Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology]

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Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology] Page 16

by Melinda Barron, Midnyte Dupree, Jade Buchanan

  Gods be damned!

  "Why would this Linos be after me? I really don't understand why he'd attack my seals. His fight is with you, not me."

  She turned, pacing from one end of the small boat to the other. The sky around them was darkening, the sun almost set. It made the surrounding almost surreal, casting a dark gloom over all of them. Damon and Pythias’ faces were shadowed, making it hard to see their expressions.

  Damon shifted in place, brining her attention to him. The white towel stood out against his swarthy skin. At least he'd bothered to put it on. She was desperately trying to keep her gaze from going to Pythias beside him. All that glorious flesh on display was distracting her. She couldn't afford to be distracted right now.

  Damon met her gaze, standing up before her. He towered over her, and she had to tilt her head back to keep him in view. It was a mistake. Pythias immediately surged up to her side, grabbing her around her waist with one strong arm. He pulled her close to them, Damon surrounding her on the other side.

  It was stupid to try to get away, but that didn't stop her from bucking in Pythias’ hold.

  "Stay still,” he growled, bending low to whisper the words in her ear. His hot breath wafted along the sensitive skin of her neck, causing her to shiver.

  The betraying movement didn't go unnoticed. Damon crowded her on her other side, bending his own head to nuzzle her cheek, bringing up one hand to smooth along her back.

  Aella whimpered, straining in their hold.

  "Your father suspected that Linos would try something different this time. He received word from one of his people that Linos had been spotted near this area. We don't know what he's doing here. He's managed to escape us for centuries, with Zeus’ aid. It makes no sense that he would come here. If he were acting on his own, he would come after Pythias and I, or attempt to approach the sea god himself. Our home is on Isthmus, far from here and everyone knows the sea god can hide in any waters. Poseidon was worried for you, he didn't want you to catch Linos’ attention but he feared you would rush headlong into danger if he told you about the man close to your home."

  Aella frowned, listening to the smooth tenor of Damon's voice. He seemed to be the diplomat between the two men, the more levelheaded one.

  "You make it sound like I'm an idiot, acting without thinking first. I do have a brain inside my head, you know."

  She tried to infuse a note of calm in her voice. She felt anything but at the moment, but she really didn't want to sound like she was sulking. She wasn't sulking, she was just ... thinking about things.

  Aella bit her bottom lip, terrified for a moment that she may have been pouting.

  Pythias groaned, leaning down to run his tongue along the seam of her lips. She parted them without thought, giving him the access he seemed to want. Without any hesitation at all, he thrust his tongue into her mouth, clouding her mind with the taste of him. She was going to go crazy if she wasn't careful. These two men got to her faster than anyone else ever had.

  Releasing her slowly, Pythias drew back. Damon immediately surged in to take his place, slanting his mouth over hers. He pulled away to bite gently into her lower lip, placing his teeth where her own had been only moments before.

  Words hovered at the edge of her mind, a conversation taking place close enough that she could almost hear it. With a mental push, she followed the link, connecting to the two men.

  Gods, Pyth, she tastes like heaven.

  How would you know? You've never even seen the Elysian Fields.

  Aella reared back, away from Damon.

  What just happened? She'd connected with them. She'd never connected with another person outside of her father and sisters. Not even with some of the other gods. Oh, she knew Iaha could, and Adara could probably talk to more people than Aella, but she had never really attempted it before.

  "I heard you,” she gasped.

  Damon frowned. “What are you talking about?"

  "Just now, I heard you talking. About the Elysian Fields. How is that even possible?"

  Studying her, Pythias narrowed his eyes. Can you hear this?

  Suddenly she was reminded of that stupid commercial that annoyed the hell out of her. Can you hear me now?

  She snorted. “I heard you. Loud and clear. What's going on?"

  "Have you never been able to connect to anyone outside your family before?” Damon looked intrigued at the thought.

  "Never. I've only ever wanted to talk to father and my sisters. I've hardly said two words to some of the other gods with my mind. I never saw the need to do it before."

  "Hmmm, interesting."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  Damon shrugged. “Nothing. I just find it interesting that so many things have come together over the past day. It almost seems like divine intervention.” He looked at Pythias.

  Aella turned her head from one man to the other. They both had similar expressions on their faces. “You think my father had something to do with this?"

  "Poseidon has hundreds of followers at his disposal, yet he sent us to you when he could have sent someone else. Yes, Linos is after us, but he didn't send us to track Linos, he sent us to watch you. I don't like thinking he manipulated us in some way."

  You think he noticed how affected we were by her image? Pythias’ voice was contemplative.

  Aella swung toward him, catching the betraying thought. “My image?"

  Pythias shook his head, sighing. “We were shown an image of you in Poseidon's mirror when he first brought up the subject. He mentioned that Linos had finally returned to the area, after escaping him for so long. He was suspicious that something else was afoot, so he asked us to investigate."

  "That still doesn't explain why he went after my seals."

  "Maybe it wasn't an attack against you. Yes, you're their keeper, but the Monk seals have always been favored animals of Poseidon. You said it yourself. They were placed under your father's protection centuries ago. Maybe this was an attack to show Poseidon that nothing that belongs to him is safe. Your presence was probably just an added bonus. If he meant you harm, Linos would have attacked you directly."

  Damon laughed, “I wouldn't put anything past Linos but he was never really all that smart. He's a born follower, always has been. He needs someone pulling his strings in order to feel useful. He may crave power, but it's always been the power that comes from being an advisor to someone even more powerful, the feeling that he controls the ruler. He may feel that way with Zeus. Lino's probably thinks he's the one in charge."

  "He's an idiot if he thinks he's controlling Zeus,” Aella said. “My uncle doesn't do anything without a reason, and he can be a sneaky bastard. Half the time you don't even realize you've been manipulated until it's too late. Trust me, I've seen him do it more than once."

  "That still leaves us with a problem. We need to find Linos, and figure out what he's doing. He must have an ulterior motive for killing the seals, unless it really is as simple as Pythias suggested and he did it to show your father he could."

  "So, what do we do now?” Aella looked from one man to the other, blinking up at them.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Six

  Aella stood on the balcony, looking out at the night sky above her. She sent out a prayer to Nyx, asking her relative to protect them until daylight came.

  The waves crashed against the land below her, a constant reminder of her heritage. She could never escape it, but then again, she didn't really want to. She'd always felt drawn to the sea, she'd always known who she was. Her mother had come from Ireland years ago to settle along the coast here. She'd met Poseidon, fallen for him, and lain with him for a single night. She knew who he was, although she couldn't explain it to herself at the time. Even years later, when she'd asked her mother how she knew he was a god, she couldn't answer.

  Aella shook her head, drawing her mind from the past. It was called the past for a reason. She needed to focus on the here and now. There was some
thing brewing, and she didn't like it one bit. Still reeling from the discovery that she couldn't contact her family, Aella wasn't sure what her next move was supposed to be.

  The two men hadn't shared their thoughts with her on that subject. When she asked them what they were supposed to do now, it had been Damon who suggested retiring for the night. She'd brought them to her home on the outskirts of Foca, not knowing what else to do. They needed to sleep, rest for the coming battle.

  And there definitely was a battle looming. She didn't like the sound of what had happened to them in their youth. Never mind the fact that they literally worked for her father, but they obviously were on Zeus’ bad side. You didn't want to get in the way of the god when he was angry. Yeah, it was possible to defeat him temporarily, but he was the supreme ruler for a reason. She didn't even want to know what would happen if he lost control of Olympus. Life as she knew it would be over, and chaos would more than likely reign again.

  Chaos was the primordial mass from which the first gods had emerged at the beginning of time. Without Zeus, what would happen to the Olympians?

  Who was this Linos and what exactly did he have planned? She wasn't as eager to dismiss him as Pythias and Damon appeared to be. They may think he was simply following the orders of her uncle, but she had her own doubts. She wasn't going to blindly follow along and let him slip through and harm one of her men.

  Her men.

  She sighed, leaning on the railing overlooking the sea. They were her men, despite everything that had happened. They may be working for her father—and she'd definitely take that up with him when she saw him again—but they did something to her.

  It wasn't merely about sex, either. She wasn't sure what it was. But, for the first time in her life she was leaning on someone other then her father and sisters. These two men had her trust, completely and utterly. She trusted them to guide them through this mess.

  She still couldn't get over the way they'd acted when they found her seals. They were probably only doing their job, but she felt safe around them.

  Father? Please, I need you to talk to me. I'm not mad about you sending Damon and Pythias to me. But I need you here. The seals have been attacked. You always swore to me that you would interfere if they were harmed. Please talk to me?

  "He's still not answering?"

  Aella turned her head, watching Damon move toward her. He'd finally dressed when they arrived at her home, pulling on a pair of loose cotton trousers. His chest was bare, and so were his feet. Black strands framed his face, escaping from the tie in his hair.

  He leaned against the railing to her left, looking out to the sea.

  "Where's Pythias?"

  "What? Not content with just my company?” Damon softened the words with a slight smile.

  Aella blushed, turning to hide her face. Moist breath fanned against her cheek before Damon pressed a chaste kiss to her skin. He lingered, inhaling her scent, breathing deeply.

  She turned in his embrace, curling her body into his larger frame. She wasn't going to fight her feelings anymore. She was confused enough as it was without making things even more complicated.

  They did something to her, made her feel in a way she had never thought she would feel. Gods, she couldn't stop thinking about their hands on her body, their mouths moving down her skin. Learning her, possessing her.

  Aella shivered.


  She shook her head, burrowing her face into his wide chest.

  "Ah, then you must be hot?” He chuckled darkly.

  Placing a kiss against his chest an inch above his nipple, Aella gave him his answer. His nipple beaded, puckering. He groaned.

  Without warning, he picked her up, striding toward her room inside the house. She wound her arms around his neck, letting him lead. Placing her lips against his skin, she let her tongue trace the vein throbbing there.

  She was lowered to the bed, placed carefully in the center. She wasn't even jarred. Aella sprawled, tilting her head to watch him under lowered lids. Damon stood beside the bed, studying her.

  Not content to just lie there waiting, Aella slowly brought up her hand, toying with the top button on her tunic. She teased him, drawing it out as she carefully unbuttoned first one, then two of the small circles. His gaze followed her movement, his nostrils flaring. A muscle ticked at the side of his mouth, and her lips curved with pleasure.

  When she had four buttons undone, she reached in, stroking her fingers, whisper-soft, against her breast. Letting the material fall to the side, she revealed her actions to him, running the pad of one finger around and around her areole.

  A throaty growl sounded in the doorway, pulling her attention away from Damon beside her. Pythias was watching her intently, his dark gaze devouring her. He was still gloriously nude, oblivious to any discomfort she might have had in the presence of his muscular body.

  She decided to tease them both, see how far she could push this.

  Unhurriedly, she released the remaining buttons, allowing her shirt to fall open carelessly. Arching her back, she showed her breasts to them, daring them to come closer. When they remained in place, she simply smiled.

  Closing her eyes, she brought her other hand down, sliding it around the waistband of her loose trousers. Pulling on the drawstring to give her more room, she then let her fingers slip under the material.

  Bare skin greeted her questing hand. Tilting her hips, she let her fingers touch the wetness between her thighs, allowing a small moan to escape her throat. It was answered by another throaty growl, this time a hell of a lot closer. She had to fight to keep her eyes closed. She knew what she was doing, and she wouldn't be the first to break.

  Inserting the tip of her index finger up to the first knuckle, she fucked herself slowly, moving her hips in a gentle rhythm. Her pussy spasmed, the need almost unbearable. She needed something more.

  Hands were suddenly on her ankles, holding her in place. They were firm but they weren't hurting her. She kept her eyes closed, even when he started to gather the material of her pants, pulling them down her legs. She lifted her hips again, letting the parting material reveal her actions to their gazes.

  She had no idea where he threw her trousers, but the hands suddenly returned, smoothing along her calves, touching the tender skin behind her knees. Without her sight, her other senses were even more finely tuned. His callused palms were raspy against her smooth skin, alighting every nerve ending he came across.

  She had no idea which one of them touched her, but suddenly his partner was at her head, plunging his own hands into her hair. She inhaled, scenting the salty brine of the ocean, coupled with the slightest hint of Notus, the south wind that brought the wild autumn storms. Pythias.

  "Open your eyes, sweets.” Even his voice was wild, hungry.

  Aella complied, meeting Pythias’ penetrating gaze. He jerked his head, and she followed his gaze to Damon, patiently waiting below them. He had his eyes locked to her hand between her thighs, his own hands smoothing above her knees. Damon moved between her legs, his wide shoulders just brushing her ankles.

  She parted her legs, giving him more room. He looked up with a wicked glint, running his palms even closer to her now still hand. She couldn't tear her gaze away, helped in part by the strong hold Pythias had in her hair. It was just enough to remind her of his presence beside the bed, but wasn't quite enough to call her attention away from Damon between her thighs. She mewled, arching her hips.


  "Not yet,” Pythias replied. She rolled her eyes up, studying him for a moment. With a frown, Pythias directed her gaze back to Damon.

  "Now, watch."

  He didn't have to tell her twice. Panting now, she turned back to Damon, watching as he slowly—so fucking slowly—brought his left hand up beside hers. Drawing her hand away, he sucked her fingers into his mouth, enveloping them within the moist cavern. He nipped her fingers, soothing the sting with his tongue, ensuring he got every last taste of her.

  Aella squirmed beneath him.

  "Please, Damon. I need..."

  Damon grinned, leaning forward to blow a puff of air against her sensitive flesh. Her pussy spasmed again, almost painfully. She cried out, trying to clench her thighs. He stopped her with a firm grip on either thigh, holding her open to his gaze.


  Now, Damon. Give her what she wants. Pythias’ voice was a demanding presence in her mind.

  Damon looked up above her head, smiling wickedly at Pythias. Holding the other man's gaze, Damon lowered his face, sliding his tongue along her slit. She bucked in his grip, straining to get closer. Harsh pants and gasps filled the room, accompanied by the sounds of Damon feasting on her. His mouth was magical, his tongue finding every secret sensitive bit of flesh between her thighs. He circled her clit with the tip of his tongue, drawing it into his mouth to suck hard.

  "Oh, gods ... please ... I-I, oh, Damon..."

  She tried to toss her head, hampered by Pythias’ strong hold. Rolling her eyes, she pleaded with him. He released her suddenly, sliding onto the bed beside her. The movement placed his cock inches from her face. She stretched her neck, nuzzling the hard shaft with the side of her cheek.

  Pythias grabbed her hair again, fisting the red strands with one hand. His mouth was open, deep, gulping breaths escaping him.

  "Suck me, Princess. Please."

  She complied readily, bucking into Damon's mouth even as she took Pythias within her own. The burst of flavor on her tongue instantly went to her head. He tasted of the sea, salty and powerful.

  She moaned around his cock, running her tongue along the edge at the top of his thick shaft. She tried to take more of him within her mouth, but she could only take so much without choking. He was too thick. Not that she was complaining. She had loved the feel of that heavy shaft inside her earlier.

  Instead, she suckled just the tip, tilting her head so that she could watch his face. It wouldn't be a comfortable position for long, but she was hoping she wouldn't have to wait long before she got the taste of him she was hoping for.


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