slid into the stem very quickly and efficiently. I gasped at the way I felt and the position with my ass hanging over the seat giving him all of the access that he needed. Rex wasted no time in going in deep and fast. It was how I liked it and what he needed as well. We both needed the intensity of the moment. We were in public and Rex took moments to get me off. It was that hot and that quick.

  We heard voices as someone moved down the little sidewalk to get to their car that was parked next to us. Apparently we weren’t the only ones that wanted to put some distance between us and the entrance.

  Rex stopped driving in completely inside of me. I twitched on the inside, massaging him as he groaned and hissed through his teeth with his cock stuck deep inside of me.

  “Stop there are people right there.”

  I clenched him harder and moved up a little bit and then back with my hips. “Well you better be quieter then, huh?”

  Pulling his hips to me, I moved my legs further up so that he could go that much deeper and I quickly forgot about the people we were trying not to get to notice us. I figured with the fogging up of the windows, they couldn’t see much anyways.

  Car doors shut and then the engine roared to life. I was still gripping and moving underneath him. I was so close. I just needed him to actually move because what I was doing wasn’t cutting it.

  “Please Rex. I need to come.”

  He chuckled and slammed back into me as he pulled out completely. It was just what I needed and I clung to him as every part of my body tightened and I started to lose it. I whimpered is name in his ear, over and over again as my insides tried to milk him. Each time I squeezed him hard, his thickness pressed harder against the walls inside of me and made it feel even better.

  Nails dug into his back as he started to move in the midst of my orgasm. It was just too much for me and I went from need to overload. My hand went against his chest and I pushed him away.

  Rex just moved back to his knees, not missing a step. There wasn’t far for him to go and in his eagerness, his length was long and strong. It was hard for him to take it out from this position and he just kept driving into me. My legs went up to his shoulders and then Rex pushed deeper. Short bursts of energy move from me to him and my body felt electrified as it writhed in another moment of pleasure.

  When I tightened up, every part of me did as well and I suffocated him into submission. I knew it was over when he made this strangling kind of sound. It was his whimper of defeat and it led to him driving deep one last time and filling me full once again. This time there was nowhere for it to go and it leaked out around his penetration. I could feel it slide down my rear.

  “Fuck that was hot.”

  I giggled and slid my panties off. They were soaked and there was nothing I could do but throw them away after I cleaned up. I got back in the car with no panties on and I should have known better. We had to stop two more times before we drove into Hartford and I finally had to move towards the door and slap his hands away. He had played with me far too long and damn it all to hell if I didn’t want him again.

  When it came to my attention that the house was empty, I was quick to pull him into my room. I don’t know why, but I wanted to leave him completely drained for his ride back to Chicago. I wanted something for him to remember me by.

  Chapter 21


  I dropped her off and made my way back to the city with a whole lot on my mind. It was like I was living in a fairytale. Sherry was everything that I was looking for and she had one hell of a sex drive. I was completely depleted of all fluids, so much so that even my tongue felt dry in my mouth.

  I stopped and got something to alleviate that and I passed all of the places that we had stopped on the trip. We almost got caught twice, but it bothered me more than it bothered her. She was content to tease and play, begging for us to get seen. There was a sort of thrill that she got out of it and it was hard not to feel the same way about it when I could feel the energy vibe off of her.

  “Fuck, that little bitch won’t get out of my mind.”

  My words were hollow in the empty car and I knew that there was a part of me that wanted to turn around and go back to her. She was all I could think about and even though I didn’t even know if I could conjure up another hard-on, I knew that I would try if it gave me another few minutes with Sherry.

  When I got back home, it was getting late because I didn’t take the most direct route and the house was already filling up with people. I had forgotten all about the damn party we were supposed to be throwing. There were a lot of new faces at the club since we had expanded and Charlie had it in his head that we should get to know everyone. I didn’t find this the best idea, but no one ever listened to me. In this business, I thought it was best not to get into their personal lives.

  Now I was wishing that I didn’t live here at all. I was beat and the last thing that I wanted to do was mingle with some people that I had to see every day as it was. I wanted to be back in Hartford with Sherry. Wrong or not, that is where I wanted to be.

  The first person that stopped me when I got in was Ruby and I took that as a foreboding sign for the rest of the party. I didn’t want to see her because of our last encounter and how upset she had gotten when I had told her no. I didn’t want her anymore and even with the little games we played, she didn’t want to end it. I should have known better than to have sex with her more than a couple of times. Now she had feelings, I could see it in her eyes and I didn’t have the same ones back. She was hot and kinky, but she wasn’t the girl that I was looking for. She wasn’t Sherry.

  “Hey Rex. I was wondering when you were going to come home.”

  “Had a long trip. I just got back. I forgot about the party, but it seems to be going quite well without me.”

  “It’s never a party without you Rex. I am glad to see that you finally made it back. I didn’t know who I was going to talk to.”

  We had never done much talking, but I wasn’t going to bring that up. It seemed crass to mention that all we ever did was bang it out. I stopped. Now Sherry had me saying bang…great.

  “Rex, took you long enough. Must have hit a hell of a lot of traffic.”

  Charlie walked up and saved me from talking to Ruby. “Yeah, it was something like that. I stopped and got something to eat on the way back. I get sick of driving sometimes.”

  “Well as long as Sherry is safe back at home in Hartford and not here getting into everything. She learned way too much on her last trip.”

  “You know she got a job at the aquarium, right? Starts in a week.”

  His face fell and I chuckled. It just made the scowl even more pronounced and clear.

  “Why didn’t she tell me that?”

  “Because you have been avoiding her or barking at her. Ernest took her around looking for apartments yesterday. I showed her what areas weren’t too bad and the rent wasn’t too high. I thought you knew that she was coming here for a job?”

  Charlie hadn’t known and I hated to be the one to tell him. “Don’t worry about it. It looks like your party is on fire. All of these people here, why worry about it now?”

  Charlie was always one to get ca
ught up in problems, but he finally smiled at me that I was right. He would have plenty of time to worry about it all much later.

  “You’re right Rex. I can figure it out tomorrow. Tonight there is far too many beautiful women around me to be upset.”

  He looked at Ruby when he said it and she looked down shyly. I shrugged to myself with the proposition of the two of them. At least if they hooked up, she would be off of my back if that happened. He asked her to dance and she glanced back at me meaningfully. She was trying to make me jealous and I was only going to feel relief. Hopefully Charlie would be able to deal with her crazy ass a lot better than I had managed to.

  Chapter 22


  With Charlie and Ruby in the same vicinity, I knew that I was going to have to get them away from each other. Ruby knew too much and if she figured out what she had over me, I had no doubt that she would use it to her advantage.

  I tried to get away from the two, but quickly thought against it. Ruby was giving me this look. I could feel the hot gaze from her on the back of my neck. So I went back to the two standing there and decided that it would be easier to pull Ruby away than Charlie. Charlie was in a mood today. “You are looking mighty fine tonight Ruby. I am glad you could make it.”

  “Well thanks for inviting me.”

  “It was all Charlie’s idea. He wanted to make sure that everyone was able to get together and get to know each other. We work all day and night, without much talk.”

  She still looked at me with the face that told me she was still upset. I wanted to wipe that away, but I wasn’t sure how to do it without having sex with her. It was what she wanted. I was good at what I did and she wanted a few orgasms. Charlie was starting to get restless, so I just kept talking to Ruby until I saw him wonder off.


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