Dogtags and Cowboy Boots

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Dogtags and Cowboy Boots Page 11

by Sean Michael

  Rock got the last of the wood off Rig and shook his head. "Easy does it. I'm not convinced you don't need a doctor." The big guy looked a little pale himself, was grumbling.

  "I just... Man. That thing didn't give me warning."

  "It's been just begging to fall," groused Rock. "We're making this place safe once Rig's settled."

  Dick just nodded and tried to help Rig stand. That just made Rock growl and push him aside and he picked Rig up carefully, striding into the house.

  Rig groaned and Dick winced at the goose egg on the back of Rig's head. Oh. Ice pack. Rig had those. He hotfooted it into the kitchen, hearing Rock and Rig start up an argument as to where Rig would best recover, couch or bed.

  When he got back, Rig was in the bed, Rock simply winning the fight, no question, no bullshit.

  He put the ice at the back of Rig's head. "Is the collar still necessary?" he asked. It didn't look particularly comfortable.

  Rig toed off his tennies, toes wiggling. "Nothing's broke. Take it off."

  "You absolutely sure, Rig?"

  Dick just stayed where he was, letting them work it out. He knew enough to keep out of their arguments, especially at a time like this.

  "Yeah, I hit the fuck out of my head, man. My neck's fine." Rig grimaced, swallowed hard. "Oh, fuck. Gimme a drink. I feel like I'm gonna hurl."

  "Go," ordered a growling Rock.

  Dick hightailed it to the kitchen, grabbing a pot for Rig to throw up into and a glass of water and then headed straight back into the bedroom where Rock was pacing.

  "Thanks." He got a half-grin, Rig drinking deep, throat working. "Oh. Man. Better. Thanks. Rock, I'm good. I bumped my head. That old shelf just gave up the ghost finally."

  Rock sat carefully on the side of the bed and undid the collar. "The kid and I are going to go in there and make sure everything is safe."

  "I'll do it here in a bit, Rock. I just need to sit a minute..."

  Rock gave Rig a look. "You'll do it? I don't think so. I think you need to lie there for the rest of the day and have a nap and let me and the kid take care of things. Fuck only knows what could have happened to you."

  It said something that Rig didn't argue, just rolled his eyes and relaxed back.

  "You need anything, Rig?" he asked quietly. "Some aspirin? A backrub?"

  Rock grunted and gave him an approving look. Fuck, the big guy didn't like it when anything happened to Rig.

  "Oh, some aspirin would hit the spot." Rig found a smile, hand held out to Rock.

  Rock took it, rumbling quietly as Dick went back into the bathroom. He found some aspirin in the medicine cabinet and grabbed the bathroom cup, filling it with water before heading back.

  He stopped in the doorway and just watched quietly as Rock pressed soft kisses on Rig's face. Rig made a sweet, soft sound, mouth moving, whispering, hands stroking Rock's back. It made him smile, that Rig was comforting Rock, loving on him. It was moments like these that he knew he was lucky, knew he was a part of something special.

  Dick went in quietly and put the aspirin and the water on the bedside table, went around and sat on Rig's other side, hands reaching out to slide over both of them. Rig smiled, eyes warm and welcoming him, just letting him right in.

  He pressed a kiss on Rig's mouth, smiling as Rock joined them, the flavor of all three of them together something else.

  "Mmmm..." Rig moaned, tongue slipping out to taste.

  "Fuck," muttered Rock, the sound almost a purr.

  Dick nodded, hands touching, pushing up their t-shirts so he could touch skin. Rig was warm and smooth, felt good under his fingers. He moaned softly, fingertips brushing across Rig's hard little nipples and stroking over Rock's solid belly.

  "Yeah. That's it. That's good." Rig muttered, lips moving slowly.

  Rock growled a little, pulling back. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

  "We'll be easy." Rig leaned back. "Slow."

  "Slut," accused Rock, making Dick snort and giggle.

  "Yeah. Yours." Rig winked.

  "You know it," growled Rock.

  Dick just smiled and cuddled against Rig, fingers still on Rock's belly, teasing the top of his jeans.

  Rig kissed Rock's jaw, tongue sliding along Dick's throat. Dick moaned, pushing back the urge to press Rig into the mattress. It was odd, going slow, worrying about hurting one of his lovers, not at all what he was used to.

  "Y'all taste good." Rig shifted, wincing a little as his head moved.

  Rock growled. "Tell you what. You stay still and let us do all the work."

  "Yeah. Yeah, okay." Rig nodded, leaned back, still a little pale.

  Dick put himself in charge of getting rid of Rig's clothes, grinning as Rock grunted his approval. He got Rig undressed with a minimum of fuss and then started on Rock's clothes. There were already little bruises raising up here and there, marking Rig's shoulder, arm.

  Rock grumbled and kissed each one, fingers sliding gently over Rig's skin. Dick touched them both, loving the hard muscles under Rock's skin, the whipcord leanness of Rig.

  Rig rocked, moving slow and careful, eyes watching, lips parted.

  "You want me to suck your cock?" Dick asked.

  "No. I'm doing it." Rock slid down the bed as he said it, heading right for Rig's prick.

  Rig moaned, hips bucking a little. "Blue. Damn."

  "Just wait a few minutes and then you can say damn." Rock winked and swiped his tongue across the tip of Rig's cock.

  Fuck, that was sexy.

  Rig's lips parted, a deep groan escaping. Dick leaned in and licked at Rig's lips, tongue pushing into the hot mouth. Rig opened, sucking his tongue, loving him. He groaned, moaned into Rig's mouth as his hands slid over skin, Rig's and Rock's touching them both.

  He felt Rig start to shiver, body starting to go tight, starting to rock. He looked down, moaning at the sight of Rock taking Rig's cock in.

  "Blue. Blue. Oh, fuck. Fuck. It's. Oh." Rig arched, legs thrumming on the bed.

  Rock pulled off to glare at Rig. "You're moving."

  Dick chuckled, reached down to stroke Rock's cheek. "You're blowing his mind and he's not feeling any pain."

  "Rock. Fuck, don't stop. I'll be still. Please."

  Rock grumbled a little, but he went back to blowing Rig, mouth looking so hot around Rig's prick. It made Dick moan and he rubbed against Rig's hip.

  "Yes...." Rig was flushed and panting, eyes just rolling.

  Dick watched as Rock's eyes closed, a low, muffled moan sounding. Fuck, it was the hottest thing he'd seen in a long time. Groaning, he moved faster, just rubbing away against Rig, mouth finding one of those little nipples.

  Rig's hand reached down, touched Rock's lips. "Oh, hell, yes."

  It was hot and sexy and Dick was going to come before Rig did if Rig didn't go off soon. He tugged harder on Rig's nipple, fingers finding the other one, pinching lightly. Rig cried out, bucking, shooting into Rock's lips.

  That was all Dick needed and he moaned loudly, spraying against Rig's skin.

  Rig moaned, relaxed back. "Oh. Good."

  Dick nodded and relaxed next to him. "Real good."

  "Hey," complained Rock. "What about me?"

  "Mmm... c'mere." Rig tugged, blinking slow.

  Dick grinned. "I've got him, Rig. You just enjoy the mellow after glow of a Rock blowjob."

  "Mmm... I like the mellow. The after-glow, I mean."

  He giggled and slid down along Rig's body as Rock slid up. Rock settled beside Rig, taking kisses while Dick wrapped his lips around that beautiful cock. Rock's hands wrapped around Rig, held the thin body, kisses getting longer, deeper. Dick watched as he sucked, getting horny again, his lovers just fucking inspiring.

  Rig petted Rock's belly, Rock's chest, then reached down and stroked his head. He hummed happily, making Rock groan and start thrusting a little. Oh, yeah, he could go for some of that. He heard Rig's soft laugh, the sound pure sex. He was hard again, hips pumping his prick against the covers as h
e sucked on Rock's thick cock.

  "That's right. Fuck, that looks good, Blue. So fucking hot."

  Dick moaned and groaned around Rock's cock, making Rock jerked and groan. One hand landed on his head and he stilled, letting Rock fuck his mouth. Rig's hands kept moving, wandering, petting him and Rock, driving them both higher and higher. He increased his suction, and his own hips were working the sheets like crazy.

  "Yeah. Come on, marines. Wanna see." Rig groaned low, did something to Rock to make him grunt.

  Dick could feel Rock's prick get just that much harder in his mouth and he knew it would be soon and sure enough, Rock groaned low and thrust hard and spunk sprayed down the back of Dick's throat. Fuck, that was sexy. Dick swallowed and swallowed and his own sounds were muffled by Rock's prick, but he was coming, too, all over the sheets.

  Rig sighed, the sound sweet, husky. "Too fucking fine."

  He sucked on Rock a moment longer and then slowly pulled off before sliding on up and settling on the other side of Rig.

  "How're you feeling?" Rock asked, blue eyes on Rig's face.

  "My head hurts like a son of a bitch." Rig grimaced, snuggling right in. "I need a nap."

  "Oh, the aspirin!" He reached around and grabbed them and the water. "I kind of got distracted," he admitted, handing them over.

  Rig chuckled. "Distracted? By fucking? Us?"

  He giggled and Rock grunted. "As long as you're not badly hurt, that's all right."

  "Just gonna be sore tomorrow." Rig cuddled in, eyes closing.

  "You nap," Rock ordered. "The kid and I will go clean up the garage."

  And Dick knew Rock meant practically childproof the place as well. Of course looking at Rig's pale face, he couldn't blame the big guy.

  Rig curled around Rock, breath slowing right down. "'kay. I'll help."

  Rock snorted, but Dick put his fingers on Rock's lips, keeping him from saying anything. Rig would sleep easier thinking they were going to let him help. He settled against Rig, letting the easy breaths ease him, too.

  Rig was okay and in the end, that was all that mattered.


  It was the first Friday night in what felt like months that they were all home and all healthy.

  There'd been accidents and strains and some fucking virus that had the place reeking of shit and vomit. Just like a bunkhouse on a Sunday morning.

  But tonight there was pizza on the way and beer in the fridge and his men were taking too fucking long in the kitchen, so he made his way there, intent on some up against the wall fucking. Or some over the table fucking. He wasn't particularly picky.

  Oh, shit. No fair, Rig on his knees, working Dick's cock like a master, blond head just bobbing away.

  "Hey now, I thought the party was supposed to be in the front room?"

  Dick gave him a lopsided grin, the kid half gone on Rig's mouth.

  Rig popped those lips off Dick and grinned back. "Appetizers."

  He snorted. "As long as you have room for the main course right here."

  Rig laughed, going back to town on Dick, making the kid fucking jerk and shudder.

  Rock moaned and started undoing his BDUs. No reason he couldn't serve up the next dish just because Rig wasn't quite finished yet with his appetizer. It wasn't going to be long, anyway. Not the way Dick was moaning and carrying on, hands on Rig's head, hips starting to move. Rig knew just what he was doing, pushing the kid right along, those porno sounds filling the air.

  He stepped closer, ran his prick along Rig's cheek. Dick's mouth opened and he thought the kid was going to protest. Instead, Dick's hand landed on the back of his neck and tugged him closer, their mouths meeting on a hard kiss. Rig's hand slid up along his thigh, saying hi as the kid jerked.

  He fucked Dick's mouth with his tongue, his hand joining Dick's on Rig's head. He felt Rig swallow and moan, Dick's hips pumping. Dick went a little limp, kind of leaning into him, mouth going lax against his.

  He chuckled and broke the kiss, just grinning. "You got him, Rig. He's jello."

  "MMmm... there's always room..." Rig nuzzled Dick's belly.

  Dick grinned, looking very nicely melted. "Your turn, Rock. You might want to sit down though, he's something else."

  Rock snorted. "Tell me something I don't know, kid."

  Rig chuckled, reached for his cock, pumping nice and slow. "Mmmm... second course?"

  "Main course," he corrected.

  Which sent Dick into absolute giggles. "It wasn't meant to be a joke, kid," he growled.

  "Rock -- what is my last name?"


  Rig's laugh rang out. "See, kid? He's a funny, funny man."

  Dick nodded, giggled some more and Rock rolled his eyes. "Are we chatting or am I getting a blow-job?"

  He got a raised eyebrow, Rig thumping his hip. "We're appreciating your fine fucking sense of humor right before I suck your brains out your cock."

  He growled a little on account of the thump, but his fingers were sliding through Rig's hair, his cock already hard in anticipation. "You can appreciate my sense of humor any time, he pointed out."

  "I do." Rig wrapped hot lips around the tip of his cock, sucking sweet and easy, tongue teasing the slit.

  He moaned, shifting slightly so he could lean back against the counter. Rig could make a man weak at the knees with that tongue. Rig grinned, just for a second, then started making love to his prick, licking and nuzzling.

  He watched, because that's what you did when you came across a master at work, you watched, his Rabbit so fucking fine, working his prick. Dick leaned against him, making little porno noises just from watching them. It wasn't that Rig had some amazing technique or something. It was that Rig loved it, loved sucking and tasting, loved the whole thing and it showed.

  You could feel it down to your fucking toes.

  He groaned for Rig, let him know just how fucking good it was. And once he really let go and just started enjoying it, he couldn't stop the movements of his hips, pushing into Rig's mouth, taking it. Rig just let him in and in and in, taking him down, taking him all.

  It was enough to make a man come and come he did, shooting straight down Rig's throat, his balls emptying as the pleasure went all through him. Rig kept sucking, cleaned his prick, kept the pleasure going. He held onto Rig's shoulders, fingers digging in, his purrs fucking constant.

  "Mmm... so good." Rig nuzzled his belly, eyes shining up at him.

  "You know it." He stroked Rig's cheek, loving the way Rig looked, lips all swollen, eyes hot. "You gonna let the kid suck you off while I fuck you, Rabbit?"

  "Oh, fuck yes." Rig nodded, panting a little.

  "Come on, bedroom." Rock grabbed Rig under his arms and hauled him up. "Let's get busy."

  "Oooh. I like busy!" Rig cackled, hand cupping his balls, just for a second.

  "Nutjob," he accused, but the words were kind of mitigated by the way he was pushing toward Rig, legs spread.

  "Yep. Your point?" Rig hummed, eyes going hot.

  Rock just laughed and nudged his cock, still hard thanks to Rig, against Rig's belly. "I think that's my point."

  "Mmmm... good point." Rig and the kid laughed, then Rig took off down the hall.

  The kid hightailed it after Rig and that put him in the rear, which offered the mighty fine view of the best pair of asses that ever walked the earth. And they were all his. He sauntered down after them.

  All healthy. All horny. All his.

  Fuck yes.

  July 2005

  Rock pushed the mower and drank his beer, enjoying one way more than the other. Lawn care was Rig's job, but it had been raining for weeks and now that it wasn't and he was home while Rig was off playing nurse, well.

  He got himself another beer.

  The kid was off on special training, wouldn't be back until late and he'd be fucked if they weren't calling for rain for tomorrow. So here he was, on a perfectly nice Saturday, doing the fucking mowing.

  He'd had three beers by the time he was
done, sweat pouring down his back. The smell of grass was strong, still wet, drying in the sunshine. Soon as he was done he opened another beer and threw himself in Rig's hammock.

  It swung, ropes creaking and he hoped it didn't break. Rig would be heartbroken. He'd had just enough to drink to wonder if Rig would be more heartbroken about losing the hammock or him hurting his ass.

  "Oh, somebody's been good to this old man..." Rig's drawl draped over him just like a touch. "Damn good."

  He opened one eye and grinned. "Who're you calling old?"

  A cold beer slid along his leg, Rig's eyes dancing. "Me, old man. Me."

  He grunted, leg jerking. "That for me?"

  "The beer or the redneck?"

  "Oh, I know the redneck's mine."

  The beer trailed over his abs, his own personal redneck nodding, moaning low.

  "You sure do know how to handle that... bottle." He reached out, fingers sliding on Rig's wrist.

  "That's not all I can handle." Rig's nipples were hard, belly tight, cock rising in the green scrub pants.

  "No?" His eyes were caught by that tent in Rig's scrubs.

  "Not at all, Blue. Not at all." Rig shifted, cock bobbing, bouncing a little.

  He snagged the beer out of Rig's hand and took a nice long swig before taking the bottle and sliding it along the front of Rig's pants.

  "Rock... Come inside?"

  He grinned, his own cock getting uncomfortable in his jeans. He recognized that tone. "I could do that."

  "Yeah?" Rig's teeth sank into that bottom lip. "Come on then." Rig turned, sashayed inside, hips swaying.

  Rock groaned and rolled out of the hammock, following that ass. Rig pushed the screen door open, fingers untying the drawstring at the thin waist. Growling, he hurried up the steps, pushing Rig in without any ceremony. If the man was going to tease and get naked barely inside the door, he was going to get his ass jumped.

  Of course, the way those thighs parted, sweet ass offered as Rig bent over the table? Rock didn't think Rig was going to file harassment charges.

  Grabbing the lube out of the breadbox -- thank fuck for the kid -- he slicked up two fingers and pushed them right in. Groaning, he leaned over Rig.

  "Oh. Fuck, yeah. Foreplay's for wusses." Rig grunted, arching.


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