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Opposites Attract (The Locklaine Boys Book 2)

Page 17

by Jessica Prince

  “I’m glad, cutie.” His chest rumbled with a chuckle beneath my cheek. “I had a great time too.”

  Sleep was quickly pulling me under, but for some reason I couldn’t get my mouth to stop talking. “You’re a really great guy. I’m so glad I let Devon talk me into having sex with you that one night.”

  His chuckle morphed into full-blown laughter. “Me too. Now go to sleep, baby.”

  I was drifting, not fully aware of what was coming out of my mouth. “Okay, honey.”

  “My girl’s always so sweet,” I thought I heard him mumble before everything finally went black.

  I slept hard that night, never moving or shifting in Richard’s arms.

  And it. Was. The. Best.

  THE SUN WAS STILL down when I woke up. A quick glance at the clock showed it was just after five in the morning. I fell back against the pillow with a growl, wondering what the heck had woken me up hours before I was due at the flower shop.

  Then I noticed. The bed beside me was empty.

  Richard’s pillow was still indented from where his head lay, and when I slid my hand across the sheets, I noticed they were still warm. I waited and listened for noise from the bathroom, but when I heard nothing, I climbed out of bed and made my way across the room, pushing the door open to a dark, empty bathroom.

  Usually I would have had no trouble going back to sleep, but being in Richard’s bed without him there felt a little strange. So after finding his shirt from the night before on the floor, I slipped it on and went in search of him. I tiptoed down the hallway so I wouldn’t make any noise and wake Collin up, but before I got to the mouth of the hall, where it opened into the living area, I heard two distinct male voices.

  “Man, what the fuck are you doing?” The voice was hushed, but I was pretty sure it was Collin’s.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t act like that, you know exactly what I’m talking about. What’s going on with you and Delilah? She’s been in your bed every single night for the past week.” If I could have kissed Collin just then, I so would have, because that was exactly what I’d been wanting to know, but too afraid to ask. That was, until he continued talking. “Last I talked to you, you were going on about how there was no way in Hell you were tying yourself down to another chick, so what’s up with that?”

  What the what?

  “We’re just…” I held my breath as Richard paused, simultaneous anxious for and dreading his answer at the very same time. “We’re just having fun.”

  My chest deflated. We’re just having fun? Was that really all he thought of us? I mean, I knew that when we’d talked about it before that we both agreed it was still new, but I’d gotten the impression from that conversation — and the mind-blowing sex that accompanied — that we were at least building toward something. Had I been wrong?

  “Having fun,” Collin repeated, a statement, not a question. “You sure that’s all she thinks it is? Call me crazy, but I’d think a woman who spends every night in a guy’s bed — a guy who went as far as dragging her back when she tried to go home — would be thinking it was a little more than just having fun.”

  Yes! Everything Collin just said! All those words!

  “Delilah’s not like that, man,” Richard answered, showing just how little he knew of me, seeing as I was totally like that. “We talked about it. We’re taking it one day at a time. She knows it’s still new and she’s not looking for anything more.”

  “She said those exact words?”

  Not fucking likely!

  “Well, not exactly, but that was the gist of the conversation.” What fucking conversation was he thinking of, because that sure as hell hadn’t been the gist of the conversation I thought we’d had the other night. “Why are you giving me a hard time about this shit, Collin?” he asked, his tone growing sharp, like he was getting angrier the longer they spoke. “You interested in her or something?”

  I had to slap my hand over my mouth to muffle the sound of my gasp. My mom had always said that if you eavesdropped on a person’s private conversation you were liable to hear something you didn’t want to hear. Well, I’d never put much stock into those words before, but the longer I stood in the dark hallway, the more I was coming to regret it.

  “Don’t be a fucking asshole, Rich,” Collin ground out.

  “Not being an asshole, cuz. I just need you to know exactly where I stand on that, which is, it’s never going to fucking happen.” I didn’t think I’d ever heard Richard sound so angry before, not even when he stormed over to our place, pissed off about our music. This was a whole new side of him I’d never seen.

  Not that it was all that surprising. Most of our time together had been spent in bed. Sure, we talked about growing up during our date the night before, but we hadn’t even come close to delving into any serious topics. A chill crept up my spine at the realization that I had started falling for a man I didn’t know anything about. How was that even possible? And how had I let this happen? After all the shit I’d dealt with in the past, all the horrible relationships, I’d been so careful to guard myself. But somehow Richard snuck past my defenses.

  “You know it’s not like that. I like her, I think she’s cool and I don’t want to see her get hurt because you aren’t—”

  “Enough!” Richard snapped, leaving me thinking, because you aren’t what? How the hell was he going to finish that sentence! “This conversation’s over. She’s not going to get hurt. And she’s not any of your concern, so just stay out of it.”

  There was silence for several seconds before Collin spoke again. “You know, for someone who’s just having fun, you’re getting really fucking riled up over this girl.”

  “Okay, we’re done here,” Richard announced. I jumped at the sound of footsteps getting closer to my hiding spot and quickly hightailed it back to the bedroom. Knowing I wouldn’t have time to get the shirt off and get back into bed without him catching me I darted into the bathroom and closed the door as quickly and quietly as I could. The moment I heard the sound of Richard moving around the bedroom, I flushed the toilet and turned on the sink, pretending to wash my hands.

  “Hey, what are you doing up?” he asked with a smile as I walked back into the bedroom.

  “Had to pee,” I answered without thinking, then flushed scarlet at my admission. Jeez, could there be anything less sexy than picturing a woman going to the bathroom? “What are you doing up?” I asked, trying to divert from all things bathroom talk.

  “Have to get to the office early,” he answered, moving closer to me, his eyes going dark and glassy as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “But I still have a little time.” His fingers skated down my back, all the way to where his shirt hit my bare thighs before slowly moving back up, taking the material with them. “And as much as I love seeing you in my shirt first thing in the morning, I really need to see you out of it more.”

  He dipped his head for a kiss, only to be thwarted when I turned my head to the side at the last second, giving him my cheek. “Sorry,” I mumbled, desperately needing to get out of there after what I’d just overheard. I just needed some space. I needed to clear my head and try and talk myself down from the flip-out I could feel rumbling at the surface, eager to get free. “I have to get to the shop early, too. I’ve got three brides coming in today. I should really be going.”

  I tried to move from his hold, but his arms came back up to hold me in place. “Hey,” he spoke softly when I wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah!” I answered with a cheerfulness I definitely wasn’t feeling. “It’s great. I just know I’m going to be swamped today. You’d be surprised how many brides want flowers that are out of season for their weddings.” I tried for a genuine smile, hoping it didn’t look as fake as it felt. “I’m foreseeing a massive headache in my very near future.”

  Richard didn’t loosen his hold as he said, “Well, in that case, why don’t you come over here when you get off? I’d be more
than happy to rub some of that tension out for you.” He winked suggestively. Normally, I would have laughed at that, but I wasn’t currently feeling all that chipper. I tried to fake it anyway, but it sounded flat even to my own ears.

  “Might be a late night. But I’ll text you.” When I moved to pull away again, he finally let me go. Even though it was me who initiated it, even though it was me who needed space to think, I still felt a tangible pain that the loss of his arms around me. I kept my eyes on the ground as I snatched up my underwear from the night before, sliding them on underneath his long shirt, careful not to flash any skin. I told myself not to look at him as I continued dressing, that those icy blue eyes would be all it took to pull me back in, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t hard. Especially when he refused to let me make a clear getaway.

  “Are you sure everything’s all right?” he asked as I slid my dress over my head, adjusting my glasses.

  “Mmhmm,” I hummed, then started finger combing my tangled mess of hair. “Everything’s great!”

  I felt him move close and kept my head down, working to slide my heels on my feet. Finally, the pressure of his finger under my chin gave me no choice but to look up at him. “You sure? Because I feel like something’s off right now.”

  I gave him another wooden smile. “Nothing’s wrong, I promise. I’m just not looking forward to work today. Bridezilla’s, you know?”

  His brows knitted together as he studied my face like he was searching for the truth as his hand moved to cup my cheek. The move was too tender that I had to swallow the lump suddenly forming in my throat. “And you’d tell me if something was going on?”

  My heart clenched at the concern written on his face. God, I really was weak when it came to him. “Of course,” I answered softly, reaching up to softly wrap my fingers around his wrist and hold on. “Everything is fine, Richard.”

  The lie seemed to flow past my lips easier that time, because his expression lightened and his smile returned. “Okay, but try not to over-do it today. Your dad would kill me if he found out I let you work yourself into the ground,” he teased, causing me to smile genuinely for the first time this morning.

  “I make no promises, but I won’t tell my dad if you don’t.”

  “Deal.” He went in for another kiss and that time I let him, closing my eyes and sighing at the softness of his warm lips pressed against mine. “Call me when you’re heading home,” he spoke once he pulled back.

  I nodded and moved away, needing to put distance between us, because the longer I stayed, the sweeter he acted, the worse off I’d be if he finally decided he was finished having fun with me. And just the thought of that happening was enough to make my eyes begin to burn with unshed tears. Thank God the room was still relatively dark.

  “I’ll text you,” I said once I was confident my voice wouldn’t break on the words. “But I need to go before I’m late.” I gave him another quick peck — just because I couldn’t help myself — and bolted for the door, calling a lame, “Have a good day,” over my shoulder, not giving him a chance to say anything else.

  I didn’t text him when I got home that night.

  Or the following morning.

  Richard: Is everything okay?

  Richard: Where are you? I’m starting to worry.

  Richard: Devon says you haven’t been feeling well. Is there anything I can get you?

  Richard: Baby, please text me back. I’m getting concerned.

  Each text message was like a knife straight to the gut. After the first four, I finally stopped reading, knowing if I saw one more sweet, concerned message, I’d cave like a newly professed vegan at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

  The phone vibrated on my bedside table and I flopped back with a miserable whimper.

  “None of that,” Devon declared as she marched into my room. “There will be no moping tonight, understand? Tonight’s a celebration, and I’ll not have you acting like a Debbie Downer while the rest of us are downing shots and shoving dollar bills into G-strings.”

  In my self-imposed misery over the last few days, I’d completely forgotten all about the bachelorette party that Navie and Pepper had all but demanded Devon and I attend. I’d been so busy pouting over the status of my relationship — non-relationship? — to give much thought to anything else.

  “I’m not moping,” I moped as I stared up at my ceiling. Jeez, I really need to dust that fan.

  The bed depressed next to me as Devon plopped down. “You’re totally moping. You’ve been at it since you snuck back in here at the butt crack of dawn Thursday morning. Now, I lied for you yesterday when you asked me to without giving you any shit, but it’s Saturday evening now, and your time has officially run out. You better start telling me what’s going on or, so help me God, Del, I will tickle you until you pee your pants.”

  I turned my head and scowled at her. “Why are you so mean? What happened to you as a child to make you this way?”

  “I never got enough cuddles,” she retorted. “Now spill it.”

  There was no way she was going to let it go any time soon, so I pulled in a deep breath and asked the question that had been weighing on my mind. “What do you think it means when a guy says he’s ‘just having fun?’ Do you think it means he’s never going to get serious, or just that he isn’t serious for now and could eventually get there with time?”

  I started to worry when she didn’t answer right away. I turned my head to find her looking up at the ceiling deep in thought before finally saying, “Good God, woman, when was the last time you dusted that damn fan?”

  “Devon!” I reached over and smacked her. “I’m being serious! Come on.”

  “Okay, okay. Sorry.” She giggled, not sounding the least bit sorry. “Look, I can’t guess how Richard meant it when he said he was just having fun because I’m not a mind reader, and I don’t know the context in which he used it. The only person who can answer that question is Richard, and from what I can tell, you’ve been more concerned with avoiding him than asking him. Instead of making yourself sick worrying over this, you need to talk to him, babe.”

  “But…” I trailed off before finally finding the nerve to voice the biggest concern. “But what if the truth isn’t what I’d like to hear?”

  Her hand came between our bodies and grabbed hold of mine, giving it a comforting squeeze. Then you’ll deal. It’ll suck, and it’ll hurt, but you will move on, eventually. And you’ll do it knowing that he’s the one missing out on something great, not you.”

  “You make it sound so easy,” I whispered.

  “I know it wouldn’t be easy, honey, but at least you’d know, right?” She let go of my hand and turned onto her side, facing me. “But I need you to promise me something. No matter what happens, whether you guys work past it or not, I need you to promise that you won’t use it as an excuse to go into every future relationship with one foot already out the door.”

  My head shot sideways to look at her. “I wouldn’t do that!”

  “You so would,” she chuckled. “Because of what happened with Brant, you fought this thing with Richard from the very beginning, and once the inevitable happened, you’ve spent most of your time worrying instead of just enjoying.”

  “That’s not—” I started to argue, but stopped when I realized just how right she was. If things with Richard didn’t work out, I’d use that as an excuse to close myself off to the next interested guy because I won’t want to get my heart broken again. “Okay—” I ended up saying softly. “I promise.”

  “That’s my girl!” Devon shouted, jumping up and grabbing my hands to pull me from the bed. “Now get your cute ass dressed. We have to meet up with everyone else at Navie’s place in two hours. Chop chop!” With a smack to my ass, she skipped out of my room, leaving me standing there with a stinging butt and some serious stuff to think about. But it was stuff that would have to wait until tomorrow. Because tonight I was determined to have fun even if it killed me.

  And seeing as I was go
ing out with Devon, Navie, and Pepper, that was a very likely outcome.

  “IT’S MY BACHELORETTE PARTY, BITCHES!” Navie yelled at the top of her lungs as soon as she slung the door to her and Rowan’s apartment open, scaring the ever-living shit out of me and Devon.

  “I see someone’s already gotten into the tequila,” Devon laughed as Navie pulled us both inside and kicked the door shut. “I approve, wholeheartedly.”

  “Yay, they’re here!” Pepper cheered, running — or shuffling over seeing as she too was more than a little buzzed — to scoop us up into tight hugs. “Now we can get this party started!”

  Once Pepper released us from our chokeholds, I was able to get a good look around the living room and my heart instantly stopped in my chest.

  “Richard,” I breathed as soon as I caught sight of him standing beside the couch. He looked phenomenal in dark jeans and a black button down shirt, so good I wanted to throw myself on top of him and lick him all over, to Hell with the rest of the people in the room.

  “Delilah,” he replied as he came at me, the look on his face did not scream I’m so happy to see you. His eyes did a sweep of me and I felt his heated gaze on every inch of my body. “You look beautiful,” he said in a low voice. “As you’ve probably guessed, I’m pretty fond of that dress.”

  I let out a nervous giggle and trailed my hands down the fabric of the clingy red dress, the same one I’d worn the very first night we met.

  “Uh… thanks,” I blushed. “I, um, I tackled my fear of touching my eyeball and managed to get contacts in.” What the hell? Why did I just say that? Mental face palm.

  “Well, you’re gorgeous as always,” he told me softly. “But I prefer the glasses. They’re you.”

  Damn it! I was getting all melty again!

  “Guys, we’ll be back in just a moment,” he addressed the room, not taking his eyes off of me as he grabbed hold of my arm and began leading me away.


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