Alice's Men

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Alice's Men Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  Landon would stroke his cock next to her until she convinced him to let her suck on him while Ben switched up and fed his shaft into her pussy at last. They’d both stroke her with their dicks, taking her at both ends, talking dirty to her, because she knew that Ben at least would be mouthy as he fucked her pussy.

  She’d never thought about talking during sex, but she knew it would be something the guys did after only knowing them a few short days. Yeah, they’d tell her what they wanted to do to her then talk about it the entire time they were doing it.

  Once again, Alice brought herself to the brink of climax so that she thrashed her head from side to side before finally allowing the pleasure to rush over her like warm waves of the ocean when she centered the little vibrator over her clit.

  When she couldn’t handle the stimulation any longer, Alice removed it and collapsed back on the bed, panting like, well, a kitten on catnip. God only knew what it would be like with the real thing, but she was certainly planning on finding out.

  Chapter Nine

  Landon sighed for the hundredth time as Ben cursed and complained about wearing the button-down shirt.

  “I don’t get why we have to dress up just to take her to the steak house. I hate monkey suits,” Ben fussed.

  “It’s not a suit, idiot. It’s just a nice shirt with your new jeans. They look good together and less grungy like we normally are when we see her.”

  “She doesn’t seem to mind.”

  “No, she’s too nice to say anything.”

  “So, you think she does mind?”

  Landon shook his head. There were times that Ben wore on his patience. Like now. He didn’t want to dress up for Alice when she was important to them.

  “No. I don’t think she minds at all, but it’s only nice of us to look clean and well dressed for her sometimes. Women like it when you dress up for them.” Landon shrugged. “Look, if you’re that much against it, wear a nice solid T-shirt and I’ll wear the button-down.”

  “Nah, I’ll wear it if you are and you’re sure it’ll make her happy.” Ben tugged at the collar again.

  “You can unbutton the top button since you’re not going to wear a tie,” Landon told him.

  “Good. This thing is choking me.” He unbuttoned the top button and breathed out in a loud whoosh.

  “I still can’t believe she’s giving us a chance like this. I’m a little worried she’ll change her mind,” Landon said.

  “I don’t think so. She strikes me as the kind of woman who sticks to her guns. If she says she’ll give us a chance, she’ll do it. Whether or not she likes it is a different story, but she’ll go out with us on more than one date to be sure.”

  “Can this really work?” Landon asked as the reality of it closed around his throat, shutting off his air.

  “Yeah, why not? No one has to know anything personal about the relationship unless we chose to share it. If somewhere down the line everything works out and she agrees to be with us as a family, we’ll find a house large enough for us and move in together. Men and women live together all the time. Nothing different about it. Who knows if they’re with each other physically or not?” Ben fastened his belt after tucking in the shirt.

  “Yeah. You’re right. I guess I’m second-guessing that we have a chance. We’ve never gotten this far before.”

  “We’ve had sex with women before,” Ben pointed out.

  “Yeah, but we weren’t taking it slow in order to form a bond. This is different from anything we’ve ever done before.”

  “True. I sure as hell never put on a dress shirt for one of them. Showering and cleaning my nails was about all I worried about.”

  Landon couldn’t stop the smile at Ben’s blunt explanation of how much trouble they were going to for Alice. The big man cleaned up but rarely dressed up. Okay, he’d never dressed up for as long as Landon had known him. They’d had to buy the new jeans and dress shirt for him on the way home from work. While he had those at home, Ben hadn’t. At least they both had nicer boots to wear. Fitting Ben’s colossal feet was never easy, and he’d often had to result to buying his work boots online where he could get the wider sizes.

  “She’s worth all of it, Ben. Don’t forget it.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. As long as she doesn’t expect me to wear these things all the time I’ll be happy. Once in a while, maybe. Like to our wedding.”

  “Hold on, man. Don’t talk about things like that around her. You’ll spook her for sure. We’re taking this slow and laying a foundation for a longer relationship. We’ve all got to work on this together.” Landon clasped his friend’s shoulder. “I’m serious, Ben.”

  “I know. I’m not going to push. I’m probably going to say some shit I shouldn’t, but that’s how I am. She’ll have to get used to it. Things don’t always come out right for me.”

  “No, things come out of your mouth because you don’t think first,” Landon corrected.

  “Same shit. Either she likes me how I am or we’re just screwing around. I’m not changing. Been this way all my life.”

  “She seems to handle your big mouth well enough, so as long as you don’t stick both of your size thirteen feet in it, we’ll be fine.”

  “Same goes, man. You get all flowery sometimes and especially with her. Don’t go promising things we both can’t deliver,” Ben said.

  “I’m not. We both have to be on our best behavior.” Landon took another look in the mirror to be sure his shirt looked fine. “Ready?”

  “Yeah, let’s go before I change my mind about this shirt and change.”

  * * * *

  Ben fidgeted in his seat as he drove to Alice’s house. He was nervous and had never been that way before. At least not about a woman. He’d always been confident in himself around them. What about Alice had him acting like a nervous teenager heading out on a first date? This wasn’t even their first date with her. They’d taken her out to the pizza parlor already. Why was this so different?

  Hell, because now she knows what we want with her. I’m afraid she’ll change her mind or that I’ll say or do something that will make her change her mind.

  Yeah, that was what it was. Now she was going out with them as a threesome and not just as friends. They were wanting something more to develop, and she was onboard with that for now. At least until his dirty mouth screwed things up. He couldn’t help how he was. He’d been brought up rough and had lived that way all his life. There was no changing. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to change.

  “You’re going to wear the ass out of those jeans if you don’t stop fidgeting in them,” Landon said.

  “Shut up. You’re tapping your knee with your finger like a damn typewriter over there.”

  “That’s the turn. Slow down.” Landon pointed at the street where Alice lived then held on to the oh-shit bar as Ben made the turn a little faster than he would have liked. “Where the hell were you going?”

  “I don’t know. I was too busy trying not to wear my ass out over here. Fuck you, man.”

  Landon shook his head then jumped out of the truck as soon as Ben stopped in the drive behind Alice’s SUV. Ben followed behind him but took his time. He couldn’t wait to see her but wasn’t going to act like a lovesick idiot the way Landon was. He’d bide his time with her.

  At least that was the plan until he saw her dressed in a billowy spring dress that accented her hips and boobs. The pretty buttercup yellow looked fucking hot on her. The dress dipped at the neck a little in front and came down to just below her knees in length. He couldn’t wait to touch those thighs.

  Right. No thigh touching yet, but he was sure as hell going to pat her knee the first chance he got. He wanted to touch that creamy-looking skin more than he wanted to eat his next meal.

  “Hey, guys. I’m almost ready. Need to put on my shoes. Come on in.” She left the door open for them and disappeared into the back of the house.

  “Fuck me, man. Did you see that dress?” Ben asked.

�Yeah. She looks great. Don’t go overboard, Ben. Remember, we’re taking it slow.”

  “She shouldn’t have worn something like that if she wanted me to take it slow. I’m already drooling over here at the thought of what’s hidden beneath that dress.”

  “Damn it, Ben. Calm the fuck down.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I hear you.”

  “Okay. I’m ready. I wasn’t sure where we were going. You never did say. Am I overdressed?” she asked as Ben stared at her.

  “No. Not at all.”

  “You two sure are dressed up. You both look nice. Ben looks uncomfortable though.” Alice smiled at them as they walked out of the house.”

  Ben held out his hand for her key. He was glad she handed it over without a fuss. He closed and locked the door before pocketing the key and walking on the other side of her from Landon. He left her with his friend while he walked around to climb into the driver’s seat.

  When he looked over, it was to see the other man lifting her inside so that she didn’t have to climb in with the dress on. She smiled at Landon and said thanks. Next time he was going to be the one to help her up and Landon could drive. They’d take turns driving so that both of them would have the opportunity to touch her and help her in and out of the truck.

  Landon climbed in the back, leaving her up front with him. He liked that part though. He smiled and backed out of the drive then headed toward the steakhouse. He drove the speed limit being sure not to make any turns too quickly. He had someone important in the truck with him and didn’t want to risk a wreck where she could be hurt.

  “We’re going to the steakhouse for dinner tonight. Hope that’s okay,” Landon said.

  “Sounds great. I haven’t been since I’ve moved here.”

  “They have fish, too,” Ben added. “In case you want something else.”

  “Now I’ll have to choose,” she said.

  Her eyes twinkled as if she were teasing him. Maybe she was. He didn’t care. Her smile warmed his insides like a roaring bonfire. He liked it that she smiled so easily and that she gave both him and Landon equal attention. She didn’t seem to be letting the ménage thing bother her so far. He hoped it wouldn’t for the rest of the night.

  When they reached the restaurant, Ben parked near the front door. He reached over and touched her hand before climbing out of the cab and walking around to where Landon was swinging her down from the truck. He locked it up and took Alice’s hand in his as they walked into the building.

  The hostess smiled and checked her seating chart before leading them to a table on the other side of the building. Ben held her chair for her then took his seat to her left. Landon sat on her right. They gave their drink orders to the waitress then looked over the menu. Well, Alice did. He already knew what he wanted. He pretty much always got the cowboy rib-eye, and Landon usually did, as well.

  Landon seemed to be looking over the menu as if he wasn’t sure what to eat, but Ben was pretty sure it was just an act. The other man was trying too hard. Or maybe Ben wasn’t trying hard enough. That worried him until he looked over to see Alice smiling at him.

  “I take it you already know what you want,” she said.

  “Yeah. Rib-eye. Love their steaks,” Ben told her.

  “I’m thinking the small rib-eye, medium, with a baked potato,” she told him.

  “Good choice,” Landon said.

  “Want me to order for you?” Ben asked.

  “Please. Butter on the side with ranch on the side for the salad,” she said.

  Ben nodded. “Sounds good.”

  The waitress returned with their drinks, and Ben ordered with Landon adding his next. The waitress left to put in their order. Ben took a drink of his tea then cleared his throat.

  “So, how was work the rest of last week?” he asked.

  She grinned. “Fine. I have a new roommate though.”

  Ben frowned. “Roommate? I didn’t know you were looking for one.”

  “I wasn’t, but this one sort of fell into my lap. She’s cute and funny. Her name is Sassy,” Alice said.

  “Was she at the house when we picked you up? You should have introduced us,” Landon said.

  “She was taking a nap, and I really didn’t want to wake her up. She’s a bit wild when she first wakes up.”

  Ben wasn’t sure about a wild roommate. Alice’s eyes seemed far too excited about the new addition than he was comfortable with. They needed to insist on meeting the other woman. If she was someone who was taking advantage of Alice’s kindness, they’d send her on her way.

  “Do you need a roommate to pay your bills?” Landon asked with enough concern for both of them, narrowing his brows into a small ridge.

  “No, but she couldn’t pay me anyway.”

  “Then why the fuck are you letting her stay?” Ben demanded. Now he was worried.

  “Because she’s so cute.”

  “I don’t like this, Alice. It sounds to us like she’s taking advantage of you,” Landon said.

  “Oh, I’m sure she is, but she can’t help it. She’s so young, guys. I just couldn’t leave her to fend for herself.”

  Ben narrowed his eyes. There was something going on here. He could see it in the glint of her eyes. She was playing them. He wasn’t sure he liked it one bit.

  “What gives, Alice? You’re not telling us something. I can fucking tell by the look on your face.” Ben leaned toward her. “Spill it.”

  “Okay. But you guys are so funny when you’re all protective acting. She’s a kitten I found outside my house Thursday. She’s so cute. I fell in love with her right off.”

  Landon’s face softened. “A kitten. We thought you’d let someone talk you into moving in with you and playing off your kindness.”

  “What the hell are you going to do with a cat?” Ben asked, put out that she’d teased them like she had.

  “Watch it grow from the tiny scrawny thing she is into a big happy cat. She’s fun to watch. I’m having to play with her early in the morning so she’ll sleep while I’m working then play with her at lunch to get her to nap all afternoon. She has so much energy, and then she just collapses and sleeps like the dead.” Alice’s face glowed with a smile that lit up her pretty green eyes, as well.

  “Kittens are a lot of work, and they scratch. Don’t let it scratch you up, babe. I won’t like it if you’re hurt.” Ben wasn’t sure he liked the idea of her having a kitten.

  “Don’t worry. I’m clipping her claws to keep her from scratching me or the furniture. So far she uses her scratching post I got her just fine. I have a water sprayer to correct her when she does something wrong.”

  “So why name her Sassy?” Landon asked.

  “She’s sassy. When I tell her something, she meows at me and does what she wants anyway. That’s why the water sprayer. To keep her in line.”

  “What does this thing look like?” Ben asked, narrowing his eyes.

  “Don’t look so put out, Ben. She’s cute. Even you will fall in love with her. She’s a smoky gray with gray eyes. She’s got the prettiest meow, but boy is it loud for such a small thing.”

  “How small is she?” Landon asked.

  “’Bout this small.” She held her hands about six inches apart.

  “That’s pretty damn small. How old do you think she is?” Landon took a drink of his tea.

  “The vet says about six or seven weeks. She needs fattening up some. I guess she was on her own for a little while and didn’t get much to eat. She’s eating well now.” Alice chuckled. “The little thing growls when she eats.”

  “Keep your fingers away from her then. She might bite you if she thinks you’re going to take away her food. I’m really not sure about this,” Ben said again.

  “Don’t worry, I keep my fingers and my toes out of her way when she’s eating. I value them too much to take a chance. She’s not dangerous after she eats her fill though. Then she spends about twenty minutes bathing herself before she takes a nap. That’s when she’s really cute.
She mews in her sleep, and her little paws and whiskers move like she’s having a dream. It’s sweet.”

  “If she turns out to be wild, you need to get rid of her,” Ben insisted.

  “She stays, big boy. Deal with it.” Alice narrowed her eyes at him.

  Ben backed off. Evidently, he did know when to keep his mouth shut.

  Chapter Ten

  Alice couldn’t help teasing the guys with the kitten. They’d been so worried and, with Ben, unhappy about it. Neither man liked that someone might have been taking advantage of her. It warmed her heart but also bothered her that they felt that they could make demands on her already. They’d have to get that out of their heads, or they’d argue and she’d walk away.

  Yeah, she got that they’d be worried, but when it was all said and done, it was her decision when it concerned her life. Maybe she’d bend a little in some matters, but not in everything.

  She could already tell that Ben would be her biggest problem. He was opinionated, ornery, and obstinate, just to name a few characteristics that applied to him. She had a feeling that getting him to change his mind about something would be tantamount to moving a mountain. And Ben was a mountain.

  He’s hard-nosed, but I really like him just like he is. I wouldn’t want him to change, but he’s got to be able to bend some, as well, or this isn’t going to work.

  And she desperately wanted them to work.

  “So, when you take me home, you can meet Sassy. I really think you’ll like her once you get a chance to see her.” Alice smiled at each of the men.

  “I don’t know about liking her, but if she doesn’t hurt you, I’ll tolerate her,” Ben said in a miserable-sounding voice.

  It was time to change the subject.

  “Do you know anyone else in a relationship like the one you’re wanting to have?” she asked.

  Landon choked then coughed. “I didn’t see that one coming.”


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