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Rowan Page 5

by MarieRochelle

  “Is now a good time?” she asked, coming closer to his desk, totally unaware about what he had been thinking. “I’d knocked twice before you finally told me to come in. I didn’t think you were in here at first.”

  “Sorry,” he apologized. “My mind was on something else and I didn’t hear you. Please sit down so we can talk.”

  Taking a seat, Akayie placed her coffee cup down next to her then placed her camera and carrying case in the chair beside her. “Did I trespass onto another section of your ranch that I shouldn’t have?” she questioned. “I thought I only had ventured out too far once. I wasn’t trying─”

  “Ms. Mathis,” he said, cutting off Akayie. He didn’t want to go down this road with her again. He had to say this and the quicker he got it out, the better.

  “I didn’t ask you here to bring up the other day.”

  Leaning back in her seat, Akayie crossed her legs then folded her arms underneath her breasts before giving him a look. Rowan tried not to let his eyes wander down and see how Akayie’s movements put her breasts on display, but it was hard.

  “Alright, tell me why you wanted to see me this morning. You seem to find something wrong with what I’m doing every day. So, I can only imagine why you’re upset with me now.”

  “I’m sorry.” The words felt foreign to his mouth, and with the way Akayie eyebrow’s shot up he saw that she wasn’t expecting to hear them either, but they had to be said. He hadn’t been treating her fairly and it was time he owned up to it.

  “I know I didn’t hear you correctly,” she said, sliding forward in her seat. “I never thought that when I walked into this room you were going to say those words to me. What is going on? Are you planning to fire me?” Her confusion was plastered over her pretty face.

  Leaning back in his leather chair, Rowan linked his fingers over his flat stomach, not knowing how it made the fabric of his checkered shirt stretch across his muscles.

  “You don’t mind saying what you think, do you, Ms. Mathis?” he questioned.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she held his gaze. “I learned that honesty works best when dealing with certain clients.”

  “Are you talking about me?”

  Akayie opened her mouth and then closed it. A slight smirk spread across his face. “Ms. Mathis, I’m asking you to be honest with me since you are so fond of speaking your mind anyways.”

  “Yes, I’m talking about you, Mr. Braden. I don’t know how we got off on the wrong foot. But, we need to find a way to work with each other since I’m going to be spending a lot of time here. I can overlook our past disagreements, if you can, to get this calendar done.”

  “If I’m truly honest, I think I’m the one who gave you the cold shoulder first. I had a lot going on with meetings and buying horses. I should have done the web chats with you instead of Morgan and Lucas. How about we try to start over and see where it goes from there?” he suggested.

  “Mr. Braden, are you saying you want a truce between us?” Akayie asked, stunned. Sitting up straighter, Rowan placed his elbows on top of his shiny oak desk, linking his fingers. “Ms. Mathis, I think a truce between us would be for the best unless you are implying something different. Were my brothers wrong?”

  “I’m not implying that at all,” Akayie interrupted.

  “What are you implying then?”

  “I believe both of us are adult enough to deal with each other in a respectful way until this job is done. If you don’t want to deal with me personally, my assistant Danya Holt arrived last night. You can tell her whatever your concerns are and she will pass them on to me.”

  “No, that won’t work,” Rowan said. He didn’t like the idea of not being able to talk to Akayie. “I hired you, not your assistant. Also, if you have any more concerns or questions, ask me. Don’t involve my brothers anymore. They are both busy with their own problems and work issues.”

  * * * *

  Akayie swallowed down her initial comment, then took a deep breath to calm her temper. Rowan Braden was a piece of work. He acted like she was trying to turn Morgan and Lucas against him. She wasn’t even going to play this game with him because it was ridiculous.

  “Fine, I will just deal with you. But, I do have one question for you,” she admitted.


  “Most of the time I try to discuss the calendar with you, you aren’t around or you’re on a phone conference in this office. I only talk to your brothers because they make themselves available to me when you aren’t. How do I deal with an issue when you are locked behind closed doors?”

  Leaning back in the leather chair, Rowan’s sharp gaze held hers like he was debating how he would answer her. Akayie thought it was really a damn shame how a man who was so drop dead gorgeous with a pair of hazel eyes that could hypnotize a woman was so hard and unbending.

  Rowan was truly beyond handsome with a sensuality that didn’t go unnoticed by her, but she wasn’t about to believe he wanted anything else in his life beside this ranch and winning the Kentucky Derby.

  “Ms. Mathis, are you listening to me?” Rowan asked, his deep voice drawing her attention back to their conversation.

  “Sorry, I was thinking about the calendar,” she lied, hoping Rowan would let it go.

  “You can talk to me. I will let you know what time of day I will be unreachable, and then you can ask Morgan or Lucas. But, I have made plans to be at home more, so it shouldn’t be a problem to talk to me directly. Have you decided which men you want to use yet?” he questioned. “I need to get someone to fill in for them while you are taking their pictures.”

  “Yes, I have a list. I’m not quite sure if I have the names correct or not,” she answered. “Let me get the list for you.” Reaching down, she pulled a pad out of her purse. “Here it is.” Akayie held out the pad for Rowan to take.

  His long, calloused finger brushed slightly against hers, making her gasp. Her eyes darted up to Rowan’s to see if he heard, but he was glancing at her like he hadn’t felt the sensation. Of course, he probably hadn’t; she was the one looking at him. Rowan was all business: strong, powerful, and mostly silent. His face looked like it was cut from granite, a true smile probably never touched his firm lips.

  “Have you spoken to any of these men yet?” he asked, glancing away from the paper at her.

  She shook her head. “No, I want go over it with you first,” she answered. “If it’s possible, I want to take the pictures in the order they are listed. I can move some guys around if you or your brothers want to get yours taken first.”

  Rowan placed her list down on his desk. “I’m in no hurry to have my picture taken, so I can go last. I’ll talk to Morgan and Lucas tonight when they come over for dinner and see what they want. Is it possible for you to hold off for another day or two?”

  Akayie couldn’t believe Rowan just asked her instead of demanding that she do it. He might be trying to do a little bit better after all. She guessed she could see where things would go with them. As long as he didn’t try to direct or guide her when it came to taking the pictures themselves, everything should go smoothly between them.

  “Yes, I can wait a few more days. I want this experience to be pleasant for all of us, including the guys,” she answered, getting up from her seat.

  “I will keep my word as well. No more looking over your shoulder.” Standing up, Rowan held out his hand.

  She glanced at it for a second then shook it noticing the same electricity shot through her as before. However, this time Rowan’s direct gaze held hers a few minutes longer making her heart skip a beat. Quickly, she eased her hand away from Rowan’s touch.

  What was going on with her? He hated…Well, maybe not hated her. But, he wasn’t fond of her. Rowan wanted her gone off his property and she was going to do her best to be out of his hair as fast as possible.

  “I better get going. I have to take some more shots of your property and give you some extra time to talk to the guys on my list,” she said. Bending down, Akayie g
rabbed her stuff, stood back up and still found Rowan watching her closely.

  She hated how his lingering gaze made her body feel. Her heart hadn’t skipped a beat in such a long time over a good-looking man. For a split second, she almost made the mistake of thinking Rowan did like her. Thankfully, she caught her wandering thoughts in time.

  “I really need to get busy. I came here early to get more items crossed off my long list,” she said, trying to fill in the silence. Turning, she made her way back towards Rowan’s office door.

  “Ms. Mathis, wait a minute.”

  Akayie stopped in her tracks. Sighing, she spun back around, facing the thorn in her side. “Yes?”

  “Please don’t go too far off the property, especially by the bullpen on the far east side. The rest of the ranch is yours to explore as long as you want to take pictures.”

  “Thanks again for changing your mind,” she said quickly, hoping Rowan wouldn’t change his mind back before the day was over.

  “You’re welcome.” Rowan looked at her for a minute, then picked up a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, placing them on his face. “Have a nice day, Ms. Mathis, and remember what I told you. If you need anything, come to me and not my brothers.”

  Akayie knew the conversation was over. So, she spun around and made her way back across the room. Pausing at the door, she took one last look at Rowan. She wondered if the two of them would ever be able to tolerate each other for the next few weeks.

  Only time would tell.

  Chapter Six

  “My God, this place is beautiful,” Danya gushed, walking beside her to the calendar shoot location. “I can see why a lot of women fall in love with the country.”

  Laughing, Akayie glanced at her best friend/assistant. “Are you sure your sudden interest in living here with nothing else around doesn’t have anything to do with all of the handsome cowboys working around us?” she asked. “I know how you are when it comes to good-looking men. You are drawn to them like bees to honey.”


  “Excuse me, ma’am,” a rich sexy voice drawled from behind them.

  Spinning around, Akayie and Danya glanced up into a pair of clear blue eyes framed by thick, black eyelashes. The guy’s handsome tanned face had a huge smile spread across it, revealing even white teeth. He was beyond hot! Akayie remembered picking him out as one of the guys she wanted for the calendar. If she remembered correctly, his name was Travis and he was one of Rowan’s horse trainers.

  Danya nudged her in the side with her elbow. “He’s gorgeous,” she whispered by her ear. “I hope you’re planning to use him for the calendar.”

  Akayie nodded but her eyes focused on Travis. She hoped that he was here to accept her offer instead of turning her down. He was one of the top three men, besides the Braden brothers, that she wanted posing for her. The camera was going to love him!

  “You’re Travis, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He smiled, revealing a deep dimple in his left cheek.

  Oh yeah, the women are going to die over him.

  “Please tell me that you’ve talked to your boss,” Akayie said, mentally crossing her fingers.

  “More than that, please tell us that you agreed to be a part of the calendar. You’re amazing. You can’t tell us no,” Danya’s voice cut in.

  Travis’ smile grew even wider as he glanced over at Danya. “Are you the one who’s going to be taking my pictures if I agree?” he asked.

  “Yes, Danya can take your picture,” Akayie answered. “She’s very capable of displaying how handsome you are. So, does that mean you’re agreeing to be a part of the calendar?”

  Travis nodded. “I would love to be a part of the project. Mr. Braden and his brothers gave me a job when no one else would. I’m more than happy to do this small thing for them,” he answered. “Just give me the time and place and I will be there.”

  Akayie could barely contain her excitement. “Okay, let me see.” Pulling out her cell phone, she tapped on her calendar then looked over the days. She was trying to figure out what day this week would work out the best because she didn’t want Danya working on the calendar at the same time as her.

  “Is the day after tomorrow a good time for you? How about nine o’clock?”

  “It’s my day off but I don’t anything have planned, so it will be fine,” he answered.

  She didn’t even have to ask Danya because she already knew her assistant would move things around with her schedule. She was more than ready to get up close and personal with Travis. He was nice to look at, but he wasn’t Akayie’s type. She needed a guy who had left his boyhood behind a long time ago. Travis was probably only a few years younger than her twenty-eight, but she just wasn’t into dating a younger man.

  “Wonderful, I’ll mark it down.” Akayie typed in the information and then saved it. “There, it’s done. I will have Danya get with you later today to go over some more details.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make you look good,” Danya chimed in, stepping closer to Travis. “How can I go wrong with such a perfect face to work with?”

  Akayie quickly swallowed down her laugh and grabbed Danya by the arm. She pulled her friend back from Travis. She couldn’t have her assistant flirting with the cowboys or they wouldn’t ever get anything done. She loved the nut beside her like a sister, but her girlfriend couldn’t cross the professional line with any of the men.

  “Okay, enough,” she said, giving a stern look at Danya, who had enough sense to look guilty.

  Travis glanced at her then back over to Danya. “Alright, I better get back to work. I don’t want to get into trouble with Mr. Braden. He’s oddly nice today, which doesn’t happen a lot. So, I don’t want to push my luck.”

  Akayie watched as Travis gave Danya another lingering look before spinning on his heel and sauntering away from them back towards the stables. She used to be jealous at how easily Danya was able to attract men, but over the years she had gotten over it. Danya had a way with people and it was just a part of her personality.

  “He’s a ten,” Danya said when Travis was far enough away. “I don’t see how you found a guy more gorgeous than him for the calendar.”

  Laughing, she glanced over at her best friend. “All the guys I chose are very attractive men,” Akayie replied. “I knew they had to be for the calendar to make money for Rowan and Morgan Braden.” Spinning away, Akayie headed for the barn, hoping to find a few more nature shots to take for her exhibit since Rowan had finally granted her the freedom of his property. She wasn’t about to waste it.

  “Where are you going?” Danya asked, catching up with her.

  “I found a spot that I want to photograph for the entryway of my gallery show. I wanted your opinion about it.”

  “Sure, you do,” Danya said. “I think you just want to get me off the topic of these guys you decided to snap. Why weren’t you flirting with Travis before I got here? I saw how he was looking at you.”

  She wasn’t opening herself up to another man. Heartbreak wasn’t a part of her future. “I’m not interested. Besides, the chemistry between you and him was hot. I couldn’t break though that even if I wanted to do it. I’m here to take pictures, nothing else.”

  Akayie wasn’t going to let Danya talk her into opening up to any man again. She remembered how she allowed her best friend to influence her once and it turned into a complete disaster. The guy’s reaction to her secret was harsh and cold. No, she couldn’t open up herself to that kind of torment or rejection.

  Photographs were her life now. They couldn’t judge or break your heart.

  “Please tell me you aren’t thinking about Kane,” Danya said, breaking into her thoughts. “He was a world class bastard. You didn’t deserve anything he did to do. I should have never forced you into giving him another chance, but he seemed like such a good guy every time he came to the studio to see you. I’m so sorry he got past my asshole radar.”

  Reaching out, Akayie touched her best friend on the arm. Da
nya sat up with her through so many nights as she cried in her bed. For weeks, she couldn’t eat or sleep because of the words he had hurled at her. She never thought the dark cloud over her head would ever leave, but it finally did when she got the job offer from the Braden brothers.

  “Don’t be sorry. It was a learning experience that I needed to have in my life. He made me a stronger person without even knowing it. I’m quite happy in my safe, comfortable box. Let me stay there and listen to your adventures of dating all the hot guys you can.

  “Landing this account with Rowan Braden is totally what my business needed. You know that I lost a lot of clients when I couldn’t get out of bed for that short period of time. In addition, he badmouthed me to several of my clients and made them leave. I can’t let him see me fail. It’s what he wanted, but he won’t get it.”

  Danya sighed, folding her arm over her breasts. “Damn it! I had you get him involved in the studio in the first place. I knew all of those ‘ideas’ he gave us would come at a price, and they did. He─”

  “Stop it, Danya,” Akayie said, cutting of her friend’s rant. She didn’t want to bring up the past again. She had to learn from her stupidity, and she was over it. She wouldn’t make the same mistakes twice.

  She had truly been about to give up and was even thinking about closing her doors until she got the phone call from Rowan Braden. He was right on time and she wasn’t about to lose the amazing opportunity because she was caught up in the past. Akayie was going to rebuild what Kane tried to steal from her.

  “How can you be so calm?” Danya demanded. “Kane almost ruined you with all of those lies. He destroyed your property and then lied to the police about ever being there. He told…”

  “Danya, you have to let it go,” Akayie interrupted. “I know what happened because I lived through all of it. You are trying to be a good friend and I love you for it. However, you can see that I’m walking around with my head held up. Now, I’m about building up my business since Kane’s lies did take away several of my longtime customers. After this calendar comes out, I know they will sell quite well and my name will be on everyone’s lips again.”


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