Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology]

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Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology] Page 9

by Melinda Barron, Midnyte Dupree, Jade Buchanan

  Please no. Don't let her open the door.

  "Nothing. I'll see you downstairs."


  Jack fled the room. He needed to get as far away from her bewitching self as he could. How on earth was he going to stand her long enough get her to admit what she was to him?

  As he rounded the corner he was struck by a bright ray of light. He cringed as he made his way to the blinds. The sun overflowed into his kitchen, mocking him.

  The child of darkness. Evil to the core. Or so he had always believed.

  Lowering the blinds, the room dimmed. Looking over at his laptop, he remembered the generator downstairs. He needed to find out all he could about Sirens, and the Internet would be a prime source of information. Could she have put some kind of spell on him already? Her Siren voice should not have any effect on him.

  After starting the generator he booted up his laptop, completely forgetting about starting the coffee. The information he found on the Internet was nothing he didn't already know. Siren's could lure men with their looks and bind them with their voice. Their presence in the oceans was blamed for many disappearing fishermen. Had Adara lured men to her before? A hot spike of jealously shot through him, creating a tingle across his skin.

  He dispelled the thought to fight off the change. His own body was turning against him. Adara was a means to an end. The woman who would help him, even if against her will, to break the bond from his father. Zeus would see to it that Jack was set up nicely somewhere. Or hell, Zeus was powerful; he might even get rid of his father and give the underworld over to Jack. Yeah, that would be the ideal. The lower demons would be able to pursue the lives they longed for.

  Seeing the different articles listed on the screen, Jack was soon consumed with information. Before to long, nothing else distracted him as he hungrily absorbed Siren facts.

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  Chapter Five

  Adara opened the bathroom door and half expected to see Jack waiting against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Relief, or was it disappointment, washed over her. Oh well, she'd get over it. Now she just needed to figure out how to get out of here.

  Seeing the clothes laid across the bed, Adara quickly dressed and was surprised at the comfort of the items Jack had left for her. As she tied the string of the last shoe, a prickle raced down her spine. Standing up straight, Adara looked around the room, half expecting one of the Gods to burst into sight.

  Nothing. All was quiet as she scanned the room. Speaking of popping in Gods, why hadn't her father flashed in to check on her? Reaching out with her mind, she fought for the line leading to his mind.

  It was empty. The signal was barren, as if it has abruptly been cut. Jack had mentioned a powerful hurricane. Maybe it had rattled her more than what she thought.

  Leaving the room, Adara closed the door behind her, making her way over to the stairs. Before she could make it down the first step, a woman appeared right in front of her. Her black hair flew around her face. Bright red streaks stood out among the darker strands like lights to beckon men forth. Her eyes were round with dark pupils that narrowed as she studied Adara. Adara's eyes narrowed right back.

  "And who the hell are you!” The woman shrieked. “Where is Nalameir?” The woman looked around Adara's body as if Nalameir, whoever that was, was going to just pop into the room like she did.

  Maybe he would. Uneasiness churned in Adara's stomach.

  "Who are you? Well, it doesn't matter. You've seen me teleport so you must die now. Nighty-night, chicky!” The strange woman lifted a finger and Adara saw the tip of her bright red finger nails begin to glow in the low light of the hallway.

  "Wait!” Adara held up her hands. “You can't kill me. At least, not yet. I didn't see anything, really. I was ... I was ... looking down at the ground. Yes, I ran right into you when you stepped from that room."

  Pasting on a smile and doing her best to lie, Adara prayed this woman would believe her.

  "Didn't see me huh?” Propping her leg up on the banister, the woman's dark muscular legs flexed as she studied her beautifully manicured nails.

  "You lie. But you know,” swinging her foot of the banister, making it land hard on the carpeted floor, the woman stepped closer to Adara. Her hot breath brushed across Adara's cheek. “I don't have time to waste on you right now. Where is my brother?"

  "I have no idea who you are talking about."

  "Yes you do. You know exactly who I'm talking about. Has he finally decided to do his duty and take a mate, then take his place as King?” She didn't really seem to be talking to Adara, but she listened intently anyway. Who could this strange woman be talking about?

  "Nalameir!” The name bounced off the walls of the house as if searching out their intended target. Adara thought she could even see the vocal waves ricochet off the hard surface, seeking something else to launch it into the air.

  Then, Jack stepped around the corner at the bottom of the stairs.

  "Ra, what are you doing here?"

  Ra turned away from Adara and bounded down the stairs toward Jack. When she reached him, she pulled him into a huge hug. What an odd woman Ra was turning out to be. Adara followed down the steps.

  "Nal you must leave. Leave this place immediately! The hurricane has brought father's interest here. He knew it wasn't natural and thought you must have finally gotten angry enough to create such weather havoc."

  "Whoa, whoa. Calm down. Tell me what has happened."

  "It's just awful.” Ra ran her fingers through her streaked hair, causing it to spike up in the oddest shape. The strands seemed almost alive. Adara felt hypnotized by the tiny hairs as they slowly, as if they were more like tentacles then hair, lay flat once again.

  "Father has lost his mind, Nal. He wants you there beside him so badly, he has sent out hunters to find you and bring you home."

  Adara looked at Ra and then back at Jack.

  His beautiful features were tight, strained as he began to pace the length of the tiny entranceway. The light spilling through the glass on the door showed that it was late in the day. Adara couldn't believe she had slept so long, but then again, she was tired and had somehow fallen down a rabbit hole. That was the only way to explain all this strangeness.

  The woman, Ra, paced beside Jack—or rather, Nal. The leather of her tight fitting outfit brushing together as she paced was the only sound to be heard. Well, except the deep breaths Nal was pushing from his lungs. Adara stood back and watched the myriad of emotions play across his face.

  "You know I can't go back now, Ra. He would surely ruin what little humanity I have left."

  Ra stopped him, pulling him by his shoulders until she faced him. She was about two inches shorter, but Adara could feel the power push out from her body. What exactly was she dealing with, being involved with these people? Obviously, they were not normal humans, but then again, she wasn't all that normal either.

  The door beckoned her. Maybe if she slipped by them while they were engrossed in their conversation, she could get out and find somewhere to go. Although, the outside was probably ten times more worse to deal with than these foreign beings.

  Thinking for a second, Adara decided to go for it and began to make her way slowly around the room until the door was just a few feet away from her. Luckily, up until that point, neither Nal nor Ra had paid her any attention, but just as she reached the door, Ra turned, pinning her with a glare.

  "Where do you think your going little missy?"

  Adara couldn't help it. The comment completely rankled her nerves. “Missy? Look here, Red, I don't care who or what you both are. I am getting the hell out of here."

  As Adara lunged for the door, it burst open from the outside sending shards of glass and wood flying throughout the room.

  Ra ducked to the floor, Nal jumped through the air until his body landed squarely on her back, bringing her down to the ground. Adara's breath left her in a rush and lights danced before her eyes.

bsp; Oh no, I will not pass out.

  She gripped Nal's arm tightly as the room exploded with loud noise, screaming and hollering and gut wrenching growls. What came through the busted doorway made Adara's blood run like ice. The beings were gruesome, frightening beyond belief.

  Their large eyes were set at different angles on their twisted faces. Their was the greenish-hue of seasickness. Their noses were tiny with huge holes to breathe through. Their lips, God their lips, were deformed and awful looking. In their hands they carried long rods with pointed tips.

  Adara tried to remember to breathe, but it was if her lungs would rather have her suffocate than be subject to the monsters.

  "Shhhh.” Nal whispered in her ear. His warm breath was a welcome calming agent a contrast to her pounding heart. “They are my father's warriors, Drakas."

  The leader of the Draka's scanned the damage his men created, then his ugly, bald head turned and spotted them instantly. His menacing smile showed his sharp, jagged teeth. Spittle dripped down the side of his mouth.

  Adara cringed.

  "Ahhh. There you are, little prince,” the creature hissed. “Seems daddy has finally called you home. Come now, so there will be no blood shed.” His voice wasn't smooth at all, but more like sharp knives cutting through the air.

  Nal's arms tightened, pulling her further into his embrace.

  "Adara, we must leave immediately, I'm sorry."

  Before she had a chance to think about what he was saying, she felt his face burrow into her neck, his body aligned with her as best it could as they crouched on the floor. Heat washed down her side where he held them close together. With a pop, she felt a heavy weight push and pull against her skin.

  Adara wanted to scream, not in pain, but from the foreign feel of what was going on. A rainbow of colors sparkled around them, bright beyond anything she had ever seen before. The rancid smell of sulfur and burning ash almost caused her to choke. The air became thick, filling her lungs until she thought they would burst as they hurtled through some sort of portal.

  As the seizures moved over her body, warm lips covered her mouth. Shocked, Adara tried to pull away, but the soft lips were firm, demanding her attention. Nal's lips coaxed and teased until she opened for him. A rush of fresh air filled her lungs. She gripped him tighter, pulling him closer. She ate at his lips, wanting more, needing the velvety soft comfort they provided.

  With her eyes closed, lights sparked behind her lids. They were still moving, where or how, she didn't know, but Nal kept her attention on him. Soon his hands began to wander down her body as she kept their connection by holding him tight.

  He felt so good. It didn't matter now how the air felt around her, Nal was air, and she needed it to stay alive.

  She needed him.

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  Chapter Six

  The crushing pressure dissipated slowly around her. Something soft pushed against her back, making her realize she had finally landed. As Nal's lips pulled away from her, she looked up into his eyes—dark eyes that seemed to swirl with an essence all their own. His beautiful mouth curled slightly at the corners.

  "Sorry I had to do that."

  Adara's mind was completely muddled. She couldn't think past the darkness of his irises.

  "What?” she whispered.

  "I'm sorry I had to transport us that way. I know this is probably very strange and you have a lot of questions."

  Did she have questions? She couldn't remember. She was still trying to get past the way his kiss had felt like the life sustaining oxygen her body needed.

  Oh wait, yes, she remembered now.

  "Oh my gods! What the hell are you?"

  Nal pushed away from her body, taking the warmth with him. The air felt much hotter than what she anticipated. Then she noticed how dry everything was around her.

  Oh no! This wasn't good. She needed water. Lots of water. Humidity to be exact. She could suffocate without it.

  "Whoa, whoa, Adara. Calm down.” Nal once again pulled her into his body thinking that her sudden panic attack had to do with the way he transported them, she guessed.

  "Adara, are you okay? I promise, I'm not going to hurt you.” He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from his chest where she had burrowed her head. He forced her to look at him.

  "Take deep breaths and I'll tell you everything. I'm so sorry you got involved in this. It was never supposed to happen this way."

  "Jack—Nal—what the hell do I call you?” Adara was finally calming down enough to realize that yes, the air was amazingly dry, and if she didn't stay long she would be okay. She just needed to make sure this little trip to wherever didn't take up too much of her time.

  "You might as well call me by my real name, Nalameir, or Nal."

  "Where are we? I can't stay here. The air is making it hard to breath."

  Nal pulled away from her again. Adara felt his departure deep in her chest. She enjoyed being wrapped in his embrace, the feel of his large arms holding her close. Wanting to pull him back, she forced her hands not to reach for him.

  "Talk to me, Nal. Please tell me, what is going on?"

  Nal paced the small room. The dark panels highlighted his light casual clothes. He looked like a prince pacing to determine the future of his servants.

  Adara shook the thought away. A prince? How silly. Then again, she was a siren so really anything was possible, right?

  Nal stopped and sat down beside her on the large bed. He grabbed her hands and Adara felt electricity race from their conjoined flesh. She fought against the urge to pull away, instead, letting his warm hand rest in hers.

  "Adara, I know this may sound a little crazy to you, being human and all, but I am from the underworld. My father is looking for me and right now I can't let him find me. Not until I'm ready."

  What should she do? Should she continue to act the human or tell him the truth? Telling him she was a Siren might not be the best idea. If he was from the underworld, he might kill her or do something worse to keep his secret. He would probably do that anyway. Adara felt her breath speed up and instantly Nal was there, holding her again. It amazed her how being wrapped up with him felt so incredibly right.

  "Adara, please. Don't freak out on me. This isn't that bad. I'm not going to hurt you. Do you understand?"

  He was holding her so close she felt his breath upon her cheek. The heat raced inside her body straight to her core, where her muscles clenched together. He was a being of the underworld and where that alone should scare the shit out of her, she was excited instead. Her mind wondered how he would be in bed. Could he bring magic into their lovemaking? She had never lain with a demon before.

  "You are a demon?"

  He lightly kissed her cheek. His hands rubbed her back.

  "Yes. I am. I'm not necessarily an evil demon, though. I've been trying to break away from my father. Unfortunately, you can't run from destiny."

  Nal kissed her cheek again and this time, she turned her head until his lips touched hers.

  When earlier at his touch, she felt sparks, now with his lips touching hers, the world ceased to exist around her. Before when he kissed her, it was like he supplied her with oxygen. Now he was taking away all that she had breathed.

  And still she wanted more of him.

  Nal's kiss was passionate, light, then soft. His tongue teased her, and all she could do was welcome him.

  Adara grabbed his shoulders and pulled him forward into her body. His chest was muscular and strong as he leaned into her, pressing against her distended nipples. The bed called to her to lay him down and ride him until the Siren in her consumed him for all he was worth. Flames licked her skin, yet she beckoned their heat because it fueled their desire higher.

  She hadn't known Nal for that long, but now she was in his world, a world where she should be scared half out of her mind, yet with him close to her, she feared nothing. No one. Not even the demon king who wanted his son.

  Adara sank further int
o his chest as Nal trailed kisses over her cheek, down her neck, to where he licked along her pulse point. He scraped his teeth along her skin sending shards of excitement straight down to her pussy. Damn, the Siren within. She wanted this man, wanted him right now with all their adrenaline pumping inside their veins with the fear that at any moment someone, especially his father, could find them. Did she care?

  Nope, not at the moment.

  "Adara,” he whispered.

  Her name upon his lips sent a fresh wave of need exploding through her. Moisture seeped between her thighs.

  "There is every reason why we shouldn't be doing this. I know there is, but damn,” he said, still kissing and sucking the skin of her neck. He was driving her wild. Her hands now clutched him at the waist, her fingers slowing working under his shirt.

  "Adara, I want you. I want you now before anything else happens.” He lifted his hand towards the door and an audible click sounded. Adara looked over to see the door had latched closed and the heaviness of the wood would make it extremely difficult for anyone to get inside. They were not about to be disturbed and that knowledge fed her desires.

  "Nal, I want this too. Gods, I want this."

  Nalamier captured her lips and pushed her back into the bed. She moaned, feeling his weight fall upon her. He felt like heaven, and that thought made her smile. Should she say he felt like hell then, considering he was a demon? His hand brushed her mound, chasing all thought from her mind. She had to focus on what he was doing.

  Nal looked into her eyes, his dark irises swirled with red, almost like flames licking inside them. It turned her on even more. She should never let a demon into her body. Never should she allow this evil within her, but by Gods, she would not deny him.

  As if he read her mind and understood her acceptance, he pulled her shirt off, kissing and licking every exposed inch of flesh. Her hands pulled the material covering his body away as well, and even though she had seen him fresh from the shower, viewing his body took her breath away all over again. Muscles rippled and corded across his chest, calling to her to taste, to lick, to bite.


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