The Rogue Prince

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The Rogue Prince Page 8

by Michelle M. Pillow

  A confused frowned crossed over his face as he looked at the label. “Lubricant?”

  Jasmine nodded, pretty sure she’d never been so mortified in her life. Her body tensed, and she wished the ship would just break apart so she could drift away into deep space. Dying a horrible death would surely be less painful than this moment.

  Reid didn’t take the container, but instead looked into her eyes. This time when he kissed her he deepened it, moving as if to conquer her. A hand brushed over her thigh, gliding lightly up to the side of her breast. Pleasant warmth stung her nipple as he drew his thumb over it. Her hips jerked. She was dizzy, lightheaded, but she couldn’t make him stop. When she was breathless, he pulled back and smiled against her lips. “We don’t need that stuff.”

  “Yes, you do,” she whispered. “I’m…”

  He licked playfully at her mouth, running the tip of his tongue along the seam. “What?”

  “I’m colder than the polar ice caps of Sintaz.” Jasmine tried to pull back. Oh, gawd! Had she really admitted it out loud? Like that? “Sorry, bad expression.”

  “What are you talking about? Who told you that?” Reid refused to let her go. His hands kneaded along her sides. He made a soft, seductive noise as he brushed his temple along her jaw, nuzzling her.

  “Well, my husband,” Jasmine said.

  Reid stiffened. His hands gripped her arms slightly, not hurting but no longer caressing.

  “I overheard him one night when he had a mistress over.” Jasmine pulled away. He let her go. She’d lived with her condition for so long that it no longer made her cry to think about it. Actually, nothing made her cry anymore. Perhaps she had turned into an emotionless vacuum.

  Reid stared at the woman in disbelief. She was married? Mated to another man? His body was so hard for her, she was finally willing, or so it appeared, and now he discovered he couldn’t touch her. For a long moment, he couldn’t move. The idea of not being able to make love to her hurt too badly.

  “Reid?” she asked, her voice soft, passionless.

  Recoiling from her, he stood. His body had been stretched from his exercise, but the tension was slowly easing its way back into his muscles. When he looked at her, he didn’t see remorse for what was happening. It was as if she didn’t care. She looked at him, her eyes shaded from all emotion. That wasn’t anything new. Her face was always expressionless when she looked at him. “You’re married?”

  “Well, yes, but…” Jasmine was slower coming to her feet.

  “But?” Reid demanded, not believing her audacity. What kind of man did she think he was? Sure, he might joke about married women, but in truth he’d never taken another man’s wife to his bed. For the Var, life mating was sacred and lasted for all eternity. Even half mating, though not as binding, was a strong connection that was not lightly breached. If he were to knowingly take a married woman, the blow to his honor would be devastating, not to mention that he’d never forgive himself.

  “I told you my name when we met,” she said. “Mrs. Doctor St. Claire. I didn’t hide it.”

  “You did not say you were married,” he stated.

  “That’s what the title means.”

  “We don’t use such titles,” Reid said. “I would have remembered you saying you were married.”

  “I’m not really, technically anymore,” she tried to explain.

  “How can you not be? You have said vows? You have pledged yourself? You’ve said the words? You’ve been bound?” Reid couldn’t believe it. An ache was in his chest. She was taken, claimed. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anyone, and she couldn’t be any further away from him. “Is your husband dead?”

  Jasmine shook her head in denial. “Marriage is prison. I divorced him. I quit like a bad job.”

  “This…divorce? Is it binding? Legal? Recognized by your people?” A hope tried to awaken where his heart had gone dead. He wished Quinn was with them. Quinn, being the true Var ambassador knew the most about other cultures. Reid tried to remind himself that other humanoid cultures were different. Mating didn’t mean as much to others as it did to his people, and could be undone. He was tense as he waited for the answer. He hoped she would say something he could work with.

  “No, I just left.”

  “You just gave up?” Why was he torturing himself? He should just tell her to go. In fact, he should throw her from his room and demand she go.

  “I stayed for four years trying,” Jasmine said. She walked to the door and ran her hand over the scanner. “I don’t call that giving up, Reid. I call that overkill.”

  Jasmine left without a backward glance. He was glad for it because he wouldn’t have been able to force her to leave him. How could she be married?

  Reid looked at his arousal. It still ached, but he ignored it. Breathing hard, he sat on the bed.

  Jasmine was taken. There was nothing he could do about it. He couldn’t touch her. To do so would be to dishonor not only himself but his family, his people. There was nothing to be done about it. He could never have her.

  The knowledge only seemed to make him want her more. She was a mystery. Regrettably, she wasn’t his mystery to solve.


  Jasmine made her way down the corridor away from Reid’s room. The look of repulsion on his face had been clear. He no longer wanted her. Shouldn’t she be happy? Isn’t that what she wanted? Then why did it feel like she’d just been kicked in the gut? Why was her body suddenly all achy and hot?

  “I need another pill,” she whispered, pressing a hand to her chest. “Something’s definitely wrong with me.”

  Looking back toward Reid’s room, she tensed. She couldn’t go in there, not right now. Reid was still in there. Unfortunately, so was her medicine.

  Her whole body shaking, she decided to suffer through the little heart episode. It would be too dangerous to take another pill so soon anyway. Slowly, she continued down the corridor. The ship was big. There had to be somewhere she could hide until the peculiar feeling in her chest subsided.


  Jasmine froze. Reid’s soft voice was so hard, angry. Turning slowly, she looked back. There was so much passion in him, so much feeling. When he smiled, he really smiled. When he laughed, it was a real laugh, not fake, not forced. And, like now, when he was angry, the rage poured out of him until it was unmistakable. She wished she could feel things half the way he did. He was so honest with himself.

  Frowning, he leaned out of his quarter’s door. Jasmine did not make a move to go to him. If his naked shoulder was any indication, he hadn’t put on clothes. “What?”

  “Come back here. Everyone will be going to bed soon, and I already said I’d share my room with you. I keep my word. There is nowhere else for you to go on the ship.” Reid studied her a moment longer before disappearing into his room.

  Jasmine stared at the door for a long moment before going back. Unsure, she glanced inside. Reid was on the floor, wrapped in a blanket. He glanced at her, but said nothing. He didn’t have to. His dark eyes spoke volumes.

  “You’re sure?” she asked. “I don’t want to put you out.”

  He chuckled though the sound had little humor. “Take the bed, Jasmine. Sleep.”

  Reid closed his eyes, and she knew that he was dismissing her. She should’ve been grateful that he no longer wanted her, but she wasn’t. It’s not like she wanted to suffer through a man’s carnal attentions, counting the seconds until he was done.

  Slowly, she moved to the bed. Lying down, she looked at his strong back. The long waves of his hair spread out behind him, looking like strands of dark silk against the gray pillow. He was turned away from her, and she couldn’t see his handsome face.

  “Lights,” Reid called. The lights shut off, leaving them in darkness. Jasmine tensed, waiting for him to stalk her and strangely disappointed when he didn’t.

  Jasmine tucked her hands under her head. “Reid?”

  “What, Jasmine.” He didn’t sound pleased. In fact, he
didn’t sound anything. Normally he sounded so full of life. His dead tone actually hurt.

  “Thank you for not turning me over to the Federation. You might have saved my life.” Jasmine bit her lip. It wasn’t all she wanted to say to him. Part of her was so scared. She’d not felt such a thing in a long time. In fact, it was as if she’d been lifeless inside, for four years to be exact, since her wedding to Chad.

  Jasmine waited for him to speak, hoping he’d give her an opening. She wanted to invite him into the bed, not for sex, but for his warmth. She wanted to feel his body next to hers like when he’d been shifted into tiger form. She wanted to feel protected. A tear slipped over her cheek. She wanted to be wanted.

  “It’s nothing,” he said, his tone flat. “Anyone would have done the same.”

  Jasmine bit her lip. That wasn’t true, and she had a feeling he knew it as well. Not many people would take on a stranger, protecting them from the Federation Military.


  “Go to sleep, Jasmine,” he said, cutting off her words with his harsh tone. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”


  “We’re stopping for fuel,” Jarek said as Reid came into the cockpit. They’d been traveling for a four days, taking a long route back to Qurilixen. No one complained. It wasn’t as if they were needed at the Var palace anytime soon.

  “Where?” Reid asked. He shifted uncomfortably on his feet. He was tired. He’d been sleeping, or attempting to sleep, on his floor. Jasmine took the bed. After the first night, he merely informed her he’d be sleeping in shifted form. He had to. It was the only way he’d get any rest. Otherwise, his arousal was strained to the point of explosion. Aside from that, they’d hardly spoken.

  She was allowed to do as she willed on the ship. Most of the time she was in the lounge with the others, quietly sitting in a corner watching them as they joked around or played cards. Not once did she join them, and when she spoke, it was always short, timid answers. Reid knew because he’d stood outside the door listening.

  “There’s an asteroid belt near here. Ziger Complex is right on the edge,” Rick offered. He turned around and grinned. “Ever hear of the red light district?”

  Reid shook his head in denial.

  Jarek cleared his throat. “No, we’ll stay clear of Ziger. Lady Jasmine is onboard.”

  “I don’t see why Reid is the only one who gets a woman,” Rick grumbled. “He’s not even using his.”

  “Hey,” Reid began, stiffening. “If you want—”

  “Whoa, easy,” Jarek said, his tone bordering on an order. “There is a small refueling station on Werten. Lady Jasmine can find transport from there. It’s the only decent stop before we get back to Qurilixen.”

  Reid stiffened. “I don’t know that we should leave her on a strange planet.”

  “Any planet is going to be strange to her,” Rick said. “Unless we turn around and take her back.”

  “She won’t have any protection there,” Reid insisted.

  “What do you care?” Rick frowned. “You just said yesterday that you’d be glad for the day you could be rid of her.”

  It was true. He had said that. But, really it had been the constant aching in his loins that caused his ill temper.

  Jarek crossed his arms and turned to face them. “Rick, leave us a moment.”

  Rick pushed a few buttons and left the cockpit. When they were alone, Reid said, “I’m not enamored.”

  “You’re sure?”

  Reid nodded. “I gave my word to protect her. That’s what I’m doing. I will not dishonor myself by abandoning her on some refueling planet.”

  “She wanted a ride off Nozando. We’ve done that. If you drop her off safely at Werten, you’ve done your duty by her. You’ll have kept your word.” Jarek tilted his head. “Unless you wish to take her to Qurilixen.”

  “I haven’t decided,” Reid said quietly. He really didn’t like that option either. Why would he take her home, knowing he couldn’t touch her?

  “She can mate to one of the soldiers. A Var warrior would treat her well. You cannot hope for a better fate than that for her, especially after what was done to her by her previous lover.” Jarek reached overhead and absently pushed a few buttons before throwing a small switch. Reid watched, not sure what his brother was doing. He hardly knew anything about flying space crafts. Truth be told, he was ready to be on land, his feet firmly on the ground. Life in space wasn’t for him.

  “Husband,” Reid said softly. “What was done to her was by her husband, not lover.”


  “It was her mate. She’s married,” Reid said. He hadn’t admitted the words out loud before now. They stung worse than he’d thought they would.

  “You detected her marking?” Jarek’s eyes widened in surprise. “I sensed no such thing.”

  “No,” Reid said. “I kissed her and didn’t sense it at all.”


  “She told me of it.” Reid lifted his chin. “She abandoned her husband.”

  “Was she lying?”

  “I don’t believe so. Trust me, I would’ve detected the lie.”

  Jarek frowned. Turning, he looked at the large viewing screen. “She’s human.”

  “Yes.” Reid studied his brother’s back, wondering what he was getting at.

  “Was she married in the human custom?” Jarek asked.

  “I don’t know. Perhaps.” Reid tilted his head to the side, trying to get a better look at Jarek’s face. “Why do you ask?”

  “Many human customs are done with pieces of papers and words unless they are mating to a species like ours.” Jarek sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “If she was married by such a custom, there is no reason she couldn’t marry a Var warrior if she wanted to. We do not recognize human or Federation law. If I remember correctly, often humans force their children into marriage to seal pacts.”

  Neither brother mentioned that King Kirill had made such a marriage pact with the Draig princes. If one of the dragon-shifters’ princesses were to have a girl, that female would marry Kirill’s oldest son. They child would have no choice because a pact was designed to ensure peace. Reid knew Jarek didn’t agree with the betrothal pact. However, it was more of a gesture. On a planet where only one in a million births was female, it was a long shot that the marriage would even have to be honored.

  After a thoughtful pause, Jarek continued, “She would be free game because technically she is not claimed, and if she left this man, obviously he has no claim on her heart. With you as her guardian, Lady Jasmine would be sure to make a fine match. And once back on Qurilixen, anyone looking for her won’t be able to find her unless we want them to. As your ward, she’d have the unquestioned protection of the Var armies. You know as well as I that we could hide her far away from the palace, in places they’d never dream of looking.”

  Reid tensed. “I didn’t say I was her guardian.”

  “Would you like me to claim her instead? If you find you have no wish to give her away in marriage, I will be glad to. It shouldn’t be too hard. She’s young and pretty. Someone will take her off my hands. If not a Var warrior, then I’m sure she will be allowed to participate in the Draig breeding festival next year.”

  “No. I’ll be her guardian. It is my duty to protect her.” Reid suddenly frowned. Why did he just claim Jasmine as his ward? The last thing he wanted was the woman living in his home, tempting him. Unless, what Jarek said was true, and the human marriage was meaningless. Reid frowned. He needed to speak to Quinn and perhaps his brothers’ wives. Being human born, surely they would know something of this.

  “Is it?” Jarek mused, chuckling.

  “Yes. I said I’d watch out for her and I will.”

  “Great. Then it’s decided. She’ll come back to Qurilixen with us.” Jarek grinned and clapped him on the shoulder. It was then that Reid realized his brother had manipulated the conversation for his own amusement. Jasmine’s presence tortured him and
Jarek knew that. Obviously Jarek thought it was funny to watch his twin brother squirm.

  “I’ll get you back for this,” Reid said. Jarek’s grin widened. There was no need to explain, his brother knew what he’d done.

  Storming from the cockpit, he ignored Jarek’s laughter. Rick was standing against the wall and smiled as he came by.

  “All figured out then?” Rick asked, chuckling. He didn’t even bother to hide his amusement.

  Reid growled. He walked faster. Dev would surely be in the VR in training and Reid definitely needed to work off some frustration.

  Was the whole ship amused by his torment? Viktor and Jackson were coming out of the lounge. They stopped, smirking at him. Reid’s frown deepened and he walked faster. He had his answer.


  Jasmine looked around the lounge from her place in the corner, trying to get the nerve to say something to the crew. They’d given up on trying to start a conversation with her. She couldn’t blame them. Each time they tried, she hardly gave them more than a two-word reply. Sometimes the men watched old Earth movies, other times they played cards. Jasmine desperately wanted to join in, but each time they invited her she found herself saying no.

  For the most part, everyone treated her well. Reid ignored her, but she could hardly complain about that. She still wore the crimson shirt and tight pants she’d arrived in, forced by necessity to wash them every day in the decontaminator.

  “I knew it,” Rick announced walking in the door. “We should’ve stayed at the Galaxy Playmates’ mansion. It’s not like we have anything we need to be doing, and Jarek’s insisting we fly around everything worth seeing. Oh, and Viktor, the porn monitor in my room is broken again, and I need you to take a look at...”

  Instantly the men’s faces paled, and they turned to look at her. Rick froze in mid-speech. Jasmine watched him as he slowly turned to her, his face stiff.


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