King of Souls

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King of Souls Page 30

by L A Cotton

  “That’s Nora’s,” Arianne whispered, taking it from him.

  “Is there any sign of forced entry? A fight?”


  “You were there the whole night?” I asked him because nothing about this made sense.

  He nodded. “But I think I passed out. Things got pretty wild... Fuck.” Enzo dragged a hand through his hair. “I told her security guy to take a hike. I had my gun and knife right there.”

  “N- no.” Arianne dug her fingers into my side. “You think she was... taken?”

  “It had to be him.” Enzo looked murderous. “I’ll kill, I’ll fucking—”

  “Calm down.” I levelled him with a hard look. “We don’t know what happened yet. There might be a perfectly reasonable explanation.” I knew he was most likely right, but I didn’t want to worry Arianne unnecessarily.

  “Have you raised the alarm with anyone else?” I asked.

  “No, I came straight here.”

  “Call Luis. Go room to room. We search the entire place.”

  “Got it.” He hesitated before settling his stormy gaze on Arianne. “I didn’t know... I swear, I didn’t think—”

  She stepped forward, laying a hand on his arm. “It’s not your fault. But please, find her.” A shudder ripped through Arianne and I pulled her into my arms.

  “Go.” I mouthed to Enzo. “And keep me updated.”

  He gave me a stiff nod and took off down the hall.

  “You really think Scott did something?” Arianne stared up at me with glassy eyes.

  “It could be something or it could be nothing. For all we know, Nora freaked and is in Alessia’s or her parents' room right now sleeping it off.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” She gave me a weak smile.

  “Let’s get dressed and then we’ll go look, okay?”


  Anger zipped up my spine, threatening to take hold. This was supposed to be the first day of the rest of our lives and that fucker Scott Fascini had found a way to ruin it.

  You don’t know it’s definitely him yet.

  But my gut instinct said it was.

  “You think it is him, don’t you?” A tear rolled down Arianne’s cheek.

  “Bambolina,” I inhaled a harsh breath, “everything will be fine, I promise.”

  I regretted the words the second they were out.

  Less than one day into married life and I was already making promises I didn’t know I could keep.

  “OKAY, WHAT HAVE WE got?” Myself, Enzo, Luis, Maurice, and a couple of our guys were gathered around the club’s security camera feeds.

  “It’s definitely him,” Enzo ground out as he glared at a still shot of a guy entering the elevator. “His hair is longer and he’s in staff uniform, but I’d know that smirk anywhere.”

  “He’s right.” My heart plummeted. “It’s Fascini.”

  “He disappears here.” The tech guy pointed to another screen. “It’s a blind spot area. But another camera picks him up here and here.”

  “And then what?” I asked.

  “We lose him. It’s like he’s a ghost.”

  “Fuck.” Enzo slammed his fist into the wall, and I raised a brow.

  “Feel better?”

  “I’ll feel better when that fucker is six-feet in the ground.”

  The tech guy blanched, but didn’t say a word. He knew the score. He knew who we were and what had happened.

  “What about the outside cameras?”

  “Nothing except this car leaving at,” he leaned in, squinting at the screen, “a little after five.”

  “We have to assume he took her.” Luis shot me a concerned look. “Which means he has a five-hour head start.”

  “Nora is Arianne’s best friend,” I said. “He knew he wouldn’t be able to get to her, so he took the next best thing. He’ll use her as leverage to get what he really wants.”


  I nodded, my stomach twisting violently. “He’ll make contact when he’s ready.”

  “So we just wait? That’s some bullshit right—”

  “Enzo,” I warned. “We have to keep our heads. We have no idea where he might be. But it isn’t Nora he wants.”

  It was Arianne.

  My Arianne.

  “If only I’d have—”

  “Don’t.” I shook my head at Enzo. “You can’t blame yourself for this.”

  “She was right there beside me. I should have felt something. I should have done something. Fuck,” he roared.

  “We had the place locked down. He was wearing staff uniform and had a keycard to access the elevator,” Luis said. “He was prepared.”

  “Do you need anything else?” the tech guy mumbled, clearly uncomfortable at our presence.

  “No, thank you.” I flicked my head to the door, and everyone began filing out.

  “Anything?” Matteo jogged up to us.

  “It’s Fascini.”


  “Where’s Arianne?” I asked.

  “She’s with her parents and Nora’s parents. Mrs. Abato is beside herself.”

  Enzo kicked the wall before taking off, mumbling something about needing some air.

  “Is he okay?”

  “He blames himself.” I watched him shoulder the door and storm down the hall.

  “He was pretty lit when I left them. You know how he can get.”

  “He says he passed out, but I can’t believe he didn’t hear anything.”

  “Maybe Fascini drugged her so she didn’t put up a fight. It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  I let out a heavy sigh as I met Matteo’s stare. “Did I drop the ball here?”

  It had been a month and there had been no sign of Scott.

  Not a damn thing.

  “We all thought he was gone. You told Enzo not to blame himself, but you can’t carry this guilt either, Nic.”

  “We need to be ready,” I said. “When he calls,”—and I knew he would—“we need to be ready.”

  I was done pussyfooting around where Fascini was concerned.

  There was only one way this was going to end.

  With a bullet hole through his skull.

  Chapter 32


  Scott had Nora.

  It sounded too messed up to possibly be true.

  And yet, we’d left the Country Club without her.

  She was gone, taken by that psychopath to God only knew where.

  Nicco was confident he would call, but it had been almost two hours since we discovered she was gone and still, nothing. Mr. and Mrs. Abato wanted to call the police, but my father and Antonio had talked them down, insisting they would do everything in their power to get Nora back safe and sound.

  It had been strange, watching them work together for the common good.

  “What’s taking so long?” I asked. We were at Antonio’s house. Me, Nicco, Matteo, Enzo, and Luis. Maurice was at the apartment with Jay, just in case he showed up, and Tristan was back at my father’s estate with mine and Nora’s parents.

  We all knew he wouldn’t show up anywhere familiar though.

  He would want to draw me away from everyone.

  “He’ll call.” Nicco squeezed my knee. The two of us sat on the couch while Matteo sat in the chair. Luis stood over by the door, in his usual bodyguard stance, ready to jump into action at any moment; while Enzo paced back and forth like a caged lion.

  He’d been quiet.

  Too quiet.

  I knew he carried guilt over what had happened, but part of me wondered if it was more than that. If he cared because it was Nora.

  God, I hoped she was okay.

  I didn’t know what I would do if she was hurt... because of me.

  Because of Scott’s depraved infatuation with me.

  My phone sat on the coffee table taunting me. We assumed Scott would contact me, but time was ticking.

  “Anything?” Alessia came into the room.

  “Not yet,�
� I said.

  She sat down beside me. “She’ll be okay. Nora is a tough cookie.”

  Enzo made a strangled sound in his throat.

  “Maybe you should get some air?” Nicco suggested.

  “No,” he said. “I need to be here in case—”

  The blare of my cell cut through the air. “It’s him.” I snatched the phone up in my trembling fingers.

  “What does it say?” Everyone moved closer as I unlocked the screen and opened the text.

  “It’s an address.”

  “Vitelli,” Nicco barked.

  “On it.” Luis glanced over at the screen and began typing something in his own cell phone. “It looks like it’s an abandoned industrial unit right on the edge of Romany Square.

  “Motherfucker has a death wish,” Enzo growled.

  Another message came through.

  “Come alone, or she dies,” someone read it out.

  “Oh God,” I cried, and Alessia pulled me into her arms.

  “Ssh, it’s okay. It’ll be okay.”

  “How are we going to play this?” Matteo said. “We can’t just send Ari in alone.”

  “Yes.” I pulled away and wiped my eyes. “You can. You have to. I will not let him hurt Nora.”

  If he hadn’t already.

  “You can’t ask me to do that, Bambolina.” The blood had drained from Nicco’s face.

  “What other choice do we have? He won’t hurt me. Not until he gets what he wants. I can placate him while you make your move.”

  “No.” Nicco looked murderous.

  “She has a point,” Luis said. “He’s obsessed with her. If anyone can distract him, it’s Ari.”

  “I will not risk your life.” Nicco shot up. “It is not an option.”

  I stood, taking his face in my hands. “Nora is my best friend. I can’t stand by and do nothing.”

  “It’s a trap. If we send you in there alone—”

  “I won’t be alone. I know you’ll keep me safe, Nicco.”

  “Fuck, Bambolina.” His eyes shuttered as he swallowed harshly. “Don’t ask me to do this.”

  “We can send her in with a vest,” Luis said. “It’s not ideal but it’s better than nothing.”

  “A vest.... fuck.” Nicco ran a hand down his face.

  “I have to do this,” I said with more confidence. The longer we sat around and decided what to do, the longer Nora was with him.

  “It’s our best shot at getting Nora out of there...” Luis swallowed the words.

  Words I didn’t ever want to hear.

  Nora would survive this.

  She had to.

  We all looked to Nicco, waiting. “Okay,” he eventually choked out. “We do it. But you listen to every single word I tell you.” I nodded. “I need to speak with my father, and then we head out. Matteo, you stay here with Alessia.”

  “But, Nic—”

  Nicco silenced him with a hard look.

  His hands went up. “I’m on babysitting duty, got it.”

  “Enzo, Luis, you’re with us.” He moved toward Enzo, lowering his voice so the rest of us couldn’t hear.

  “Be safe.” Alessia pulled my attention from her brother and cousin.

  “I will, I promise.”

  “Arianne,” Luis beckoned me over, “we need to get you set up.”

  I glanced back to Nicco and he gave me a tight smile. “Go. I’ll be there soon.”

  I had no idea where there was, but I followed my bodyguard out of the living room and down the hall. He seemed to know his way around the house which surprised me.

  “How often have you been here?”

  “A few times.”

  “I see.”

  He let out a chuckle. “I only ever acted with your safety in mind.”

  “I know.”

  I did.

  It just seemed weird that a man once so loyal to my father was now on the other side. Although after the wedding, maybe we were all on the same side now.

  Luis kept going until we walked right out of the house to his SUV. He popped the trunk and pulled up the interior flooring revealing a hidden compartment. “One bulletproof vest. Put it on under your hoodie.”

  My hands trembled as I took it from him. “Is this really necess—

  He gave me a pointed look. “Scott is unhinged, Arianne. I know you want to do the right thing, and I agree, I think this is our safest bet at saving Nora, but it doesn’t change the fact we could be playing right into his hands.”

  “I know, I just... okay,” I let out a weary sigh. “I’ll put it on.” Slipping out of my hoodie, I let Luis help secure me into the vest. It felt strange, restrictive, and heavy, like a vice around my chest.

  “It’s not infallible, but it gives you some protection. Knife.” He handed me a blade, the one he’d given me before, the one I’d stabbed Scott with.


  “Take it.” He pushed it toward me. “There is no way I’m letting you walk in there unarmed and you know Nicco will agree with me.”

  My fingers closed around the handle as I stared down at the blade, remembering how it had felt jamming it into Scott’s thigh. A shudder rolled through me.

  “Ari, look at me. “Luis’ hand landed on my shoulder. “You’ve got this. We’ll be there every step of the way.”

  I nodded, too choked to reply. Earlier I’d been running on adrenaline, on the sheer desperation of saving Nora. But now I was running on fear.

  “Arianne,” Antonio’s deep voice startled me. “Nicco has filled me in on the plan.” He came over to us, and Luis gave the two of us some space.

  “I have to do this,” I said as if I was talking myself into it.

  “I know. She is your friend.”

  “Nora is family. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do this and she...”

  “She will be fine. It is you Scott wants. Just keep him talking and Niccolò will take care of him, okay?”

  “Okay.” Tears burned the back of my eyes.

  In a rare display of affection, Antonio pulled me into his big arms. “You are a part of this family now. We will not let any harm come to you. Do you understand?”

  “I do.”

  “Good.” He eased back. “You and my son have your whole future ahead of you. We shall not let Scott Fascini take that from you, either of you.”

  “All set?” Nicco stalked over to us. He looked deadly, his eyes dark and stormy. He didn’t like this, but I had to do it.

  “Call me when it’s done,” Antonio said.

  And I realized then, that this was a suicide mission.

  But not for me or Nicco.

  For Scott.

  THE INDUSTRIAL UNIT was a big place on the edge of Romany Square near the border. We rolled to a stop and Nicco went into full protector mode.

  “Luis and E, go scope it out.” His eyes were narrowed dangerously as he stared out at the warehouse as if it was the enemy.

  Maybe in some ways, it was.

  Luis and Enzo left, splitting up and sweeping the area.

  “It will be okay,” I said, breaking the thick silence.

  “Bambolina.” He exhaled a heavy sigh, fixing his eyes on me. “Why do I feel like this is a bad idea?”

  “It’s the only option, Nicco. If you go in there, he could hurt Nora, or worse. I won’t take that chance.”

  “So I’m just supposed to take a chance with your life?”

  “Scott is a psychopath. I can appeal to his ego.”

  “You know how this ends, don’t you?”

  I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. “It’s okay. I understand.”

  Scott couldn’t walk away from this. No matter how much I didn’t want Nicco to kill him, to carry that burden, I knew they would never let him live after this. And I had to make my peace with that.

  “I think I understand now. He threatened Nora and I would do anything to save her.” I laid my palm on his cheek. “It’s okay. Do what you have to, just make sure you come ba
ck to me.”

  Nicco closed the distance between us, sweeping his tongue into my mouth and kissing me. It was a kiss fueled by anger and frustration, desperation and fear. It was a kiss full of promise and reassurance.

  A kiss I never wanted to end.

  “They’re back.” Nicco broke away, touching his head to mine. He inhaled a deep breath before sitting up, his cold mask sliding back into place.

  Luis yanked open my door and peered inside. “One way in and out. He’s backed himself into a corner.”

  Nervous energy zipped through me, my body vibrating uncontrollably. I took Luis’ hand and let him help me out.

  Nicco followed. “Okay. I’ll walk Arianne to the door,” he said. “Once Nora is clear, you wait for my signal.” They both nodded as he took my hand and started guiding me toward the building. Every step was like a gunshot to the heart. Blood pounded between my ears, my pulse so fast I felt a little unsteady.

  “Wait,” Enzo called, jogging over to us.

  “What is it?” My voice trembled.

  “Just get her back, okay?”

  A faint smile lifted the corner of my mouth. “I will.” I laid a hand on his arm. His body seemed to relax at my touch, relief seeping into his expression.

  “Come on,” Nicco urged. “We should...” He flicked his head to the door. The place was locked down, huge steel chains on the front shutters. But there was a door on the side of the building that was ajar.

  When we reached it, Nicco tugged me around to face him. “I’m going to be right behind you, okay? Keep him talking but don’t get too close.”

  “Okay.” A tear slipped down my face.

  “Ssh, Bambolina. This will all soon be over.” He cupped the back of my neck and drew me close, kissing my forehead. “I love you more than life, Arianne.”

  I hesitated, and then, without looking back, I slipped inside.

  It was dark and cold, a cloying smell lingering in the dusty air. My sneakers barely made a sound as I moved down the hall, but I could hear my heartbeat. Feel it as it pounded in my chest. The hall opened out into the main warehouse, floor to ceiling steel shelving creating a network of passageways.

  “Hello,” I called.

  “Ari, don’t—” Nora’s voice became muffled and I heard Scott grunt and grumble.

  Picking up my pace, I weaved in and out of the shelving, until I saw them. Scott had Nora tied to a chair, her hands bound behind her back and ankles bound together. “What are you doing, Scott?” I stepped out into the clearing.


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