Viking Dragon

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Viking Dragon Page 16

by Griff Hosker

  Wolf Killer said, "And what of the Danes? From what you have learned they covet our treasure and our land."

  "I would not ask you to come Wolf Killer. You are a target as is Windar's Mere and Cyninges-tūn. We leave those guarded. I will take but two drekar; mine and Olaf Grimmson's. I will take Ulfheonar and volunteers. We have done this before and it works." I smiled, "It goes without saying that the jarls who are gathered around me would be a most welcome addition but, Ulf, Sigtrygg and Ketil, I need you to guard my borders with Wolf Killer. It is the land between Windar's Mere and Elfridaby which is the problem. We leave all of our horses and I wish you each to take sufficient so that that part of the land can be watched for signs of the enemy."

  "We have many men who will wish to come, Jarl Dragonheart. Whom do you wish us to select?"

  "I leave that to you Ulf Olafsson. I would say that it matters not how they are armed so long as they are handy with a sword and, perhaps a bow. I do not think we will be fighting the way the Danes wish to. There will be allies and confederates who will be eager to slay the Ulfheonar." I nodded to Aiden. "And we will be taking my galdramenn. We will need his powers."

  Aiden smiled, "And a word of advice from the wizard. Prepare for winter. Lay in supplies."

  Sigtrygg knew Aiden well, "You have dreamed of a bad winter?"

  "Partly and it is partly the animals and birds. There was much blossom on the autumn berries and the birds have fledged early. They are signs that this will be a harsh winter. This could be a wolf winter."

  Haaken looked at me and shook his head, "And we need warriors who seek to be Ulfheonar. They will hunt the wolf after Yule. Wyrd."

  Ketil Windarsson said, "Some of the warriors I will suggest would be Ulfheonar."

  "Then this raid will be a good test for them." Ketil had never been Ulfheonar but he knew the skills which were needed.

  Aiden had brought a chest with him. "And we have this from the old ones to take with us." He opened the chest and took out the dragon banner. It had been repaired by Kara and her women. It looked new. They had sewn the dragon's outline in gold and filled it with red thread. The eyes were golden. It looked most lifelike and so much like the dragon around my neck that I knew they had been made by the same person.

  Most of them had not seen it before and they did not know how it worked. I smiled, "Aiden."

  He had brought a piece of willow in to the hall and he attached two lengths of cord to the end of it. The dragon drooped as though tired. "Come, let us go outside." Aiden took Gryffydd's hand. Once outside he handed him the willow branch and said, "Run around as fast you can in a circle and hold this high." He leant down, "Do not be afraid!"

  Gryffydd was just intrigued but he obliged. The moment the wind entered the hold it began to make the wailing sound we had last heard on the northern wall. Women and children fled at the sound. Warriors ran for weapons. Far from being afraid Gryffydd was laughing. Ragnar ran up to him, "Let me try, cousin!" Gryffydd looked to me and I nodded. Ragnar was that bit older and he could run even faster. The wailing became louder

  Aiden shouted, "Behold the dragon roars!"

  When the two boys tired of their game we returned inside. "This will be a secret weapon. We may not need to use it but the first time that we do will cause chaos." Aiden pointed outside. "You saw the effect here. Imagine this at night if we are attacking. And I will take with us some dragon fire."

  Ketil Asked, "Dragon fire? How will you make that?"

  "I have studied the writings of the Romans and I have found writings which give the ingredients to make a fire which burns on water. I have the materials and I will try it out before we go."

  Ketil shook his head in wonder, "I am tempted to go with you just to see these two wonders in action."

  "Do not worry Ketil, I intend to use both of them when we return. I will make people fear this land. If not because we are wolves then because we are protected by the dragon and by his mighty fire!"

  When they had all gone I could see that my son was keen to speak with me. "Can I not come and carry the dragon?"

  "You can." He became excited, "When you are one year older than Ragnar is now." His face fell and I felt remorse for my words. I put my hand on his shoulder. "You are not skilled yet. I would need a warrior to watch over you. This is not a game. It is war and that is serious. Come with me."

  I took him to Uhtric who was sharpening the knives. "Uhtric when I am away I want you to take my son and have him hew logs and branches for one hour each day. Use a candle to time him. Even if his arm aches do not let him stop. He would be a warrior and he needs strong arms."

  "I will do so, lord." His eyes twinkled. He was fond of Gryffydd.

  Then I led him to my walls where Karl One Leg was working with the young boys of the stad. I waved him over. "This is Karl One Leg. He commands my garrison."

  "You boys keep practising!" He came over to speak with us, "Aye, Jarl?"

  "Gryffydd would be a warrior. Uhtric will have him chopping logs each day. He has a bow and he knows how to use it. I would have him get even better. Train him with the others. Make him into an archer and when I return I will make him into a warrior."

  "I will and gladly."

  Gryffydd gave him a queer look, "Why do they call you One Leg? You have two!"

  Karl laughed and struck his leg with his sword. It rang. "You are sharp young Gryffydd. I have two but if Bjorn Bagsecgson had not put metal rods at each side then I would not be able to walk. I was one of your father's Ulfheonar but I was wounded. I can fight now but I do not move well. I will die protecting this stad and I will make you a warrior the equal of your father, the great Dragonheart."

  As we went back to the hall he asked, "Are you a great warrior? Everyone says that you are the greatest Viking who has ever lived."

  "Men say many things. You have to judge for yourself as you will with all men. Never take anyone's word for another's skill. Judge with your own eyes!"

  "I will, father, and I will be stronger when you return. I will heed Karl One Leg's words."

  "Remember too that you will be the youngest of those he trains. Do not expect any favours because you are my son. Being the son of Dragonheart is a burden you must bear. Ask Wolf Killer."

  As we entered my hall he said, "Why am I just Gryffydd? You and my brother have names of honour. Why not me?"

  "Because you have to earn it. Karl earned his by fighting bravely as did Haaken. Their names tell a story of their lives. When I was your age I was Garth. I didn't become Dragonheart until others gave me the name. Wolf Killer was named by my Ulfheonar for his courage when he killed his first wolf. Be patient. You have many years yet."

  My knarr had still to return when we headed down to Úlfarrston. We could not wait. We had our volunteers and more. We carried fifty warriors on the 'Heart of the Dragon' Asbjorn and Eystein had thirty on board 'The King's Gift'. We would be too large a mouthful for our enemies and we had enough men to row most of the way if the winds were against us. It did not take long to load the two drekar and we pushed off without too much fuss. We had said goodbye to our families in Cyninges-tūn. We were keen to be away. The autumn was upon us and we could expect storms and wild weather. Often, at this time of year, sailing a drekar was like trying to ride a wild bull, bare back.

  We rode and Aiden led a pony with two chests strapped to it. I looked at the chests curiously. "What have you there?"

  "While you have been training your son I was reading. I think I have discovered Dragon Fire and how it works." He smiled, "That is wrong. I have rediscovered how the Romans made fire for war. I have had to adapt it because I could not use all the things they did but it works; after a fashion. I have tried it. In these chests are small packages of wax, seal oil and ground up powders. It took me some time to get the right combination of powders. I have collected them over many years. Some Kara and I use for potions but others we collected and had no use for them. Now we do."

  "How does this Dragon Fire work?"

  "There is a piece of linen which we light and then we throw it. The linen lights the seal oil which burns and when the wax cylinder breaks then the burning seal oil ignites the powders and whatever it hits, burns. It even burns on water. It has a strange magic. It only goes out when the powders and seal oil are gone."

  "It sounds like a frightening weapon."

  "It is but it has its limitations. It is too heavy to fit on a war arrow and a javelin becomes unstable. You have to throw it."

  I smiled. Aiden was no warrior and it was many years since he had had to fight. "But we have slings. They can hurl this Dragon Fire further. Every warrior on my drekar used a sling as child. I think we can overcome your limitations." Once again my galdramenn had given us an advantage over our enemies. I knew now that our first meeting, when he had been a child, had been no accident. It had been wyrd.

  It was evening when we sailed. Our double crews meant that we did not need to put in to shore at night. That would delay us and risk discovery. We sailed with a candle in a glass vessel. It was Aiden's idea and it worked. We had a ship's boy with a ready supply of candles replacing them as each one burned out. We had taken them from the churches we had robbed. It also helped us gauge the time and we used one candle as the measure for one shift of rowing. It was not precise but it worked. It also acted as a marker for Olaf. He knew where we were.

  Thorir Svensson had been a ship's boy for some time and he was now almost a man. Erik had brought him on to be as a second captain and it enable Erik to sleep. He was confident in Thorir's skill. Of course when we reached the difficult waters around Corn Walum or the straits of Menaii then Erik would take over. He was watching his apprentice as we sailed around the western coast of Ynys Môn. Aiden and Haaken were with us. The four of us were old shipmates who were easy in each other's company.

  "You are making the challenge more difficult, Jarl. It would have been more than useful to know where we would find our enemies. They could be anywhere."

  "I know Haaken but I dared not wait any longer. Ragnar Halfdansson will be expecting his scouts to be on their way back soon. When they do not returnit will alarm him. We will have to sail the Humber and the Ouse and rely on Snorri and Beorn to sniff out our foes."

  "They are both difficult rivers Jarl."

  "I know. It is one reason I have brought Aiden."

  "Captain," Thorir pointed to the island of Ynys Môn. There were Saxon ships there. We saw their masts. Saxons made good swords but poor ships. Ours could carry more men and sail in shallower water.

  Erik nodded, "Just watch them, Thorir. We can out sail them any time we like. So long as they are there then they are no danger."

  I agreed with my captain. A Saxon would have to be moon mad to take on a drekar. Haaken asked, "I wonder what happened to Siggi and Raibeart?"

  "I am not surprised they have not returned. You are too used to a drekar, Haaken One Eye. If the wind changes then the crew rows. On a knarr you go where the wind tells you and they are so tubby that any wind from the beam makes life uncomfortable. When we sail up the river we will be against the current and we will row. The knarr have to tack from side to side. They may have completed the task the Dragonheart set them but they did not know that we needed the information sooner."

  I smiled, Erik was defending his fellow captains. It was the brotherhood of the sea.

  Once we had passed the island the Saxons now called Anglesey Erik lay down for some sleep. I saw how nervous Thorir was and so I stayed with him. Aiden and Haaken also slept. "Would you be a captain like Erik?"

  "Aye Jarl Dragonheart. I envy Olaf. He has had more luck than any man deserves."

  "Do not be jealous, Thorir. Your time will come. Learn all you can from Erik."

  "I am not complaining Jarl and I am aware that I have much to learn but I can dream."

  "Aye you can." As I looked down I saw that Aiden was dreaming. His body and face twitched as they always did when he was in the land of the spirits. I looked to the east and saw Wyddfa and the cave we had found with the dead wizard, Myrddyn, lying within. No matter how far we travelled we never got far beyond this land. The old sword which hung from the wall of my hall was connected to my dragon and the standard and this mountain. It was just impossible to piece them together and to make sense of them. Perhaps when I was dead and in Valhalla, looking down it would make sense. I would say, 'Of course, that was why that was. Why did I not see it?'

  We had just passed Ynys Enlli when the ship's boy at the mast head shouted, "Ships to steer board! Two of them!"

  Erik was awake in an instant as was Aiden. I went to the steer board side of the ship. All that I could see were the dark sails of two vessels. Aiden said, "Erik, steer toward them."

  Erik did not even question the order. He trusted Aiden but he gave him a quizzical look. Aiden shrugged, "I dreamed and I saw Siggi and Raibeart. If we are not afraid of Saxon ships then these two should not worry us."

  The lookout shouted, "It is 'Weregeld'!"

  I clapped Aiden on the back. "You were right. You were both right. We need to stop, Captain."

  "Haul down the sail!"

  We must have been recognised too for the two knarr sailed directly for us and I saw their sails being hauled in too. My captains had great skill and soon we were touching 'Weregeld'.

  "We were worried, Raibeart, and we had to sail early."

  I saw him nod. "We heard that Ragnar Halfdansson was preparing warriors to raid you. He is offering money to mercenaries to join him. He plans to come in the winter."

  "He told you this?"

  "It is common knowledge. All in Jorvik wish to have a piece of the treasure they believe we have."

  "More importantly where does he live? In Jorvik?"

  "No, Jarl Dragonheart, he has a hall on the river two miles south of the walls. He has a jetty and two drekar there. It is a place called Fulford. I think he makes his own kingdom."

  "And how many men?"

  "They are both large drekar with twenty oars on each side and he has mercenaries. In his hall I would say between eighty and ninety but there are many more in Jorvik waiting for... well I am not sure what but the Danes are not yet ready to leave." I saw Raibeart laugh. " I said we were from Ynys Môn and he gave me a gold piece to spread the word that he wished more warriors to join him. You have a month at least."

  "Then we will sail. Thank you, Raibeart, you and Siggi have both served me well. Steer towards Hibernia. There are Saxons ahead on Ynys Môn."

  "Thank you for the warning. We shall steer well clear of them. May the Allfather be with you."

  As soon as Erik lowered the sail we began to pull away. The darkness took the knarr. With just Olaf Grimmson behind us the only ones ahead would now be enemies. Erik went back to his bed once we were under way but I sat with Aiden.

  "Do you know this place, Aiden?"

  "I have heard of it. When the Danes first came it was the place they used as a base. They used it to trade and the King of Northumbria allowed it. I think they kept it undefended to lull the King into believing that they were peaceful."

  "In my experience the Danes do not build great fortresses."

  Aiden chuckled, "Neither do the Norse but then Jarl Dragonheart is not Norse. The gods made him."

  "What do you mean?"

  "We are the only people who build strong walls."

  "No, I meant about being created by the gods. Do you mean as all men are made by them?"

  "No Jarl. There is purpose to your life and a long thread which the Weird Sisters wove. The thread begins over there." He pointed east. "It starts in the past with the old people of the land. When your mother, a volva was taken by the Saxons do you think that was not planned? Your mother was a volva. She could have escaped but she did not. All the time you were growing up she could have left. You told me that your father was often absent. Then you are taken to the Dunum. That was so that the young clay of Garth the Saxon could be reformed into Jarl Dragonheart of the Norse. You are like the caterpillar w
hich turns into something wonderful, a butterfly. The gods formed you. Our dreams have told us that. Few men control their own destinies. You are completely controlled by the gods and the Norns. One day your work will be done and then... who knows. But this voyage is meant to be and the time is right. We would not have met Raibeart otherwise."

  Even though I knew that dawn was not far away I lay down and tried to sleep. I wanted to dream while I was close to this land of the dragon. I touched the dragon around my neck and slept. The dream came but it was a strange one.

  It was dark. There was no light. It was like the cave on Lough Rigg and it was silent. I wondered if I had died and then I heard a voice. It was my mother's. "No my son, you are not dead. That day is not today. You will know the day of your death as I did. All of our family know when they are to die. It is a gift and a curse. You will dream your death. You were made by your past but you were also formed by the land. Every generation has a hero born who protects the land. It was my father and it will be you. When you die another will take your place. Trust to your heart for you are well named. The dragons that were are all gone. You will be the dragon. Be swift, be powerful but remember, my son, you must protect the land and the people."

  There was no fall from the sky, no sudden jolt. I just opened my eyes and saw gulls flocking above me in the blue sky. I could hear the chant of my men as they rowed to one of Haaken's chants.

  'Ulfheonar, warriors strong

  Ulfheonar, warriors brave

  Ulfheonar, fierce as the wolf

  Ulfheonar, hides in plain sight

  Ulfheonar, Dragon Heart's wolves

  Ulfheonar, serving the sword

  Ulfheonar, Dragon Heart's wolves

  Ulfheonar, serving the sword'

  Aiden was asleep and his twitching told me that he was dreaming. Cnut Cnutson was speaking with Erik at the steering board and, when he saw me awake, he approached me with a skin of ale. "You have slept well, Jarl. We have changed oars twice and we have passed Corn Walum."


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