The End of Sorrow

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by Eknath Easwaran

  Greed, 201, 370. See also Desires, selfish; Lust

  Growing up, 111

  Gunas, 93–95, 235–238: desires and, 182; going

  beyond, 95, 238. See also Rajas; Sattva; Tamas

  Guru, 54–55. See also Spiritual teacher

  Guruvayur Temple, 71

  * * *

  H Top of Index

  Habits, 165, 241–242, 359, 366

  Hail Mary, 17

  Hare Rama, 166

  Hatred, love overcomes, 29–30, 35, 44, 178–179, 220, 223, 245–246, 251, 264–265, 320, 338, 342–343, 356, 390

  Health, 157, 237, 308. See also Body, physical; Exercise, physical

  Heaven and hell, 40

  Heroin, 175, 206

  Himalayas within, 337–339, 345

  Holy hammer, 224

  Holy indifference, 103. See also Detachment

  Holy Name, 17, 95, 167, 254, 269, 308–309, 366, 374. See also Mantram, repetition of

  Householders, 174, 269–270, 338–339. See also Family context

  Hrishikesha (Krishna), 30

  Huang Po, 163

  Human context, 50–51: E.’s Grandmother on, 50; recent arrival in, 190

  Husband and wife, 37–38, 106–107, 120–121, 128–129, 162, 208, 220, 256. See also Children; Family context; Marriage; Parents

  Huxley, Aldous, 115, 244

  * * *

  I Top of Index

  I-consciousness, 106, 135. See also Ahamkara; Ego

  Immortality, 58–62, 65–78, 145–146: Jesus on, 59, 76; Ramana Maharshi on, 59. Stories: Anglo–Saxon king’s question, 75–76; E’s Grandmother corrects syllogism, 280. See also Body, physical, identification with; Change; Death; Physical level, rising above; Time

  Impersonal path, 122. See also Jnana yoga

  Inaction in action, 98, 153, 246–248: Gandhi’s example, 247–248. See also Instrument of the Lord

  Incarnation, divine, 222–224: comes in crisis, 176–177, 220, 222–223; devotion to, 132; three levels of, 223. See also avatara

  India: caste system, 238–239; unbroken spiritual tradition, 13, 215. See also Gandhi, M. K.

  indriya, 206, 208. See also Senses

  Inertia, see Tamas

  Inhibitions, freedom from, 367

  Inner resources, see Deeper resources

  Inspirational passage: bringing mind back to, 16, 258, 337, 340, 360, 368; concentration on, 184, 258, 340, 360, 362, 366, 368; effect of, 17, 104, 184, 303, 368, 377; suggested, 16, 104, 105n.6, 393–394; tape recorder effect with, 360; words of, open their doors, 368. See also, Meditation Instructions, following spiritual, 380. Story: swimming lessons, 379–380

  Instrument of the Lord: Gandhi’s example, 98, 238, 246–248; qualities of, 255–257, 259–260, 308–309. See also Lord within, is the operator

  Intellect: and the will, 147, 278, 301; cannot prevent depression, 254; cannot transform character or conduct, 15; cannot transform consciousness, 15, 302; categorizes, 148, 261, 294–295, 321; detachment from, 207, 210; identification with, 58, 68, 144; selfish desires of, 207. Story: tight, loose, or medium, 294. See also Opinions, identification with Intellectual knowledge, see apara; Knowledge, intellectual

  Intentional living, 360–361. Story: cars without drivers, 361

  International relations, 58, 143, 220–221, 330

  ishvara, 92

  * * *

  J Top of Index

  Jackfruit, 298–299

  Jalalu’l-Din Rumi, 219, 342

  Janaka, King, 169–170

  Janardana (Krishna), 147

  Japam, 17. See also 77 Mantram, repetition of

  Jealousy, 121, 262–263

  Jesus the Christ: a rebel, 177; a divine incarnation, 176, 223; denied by Peter, 141; effect of his touch, 295; on law of karma, 88; parable of the sower, 79–81; temptation of, 201–202; passim

  Jesus, Jesus, 17, 144, 254, 274, 308–309

  jnana, 278, 283–284, 286. See also Spiritual wisdom

  Jnana yoga, 149, 334–336. See also Spiritual wisdom, path of

  John of the Cross, St., 285

  Joy, abiding, 321–324, 367–370: beyond dualities, 109, 262, 321; capacity for, 42; is goal of meditation, 17, 131; is like bashful girl, 370; is nirvana, 357; is Rama, 41, 262, 322, 344; need for, 191; only one way to receive, 109–110; seeking, outside ourselves, 323–324, 367–368; selfish desires and, 33, 369–370

  Joy and sorrow, 184–185, 343–344

  Judgment, 42, 95. See also Discrimination

  Jung, Carl, 62

  * * *

  K Top of Index

  Kabir, 230

  Kalidasa, 262

  Kaliyuga, 176, 328–329

  Kama, 41, 92, 106, 139, 199, 202–208, 330: and

  krodha, 199, 330; cannot live with Rama, 41–42, 92; compulsion is, 203; conquest of, 208, 330; is like dust on a mirror, 202; is obstacle, 199, 330; is the external examiner, 156; names of, 139; three houses of, 206–207. See also Desires, selfish; Self-will

  Kamadeva, 139

  Karma: personified as Chitragupta, 153–154; reduced by jnana, 286; working out, 248.

  – law of karma: Blake on, 171; the Buddha on, 171; going beyond, 88, 240; includes words and thoughts, 243–244; is opposite of fatalism, 327; is universal, 154, 187–188; Jesus on, 88, 154

  Karma yoga, 97, 99, 101–102, 149, 152, 239, 243, 294, 334, 338. See also Selfless action, path of

  Katha Upanishad, 15, 126, 316

  Kathakali, 45, 216, 225

  Kaunteya (Arjuna), 63n.

  Kauravas, 27

  Kerala: children, 114; jackfruit, 298–299; monsoon, 96; New Year, 315–316; stone parapets, 169, 307

  Kerala Kalamandalam, 216

  Keshava (Krishna), 104–105

  Kahn Abdul Ghaffar Khan, 42–43

  Kingdom of heaven within, 50, 323, 326, 330, 368. See also Lord within, the

  Knowing, higher mode of, 148, 149, 391. See also para; jnana; Spiritual wisdom

  Knowledge, 141, 278, 301–302: and action, 35, 147, 301; concept of, 278; St. Francis on, 147, 301; intellectual, 15, 26, 35, 147, 278, 301–302; intuitive, 141, 148, 149, 391; is within, 20; path of, see Spiritual wisdom, path of; two kinds of, 301–302. See also apara; jnana; para; Spiritual wisdom

  Koran, 176

  Krishna: and Radha, 167, 228; arrival of, in Kathakali, 45; as spiritual teacher, 48–51; derivation of name, 28; is avatara, 223; is incarnation of Vishnu, 15; is playful, 217; is the boAtman, 284; is within, 28, passim; worship of, at Guruvayur, 71. Stories: Arjuna’s ally, 346; Dharmaputra’s dog, 372; Draupadi’s sari, 255–256; his empty flute, 167, 228; rope could not go around Gopala, 112–113.

  Krishna-consciousness, 88

  krodha, 199, 330

  Kundalini, 140, 225, 272, 355

  Kurukshetra, 23, 24

  kusha grass, 351

  * * *

  L Top of Index

  Language, respectful, 207

  Law, William: on selfish desires, 42

  Laws, divine, see Spiritual laws

  Leadership: Gandhi’s concept of, 250–251

  Lethargy, 150, 180, 237. See also Tamas

  Light, forces of, 27–28, 331

  Likes and dislikes, 128–129, 194–196: allergies and, 128, 242; concentration and, 151–152, 196; E’s Grandmother’s capacity for changing, 299–300; in jobs, 151–152, 159–160, 196; in personal relationships, 194–195; overcoming, 128–129, 194–196, 300; Ramakrishna on, 129; Sai Baba on, 194; spontaneity and, 198. Story: licorice ice cream, 242. See also Attraction and aversion; Habits; Nervous system

  Lila, 286. Story: soccer match, 285–286 Living for others, see Welfare of all, living for

  Living waters, 96

  Lord within, the: as last resort, 389; calling, see Mantram, repetition of; drawing upon, 13, 51, 99, 165; is storekeeper, 385; is disguised as many, 189–190; is hidden, 203; is like Kerala parapet, 169, 307–308; is not ‘out there,’ 92; is our only support, 169, 252, 255–256, 261, 307–308, 323, 340, 341; i
s supreme goal, 46; is the boAtman, 284; is the landlord, 143, 205, 259; is the operator, 168–169, 225, 229, 240, 246–248; is waiting, 55; magnetism of, 387; many names of, 13, 28; play of, 71, 286; seeing, in everyone, 37, 40, 131, 347–348, 363, 367, 372–373; surrendering to, 229, 252; those dearest to, 391. Stories: demonstrators go limp, 247; Draupadi’s sari, 255-256; rope would not go around Gopala, 112–113. See also Instrument of the Lord; Unity of life

  Love: becoming, 339; emphasis on, on spiritual path, 216; heals, 342; overcomes hatred, 29–30, 35, 44, 220, 223, 245–246, 251, 264–265, 320, 338, 342–343, 356, 390; secret of, 291; translating, into selfless service, 178, 230

  – capacity for love: prana and, 273; St. Bernard on, 323; deepening, 178, 264, 291, 342–343, 379; E’s Grandmother on, 291; for all equally, 316–319; for the wrongdoer, 314, 338, 347; St. Francis on, 291; is glued as by jackfruit, 299; is inborn, 299; is released through selfless service, 263–264, 293, 335; with out expectations, 323, 347.

  –Stories: Geetha learns to read, 343; swimming lessons, 379–380, 390. See also Bhakti yoga; Devotion

  Love of God: in everyone, 216–217, 231; Ramakrishna on, 132. See also Devotion

  Loyalty, 54, 140–141, 350: and concentration, 350; to spiritual teacher, 54; unifies consciousness, 140–141

  Lust: the ego’s elephantry, 85. See also Desires, selfish; Kama madhyamarga, 270. See also Middle Path

  * * *

  M Top of Index

  Madhava (Krishna), 37

  Madhusudana (Krishna), 377

  Magazines, 19, 115, 124. See also Books and reading

  Mahabaho (Arjuna), 379

  Mahabharata, 14, 255, 346, 372

  Mahatma, 224

  manas, 206. See also Mind

  Manmatha, 139

  Mantram, repetition of, 17–18: and breathing rhythm, 274, 333, 373; and purification, 69; for capacity to forgive, 95, 181; for control of palate, 18, 358; in notebook, 369; in the unconscious, 249; instructions in, 17–18; is asking for help, 132; is calling the Lord, 144; is best tranquilizer, 175; remembering, 131; to extinguish self-will, 167, 170, 380; to keep mind in the present, 155; to overcome likes and dislikes, 129; when afraid, 17, 167, 366; when agitated, 17, 75, 89, 95, 175, 264, 297, 319, 366, 373–374; when angry, 17, 89, 167, 319-320, 366; when elated, 63–64, 86, 253, 254; when lethargic, 237; when swept away by desires, 18, 93, 139–140, 358; when waiting, 17; when walking, 89, 93, 237, 274, 319–320, 333, 366, 373–374; while falling asleep, 17, 253, 308–309, 359, 374; writing, 369. Stories: E. takes student for long walk, 373–374; the elephant’s bamboo stick, 18

  Mara, 139

  Margin for experimentation, 90, 234, 314

  Marriage: concept of rights in, 106–107; place of sex in, 120; putting the other first in, 121. See also Husband and wife; Personal relationships

  Mary Magdalene, Mass media, 33, 115, 124

  Material possessions, 204, 323. Story: the large wardrobe, 204

  Means and ends, 97–99, 185, 314–315. See also Selfless goal

  Meditation, 15–17, 334–392

  allied disciplines and, 16–20, 40–41, 89, 91, 94, 191, 210, 286–287, 357, 365, 380

  as last resort, 389

  benefits others, 15, 81, 272–273, 338, 355, 386

  bhakti yoga based on, 335–336

  breathing rhythm in, 274

  class in, 7, 8–9, 96, 272

  climax of, 55, 131, 144–145, 219, 249, 289, 331–332, 347, 360

  concentration in, 16, 18, 138, 141, 184, 258, 333, 340, 349, 352, 353–354, 362, 368, 391

  criticism at initial practice of, 77, 273

  decision to practice, 90–91, 191, 387

  desire for liberation deepens, 241, 378

  devotion, path of, based on, 335–336, 390–391

  distractions in, 16, 163, 258, 337, 360, 365–366, 368, 378

  drugs harm capacity for, 382–383

  dryness in, preventing, 16–17

  early stages of, 56, 81, 118, 131, 257–258, 324, 375, 382, 388. See also Dharana

  effect of, see Effect of meditation

  effort in, 89, 155, 258, 329

  enthusiasm for, 15, 80, 150, 192, 258–259, 329, 381, 391

  equipment advertised for, 351

  experiential discoveries in, 58–59, 212

  eyes, position of, in, 16, 332–333, 355

  final stages of, see Meditation, later stages of

  frees mind from past and future, 286, 337

  fulfills goal of evolution, 329

  giving up, 382–385

  goal of, 16, 131, 140–141, 357, 363. See also Supreme goal

  grace in, 132, 184, 351

  guidance in, 54, 192–193. Story: the escalator, 192–193

  harnesses aggression, 46

  harnesses restlessness, 214, 238. 388

  hearing about, 79–81, 88, 104, 387

  heat, rising, in, 272

  insight gained in, 30, 34. 38, 58, 112, 115, 182, 207, 212

  inspirational passages for, 16, 104, 105n.6, 393–394

  instructions in, 16–17

  is a dynamic discipline, 349

  is a learning tool, 366

  is an exercise in concentration, 18

  is Brahmavidya, 15

  is dull dreary work, 131, 258, 324, 333, 360

  is like demolishing and rebuilding a building, 375

  is like surfing, 200–201

  is never wasted, 89, 383–386

  is raja yoga, 378

  jnana yoga based on, 283, 286, 334, 336

  knowledge, path of, based on, 283, 286, 334–336, 390–391

  karma yoga based on, 334

  kundalini in, 272, 355

  later stages of, 58–59, 82, 248–249, 259–354, 363, 368

  length of, 16, 60

  less, for introversion, 150 mind in, bringing back the, 17, 258, 337, 340, 352, 360, 368. See also Meditation, distractions in

  more, for extroversion, 149–150

  movement between eyebrows in, 333

  notebook for, 208

  one-pointed attention in, 16, 18, 349, 352–354, 362–363, 391

  patience in practice of, 258

  picture of spiritual figure in, 16, 354

  place for, 16, 351

  posture for, 16, 351–352, 353–355

  Ramana Maharshi on, 351

  prajna and, 148

  prepares for the day, 46

  progress in, 59, 141, 192, 198, 303

  purifies the mind, 364

  reaching the unconscious in, 40, 248–249, 354

  recalling desires in, 233, 302. See also Effect of meditation on desires

  recalling vital energy in., 145, 316

  reconditions nervous system, 194–195

  regular practice of, 15, 96, 99, 324, 336, 337, 360, 364–365, 379–381, 391

  releases joy within, 370

  restlessness is call to, 214, 238, 388

  rising early for, 60

  sankalpa, frees the mind from, 337, 364

  secret of, 17, 104

  selfless action, path of, based on, 304, 334, 336, 390–391

  selfless service and, 152, 186, 248, 297–298, 306, 310, 390–391

  sincere practice of, 15

  sleep and, 186, 358–359

  sleeping in, 16, 184, 210, 257–258, 354–355

  spinal column in, 16, 352, 353–355

  spiritual progress impossible without, 304, 374–375, 391

  spiritual wisdom, path of, based on, 283, 286, 334–336, 390–391

  stages of, 118. See also Dharana; Dhyana; Meditation, early stages of; Meditation, later stages of

  starts from previous sadhana, 387–389

  still mind in, 138, 141–142, 253, 362, 368

  success in, 329

  suspension of breathing in, 274

  sustained practice of, 391–392

  systematic practice of, 15, 380–381, 391

  tape recorder effect in, 360

  tests in, 59, 156

ee paths are based on, 304, 334–336, 390–391

  time, awareness of, in, 60

  time, deliverance from, and, 59, 145–146

  time for, having, 204, 332

  time of day for, 16

  timing length of, 60. See also Meditation, length of

  tradition of, 213, 214–215

  transcending problems through, 148–149

  transforms, 15, 17, 40, 94, 104, 165, 211, 303, 356, 366, 368, 374–375, 377–378, 391

  unification and, 140, 209–210, 211

  valid for all, 72–73

  war within and, 24, 28, 46

  when women take to, 38

  work and, 150–152, 248, 297–298

  Stories: internal and external examiners, 156; surfers, 200; sweeping the veranda, 364

  See also Effect of meditation

  meghashyama (Krishna), 105.6

  Meher Baba, 11, 236, 344, 382

  Men and women, 120–121, 125–129. See also Husband and wife; Personal relationships; Women

  Menon, Vallathol Narayana, 307 308

  Mephistopheles, 342

  Merritt, Lake, 187, 241

  Middle Path, 269–270, 357–358

  Mind: breathing rhythm and, 274, 333; bringing, back to passage, 16, 258, 337, 340, 352, 360, 368; the Buddha on, 181, 258; constant activity of, 68, 108, 137, 296, 319, 358; desires in the, 138–139, 206–207, 367; excitement in, 63–64, 86, 253–254; fear exists in divided, 356; fear of stilling, 76; identification with the, 33–34, 58, 68, 144, 181; in meditation, 17, 258, 337, 340, 360, 368; like a garden, 80–81; like a grasshopper, 352; like a chained dog, 118; like motionless flame, 362; like the elephant’s trunk, 17–18; like the sea, 137, 139; many-pointed, 18–19; mechanical problems of, 366; negative emotions in, 17, 40, 201, 210, 258, 358, 374–375, 377–378; one-pointed, 18–19, 349–350, 351, 352, 362–363, 391; purified, 268, 364; Ramdas on, 41, 46; sex is in, 139; slowing down the, 138; the still, 76, 138, 141–142, 253, 360–363, 368–369; taste is in, 156, 160; training, 210, 211, 258, 358; undisciplined, 258; weeds in, 80–81

  – agitated mind, 244–245: affects breathing rhythm, 274, 333; causes insecurity, 253; causes separateness, 321; eyes reflect, 350; hides deeper resources, 253; poor judgment in, 95; repetition of mantram for, 17, 75, 89, 95, 175, 319, 366, 373–374


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