King of Souls

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King of Souls Page 21

by L A Cotton

  Nicco’s body was a sculpted work of art. Tanned skin pulled taut over cut muscles, broad shoulders and a narrowed waist that was defined by the delicious V disappearing into his sweatpants.

  Luis cleared his throat, casting me an amused glance before giving Nicco a nod. “Morning.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Everything’s quiet.”

  “Good.” Nicco advanced on me, curving his hand around my neck and pressing his lips to my head. “I’m going to take a quick shower. You’ll be okay?”

  It was my turn to nod.

  Once he’d disappeared, I joined Luis at the table. “I’m sorry you have to be here.”

  “I thought we were past all that?” He gave me a pointed look. “I’m here because I want to be here, Ari. You know, you seem different.”

  “It’s him...” My eyes went to the hall where Nicco had gone. “I know you probably think we’re too young and foolish...” I stopped myself. Luis didn’t want to hear this.

  He covered my hand with his. “Quite the contrary. I think what the two of you have found is quite remarkable. That man would die for you.”

  “I’d rather he didn’t.” I forced a smile, my stomach clenching at his words. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Do you think my father is being blackmailed or threatened by Mike Fascini?”

  “I think it’s the most likely scenario, yes.”

  “But before all this happened, when I first started MU, what do you think my father was thinking then?”

  “I can’t answer that, Arianne. You know as well as I do your father is a determined and successful man who cares deeply for his family. I think he probably genuinely thought he was doing a good thing. By promising you to Scott, he was securing your future and absolving you of the full burden of one day running Capizola Holdings. I think part of him just wanted to see you cared for and looked after.”

  “But I’m eighteen. He could have waited.”

  “I think the likelihood is Mike Fascini has always been pulling the strings and whispering in his ear. Your father is a driven man, Arianne. The opportunity to merge with Fascini and Associates was too good to pass up. But the lines between business and family got blurred along the way.”

  I scoffed at that, and Luis squeezed my hand. “Hey, I’m not trying to excuse his actions. He has made a lot of mistakes, nothing will change that.”

  “Do you think he knows who Mike Fascini really is?”

  “If he doesn’t, he will soon enough.”

  I pondered on that thought. If my father didn’t know, did it change anything?

  I didn’t have all the answers. Not yet. All I knew, was that in my heart, I felt betrayed. He was supposed to be the man I could trust with anything, the man who would move mountains for me.

  He’d let me down too many times to just brush his infractions under the rug.

  I finished my coffee before going to the refrigerator. “Are you hungry?”

  “I wouldn’t turn down the offer of breakfast.” Luis gave me a rare smile. “If you’re sure you don’t mind?”

  “I don’t see anyone else here to cook, do you? Besides, it’ll keep me busy.”

  And I could really do with that right now.


  But he wasn’t alone.

  Nicco’s father, his uncles, and Matteo filed into the cabin, filling the room with their somber expressions and larger than life presence.

  “Ari,” Matteo came over and hugged me, taking me by surprise. “I’m glad you’re okay,” he whispered.

  “Arianne,” Antonio said, giving me a nod. He was conflicted, his stormy eyes at war with the faint smile he wore.

  “Miss Capizola.” One of the other men stepped forward. “I am Michele, Matteo’s father. It is nice to finally meet you.”


  “Vincenzo,” Enzo’s dad said coolly. He reminded me so much of his son, only scarier. If Enzo was cold, Vincenzo was a glacier. Disapproval radiated from him and I inched closer to Luis’ side.

  “Niccolò, perhaps Arianne would enjoy a walk. I’m sure Vitelli can—”

  “She stays.”

  “Son, that is not an option.”

  “It’s okay,” I stepped forward and laid a hand on Nicco’s arm. “I wanted to call Nora and my mom anyway. I’ll give you all some space.”

  He looked at me, his brows drawn tight with uncertainty. “I’ll be fine,” I urged. “Go talk with your family.”

  “You stay,” he said to Luis who stiffened.

  “Are you—”

  “You stay.”

  I went to leave but Nicco snagged my hand, drawing me back to him. “We won’t be long.” He cupped my face, leaning down to kiss me. My cheeks burned. Everyone was watching. His father, his cousins and uncles, the most important people in his life. Yet he kissed me like I yielded the real power over him.

  It was heady.


  It was everything.

  “Go,” he murmured quietly against my lips, “before I throw them all out and drag you back to our bed.”

  I couldn’t hide my smile as I left them and went to our bedroom. Closing the door behind me, I grabbed my cell phone off the dresser and flopped onto the bed. I wanted to call Nora, but my mom had been bombarding me with texts since the party, so I decided to deal with her first.


  “Arianne, thank God. I’ve been so worried.”

  “Luis told Father I was safe, no?”

  “Yes, but it didn’t stop me worrying after what Scott did—”

  “I’m okay, Mamma, I’m okay.”

  “You’re safe?”

  I smiled dryly. I couldn’t help it. She acted like an overly concerned parent, but she had been so willing to force my relationship with Scott before she discovered what a monster he was.

  “Where are you?”

  “You know I can’t tell you that.”

  “Oh, figlia mia, everything is such a mess.”

  “Have you spoken to Tristan?”

  “I have. He’s trying to speak some sense into your father. He’s beside himself, sweetheart.”

  Too little too late.

  “You could come home, to the estate. We can keep you safe.”

  “I can’t,” I let out a weary sigh. “I won’t.”

  “No.” I heard the sadness in her voice. “I don’t suppose you will.”

  “Have you spoken to Suzanna?”

  “Not a word since the morning after the party. Once we found out what had happened, your father ushered me back to the estate.”

  “It isn’t safe for you there, Mamma. You could be in danger. Is there somewhere you can go?”

  “Whatever are you talking about?”

  “Mike. He isn’t who he says he is. You can’t trust him.”

  “What do you know that you aren’t telling me?”

  I hesitated. “Just be careful, okay?”

  “I will. Your father has extra security around the house. He’s become very paranoid of late.”

  “You need to try to talk to him, Mamma.”

  “I’m not sure I can get through to him anymore.”

  “But maybe if Tristan is there too, maybe the two of you can make him see sense.”

  “I will try.” A beat passed and then she said, “This isn’t what I wanted for you, Arianne. I hope you know that.”

  “I know, Mamma.”

  But the truth was, I didn’t know anything anymore. Not where my family were concerned. There were so many secrets and lies, it was impossible to sort the truth from the falsities.

  “I have to go,” I rushed out, suddenly overwhelmed.

  “What should I tell your father?”

  “Tell him, I’m not going back. I won’t.” Not while Scott was roaming free and Mike Fascini was still pulling the strings.

  “Okay. I love you, sweetheart.” She let out a small sigh. “Be safe.”
  “Bye, Mamma.”

  I hung up, swallowing down the tears burning my throat. But I didn’t dwell on our conversation. Instead, I dialed my best friend’s number. She answered on the third ring.

  “Hey,” Nora said. “How is it being secreted away with your handsome bodyguard and hot mafioso boyfriend?”

  “Nor,” I let out a strained chuckle.

  “Please, you’re in hiding with your guy... it sounds like heaven if you ask me.”

  “Have you forgotten why?”

  “No, Ari. God no. But when life hands you lemons and all that.”

  “You’re crazy.” A faint smile traced my lips.

  “And you love me. So what’s up?”

  “Antonio and Nicco’s uncles just got here,” I kept my voice low. I could only make out the rumble of their voices beyond the bedroom. It all sounded very fraught, but I couldn’t distinguish words.

  It was probably for the best.

  “Wait a second, they’re having a business meeting, right now?”

  “I guess so.”

  “You have to go listen.”


  “You’re telling me you’re not curious what they’re,” she lowered her voice, “talking about?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I would never—”

  “They could be making decisions that affect you.”

  “Nicco will tell me.”

  “Will he? They live by a code, babe. Secrets. Lies. Cover ups. It’s the mafia way.” She was so flippant about this stuff.

  “You’ve been watching too much TV.”

  “You know I’m right.”

  “Maybe, but I’m not about to go eavesdrop on them. It’s... wrong.”

  “You say that like any of this is right.”

  What Nicco and I felt for each other was right.

  No one would ever persuade me otherwise.

  “What do you think they’re—”

  “Nora, seriously?”

  She chuckled. “I should be there. I’d get us some answers.”

  “How are classes?” I changed the subject.

  “Dull. It’s not the same without you. The apartment is so empty, and Maurice isn’t half as interesting as Luis.”

  “You could always ask Dan to keep you company.”

  “I think I have decided Dan and I are more compatible as friends.”

  “That’s a shame.”

  “Not really. He’s busy with the team, and I’m... well, I’m not really feeling it.”

  “Well as long as you’re not throwing away a shot at something good for a certain brooding mafioso?”

  “Enzo, really? Please, I have some dignity.” The lilt in her voice suggested otherwise, but I didn’t argue. We had bigger problems at hand.

  A beat passed, and then Nora whispered, “When do you think you might be able to come back?”

  “I don’t know.” My heart ached. We’d never really spent any time apart. Even when we’d lived on my father’s estate, she was only ever a stone’s throw away in her family’s cottage.

  “Okay, well, stay safe. That’s all that matters right now.”

  “You be careful too. Scott is still—”

  “He wouldn’t dare try anything with me,” she scoffed. “Besides, Maurice follows me around like my shadow.”

  I hoped she was right.

  “I’ll text you later, okay?” she said.

  “Okay. Bye.”

  We hung up just as I heard raised voices coming from the living room. Tiptoeing to the far wall, I pressed my ear against the wood. I didn’t want to eavesdrop, I didn’t want to be that girl, but Nora had planted a seed. And I couldn’t deny part of me wondered what was happening.

  “No,” I heard Nicco say. “No fucking way.”

  “Niccolò,” Antonio clucked his tongue, “you need to...” His words were swallowed.

  “Porca miseria!” I couldn’t figure out who that was, possibly Enzo or his father.

  “... to our advantage.”

  “I won’t do it.” Nicco sounded irritated. Something crashed and then a door slammed, reverberating through the cabin.

  I stumbled back, regretting my decision to listen. A couple of seconds later, there was a knock at my door. “Arianne,” Luis said.

  “Come in.”

  He slipped inside and closed the door. “How much of that did you hear?”

  “Not a lot.”

  He gave me a pointed look, and I let out a defeated sigh. “I heard the odd word. Is everything okay?”

  “Things got a little fraught, but everything will be okay. Antonio and his brothers just left.”

  “So I can go see Nicco?”

  “Umm...” His expression fell.



  I shouldered past him and went into the main room. “Nicco?”

  “Hey Ari,” Matteo looked sheepish, rubbing a hand through his hair and down his neck.

  “Where is he?”

  “I... uh... he’s...” His eyes went to the door. I took off, yanking it open, catching Nicco about to take off on his bike.

  “Nicco?” I called.

  His body slumped back on the bike, his head hung low. I inched closer, sensing his torment. “Nicco, look at me.”

  “I need a minute.” His voice was raw.

  “You’re leaving?” I rounded the bike.

  “No, I would never... I just need...” He inhaled a ragged breath. “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t want you to be sorry. I want you to talk to me. What happened?”

  His eyes shuttered and he exhaled a shaky breath. “Please don’t ask me that, anything but that.”

  The need to know what had happened burned through me but Nicco was hurting and all I wanted to do was make it better.

  “Will you come inside with me?”

  “I need to ride, Bambolina. I need... space.”

  “From me?” Pain squeezed my heart.

  “Not you, never you. I just... this is how I deal with things.”

  “So I’ll come.” I went to climb on the back of his bike, but Nicco hooked me round the waist, pulling me into him. “It’s not safe.”

  “Then it’s not safe for you either.” I pressed my hand to his cheek, narrowing my eyes as I spoke my next words. “Come inside, Nicco. I won’t ask again.”

  Pulling away, I marched back into the cabin and sat down on the sectional.

  “Everything okay?” Matteo asked me.

  “We’ll see.” I rested my chin on my fists, mindlessly counting the seconds.

  If Nicco didn’t come back, I didn’t know what I would do. But if we were going to be together, if we were going to get through this, he had to realize he couldn’t just take off every time the going got tough. He might not have been able to tell me everything, but he could be with me.

  He could turn to me for comfort.

  I glanced at the door, waiting for him to walk through it.

  “Ari, maybe you should—”

  “Don’t,” I groaned.

  “It’s not you, you have to know that. This is killing him.”

  “It’s not exactly easy for me either.” I met Matteo’s sympathetic gaze.

  “I know. Trust me, I know. But Nicco is used to being in control. He’s used to—”

  I didn’t need to turn around to see Nicco, I felt him, the tether between us pulling taut.

  “I’ll give you two a minute.” Matteo got up and left the cabin.

  The air crackled between us, thick and oppressive. “Do you want to talk about it?” I said, breaking the heavy silence.

  “I just want to be with you, Bambolina. Is that okay?”

  I nodded, scared that if I spoke, we would lose this moment.

  Nicco had relented.

  Instead of running away to clear his head, he’d turned to me.

  It felt like a turning point.

  “I’m here, Nicco. Whatever you need, I’m here.”

  He finally mov
ed, standing over me. His body vibrated with anger; I could feel it permeate the air. Sliding my hand in his, I stood. “What do you need?”

  Nicco’s jaw clenched impossibly tight. “Di te, Bambolina, I only need you.” He curved his arm around my waist, pulling me close. I slid my palms up his chest, leaning up to kiss him.

  “You have me,” I breathed, “always.”

  Chapter 23


  We spent the rest of the day in bed. Matteo and Luis made themselves scarce. There was a fire pit around the back of the cabin. Arianne wanted to check it out, but I’d told her it wasn’t safe.

  I didn’t want to share her, not yet.

  Not after earlier.

  I hadn’t wanted to take off, but after seeing my father and my uncles, I’d needed air. What I’d really needed was to fight, but I couldn’t do that, so I’d hopped on my bike with only one thing in mind.

  Me and the open road.

  Then Arianne had appeared.

  I’d seen the disappointment in her eyes; it cut me like tiny daggers. But it was no more than I deserved.

  I couldn’t tell her the truth, not yet. And the secrets and lies were beginning to feel like a burden too heavy to carry.

  When the sun began to sink behind the tree line, Matteo, Enzo, and Luis all returned to the cabin, this time with pizza.

  “You seem better,” Enzo said as the two of us found some plates and napkins.

  “I’m okay.” We shared a silent look.

  My eyes flicked to Arianne, who immediately averted her gaze. I knew she wanted to know what had happened earlier, but so far she was respecting our privacy.

  We joined them, and together we enjoyed an evening eating pizza and drinking beer with her bodyguard and my best friends. Between the food, easy conversation, and laughter it was easy to pretend there wasn’t a shitshow happening around us.

  “That was so good.” She licked the grease off her fingers, and a low growl built in my chest when I noticed Enzo and Matteo watching her. They both chuckled, and I flipped them off.

  Luis had been quiet, happy to listen to us regale Arianne with stories of our childhood. But when his cell phone vibrated for the fifth time, Enzo grumbled. “Are you going to get that?”

  “It’s Roberto.” Luis’ eyes flashed to me. “He wants Arianne to reply to his messages.”

  “I have nothing to say to him,” she said.


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