The UnFolding Collection Two

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by S. K. Randolph

  Gateway of Kao (oak) - portal in the foothills of Myrrh

  Gemlucky - coal black stallion belonging to Almiralyn

  Geran Island (anger) – a province on the planet of DerTah

  Gerolyn AsTar – SparrowLyn’s KcernFensian mother, grandmother to Ari and Brie, twin of Tissent

  Gidtuss (disgust) – Dreela of the province of Fera Finnero

  Giest (from poltergeist) - mass of colored plasma, the remains of evil humans who haunt the deepest caverns in the Dojanack Mountains

  Granier (angrier) – a RewFaaran officer with the rank of Tinpaca

  Grantese (sergeant) – RewFaaran military rank

  Grotto of Forgetting - grotto in the caverns of the Dojanacks overseen by the Water Witch Neuros

  Grove of Mehloc (hemlock) - grove of ancient and mystical hemlock trees in the Terces Wood

  HeLew od Meti (wheel of time) – found in the Temple of Nesune on the planet of DerTah, exemplifies the four stages of life: childhood, youth and young adult, middle age, and old age

  Henrietta - The elderly woman who lives across the hall from the twins

  High DiMensioner – the second highest of three initiated levels in the Order of Esprow (power), a trained dimensional traveler/shape shifter, only two in the Inner Universe

  Holistic Healer Zarron - Esán’s physician in Idronatti

  Homelanders - citizens of Myrrh

  Humanesque - Human-like

  Idronatti (tradition) - the only city on the Planet of Thera; the city in which Myrrh is hidden in another dimension

  Idronattian - citizen of Idronatti

  Inev (vein) – capital of the province of DoOlb on the planet of DerTah

  Intrigant – somebody who devises secret plots or schemes

  Ira Raast (Ari AsTar) – Ari’s shifted form

  Jeen - unremembered/Now Remembered woman

  Jeet - carnelian orange Pentharian from the Planet of ReTaw au Qa

  Jolendula - Myrrhinian herb similar to calendula

  Jonn Menalow - Allynae’s alias as provided by Dom

  Karrew - Almiralyn’s raven, protector from the planet of KcernFensia

  Kcalo (cloak) – a long, full, DerTahan robe made to protect its wearer from desert heat and cold and to help hide its wearer from the Fire ConDra

  KcernFensia (frankincense) – a Clenaba Rolas planet, third from the sun, Almiralyn, Allynae, and Gerolyn’s home planet

  Kieel – the Matrés of the Terces Nyti of the Terces Wood on Myrrh

  Koewin Farlow – Seyes Nomed’s father

  LaChett (chattel) – the name given to the women on RewFaar who are claimed by one man

  Lake of Rorret (terror) - lake in the caverns of the Dojanack Mountains

  Largeen Joram (general major) – the ranking officer and leader of the planet of RewFaar

  Latdus (adults) – on the planet of Tao Spirian, the age when betrothed partners are joined for life

  LaTenge Famele (elegant female) – the women’s domicile on the planet of RewFaar

  LaTiru (ritual) – a savage tribe of Dansmen who reside in Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah and who believe in blood sacrifice

  LeCur (cruel) – capital of Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah

  Lite-stick - “stick” that gives off light

  LlEh (hell) - DerTahan version of hell

  Loeen - unremembered/Now Remembered woman

  Lorsedi Telisnoe (soldier elite son) – the Largeen Joram of the planet of RewFaar, blood father of SparrowLyn AsTar, father of Nissasa Rattori and Desirol Telisnoe, grandfather of Ari and Brie AsTar

  Mahyinaeh - goddess of the planet of KcernFensia

  Majeska - Jeska, Almiralyn’s smoky-gray cat

  Major Domo – assistant and confidant to Wolloh Espyro

  Major Jordett - Jordy, a military officer in the Peoples Plan Protectors

  Mamman – WoNadahem Mardree’s mother

  Manitullie (illuminate) – one of the four Statues of Sinnttee in the Temple of Nesune, represents youth and young adult

  Matrés (master) – the leader of the Nyti in the Terces Wood on Myrrh

  Meos - center of the DeoNyte realm in the caverns of the Dojanacks

  Meosian - citizen of Meos; the ways of Meos

  Merrilea Creets – blood-bonded sister of Esán’s mother Tianna Efre

  Mindeco (demonic) – a seven foot tall, skeletal creature with one huge eye, from the Trutore Mountains on RewFaar, Rikell, servant of Nissasa Rattori

  Mite Skil Wren (time wrinkle) – the Key to open the portal in the Tower of Nemttachenn on Myrrh

  Mocendi League (demonic) – a corrupt intergalactic organization that recruits and trains those with potential in the Arts of DiMensionery

  Mondago (goodman) – a RewFaaran Tinpaca, leader of the platoon that takes over Almiralyn’s land on Myrrh

  Moon Cycle - one month, forty-two Myrrhinian turnings (days)

  Mount GetiNar (granite) - granite mountain in the Dojanack range

  Mountain of Niar (rain) - crystal mountain in the Dojanack range

  Mumshu – a Nyti boy in the Terces Wood in Myrrh

  Myrrh - last remaining piece of Old Earth; secreted in a hidden dimension in the city of Idronatti on the planet Thera

  Myrrhinian - citizen of Myrrh; the ways of Myrrh

  Myrrhnica - Myrrhinian healing herb similar to arnica

  Nagry (angry) – a RewFaaran soldier

  NaiDisbo Canyon (obsidian) - black canyon in the Dojanack Mountains

  NaiDisbo Peak - obsidian mountain in the Dojanack range

  Nans - vendor in The Borderlands open market; wife of Saaul

  Narrtep (partner) – the Atrilaasu Dansman who guards WoNadahem Mardree

  Neuros - Water Witch of the Grotto of Forgetting in the Dojanack Caverns

  Nervac Gateway (cavern) – the portal in the Dojanack Caverns on Myrrh

  NesDu (dunes) – god of the sands

  Nesune Ruins (unseen) – temple ruins buried beneath the Desert of Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah, houses the HeLew od Meti, the Statues of Sinnttee, and the Realm of SeDah

  Nevah Efas (safe haven) - tiny planet near one of Thera’s moons where only the true of heart may go

  Nichook (Chinook) – an Atrilaasu Dansgirl known as Nichi

  Nigat (giant) – capital of the province of TheDa on the planet of DerTah

  Nissasa Rattori (assassin traitor) – Lorsedi Telisnoe’s eldest son, mother is LaChett Roween Rattori

  NoiRrac (carrion) - carnivorous beetle from the planet of DerTah

  Noorgnaak (kangaroo) – an animal found in the Desert of Fera Finnero

  Norio (Orion) – one of Thera’s two moons

  Nyti (tiny) – the little people of the Terces Wood on Myrrh

  Oche Cavern (echo) - Nomed’s command post in the Dojanack Caverns

  Omudi (odium) – Dreela of the province of Geran and the City of Geran on the planet of DerTah

  One Man – Somay Efre; Esán’s father, Nomed’s half-brother

  Oragasu (saguaro) – a type of cactus found in the Desert of Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah

  Order of Esprow (power) – an organization which provides training and initiation into three levels of DiMensionery: DiMensioner, High DiMensioner, and VarTerel

  Owae - DeoNyte healer; Elae’s grandmother

  Paisley James Tobinette - Pais, a Myrrhinian comrade of Allynae

  Pendant of ReDaelship (leadership)- sapphire pendant worn by the leader of the DeoNytes

  Pentharian – half Reptilian, half Human shape shifters, mercenary warriors from the planet the ReTaw au Qa who support Almiralyn

  Penthary - Pentharian youngsters

  Persow (powers) – a small planet found at the outer rim of the Inner Universe, home of Wolloh’s mentor, Relevart

  Plain of DoOlb (blood) - vast plain on the planet of DerTah

  Pommeletta - red, apple-like fruit grown on Myrrh

  PPP – the Peoples Plan Protectors, a police/mil
itary force in the city of Idronatti on the planet of Thera

  Primavers (vampires) – five-inch tall humanesque creatures with bat wings and rat-like tails and ears that reside in Vascorrie Cavern in the Demrach Canyon on the planet of Thera

  Quwee - type of fruit used in Idronatti for juices and teas

  Realm of SeDah (hades) – the area to either side of the marble walkway in the Temple of Nesune, also known as the Abyss of the Dead

  Reana – a Nyti girl in the Terces Wood, granddaughter of Kieel

  ReDael (leader) - leader of the DeoNytes

  Reda - unremembered/Now Remembered woman

  ReDael (leader) – the leader of the DeoNytes

  ReDaelum - sapphire of leadership

  Redart Sector (trader) - district for blue-collar workers in Idronatti

  Remmihs (shimmer) - lake in Oche Cavern in the Dojanack Mountains

  RemMus Lake (summer) - lake in the Central Mountains of Thera

  ReNin RepPosu (inner purpose) – the throne of destiny in a sacred amethyst cavern in the Dojanack Caverns on Myrrh

  Repoc/repocs (from copper) - coins used in Myrrh and in The Borderlands

  ReTaw au Qa (water/aqua) - small planet in the Clenaba Rolas solar system composed primarily of water; the home of the Pentharian

  Retu Erath (true heart) – stairway in the Cavern of Tennisca in the Dojanack Caverns on Myrrh

  RewFaar (warfare) – fourth planet from the sun in solar system Clenaba Rolas, home of Lorsedi, Desirol, Roween, and Tissent

  RiaTrain (air train) - subway train in Idronatti that floats on air

  Ria Transport (air) - taxi or limo that moves over the streets on a cushion of air

  Rikell (killer) – a Mindeco from the planet of RewFaar’s Trutore Mountains, controlled by Nissasa Rattori

  Roahymn (harmony) – smallest planet in solar system Clenaba Rolas, seventh planet from the sun, planet of origin of Wolloh, Stebben, and Chyneria

  Rohes (horse) – a camel-like horse ridden by the Sebborr in the desert of Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah

  Roscipon (scorpion) – a DerTahan desert insect whose sting is deadly

  Roween Rattori (traitor) – Nissasa Rattori’s mother

  RyPhez (zephyr) – goddess of the wind for which the Temple of Nesune was built

  Saaul - vendor who lives in The Borderlands; husband of Nans

  Saaul – a man who resides in The Borderlands between Thera and Myrrh

  Sancia Ovel – the Tao Spirian mother of Seyes Nomed

  Saylo - chestnut mare belonging to Almiralyn

  Sea of Fire – the sea off the coast of Shu Chenaro and Trinuge on the planet of DerTah

  Sea of Trinuge (intrigue) – the sea off the Trinugian coast on the planet of DerTah

  Sebborr (robbers) – a tribe of nomadic DerTahan desert dwellers, known for their harsh and cruel treatment of slaves

  SeDah (hades) - expletive used by Seyes Nomed and Wodash

  Seed of Carsilem (miracles) – rare birth gift bestowed on the planet of Tao Spirian, which grants the bearer powers to serve mankind

  Sekan Rive r (snake) - river that runs through the grasslands of Myrrh

  Seval (slave) – a servant at Shu Chenaro befriended by Esán, Desirol Telisnoe’s name before he regained his memory

  Seyes Nomed - Davin Farlow, the DiMensioner od DerTah, Somay’s brother

  Singtil - small village in the Central Mountains on the planet of Thera, Sparrow’s family home

  Shu Chenaro (ranch house) – Wolloh’s home acreage on the planet of DerTah

  Sibee - a Wood Tiff youngster

  Sibine - Tiffet, female Wood Tiff; Tibin’s mate

  Singtil – small village in the Central Mountains on the planet of Thera, Sparrow’s family home

  Sitrio – male DeoNyte; assistant to the ReDael of the DeoNytes in the Dojanack Caverns on Myrrh

  Skipt - a Enots youngster

  Somay Efre - Nomed’s brother; also know as One Man and the Hermit of Timreh Pass; Esán’s father

  Sorttince (introspect) – one of the four Statues of Sinnttee in the Temple of Nesune, represents middle age

  Souvitrico (victorious) – The Stone of Fire, the Oracle Stone renamed by Nissasa

  SparrowLyn AsTar – companion of Allynae and mother of Ari and Brie, daughter of Gerolyn AsTar and Lorsedi Telisnoe, talented and prophetic artist who painted the chapter headings used in The Unfolding Trilogy

  Standin - stepfather of SparrowLyn AsTar

  Star of Truth – a birthmark at the nape of Brie’s neck that warns her of danger and makes it impossible for her to tell a lie without dire consequences

  Statues of Sinnttee (sentient) – four statues in the Temple of Nesune on the planet of DerTah: Ceeconni, Manitullie, Sorttince, Tutsasseen Stebben Jiam Stol – Wolloh’s Major Domo from the planet of Roahymn

  Stee – emerald Pentharian warrior from the small planet of ReTaw au Qa, half Human and half Reptilian

  Steerro Fruit (restore) – a desert fruit that restores and builds one’s natural energy levels

  Steps of Darsec (sacred) - stairway carved in the side of NaiDisbo Peak

  Stone of Remembering – a small blue stone that helps to restore and enliven memory and diffuse fear, given to Brie by Almiralyn

  Strait of Treeds (desert) – a strait on the western side of the Desert of Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah

  Strom (storm) – the Atrilaasu Dansgirl Nichook’s father

  SumnerTyme - small town in the Central Mountains of Thera; home of Esán Efre and his Aunt Merrilea

  Sun Cycle - one year, thirteen Myrrhinian months, 546 turnings

  Sun Cycle Celebration - birthday

  SunRise Mountain - mountain in the Central Mountain range of Thera

  Sun Turning - one day, thirty six earth hours

  Tamboreen - Tam, Almiralyn’s tan and cream pony

  Tabagie of Ro-ec (core) – a creature composed of smoke from the planet’s core on DerTah

  Tablat (battle) – Seat of Government on the planet of RewFaar

  Tansy - young girl from The Borderlands; daughter of Nans and Saaul

  Tao Spirian (aspiration) – a medium sized planet in solar system Clenaba Rolas, sixth from the sun

  Tarwish (wraiths) – slimy water creatures that live in mineral pools in Vascorrie and hunger to bond with Human women and feed on Human men

  Teeay - unremembered/Now Remembered girl who saves Brie

  Telisnoe (elite son) – the name given to the son who is destined to inherit the position of Largeen Joram on the planet of RewFaar

  Temple of Mahyinaeh – the temple on KcernFensia where Almiralyn received her training as the Guardian of Myrrh and steward of the Evolsefil crystals

  Terces Wood (secret) - enchanted woods of Myrrh

  Tesilend (enlisted) – a RewFaaran Grantese who is loyal to Lorsedi

  Teska (stake) – a foldable rod that has various uses in the desert, one of which is to help form a tent from a kcalo

  Thera (earth) - small, earth-like planet in the Clenaba Rolas solar system

  Thaer (hater) – Dreela from the province of the Plains of DoOlb on the Planet of DerTah

  The Borderlands – the buffer zone between Myrrh and the city of Idronatti on the planet of Thera

  TheDa (death) – a mountainous province on the planet of DerTah

  TheLise (hostile) – Dreelas of the province of Trinuge and the Sea of Trinuge on the planet of DerTah

  Thera (earth) – a medium sized planet in solar system Clenaba Rolas, second from the sun

  Theran - citizens of Thera; ways of Thera

  Throne of Netydis (destiny) - Throne of Destiny; ReNin RepPosu

  Tianna Efre - Esán’s mother

  Tibin – leader of the Wood Tiffs in the Terces Woods in Myrrh; Sibine’s mate and Adin’s father

  TiCeed (deceit) – capital of the province of Geran on DerTah

  Tiffet - female Wood Tiff

  Tima - boy from The Borderlands
; son of Nans and Saaul

  Time of Quickening – time required for the Seed of Carsilem to mature

  Timreh Pass (hermit) - pass at the top of Mount GetiNar in the Dojanack range on Myrrh

  Tinga (giant) – the most dangerous forest on the planet of DerTah, located in the province of Trinuge

  Tinpaca (captain) – RewFaaran military rank

  Tinpaca Mondago – a RewFaaran military officer, platoon commander on Myrrh, loyal to Lorsedi

  Tirips Tree (spirit) - most ancient trees growing in Myrrh

  Tissent AsTar – Gerolyn AsTar’s identical twin, aunt of Ari and Brie

  Torgin Wilith Whalend – a fourteen-year-old boy from the city of Idronatti on the planet of Thera, best friend of Ari/Ira and Brie

  TorPan (patron) – the member of the Atrilaasu Dansmen who ushers a young person into adulthood through the Ceremony of Drango

  Tower of Nemttachenn (enchantment) – tower hidden at the center of the Terces Wood on Myrrh

  Traeh - DeoNyte Priestess of Light

  Tranwar (warrant officer) – RewFaaran military rank

  Tres ed Esti (desert site) – the Key required to open the portal from Nervac Gateway in Myrrh’s Dojanack Caverns to the Desert of Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah

  Trinuge (intrigue) – a province on the planet of DerTah

  TreeOm - tree home of the Wood Tiffs

  TroeEen - name given to Gemlucky, Almiralyn’s horse, by Nomed, Mighty One in the language of DerTah

  Tropal Gateway – the portal between The Borderlands and Myrrh, found on Almiralyn’s land

  Trutore Mountains (torture) – a rugged mountain range on the planet of RewFaar, home of the Mindeco

  Tumon Harbor (mount) – harbor in the Sea of Trinuge on DerTah

  Turning – see Sun Turning

  Tuper - male Wood Tiff

  Tutsasseen (astuteness) – one of the four Statues of Sinnttee in the Temple of Nesune, represents old age

  V-Chip - small computer chip on which data is stored

  VarTerel (traveler) – the third and highest ranking of the Order of Esprow, capable of time travel

  Vascorrie (carnivore) – a primaver infested cavern near Demrach Gateway in the Central Mountains on the planet of Thera

  VeeNah (heaven) – the home of the desert spirits of the Atrilaasu

  Veersuni (universe) – a meditation room off the Hall of Priestesses in the Cavern of Tennisca in the Dojanack Caverns on Myrrh


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