The Stranger Next To Me

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The Stranger Next To Me Page 8

by Vasser, LaShawn

  “I feel like I’m about to come apart.”

  He moaned and released her, “I want to be inside you when that happens.” He kissed his way back up to her body and captured her mouth with his. Tasha tasted her essence all over. It heightened her passion even more. She squirmed underneath him needing him to fill her.

  A sheen of sweat covered his eyebrow and he hadn’t even really gotten started yet. Tim was positioned at her entrance. He was finally going to know what it felt like to be loved by Tasha.

  His voice was husky when he spoke, “Look at me. I want to see your eyes when I enter you.”

  Tasha watched him watch her. For a moment they stilled…neither one of them could breathe. She knew it and he knew it…this was more than just sex.

  Slowly…very slowly he started to enter her. She was so wet and more than ready. Tasha held on tight to his hips. He was driving her crazy by penetrating her so ridiculously slow. She pulled her knees up to the side of his waist trying to get him to fill her up completely.

  She could only breathe deeply and moan, “Mmm…”

  He slipped the head inside just a little and then a little more. He couldn’t understand how she fit around him so snugly, almost like a second skin. “Mmm…doesn’t even to begin to explain how good you feel.”

  The pleasure was too intense, too much, but not enough. She didn’t even know she’d closed her eyes until he kissed her eye lids and then her lips. Their kisses were powerful and just like their love making…slow…deep…penetrating.

  Between kisses and moans, somewhere in the background…Tasha heard a noise.

  Tim couldn’t see or hear anything besides Tasha. His singular focus was trying to get fully embedded inside of her.

  Was that a doorbell? It rang again. Once she realized it was her doorbell her sexual haze started to clear, “Oh my god. Someone’s at the door.” Tim was halfway inside her pulsing core when he surged completely inside.

  “Umm…oh god yes.” It took Tim a second or two to make out what she was saying. “What?”

  They were completely connected and for just a second Tasha forgot about everything and everyone. Until the doorbell rang again, she whispered, “Someone’s at the door. It’s probably Eric or Sabrina.”

  Tim had reached heaven. She was still pulsing around him. “Shit.”

  Tasha pushed on his chest and Tim pulled out of her. It was as if Tasha was realizing for the first time the magnitude of what they were doing.

  “My god Tim, we…” Tasha couldn’t look him in eye, “I can’t go to the door like this.”

  He tried to kiss her on the forehead but Tasha moved away from him. He didn’t like it, but understood.

  “Go to the bathroom and get cleaned up. I’ll get the door.”

  “What are you going to say?”

  “Just go to the bathroom. I’ll make up something.”

  Tasha stared at him for a moment before deciding to trust him on this.

  Chapter 16

  Tim never planned to act on his feelings for Tasha…ever. And, definitely not on her kitchen table.

  When he came into the kitchen he really just wanted to see if she needed any help. Yet, it felt as if he had no control over his actions. She stood with her back to him, in that form fitting jersey dress and her head leaning to the side. Exposing skin that was irresistible and much much too kissable.

  Tasha didn’t know how sexy she was, which probably made it that much more so, but Tim knew she was the kind of woman a man wanted to be with forever. He only felt slightly guilty because he wished he’d met her first.

  Tim quickly adjusted his clothing and washed his hands in the sink. Then, he walked over to the patio and opened the door letting in some fresh air. It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to put the left over wine and wine glasses out there too.

  A moment later, Tim stood in front of the door wondering how the hell they were going to get through this night.

  He opened it and Eric stood on the other side. They never really liked each other but tolerated each other for the sake of Sabrina and Tasha.

  Eric gave Tim a hard stare, “Why am I not surprised you’re opening my girlfriend’s door.”

  Tim gave Eric an equally hard stare, “Maybe if you were more dependable, you would be here to open the door for her friends.”

  Eric brushed past Tim to walk inside the apartment just as Tasha came into the living room. He looked around the room before addressing her. “Sabrina’s not here yet?” Then, he looked suspiciously between the two of them. “What took so damn long to open the door?”

  Tim responded before Tasha, “We were on the patio and she was using the bathroom.”

  Tasha thought Tim had opened the patio doors to get the smell of sex out of the air but then she also remembered seeing the wine and wine glasses on the table as she passed through the kitchen to get to the living room. Thank god one of them was quick on their feet because she was ready to confess everything.

  She tried to sound as calm as possible, “We were waiting for you and Sabrina and thought we’d have a glass of wine on the patio.” Tasha laughed nervously, “I didn’t even hear the doorbell ring until I came back inside to go to the bathroom.”

  Tasha didn’t know if Eric bought her excuse but was saved when the doorbell rang again. “Let me get that…it’s probably Sabrina.”

  Tasha was so mixed up inside that she wanted to sit in the middle of the floor and cry. She had no idea how she was going to do this.

  Sure enough it was Sabrina at the door. She walked in talking to someone on her cell phone. She waved at Tasha, ignored Eric and went over to air kiss Tim on the cheek. “No, that’s not going to work. You tell him we paid him good money to get the design right! If he can’t do it, then I’ll get someone else. PERIOD.” She disconnected the call.

  Sabrina sighed deeply, “Hey guys, sorry I’m late. I’m on deadline and it couldn’t be helped. I need a drink and I want something harder than that wine you drink Tasha.” Sabrina walked directly into the kitchen.

  Tasha looked between Eric and Tim but unable to meet Tim’s eyes, “Well, since it’s such a nice night why don’t we have dinner on the patio?” She held her breath not knowing what was going through Eric’s mind.

  He walked over by the television, “Since I can’t have some time alone with my girl after a hard day at work…I think I’d rather finish the Bulls game in here.”

  Tasha couldn’t understand why Eric was so rude to Tim and Sabrina…even before tonight. “Well, dinner is ready so I guess we’ll eat out here. I’ll just bring everything out.”

  Tim had no idea what Tasha saw in Eric. He was never there for her when she needed him. “You need some help bringing the food out.”

  He just wanted her to look at him. He wanted to know she was okay. She wouldn’t.

  “No, I’m good. If I need help…I’ll ask Sabrina.”


  Tasha went into the kitchen to find Sabrina searching her cabinets looking for something to drink. “When will you ever get some good liquor in here? I shouldn’t have to stop by the store every time I come over for dinner.”

  “Look in the cabinet by the refrigerator. There’s a new bottle of your favorite in there.”

  Sabrina found it. “Thank god. This has been the day from hell. Nothing has gone right yet.”

  Tasha was going to be sick as she thought to herself, and…I almost slept with your husband.

  Sabrina’s cell phone kept buzzing. She didn’t look at it but only so she could pour herself a drink. Then, picked it up to read it.

  “Are you going to do that all night?”

  Absentmindedly she answered, “Do what?”

  “Stay glued to your phone? You are an invited guest in my home for dinner.”

  Sabrina snorted as she laughed, “Invited guest? You’re really funny. Anyway, I don’t have a 9-5 like you. If I want to continue to be successful, I’ve got to handle things as they come. Tonight, I need to put out fires.”
  Tasha pulled out the plates and glasses, “Can you grab the silverware from that drawer?”

  Sabrina continued to be pre-occupied with her phone. “Yeah, give me a minute.”

  “Sabrina, why is it that Tim can run multiple companies worth billions of dollars and still give you his undivided attention, yet you can’t put down the damn phone for even an hour?”

  Sabrina looked up at Tasha really for the first time since she’d walked through the door, “Who peed in your cereal this morning?” She waved a perfectly manicured hand in the air, “Never mind…I know it was Eric. I can’t believe you’re still with him. You can do so much better.”

  Frustrated, Tasha ran her fingers through her hair, “It’s not Eric. Eric and I are fine. I just think you’re being rude. I spent all this time making dinner for everyone and you come in here over an hour late, you’re glued to your phone and you can’t even get the damn silverware out of the drawer like I asked.”

  Sabrina threw her hands up in surrender, “Okay…okay…jeez! I’ll put my phone away. Just let me send this last text.”


  Tasha and Tim were quiet during dinner. Luckily, nobody wanted to have dinner around the dining table so no one really noticed. They ate in the living room. Tasha sat next to Eric on the couch and Sabrina sat opposite them on the other couch with Tim sitting on the floor next to her. Between the Bulls game and Sabrina going on and on about work, they didn’t really need to add much to the conversation.

  She could feel his piercing gaze. She couldn’t stand it another minute so she got up pretending to need another glass of wine. “I’m going into the kitchen does anyone need anything?” Nobody responded. And, Sabrina had resumed texting on her phone. “Going once, twice…okay then. I’ll be right back.”

  Tasha went over to the sink and splashed some cool water on her face. A moment later Tim came into the kitchen, “I just wanted a bottled water.”

  She wouldn’t look at him, “You could have asked me and I would have gotten it for you.”

  “You won’t even look at me?”

  Tasha pinched the bridge of her nose, “You shouldn’t be in here. We shouldn’t be alone.”

  Tim was just as frustrated as she was. “Can we meet somewhere and talk?”

  She shook her head and whispered, “No. That’s not a good idea. This…tonight…it shouldn’t have happened. We shouldn’t have almost…” Tasha’s voice trailed off.

  “What? Shouldn’t have almost made love? Well, we didn’t almost make love. I think you and I both know just because we didn’t finish doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.”

  Tasha looked up at him with tears in her eyes, “Is that supposed to make me feel better knowing what we did tonight? That we’ve just hurt the two people we care about most in this world because we couldn’t control ourselves?” She closed her eyes, “Somehow, we need to forget this night ever happened.”

  “How am I supposed to forget? How am I supposed to forget how you felt? How you smelled? How you tasted? I can’t forget that. Tasha, I think I’m in lo……”

  She quickly put her hands to his mouth before he could utter the words. “No. You…are…not! You have to forget. I have to forget. If you care anything about me, we’ve got to go back to how things were before.”

  Chapter 17

  Sabrina and Tim had been gone for about an hour. Tasha stood in front of her bedroom mirror taking off her jewelry and trying not to think. She was exhausted. All she wanted to do was crawl into her bed, fall into a dreamless sleep, and forget about everything.

  Eric came into the bedroom taking off his shirt. Obviously, he had a different idea and planned on staying over.

  He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Finally, I’ve been dying to have you to myself all night.”

  She looked at him through the mirror, “You made that pretty obvious.”

  Eric dropped his arms from around her waist. “Here we go.”

  “Eric, would it kill you to be nice to them?”

  “Well, yes. As a matter of fact it would. Sabrina is a bitch and Tim thinks just because he has money that he’s better than me. Those are your friends not mine.”

  “In all the time we’ve been dating, I’ve never been rude to anyone you’ve introduced me to regardless of how I felt about them. I do that out of respect for you.”

  Eric raised his voice, “You want to talk about respect? Why the hell is Tim answering your door like he’s your man? Why does it seem like you spend more time with him than me?”

  Tasha tried to quell the guilt bubbling up inside of her. She couldn’t look him in the eye and prayed he didn’t notice.

  “Eric, how many times are we going to argue over Tim? We’re just friends.” At least that’s what they had been before tonight. “He answered the door because I was using the bathroom. And they’re my friends, of course I’m going to spend time with them.” Although, from this night on, she had to make sure they were never alone again.

  “That’s just it! You don’t spend time with them…you spend time with him. She’s always off doing whoever she’s doing and using you as a cover.”

  Tasha stuttered, “That…that’s not true.”

  “Right, tell that lie to someone who believes it. How many times have you put me off because you and Sabrina were supposed to be doing something, only she cancels because of work and you end up with Tim? How about too many to count!”

  Guilt had kept Tasha from returning fire but now it was her turn. “So, is that what you’re doing…cheating?”

  Eric waved her off, “Now you want to talk crazy.”

  “I’m a lot of things Eric but crazy is not one of them. So, let’s talk about someone putting the other person off. You do it to me all the time! How many times have I planned an evening for us and at the last minute you’ve cancelled or better yet just stood me up? Try too many of those to count! Or, the many broken promises you’ve made to me? And while we’re spilling our guts…how about we’ve been dating for more than two years and I still have no idea where this relationship is going?”

  Eric actually looked guilty, “I’ve told you…I’m trying to build a career. I’m not ready for that type of commitment.”

  “Apparently not, but it’s okay to play house with me when it’s convenient for you without any regard to how it makes me feel?”

  “So what, what are you trying to say? Or better yet, what are you trying to get me to ask because I won’t be forced into doing something I’m not ready for.”

  Before tonight, Tasha had hoped Eric would propose. Now, she was relieved he hadn’t especially after finally experiencing that thing she’d always known was missing from their relationship. The realization that the man who made her feel like no other was married to her best friend, made her chest hurt.

  All the fight in her evaporated, “That’s just it Eric…I don’t want to force you to do anything. I’m tired. I’m going to go to bed.”


  Tasha was exhausted. Lately, she hadn’t been sleeping well. Typically, she dreaded going to work but today she was willing to go anywhere and do anything to take her mind off of what happened between her and Tim. She kept replaying it over and over in her mind and he kept showing up in her dreams.

  Work hadn’t been much of a distraction especially today. She’d been sitting at her desk looking at the same information for the last fifteen minutes.

  She was having a harder time than usual focusing. It had been two weeks since the incident. Ever since it happened Tasha made sure that there was no more time alone with Tim. But, what she hadn’t realized was how much a part of her life he’d become.

  They used to talk on the phone every day and hung out at least a couple of nights a week. Since then, they’d only had contact once, last night at a Sales Marketing event for Sabrina.

  Seeing him again tore the scab off of how much she missed him. Not only did she miss him but even though she tried to ignore it, fight it, and deny
it she’d come to realize she’d fallen in love with him.

  He’d been calling and texting like crazy but Tasha refused to answer. Luckily, Sabrina’s schedule had been so crazy that she hadn’t made anymore plans for them to all be together.

  Eric had made some valid points. She had spent too much time with Tim. Their friendship had turned into something else entirely before she even knew it. She’d broken the cardinal rule and slept with her best friend’s husband. That made her the lowest type of person. She’d railed against those kinds of women her whole life. Now she was one of them.

  If she just focused harder on her relationship with Eric eventually things would be different.

  Sheri, the administrative assistant, broke through her thoughts when she came over to her cubicle, “Ms. Stevens, these arrived for you a few minutes ago.”

  Tasha turned around to see the most beautiful bouquet of flowers she’d ever seen. Her reaction must have shown on her face.

  Sheri smiled and helped Tasha put the flowers on her desk. “I wish someone would send me flowers like these.”

  It wasn’t until after Sheri walked away that Tasha looked for the card. She was filled with a rush of excitement and dread. She was hoping the flowers were from Eric but she knew they weren’t. Her hands shook as she opened the card. It simply read:

  “I’m sorry.”

  Not five minutes after receiving the flowers did her office phone ring.



  Tasha closed her eyes. She hadn’t realized how much she’d craved the sound of his voice.

  He was hesitant, “I hope you liked the…flowers.”

  She whispered, “You shouldn’t have.”

  Tim blew out a deep breath, “I know.” It was a moment before he spoke again, “I miss…you.”


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