Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology]

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Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology] Page 2

by Melinda Barron, Midnyte Dupree, Jade Buchanan

  She shivered at his touch, felt the warmth of it all the way down to her toes.

  When they got to her car, he turned her toward him.

  "Have dinner with me tonight."

  Iaha smiled to herself and nodded.

  "Around eight? I'll pick you up at your house if you'll tell me where you live."

  Iaha gave him her address and got into her car. She started the engine and then rolled down the window when he knocked on the window.

  "Tell me, Iaha, when you left the docks today, how did you know I was coming here? Not that I mind. I'm flattered that a beautiful woman such as yourself would go out of her way to ‘run into me'. I wondered, though, if you are a psychic?"

  Iaha threw back her head and laughed. “I underestimated you, Shedd."

  "I have a feeling I should not do that with you, should I?"

  Iaha gave him a sly grin. “No, you shouldn't. Until tonight."

  She drove off with a smile on her face.

  Her father would be very angry with her but she had every intention of helping Shedd Collins find Yumani. And she would use her immortal skills, if she had to.

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  Chapter Two

  Iaha fought to keep her focus on her plate. It was rude to stare at someone who was eating. But each time Shedd put a bite of food in his mouth, she felt herself go weak in the knees. Or should she say weaker?

  The man was so handsome that it was hard to concentrate. After they ordered dinner he'd talked about his life in England, and love of the ocean. Iaha was happy to hear that he liked being by the sea. If things between them progressed to the serious stage, it would be easier for her father to accept a seafaring man.

  Seafaring or not, it was hard not to wonder what Shedd's lips would feel like on her own. What his hands would feel like on her breasts. What his cock would feel like pressed against her aching center. Her clit ached and a flood of wetness seeped onto her thighs. It had been years since a man had affected her this way. She couldn't quite decide if this was a good thing, or a bad thing.

  Of course it didn't help that they were sitting on a deck just inches away from the ocean, which was Iaha's favorite place. Add the setting with the man and you just about had the right mixture for an instant orgasm.

  "Have you heard a word I've said?"

  Shedd's grin split his face.

  "I'm sorry."

  "I asked how long you've known Pestola. You seemed very relaxed in his house."

  "Oh, I've known Pestola since I was a child."

  "Really, you grew up in Greece? You don't have an accent."

  Iaha smiled. “My mother worked in Egypt, so I've spent time there. My father is from Greece, so I've spent time here. I have family in the United States, so I've spent time there. My family is very eclectic."

  No need to tell him that her father had made her mother immortal, and that she didn't see family members very often because they questioned the fact that she always looked the same.

  She took a sip of wine and studied his face.

  "What do your parents do?"

  "My mother is an Egyptologist, and my father...” Hum, how do you say your father is a Greek god? She'd never told any of her suitors this early in a relationship, unless they themselves were minor deities. “My father is independently wealthy and doesn't work."

  He doesn't work. He only meddles in other people's business.

  A huge wave crashed into the ocean, sending droplets of water over several diners, including Shedd and Iaha.

  "Sorry, father. I meant no disrespect.” She muttered the words under her breath and laughed nervously.

  "Man, that came out of nowhere. The sea seems so calm tonight."

  Iaha took a larger sip of wine.

  "So tell me, Shedd, what makes you believe that Yumani is real?"

  "Gut feeling.” Shedd smiled at the waitress as she removed his empty plate.

  "Baloney. You know something."

  "Well, the artifact I found today gives me some clue."

  Iaha shook her head. “You were searching before then."

  "You know, in the moonlight your hair looks almost blue. I've never seen hair that black before."

  "Quit changing the subject."

  The waitress set plates of cheese and baklava on the table. Shedd picked up a piece and sent a smoldering look to Iaha. Her nipples shot out instantly. Another look like that and she might just bend over right here and let him take her. She fought back a giggle at the imagined reaction from the other diners.

  "What do you say we ask for this to go? Take a drive down by the beach? Feed each other?"

  "Are you trying to seduce me? Or is this just your plan to keep me from talking about your mysterious evidence about the fabled city?"

  "I don't know, you tell me. Are your nipples hard because we're talking about the city, or because you're thinking about me sucking them?” His voice was deep, and Iaha felt her insides turn to jelly.

  "I...” A blush crept up Iaha's face, moving down her neck to her chest. If he kept talking like that, she might just come on the spot.

  "I bet you're wet, too. Are you wet, Iaha? Do you want me inside you? Because I know my cock is rock hard right now. The two would be a powerful combination."

  "I don't even know you."

  "Want to call a few exes for references? They'll tell you I'm a powerful lover."

  "Really? Then why are they exes? Besides, I don't sleep with me I've just met. You'll have to wait at least a month."

  Their gazes locked, and then Shedd burst into laughter. Iaha hoped that the look on her face let him know that she was teasing him. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

  "They're exes because I can also be an ass. I'm just telling you how it is. I want you, Iaha. I wanted you the first time I saw you in town. There's no way I'm waiting a month."

  "I want to know about your work. Tell me what put you on the path to search for Yumani."

  His grin told her he knew that she'd purposely changed the subject. She didn't want to talk about sex. It was a dangerous subject with Shedd.

  "A dream. I had it when I was very young, about ten or so. Mermaids and mermen swimming about. A beautiful city under the water."

  "Were you a merman?” More importantly, did my father send that dream to you? And if he did, why?

  "No, I wasn't. But I do remember this beautiful mermaid, with long flowing black hair and beautiful breasts. She had a gorgeous red fin."

  Iaha coughed on her water. She closed her eyes and focused on her paternal parent.


  Yes, daughter? His voice held mischief.


  Do not question me. It is high time you settled down.

  With someone of your choosing? What about my choice? This whole time you've been leading me? How dare you!

  Is he not handsome enough for you? Not sexy enough? He is your mate, Iaha. It has taken too long to make things come about. Act with your heart, daughter, not with your head. This man is meant to be in your life. You have things you can teach each other and a destiny to fulfill.

  Meant to be because of fate? Or meant to be because you won't let me choose on my own? I'm not a child! You can't make my decisions for me.

  You will not speak to me that way. I will do as I see necessary.

  So will I, Father. So will I.


  She opened her eyes to see Shedd looking at her with great concern.

  "I'm sorry, it's just.... Mermaids? Such an imagination you have.” She laughed nervously. She focused on the table. The cheese and baklava sat in little boxes. A signed credit card receipt sat on the table. How long had she been talking with her father?

  Shedd stood and offered his hand. “Let's go enjoy the moonlight."

  When they were in the car, she nervously pulled at her skirt.

  "Please, just take me home."

  "No, I have something I want to show you."

  He drove with ease down w
inding paths, stopping the car at a deserted parking lot near the beach.

  The moon was high in the sky, glittering off the water as he led her from the car to the spot where the ocean met the land.

  "Take off your shoes."

  Iaha wanted to run, to scream. Everything she thought she'd felt for this man had been brought about by her father's meddling. The waves increased and she shook her head.

  I don't care what you think, Father. This is so unfair! Just once I'd like to do something without your interference.

  Did it ever occur to you, daughter, that I didn't send him that dream? The two of you were fated to be together? I'm leaving now. Please, listen to your heart.

  Iaha jumped. Shedd was on his knees, his hand holding an ankle as he pulled off first one shoe, then the other. He stood and slipped out of his own shoes. He rolled up his pant legs, then held out his hand.

  She wanted to turn and run. Then her father's words replayed in her mind. Fated to be together. Was it possible, and if it were, how would she know? How could she tell the real thing from her father's ideas? Damn her father and his meddling. And if Shedd didn't receive the dream from Poseidon, then who did send it? And why?

  "Have I said something wrong?"

  "I'm sorry, Shedd. You've done nothing wrong.” She placed her hand in his and smiled. “I'm just moody."

  "I'll keep that in mind.” He smiled and led her out into the sea. When the gentle waves were hitting her around the knees he stopped and stepped behind her, molding their bodies together.

  Iaha felt his rock hard erection nestled against the small of her back. It felt wonderful, and she fought the urge to turn around and strip him bare.

  She moaned when his hands came around and cupped her breasts.

  "Your nipples are still hard. Sweet little pebbles that feel like diamonds under my fingers."

  "Shedd.” Iaha pushed herself back against him.

  He rubbed and gently twisted her nubs through the material of her blouse and bra. When her soft moans turned into sharp gasps of pleasure he ran his hands down her stomach. He gathered the material of her skirt in his fingers, inching it up as he nibbled on her ear.

  Iaha smiled as he dipped his fingers between her thighs.

  "No panties. I like that in a woman.” His laugh resounded deep in her ear. He cupped her mons and kissed her neck.

  "You asked why I was so interested in finding Yumani?” His fingers dipped into her wetness and she gasped.

  "Are you kidding me? You want to talk now?"

  "Do you feel the ocean around your legs?"

  Iaha nodded. His fingers were caressing her folds, driving her to the edge of madness and back.

  "It may sound crazy, but I'm destined to live here, in Yumani. I know it in my heart. I felt it when I set foot on the land. Something is calling to me from there. Something that I have to find."

  His fingers found her clit and Iaha's knees buckled. He caught her around the waist with his free hand and rubbed the engorged flesh faster and fast.

  "Will you help me, Iaha? Will you help me find out what all this means to me? What's calling to me from under the surface of the water?"

  Iaha screamed as her orgasm overtook her. She ground herself back into Shedd's cock while waves of pleasure rolled through her body.

  "Yes.” The word was a whisper. “I'll help you."

  She turned and pressed her lips to his. He cupped her face as the water lapped around them.

  "Would you like help with this, too?” She palmed his erection, pressing his tight jeans around the bulge.

  He kissed her gently as she lowered the zipper. Seconds later, he was in her hands, hard and throbbing.

  "Iaha.” His voice sounded deep in her ears.

  Their gazes locked as she worked her fingers up and down his shaft.

  "What happened to a month?"

  "I didn't say you could take me,” she said, her voice full of mischief. “But that doesn't mean we can't play.” She smiled and continued to caress his erection. “Hard and long and thick. How wonderful this will feel sliding inside me."

  He groaned and ground his hips into her.

  "I want your cock sliding into my mouth, and into my sweet pussy.” She tingled. She loved the modern words that lovers used. The waves lapped around them as she stroked him.

  He cupped her face and brought his lips down on hers, lapping at her with his tongue until she opened her mouth and welcomed him inside.

  Her hand never faltered as they kissed. Finally, he broke away from her lips, and tried to stop her hand.

  "I'm going to get you awfully messy here in a few seconds."

  She wrapped her free hand around his and they stroked together.

  "We have a lot of water to clean us.” Her laughter spurred him on and seconds later he came, sending jets of his liquid over they joined fingers.

  He kissed her again, his tongue darting out to gently lick her lips.

  Shedd traced his lips over her cheeks and down her neck. She threw her head back to give him better access.

  Perhaps my father was right. Perhaps this is fate.

  "Shall we go eat our baklava and cheese?” She could hear the relaxation that his orgasm had brought in his voice.

  "Will you feed me?"

  "Only if you promise to come for me again."

  Iaha giggled. She rose on her tiptoes and kissed his nose as she stroked his cock, which had softened in her grasp.

  "I think that can be arranged."

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  Chapter Three

  Shedd stepped into his house and sighed. It was after one in the morning and he was scheduled to pick up Iaha the next day to go diving. The afternoon would prove fun, if tonight were any indication.

  She'd shuddered in his arms several times, and he'd enjoyed each quake that had rocked her body. He'd wanted to take her properly but he didn't want to break the spell the two of them had been under.

  Stroking each other's bodies had been magical. Tonight, however, he would lay her down on his bed and fill her properly. Then, maybe then he might let her in on the real reasons behind his search for Yumani.

  He pulled out the old book he'd found in his mother's house after she'd passed away. He opened the pages until he came to the spot where the paper had been cut enough to fit the gemstone. He lifted it out and it sparkled in his hands.

  He'd been angry with his mother, because he knew the stone was hers. She knew her son's fascination with mythical things and she'd hidden the stone, an obvious mythical item, from him. Of course, he'd been angry with her most of his life. Right after his seventh birthday, actually, when his father's sister, Margaret, had left him know that he “wasn't her true nephew, so she didn't know why she bothered buying him a gift."

  His eyes had watered, and he'd felt deep pain inside him at her words. But his father, or the man he'd always known as his father, had told her to “keep her interfering mouth shut,” and had informed Shedd that he “shouldn't listen to her."

  Years later, when his father was dying, he'd told Shedd the truth. He'd never been able to father children, and he'd known that Shedd wasn't his, biologically. But, he'd loved him with his whole heart, as if he had been his son.

  The day his father died, Shedd had cried for hours upon end, locking himself in his house and refusing to come out or answer the telephone.

  The day after the funeral he'd confronted his mother, demanding to know the truth. She'd told him that his real father “had been of no consequence,” just a man she'd met on vacation. When Shedd had reminded her that he'd been born seven years into his parents’ marriage, she'd had the good sense to blush.

  But then she turned away from him and told him not to bring the subject up again. Shedd had tried tracking down records of his parents’ vacations, but his mother, foreseeing this, had destroyed all photos and mementos that would give a clue as to where they had been.

  And then, Shedd had found the gem.

  Was it his ima
gination, or had the stone sparkled more since he'd been in Greece? In England, it had just seemed like a large trinket, a golf-ball sized aquamarine stone, cut to where it came to points at either end, the sides flattened out.

  He held it between his thumb and forefinger and sighed. This stone, he knew, had something to do with Yumani. The night he'd found it, his dreams had become more vivid, almost as if the stone were sending him messages.

  Shedd had taken it to several gemologists in Britain, but they'd all pronounced it ordinary and not good for anything but use as a piece of bric-a-brac. But Shedd knew better. The stone meant something, and he was bound and determined to find out what it was.

  He walked to the desk and sat the stone next to the statue he'd found that day. He'd spent the hours between talking to Pestola and picking up Iaha polishing the stone. It was a green jadish sort of thing, very beautiful now that he'd cleaned it properly.

  The face on the god was not familiar, but it was a person, not a merman as Shedd had thought it would be. He had always imagined the people of Yumani to be merpeople, swimming around with their bright red tails, just like the woman in his dreams.

  He stared at the trinkets, willing them to do something to prove to him that he was right, that they were connected with Yumani.

  He shook his head in disgust when they didn't glow, or change colors, or meld to each other. They just sat there, one a piece of stone, the other a gem.

  He would take them both with him tomorrow. The pouch he carried around his waist when diving would fit them, and more.

  Perhaps, if things went well, he would show the gem to Iaha and see what she thought of it. Maybe, just maybe, he could find some answers very soon.

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  Chapter Four

  Father, I need to talk to you. Please, answer me.

  Iaha sat in her bedroom, her eyes closed, her thoughts focused on her father. Her heart rate had finally slowed, but she didn't know how long it would stay that way.

  The large black piece of marble, carved into a thunderbolt, was a clear signal from her uncle, the great god Zeus himself. She'd woken that morning to find it lying on the pillow next to her. What it meant she had no idea. She was pretty sure it had something to do with Shedd, and the fact they were going diving to search for the ruins of Yumani. Was her uncle angry with her? Was this a warning? Stay away from things you have no business messing with and I won't strike your ship with lightning?


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