Book Read Free


Page 16

by Deborah Bladon


  I haven’t discussed my final performance with her. I assumed she’d be by my side that night as I close one chapter of my life and open another.

  I reach to take her hand in mind. “There’s a seat reserved just for you. I need you there, Olivia. I want you there.”

  A smile blooms on her full lips. “Of course, I’ll be there, Alexander.”

  “Are you going to kiss now?” Alvin asks with a chuckle. “If you are, tell me so that I can cover my eyes.”

  I playfully swat him on the shoulder with my hand. “We’ll save the kissing for after we drop you off. Are you ready to go home?”

  He moves the linen napkin from his lap onto the table. “I need to ask Olivia something first.”

  Olivia’s brows perk as she turns in her chair, so she’s facing him directly. “Ask away.”

  His hand scrubs over his forehead. “It’s embarrassing.”

  “You can ask me anything. I promise I’ll answer as truthfully as I can.” Her tone is soft and comforting.

  His eyes drop to his lap. “What kind of flowers do girls like?”

  Olivia’s gaze catches mine. She lifts a brow as her lips curve into a grin. “We like all flowers.”

  “There’s a girl at school.” Alvin scratches his chin. “Some kids in my homeroom aren’t nice to her. They tease her.”

  “They’re bullies,” I pipe up.

  He nods. “I don’t like it. I want to help. Would flowers make her smile?”

  He looks to Olivia to answer the question.

  She does with grace. “They’d make her smile. They’d help her to see that she’s not alone.”

  “She’s not,” he says defiantly. “I tell the teacher when I see her being picked on. Me and my friend, Chase, tell the kids who bug her to stop.”

  “You’re a good friend to her.” Olivia squeezes his shoulder.

  “She’s not my girlfriend.” Both of Alvin’s hands wave in the air. “I never said she was my girlfriend.”

  “Slow down.” I chuckle. “Boys and girls can be friends, Alvin. No one said anything about her being your girlfriend.”

  “She’s his girlfriend,” Olivia mouths to me.

  I nod before I look over at my nephew. “Do you know where she lives?”

  “Two blocks from my house.” Alvin holds up two fingers.

  “Olivia will pick out some nice flowers at that shop your mom likes and we’ll go deliver them to your friend.” I reach for my wallet. “I’ll pay the bill here and we can head there.”

  “We’ll do it today?” Alvin shoots me a look of confusion.

  “Today is the perfect day to put a smile on her face.” Olivia pushes back from the table. “The flowers will put a smile in her heart too.”

  I stop and stare at her.

  She wore a Yankee T-shirt and jeans because she knew it would put a smile on Alvin’s face. She let him order her lunch and now she’s giving him the courage to do the right thing.

  If I had any doubt about what I feel for her, it’s been erased inside this restaurant.

  I’m in love with Olivia Hull. I’m the luckiest man on the planet.

  Chapter 42


  Alexander’s breath brushes over my inner thigh. I look down at his face. He’s gorgeous. My bedroom is bathed in warm afternoon sunlight.

  “I’ve never done this in the middle of the day,” I confess.

  “Good.” He flicks the tip of his tongue over my clit. “We’ll do it again tomorrow.”

  I tug on his dark hair, drawing his gaze up to me. “You make me feel so good.”

  He kisses my thigh. “I only want that. I want to make you feel incredible.”

  It felt that way when I came against his mouth. He’s determined to make it happen again.

  It will.

  I’m already so close.

  I wiggle my hips. “Lick me, please?”

  “You’re so polite.” He blows a puff of air over my core. “Say what you mean, Olivia. Tell me to eat your cunt.”

  Both of my hands fall to my face, shielding my eyes. “I can’t say that.”

  “Say it.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You want it, don’t you?” He buries his tongue inside of me, drawing a loud involuntary moan from somewhere deep within me.

  I grab his hair and grind myself against his face.

  He pulls back and I groan. “Don’t stop.”

  “Tell me what you want.” He rests his head on my thigh. “You’ve never been shy before.”

  That was because I wasn’t falling in love with him. The sex was different in the beginning. My heart wasn’t all wound up in it.

  It’s not just about chasing after an orgasm anymore. When I come with him, it touches the deepest parts of me.

  I don’t want to lose this or him.

  “Come here.” I beckon him closer with a curl of my fingers. “Kiss me, Alexander.”

  He slides up my body, his cock rubbing against my side.

  He’s so hard that I could mount him right now. I want that. I want to feel him bare inside of me.

  I want things I’ve never wanted before.

  His lips find mine in a slow, tender kiss. “Like this, Olivia?”

  “Like this,” I repeat back as I stare into his eyes. “There is something I want.”

  “I’ll give it to you.”

  I swallow and gaze past his shoulder at the blue sky beyond my bedroom window. It feels right to talk about this now and not in the heated passion that consumes us at night when I can’t see into his soul and mine is shielded behind my fears.

  I’m not fearful anymore.

  I can let myself feel.

  I can allow myself to want something that my mom never had with the love of her life; a future.

  I can risk a broken heart like the one she’s carried inside of her all of her life. I will risk it to love this man even if it’s only for a short time, although I want a lifetime with him.

  “I’ve never made love without a condom.” I don’t break his gaze. “I’m on the pill. I have been for years. I’m clean. I had a checkup a few months ago and I haven’t been with anyone since.”

  His eyes close on a heavy exhale and then he moves. I’m suddenly underneath him. His body is hovering over me.

  My lips part and tears prick the corners of my eyes when he enters me without a barrier.

  “Oh, God,” I whimper when he starts to move.

  “Fuck, Olivia,” he whispers into my ear. “So fucking good.”

  He moves faster, increasing the pace, taking me to a place I’ve never been before.

  I never want this to end.

  I love him. I want him.

  Alexander Donato is my future. He’s my everything.


  “Did you spend your entire weekend here?” Sheryl asks from where she’s standing just inside my office. “You were here yesterday and now you’re here bright and early on Monday morning. What’s up?”

  My future. That’s what’s up.

  I was called in yesterday by Cathleen to discuss what comes next for me.

  Sheryl must have heard about that from her friend in HR. That department is aware of every move I’m making. I’m not surprised that word is spreading around the building.

  “I’m a dedicated employee?” I form it as a question. “It’s that, or I can’t get enough of the coffee in the break room.”

  She laughs.

  I raise my mug toward her. “I can’t take another sip of this. I’m going to run down to the café a block over. Do you want anything?”

  “A minute of your time,” she says quietly.

  My head pops up. I search her face. “My time?”

  “May I?” She motions to the chairs opposite my desk.

  “Please.” I nod.

  She closes the door and takes a seat across from me. I’m tempted to point out that we’ve dressed alike again today. I picked a navy blue suit with a white blouse. S
he did the same. The only difference is the ruffle on her blouse.

  “I know they’ve made a choice about London.” She crosses her legs at the knee. “I also know the choice is under lock and key until the big announcement.”

  “The company is big on surprises. You know that, Sheryl.”

  “You can’t give me a hint?” She perks a brow. “If you answer in a British accent, I won’t tell anyone.”

  I laugh. “I’m not at liberty to give hints.”

  “Cathleen talked to you about it, right?” She pushes for more. “You know whether they picked you?”

  I do know.

  I was called into Gabriel’s office this morning at the crack of dawn. Cathleen was there and the Executive Director of our London branch was on speakerphone as I heard the news.

  “You’ll know soon enough.” I push up from my desk. “I’ll go grab us those coffees.”

  “That’s my job.” She’s on her feet too.

  I shake off the idea with a brush of my hand. “I need the air. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  She cups her hand over her ear. “Is that a British accent I hear?”

  I shake my head as I grab my coat and my purse and head straight for the elevator.

  Chapter 43


  I survey the interior of the old theatre I’m standing in. It’s seen better days. It’s been shuttered for more than a decade.

  At one time it was a bustling off-Broadway venue. Amateur productions found their legs here. Some went on to win Tony Awards when they hit The Great White Way.

  The building next door was abandoned as well. It used to house a music school.

  It will again.

  This time the name above the door will read The Anna Donato School of Music.

  A name fitting a school that will nurture children’s talent, just as my mother, Anna Donato, encouraged mine before she died of cancer.

  She was a single mother, raising two children by working two jobs.

  Her third job was teaching me how to use music to ease my pain after the death of my father.

  This is her legacy.

  My plan when I arrived back in New York weeks ago wasn’t to put roots here, but things have changed.

  It started when my former music teacher, Chris Morgenson, reached out to ask if I could help teach at the school he runs now.

  I picked up a handful of classes for him when one of his regular teachers took ill.

  That, and my time spent with Alvin, ignited something inside of me. I finally saw what drove my mother to insist I sit down behind the piano every night before bed to practice.

  I want to teach.

  The lease on the building where Chris is teaching now is due up in a month, so we sat down, worked out a deal and decided to launch under a new brand.

  Chris will stay on and teach. He’ll help me find my rhythm by walking me through the steps of running a school, and then he’ll retire in a couple of years.

  My goal is to teach next door. I’ll offer classes to children of all ages. We’ll work with families who can’t afford to rent instruments or pay the lesson fees.

  I’ll supplement the work I do there, by the magic that will happen in this theatre.

  My junior symphony will perform here, as will new talent from around the world.

  People will pay to see what the next generation has to offer.

  I’ll guest conduct if the urge strikes and the finances need a boost.

  I’ll have plenty of help in the form of the teachers I’ve hired and my brother-in-law. I’m going to offer Monte a full-time job.

  He’ll be the man behind the scenes, taking care of everything from scheduling classes to fixing the broken railing on the stairs in the theatre.

  It will keep him here, in New York, where he belongs.

  The door at the end of the corridor opens allowing a sliver of daylight to slice through the darkness.

  “Alexander?” Isla Foster calls out. “Am I at the right place?”

  “I’m here.” I turn and flick on the light switch, flooding the space with light.

  She walks in with a smile. “I tried the door on the street, but it was locked up tight.”

  I didn’t expect her this early. I know she has two daughters who need to be dropped off at pre-school. I suspected she’d show up closer to nine a.m., than eight.

  “You’re here early,” I point out as she nears me.

  “You’re dirty.” She laughs pointing at my dust-covered jeans and black T-shirt. “We have a lot of work to do to get this place into working order.”

  “You’re in?”

  I talked to her about this last week, asking her to keep it between the two of us. I need teachers and I went to her with that request in hand, asking if she knew anyone who would want to take a couple of afternoons out of their life to teach kids to play an instrument.

  I plan to clean up the theatre in time for Phoebe’s birthday so Alvin will be the second to take the stage when he plays for his mom in front of a crowd of his friends and family.

  I’ll be the first when I bring Olivia here later this week so I can play the piano for her and show her what my future looks like.

  I’m staying in Manhattan to build a school, a junior symphony and a life with the woman I love.

  “Of course I’m in.” She brushes her hand over my shoulder. “I need to be in. Someone has to keep this place in order when you’re jetting off to London.”

  What the fuck?

  I laugh. “London? Why the hell would I go to London?”

  Her blue eyes widen like saucers. “Oh shit.”

  “Oh shit?” I repeat back with a smirk. “Did you miss your morning cup of coffee, Isla? I’m as confused as you seem to be.”

  She shakes her head. “I’m not confused. You don’t know, do you?”

  My arms cross my chest. “I don’t know what?”

  “Olivia didn’t tell you?”

  My stomach recoils at the thought of Olivia keeping something from me; something to do with London, a city thousands of miles away from here. “Tell me, Isla.”

  “It’s not my good news to share.”

  I stare at her.

  “Fine,” she says quietly. “She got the job, Alexander. Gabriel offered her the job in London this morning.”

  Joy covers her expression. She’s obviously thrilled that Olivia took a job in London.

  I can’t process what I feel.

  “He told me that she was the one last night.” She looks to the left. “It looks like you’re about to be a frequent flyer.”

  Like hell I am.

  I can’t breathe in this place. I need air and time. I need a fucking drink.

  “I have to go.” I push past her tossing her the keys. “Lock up when you’re done.”

  “Alexander,” she calls after me. “Try and act surprised when Olivia tells you.”

  I huff out a laugh as I swing open the door.

  She didn’t bother telling me she was chasing a job in London. If anyone is going to be surprised it’ll be Olivia when I tell her that we’re done.

  Chapter 44


  I stare out my office window at Manhattan. I’ll miss this view.

  I can’t see the Empire State Building or the Statue of Liberty from where I’m standing, but I can see apartments and office towers. When I look down, I spot hundreds of people rushing to get where they need to be.

  I have a bird’s eye view of the daily pulse of this city.


  His voice rushes over me, drawing goose bumps to my skin.

  I adjust the collar of my blouse before I turn to face him.


  I look at him. His hair is a mess. His T-shirt and jeans are covered in a layer of something that looks like cobwebs and dust. His skin is reddened from the cold. He must have been outside without a coat.

  “Are you alright?” I ask as I approach him.

  He enters m
y office and slams the door shut with his foot. “This is over.”

  His words send me back a step. “What?”

  “I’m ending this today. Now.” His voice is cold and even.

  My bottom lip trembles. Ten minutes ago every single one of my dreams was coming true.

  I was offered a new job this morning. My mom is coming to New York in two days to celebrate with me. I was going to introduce her to the man I love.

  The same man who is now breaking my heart.

  “Why?” I jut out my chin. “Tell me why.”

  “We want different things in life.” He brushes his hand across his chest sending dust flying in the air. “I have a new focus.”

  A new focus?

  That can only mean one thing.

  “You’re fucking someone else?” My voice breaks. “You’re breaking up with me because you found someone new?”

  My office door flies open.

  His hand moves to shield his eyes as Sheryl barges in.

  “Everyone can hear you two.” She glances at Alexander before her gaze settles on my face and the tears streaming down my cheeks. “Rob called Mr. Foster. He’s on his way down here, Olivia.”

  Fucking Rob. He’s a junior assistant who is always in the middle of everyone else’s business.

  I don’t care if he heard this. I don’t care who hears this.

  My life is changing forever. It’s not supposed to be muted or tranquil.

  “You can go, Sheryl.” I motion toward the door.

  “Gabriel just gave you a promotion,” she points out. “Don’t give him a reason to change his mind.”

  I curse under my breath for confiding in her after I got back with our coffees hours ago. I had to tell her. It impacts her life just as much as it does mine.

  “I’m leaving. We wouldn’t want your promotion to be in jeopardy,” Alexander spits out. “I’m done here. We are done.”


  “We were supposed to be celebrating your new job tonight,” Kate says as she wraps her arm around my shoulder. “Not trying to mend your broken heart.”

  I sob against my hands. “Why does it hurt so much?”


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