The Stranger Next To Me

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The Stranger Next To Me Page 6

by Vasser, LaShawn

  Who messengers clothes? You go to the store to buy them right? Did she really care? She was just thankful she didn’t have to wait for someone to go to her house to find something and then have to come back to the hospital. She gave Tim her sizes.

  Tasha waited for him to finish his call. “Do you think I can use your phone? I need to see if Mr. Links can pick me up?”

  Tim lifted his brow, “I thought Eric was coming to get you?”

  “He would have but he has these really important meetings today.” Tasha rushed on because she already knew Tim and Sabrina didn’t care for Eric. “He’s been preparing for these meeting for months. I told him not to worry about me. I’m a little banged up but nothing serious. I want him to wow them today.”

  Tim didn’t say anything but his disapproval was written all over his face. Instead of giving Tasha the phone he made another call.

  “Janis what does my schedule look like for today? Cancel everything except for my meeting with Davenport. See if you can push that up and make it a conference call. Otherwise I won’t be available this afternoon.”

  Tasha knew he was busy. She didn’t want him to rearrange his day because of her. “Tim, you didn’t have to change your whole day around for me? I’ll be fine. I’m sure Mr. Links can help me out.”

  “Did you forget…he’s in Palm Springs on that reunion trip? I see the pain all over your face. You can barely move. It’s no big deal; I’ll just work from your apartment. You’d do the same thing for me.”

  “I would you know.”

  He smiled, “I know.”

  A half an hour after Tim hung up the phone with his assistant, the messenger walked into Tasha’s hospital room carrying high end shopping bags with the items he’d requested.

  Chapter 12

  Tim pulled up in front of Tasha’s apartment. It had taken longer than it should have to get her home from the hospital. He’d taken his time trying not to make any sudden moves in the truck. She was in a lot of discomfort and he didn’t want to add to it with all the jarring, shifting, and shaking from the ride.

  One minute they were talking and the next she was asleep. He knew it was because of the medication and hoped that it would ease some of her pain. Tim hated to have to wake her up. She looked so peaceful and…beautiful.

  Tasha had an amazing pair of eyes. He knew that. And, it didn’t take anyone else to tell you about them. You’d have to be blind not to notice. When those eyes were focused on you, Tasha could make you feel as if she were looking into your soul. According to his brother Craig and other business associates, she could look directly into theirs.

  After parking the car, he spent probably more time than was acceptable looking at her. Her hair had fallen and covered part of her face. His hands itched to move it away so he could continue to see what was underneath. This was the first time; he’d actually allowed himself to appreciate just how gorgeous Tasha was. Even in her sleep and fresh-faced, she still held an unexplainable allure. She was a natural beauty and had a sweetness about her that was rare.

  Eric was a lucky bastard who didn’t appreciate what he had. Nothing would have kept him from being at the hospital if Sabrina had been in an accident. How he could not be there for her was beyond reason. Tasha deserved so much better than that jerk. Tim would give anything for Sabrina to put half the effort into their relationship as Tasha did with Eric.

  Tim wasn’t a caveman. He didn’t care if his wife wanted a career. Hell, he’d do any and everything to support her if that is what she really wanted but Sabrina’s career was all consuming. She didn’t seem to even try to create some balance in her personal and professional life. Tim had been thinking about starting a family but with the way their relationship had been going lately, it was probably best that he put those thoughts on hold.

  Tasha made a noise that brought him back to the present. He felt kind of guilty for ogling his wife’s best friend. He’d better get it together and get her inside and settled.

  Gently, he touched her cheek, “Tasha, you’re home.”

  She groaned and winced. He could barely hear her as she spoke, “Okay.”

  Tim got out of the truck and walked around to the other side to open her door. “I’m going to carry you inside alright?”

  Tasha was still pretty groggy from the medicine. She whispered, “No. You don’t have to do that. I can walk.”

  “You’re not walking. It’s cold, it’s icy, and you’re half out of it. Can you move your legs over this way?”

  Tasha did her best to do as she was told but it was too hard. Not only was she in pain, her body felt like lead. Her brain told it to move but it wouldn’t.

  Tim swooped his arms underneath her legs and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head against his chest. All she could remember thinking before everything went blank was his arms around her felt…good.


  It was late afternoon when Tasha woke up. Instinctively, she stretched and was met with a piercing pain in her side. The pain almost brought her to tears. She told herself, “Take a deep breath.” It took a moment for it to subside. After a second or two she felt a little better. Then, slowly she looked around. How the hell did she get from the hospital to her bedroom? A smile started to form across her face…Eric. Then she remembered…Tim. He brought her home from the hospital.

  Speaking of the devil. He stuck his head inside her door, “Hey. You’re awake. How’re you feeling?”

  Tasha gave him a thin smile, “I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. But, I suppose I’ll live.” She sighed and even that hurt. “Tim, even though I can’t remember getting from the hospital to home, thanks for bringing me.”

  He crossed his arms across his broad chest, “That’s what friends do right? Wait…whoa…what are you trying to do?” He rushed to her bedside.

  “Well, I need to use the bathroom and I’m starving.”

  “How about I help you to the bathroom and I’ll make you something to eat?”

  “You don’t need to do that…” Tasha tried to get out of bed and immediately sat back down. She smiled weakly, “Okay, maybe I could use a little help.”


  Tim settled Tasha in the living room on the couch while he made her a late lunch. He was just about finished when he overhead Tasha on the phone.

  “Hi Eric. I’m home. I just wanted to check-in to make sure your meetings were going well. When you get a chance call me.”

  The sound of Tasha’s voice made Tim want to punch Eric in the face. She really needed him right now and he was nowhere to be always. He waited a moment before coming out of the kitchen.

  “Alright. Lunch is served. I’m no gourmet cook but I’m pretty good with soup and sandwiches.”

  Tasha leaned her head to the side, “Well, it looks and smells delicious. Thank you again.”

  He put the tray over her lap and set her lunch on it before sitting down on the opposite end of the couch with his own tray of food.

  Tasha’s eyes were bigger than her stomach. She had a few spoonfuls of soup but couldn’t eat anymore.

  Tim watched her intently, “You want something else?”

  She looked up at him, “No. Everything was really good…I just don’t have as big of an appetite as I thought.”

  “Are you sure? I can make you something else.”

  “I promise everything was really good. I’ll probably have some later.” Tasha attempted a smile, “I didn’t know you knew how to cook?”

  He looked back down at his laptop, “Like I said, I’m not a gourmet or anything but I can find my way around the kitchen. As long as it’s soup and sandwiches.”

  “Well, this was…perfect.”

  Tasha continued to look at the man who was so ridiculously busy running multi-million dollar companies sitting on the opposite end of her couch in jeans and a t-shirt.

  His t-shirt wasn’t fitted but there was no hiding his broad and chiseled chest. Tasha could still see his muscles
peeking through. Those strong arms carried her into her apartment.

  That sable hair was tousled from him running his hands through it and his after five shadow was sexy as hell.

  Tim’s papers and files were spread out in front of him as he worked on his laptop. Every time he touched the keys his muscles bunched up. Tasha inhaled slowly and deeply.

  As busy as Tim was, he was still able to find the time to take care of her. Sabrina hit the jack-pot and didn’t fully appreciate what she had.

  She was still staring when he looked up. They gazes locked and time stood still…for the second time. Tasha stopped breathing and Tim’s mouth went dry. Timeless seconds ticked on until the spell was broken by the ringing of his cell phone.

  Tasha looked away first feeling embarrassed and guilty.

  Tim coughed uncomfortably, “Sorry…its work. I have a conference call that I couldn’t reschedule.”

  She could barely find her voice, “Please don’t apologize. You’ve already gone above and beyond what you should have.”

  The rise and fall of her chest didn’t go unnoticed. He felt helpless from eyeing that smooth bit of exposed skin between her breasts. Instead of feeling guilty, it made him want to know more of what was underneath.

  On the third ring, he finally tore his eyes away from her and answered the call. For the next hour Tim did his damnedest to focus on what was being said…but it was hard.

  He was a creep. What was he thinking? Never had he ever done anything inappropriate with another woman. He was a married man and took that seriously. And this was Tasha. She’d just been in a car accident and needed his help. Not to mention…this was Tasha, TASHA; his wife’s best friend!

  Tasha had no idea the mental struggle Tim was going through because she was going through her own. She closed her eyes as if she were sleeping. What the hell was wrong with her? This was Tim…Sabrina’s husband! She needed to get it together.

  Thank god for the medication. It made her drift off into another deep sleep.

  Chapter 13

  It was early evening when Tasha woke up this time. Tim was gone. That was definitely for the best.

  She tried to get up but her body still rebelled against it. Instead of feeling better she actually felt worse. How in the hell was she even going to make it to the bathroom? She closed her eyes and shook her head. She would figure it out. Might as well check her messages while she built up the strength to get from the couch to the bathroom.

  Tasha picked up her land line to check the caller I.D. and her messages hoping that maybe Eric called while she was sleeping. He hadn’t.

  She understood that he was busy and that today was incredibly important to him, but she’d also hoped he could have carved out a few minutes to check on her. She wanted to feel important to him too.

  There was only one message and it was from Sabrina. She played it. “Hey Tasha…you know I hate leaving messages but with everything you’ve been through I’ll make an exception. I just wanted to make sure Tim was taking good care of you because I know that damn Eric isn’t. Anyway…I’m going to have to stay an extra night so I won’t be able to check on you myself for another couple of days. Hugs and kisses!”

  Sabrina’s words hit her where it hurt the most because…they were true.

  While she was sitting there feeling sorry for herself, someone was at her door. Her heart sped up as she held her breath hoping that it was Eric. When her visitor walked inside the apartment the butterflies didn’t go way, they actually got worse because it wasn’t Eric…it was Tim.

  He had a couple of grocery bags in his arms so he couldn’t see her. “Hey. I stepped out for a bit to pick up a couple of things I thought you might need. Feeling better yet?”

  The moment he looked around the bags, Tim could tell something was wrong. She looked like she wanted to cry. Tim put the bags down on the table and went over to her.

  He kneeled down and cupped her chin into his hands, “What’s wrong?”

  Tasha shook her head, “I’m just feeling a little sorry for myself. As much as I appreciate you being here, I just wish Eric…” Her voice drifted off.

  Tim’s eyes bore into hers, “Eric is an ass. He should be here. You don’t deserve being anything other than first on his list of priorities.”

  Her lips started to tremble.

  He couldn’t stand to see her upset like this. Initially, his only goal was to offer comfort. He pulled her into a gentle embrace and held her for a few moments while she let her tears fall before slowly pulling back from her.

  They were almost cheek to cheek. He continued to pull back until he could see the tears trapped in her eyelashes. Their faces were too close. Their lips were even closer. Almost in slow motion, Tim hesitantly pressed his lips softly, but firmly onto hers.

  Instead of pulling away, Tasha’s eyes fluttered closed as she melted into his embrace. His kiss was slow, gentle and powerful. Her sigh gave him the perfect opportunity to skillfully slip his tongue inside the cavern of her mouth.

  They explored and tasted each other tentatively at first before the kiss turned more demanding. Tasha buried her hands into his hair as their tongues probed and performed the perfect dance.

  Tasha had never experienced a kiss like this. The intensity of it made the heat rush directly to her core. She pulled her thighs together tightly trying to tamp down the ache that was building.

  She gently pushed against his chest. At first, he was in such a daze he hadn’t noticed until she pushed a little harder and whispered, “Tim…we can’t do this.”

  It took him an extra moment to realize what had just happened. He’d just had the most mind blowing kiss he’d ever had… with Tasha.

  He just wanted to offer comfort right? That’s what he kept telling himself.

  But, the kiss affected him in a way that no other kiss had. Not only had he been really affected he was also aroused. Tim felt slightly guilty, she was looking for comfort not for him to take advantage of her.

  Tim couldn’t get the words out, “Tasha…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen…I mean…I just…I wanted to…”

  Her body was still tingling from the kiss. She understood he was just trying to comfort her and it went a little too far. They were friends. Yet, his words stung. Knowing it was wrong deep down Tasha wanted him to want her. But, she didn’t want him to want her either.

  “I understand. We just got caught up in the moment.” She gave him the best smile she could muster, “I know you were just trying to comfort me. It was just a kiss and I’m sure easily forgotten.”

  What should have been a very awkward moment between them…wasn’t. That in and of itself was a problem. Tim had a moment where he wondered what it would have been like if the kiss had gone on a little longer. Of course, he’d never tell her that.

  The doorbell rang and they were both glad for the interruption. Tim got up off of the floor hoping that she couldn’t tell how much the kiss had really affected him. “I’ll get that.” He rubbed his hands across his face.

  Once his back was to her she immediately touched her swollen lips.

  Tim opened the door and there stood Eric carrying a bouquet of flowers. Eric gave Tim a hard stare.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  He stood back so that he could walk inside. “Hello to you too Eric.”

  He brushed past Tim into the apartment. Tasha sat up, “You’re here. I didn’t think you would be able to make it today.”

  Tim knew he was out of bounds for feeling some kind of way about how excited Tasha seemed at seeing Eric especially after their kiss. After all, Eric was her boyfriend.

  Still eyeing Tim, Eric walked over to Tasha and kissed her on the forehead. “Yeah. I just needed to take care of things at the office so I could be here with you tonight. I brought you these.”

  Tim felt uncomfortable watching the two of them together. “Well, now that Eric is here, I should probably get going.”

  “Yeah, I’m here now so Tas
ha doesn’t need you. You can go home.”

  Tasha was so embarrassed, “Eric don’t. Tim has been nothing but helpful to me today.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet.”

  Tim shook his head. He couldn’t understand how someone like Eric could manage to land someone like Tasha. “I need to get going anyway.” He gathered his things, picked up his jacket, and keys, “Call me if you need anything.” After giving her a warm smile, he left the apartment.

  “Why the hell was he here Tasha? You know I can’t stand his ass. He’s always trying to show me up.”

  Tasha was pissed, “Are you really doing this? I was just in a nasty car accident. I’m in pain and can barely move and your concern is Tim being here? You should be happy someone could be here. I didn’t have anyone to help me and he’s the only person who could.”

  Eric looked sheepish, “Well, you know today was crazy important. I would have been here if I could have been.”

  Tasha closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I know that. I’m just saying Tim was a godsend to me today and I’m thankful because I needed it.”

  “I’m sorry. He just makes me crazy because he’s always around.”

  Tim was starting to make Tasha crazy too. He was so off limits. She still couldn’t even understand what just happened in her apartment. That kiss...made her forget everything and everyone. She’d never experienced anything like it.

  My god the magnitude of what she’d done was finally starting to hit her. She’d kissed Sabrina’s husband! Not her boyfriend, not that that would ever be acceptable either but her husband! Her head was swimming and it had nothing to do with the medication.

  The first step to getting control of her feelings was to admit to herself that she was attracted to him. She would bury those feelings deep down in that special place never to be revisited.

  Not that he ever would but lord help them if he ever really returned her attraction.


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