KILLER: An Unfit Hero Novel

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KILLER: An Unfit Hero Novel Page 27

by Faiman, Hayley

The stylist is nice, his name is Moe. He seems to be the one in charge, as he bosses everyone and I mean every single person in this apartment around, without hesitation. When my hair is setting in curlers, he starts to show me some dresses.

  He tries to push a red one on me, but I wrinkle my nose. “Louis’ shorts are royal blue, his gloves black for this fight. Sometimes he wears red, but I’ve asked and have been assured that they are indeed black.”

  “Okay…” I say, unsure of what any of that has to do with me and a dress.

  “You need to complement him,” Moe sighs, completely exasperated.

  Biting the corner of my lip, my eyes shift over to the small clothing rack that he’s set up. “What about the royal blue one?” I ask, lifting my hand and extending my finger to a strappy royal blue, sequined short dress.

  Moe turns to look over his shoulder at the sparkly dress, then slowly shifts his gaze back to meet mine. “I didn’t peg you for sparkle,” he murmurs.

  “I’m not really, but this is Vegas and I’m going to be right there in front,” I offer.

  He nods. “Try it on, let’s style it and see.”

  Pressing my lips together, I wait for the rest of the parts of my style to come together. I wish that I had Laurie’s stretchy little black dress. It would make all of this so much easier, but Gary and Moe both told me under no circumstances was I allowed to wear that and sit in the front row as the woman of The Louis ‘KO’ Kingston. Whatever all of that means.

  Gary leaves shortly after he has approved my look, then the rest of the entourage packs up to leave as well. I’m standing in the middle of Louis’ living room watching it all happen around me, wondering how the hell I’m going to get through this night.

  A knock on the door causes me to jump in the rose gold pumps that Moe assures me flow well with my dress.

  Moe walks over to the door and tugs it open to reveal Shawn standing next to a gorgeous petite brunette. Shawn and his woman walk through the door, allowing Moe and his crew to leave. When they’re all gone, I lift my gaze to meet Shawn’s.

  “You okay?” he asks as soon as everyone is out of the house.

  Shaking my head, I inhale a deep breath. “I’m really nervous,” I admit.

  Shawn smirks. “He’ll win.” He nods.

  I don’t tell him that he sounds exactly like Louis, instead I just nod. Shifting my gaze over to the brunette, I extend my hand.

  “I’m Tulip.” I smile.

  Shawn curses as she slips her hand in mine, her lips turning up into a grin. “I’m Mary-Beth.”

  “Sorry,” he grunts.

  Mary-Beth shakes her head. “You’re just a big rude man, nothing you can do about that,” she says with a smirk. I can’t help but giggle at her words.

  “If you girls are done busting my balls, you ready to go?” Shawn asks.

  I dip my chin and together we leave Louis’ apartment. As soon as I slide into the back seat of the waiting car, my phone alerts with a new text message. It’s Hutton and my stomach’s queasiness settles.


  And then like a flash of lightning, the queasiness is back, just at the mention of me being on television.


  Typing the words, I’m not surprised at how true they really are. “I don’t mean to snoop, but I’m snooping,” Mary-Beth whispers next to me. “You are gorgeous. They’re going to focus on you, and I’m telling you this because I feel like you need to know before you go in there. Someone leaked to the press that you were Louis’ girlfriend.”

  “What?” I screech.

  She tips her lips in a small smile. “I know it has to be hard, but they were bound to find out. You’ll go in there in that sexy dress, your head held high and when the camera focuses on you, you’ll ignore it because the only thing in that room that matters is Louis.”

  I blink, wondering where this girl has even come from. Pressing my lips together, I nod at the fierceness in her gaze. Shifting my eyes up to meet Shawn’s in the rearview mirror, he winks.

  “Love you, baby,” he calls out.

  She blushes and I swear it’s so cute it’s almost sickening. I sink back into the seat, closing my eyes and wondering just what the hell I’m going to be walking in to. Maybe nobody will care? Maybe they’ll just be focused on Louis and I’m just being dramatic?

  I decide that I’m being dramatic. Nobody is going to give a flip about me, about some chick that Louis is seeing from Nowhere, Texas. Nodding, I sit up straight as soon as the fancy Las Vegas Strip appears.

  “Wow,” I breathe as I look around at all the buildings.

  I’ve never seen so many tall buildings, so many different colors, so many lights, so many people in my entire life. Sure, I’ve gone to the city a couple of times, but Gallup and Burnet have everything I need. I haven’t ventured out often, and nowhere I’ve been looks quite like this.

  “Is this your first time to Vegas?” Mary-Beth asks.

  Turning to her, I bite my bottom lip. “This is my first time anywhere.”

  Something akin to pity crosses her face, but I brush that off. Most people think my life is pretty sad, and I have no doubt that the recent turn of events only adds to their pity, but I don’t know any different and I like how things are going. Plus, I’ve never really had time to feel sorry for myself—so I don’t.

  Shawn pulls the SUV around a corner and I’m a bit disappointed to see that this side of the casino and arena isn’t all that grand. Apparently, they only put all the fancy stuff in the front.

  “There’s a red carpet, but Louis didn’t think you’d want to do that whole thing. If you do, we can go,” Shawn asks, turning around to look at me.

  The thought of me—me, walking on a red carpet of any kind makes me burst out into laughter.

  “Well thank God, I was seriously sweating thinking you were going to say yes,” Mary-Beth whispers.

  “You don’t want to go either?” I ask, turning to look at her.

  She shakes her head. “It’s awful. There are so many people and they’re all yelling and taking pictures with their blinding camera flashes. Yuck.”

  Huh. I never once thought to ask Hutton how she felt about that. I know that she’s done at least one awards show with Beaumont, only because I watched it on television in awe, all of Gallup did.

  Together, the three of us, make our way into the back of the building. Mary-Beth and I follow behind Shawn. Our high heels won’t let us take strides quite like his, so arm-in-arm we follow behind him.

  “I’m glad that I don’t have to come to another one of these alone,” she whispers. “I don’t mind going to Shawn’s fights. They’re usually low key and a good time, but these are just plain insane.”

  Shawn turns to us and hands us each a name badge necklace. Scrunching my nose, I wonder what Moe would say right about now at the sight of the giant plastic necklace clashing with all of his hard styling work.

  Slipping it on, I decide that it doesn’t matter. I’m not here to look good, I’m here to support Louis. I know that he’s nervous, he has to be. But I also know that once he sees me in the audience, hopefully, I’ll ease a little of that nervousness and anxiety.

  The three of us walk together down a long hallway. I can hear the roar from the crowd in the arena. My entire body trembles with nervous energy. Louis is somewhere in this building. He’s getting ready to face a demon that I know without a doubt he isn’t ready to face.

  He doesn’t need to face that demon alone, because I’m going to be right next to that ring cheering him on. I’ll always be right next to him, cheering him on in whatever he does. We arrive at a set of double doors and Shawn stops, turning his head to look over his shoulder at us.

  “This is where Mary-Beth and I walk together and you walk with your head up to your seat. We’re sitting next to you, so just follow us, Tulip. You got this, babe.”

  Lifting my chin slightly
, I give him a shaky nod. My thighs are trembling, my knees are knocking, but I got this or at least I’m going to fake it with every single step that I take toward my seat until I can collapse down on my ass.

  Mary-Beth gives my arm a squeeze before she releases me and slides up to Shawn’s side. The door swings open, the noise is so loud that I feel it throughout my entire body. I’m shaking, vibrating between the music and the sheer amount of people shouting, cheering, screaming.

  My steps falter as I attempt to follow behind Shawn and Mary-Beth. Biting the inside of my cheek, I follow them. I try to look straight ahead, focusing on Mary-Beth’s gorgeous gleaming shiny hair.

  “It’s her,” someone screams from beside me.

  I don’t look, I can’t. Suddenly, there are a million cellphones surrounding me, people shouting my name and I start to tremble even more than I was when I started walking out here.

  I keep my eyes on Mary-Beth, hoping that our seats appear soon. Thankfully, they do and I do exactly what I’d planned on, I sink my ass down and I breathe.

  “Someone knew who I was,” I whisper.

  Mary-Beth turns to me with a smile. “After tonight they’ll all know who Tulip, girlfriend of Louis Kingston is. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.”

  Shaking my head, I lift my hand to the front of my throat. “I don’t want to enjoy the ride. A couple days ago I was just a cashier at the grocery store.”

  Mary-Beth’s smile widens. “Look at you now.”

  She shoves her phone at me and I glance down to see a photo of Louis with his hands around my hips, tugging me against his chest. There’s another one of him kissing me. These were taken yesterday and I bet I know who sold them to the media.

  “It’s too much attention,” I whisper.

  “Let the world think whatever they want. You have a man who loves you at your back and that’s all you need.”

  My lips twitch into a smile. “You sound like my friends at home.”

  “They’re smart.” She winks.

  Nodding, I take my own phone from my small clutch. “They are,” I whisper.

  I spend the next few moments texting all of those smart friends. Their messages put me at ease and I’m almost completely calm when the lights start to dim and an announcer appears in the center of the ring.


  I send the text to Hutton, Exeter, and Channing just as the announcer roars it into the microphone. Then, I close my eyes and I say a small prayer to whoever could possibly be listening to keep Louis safe, to protect him, mind, body, and soul tonight and to ease his anxiety.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  The sound of the crowd flows through me, jacking my adrenaline higher and higher, filling me full to almost bursting. My body is practically vibrating as Aaron tapes my hands.

  The official is watching, making sure that we only use the specific yardage of tape on each hand. The rules are the fucking rules when it comes to this sport.

  I bounce on the balls of my feet, pumping myself up, though I don’t need much help in that department, the crowd is doing fucking plenty.

  “His gloves have been weighed,” the official says to another man. He nods his head and they both watch as Aaron slips my gloves on my hands, securing them.

  Cracking my neck, moving it from side to side, I continue to bounce on my toes as I close my eyes. Inhaling through my nose, I let the breath out of my mouth. I imagine being able to fly, being light enough to jump quadruple my height.

  “You about ready?” Aaron asks.

  Opening my eyes, I nod my head once. “Clear your mind. Focus your body. Make each strike true.”

  Nodding, I look directly into his weathered eyes. “I will come out on top.”

  “You will win,” he states with a jerk of his chin. “You will fight Meetze and you will be successful, but you will overpower those demons.”

  Inhaling a deep breath again, I grin. “I’m Louis fucking ‘KO’ Kingston. Nobody is going to beat me in my own goddamn house,” I growl.

  “Damn fuckin’ straight,” Aaron shouts.

  Someone at the door calls out to me. Lifting my chin, I jerk it as Aaron slides my robe on. Bouncing on the balls of my feet, I follow the person out of the door. He leads me down a long hall and the rumbling of the crowd grows louder with each step that I take.

  My body shakes, trembles, but not with fear—instead it’s with excitement. I thought that I would be dreading this moment, the walk toward the ring, but I’m not. My body isn’t my own, I’m filled with nothing but pure adrenaline.

  Walking past all of the people, I tune out their words. My eyes search the front rows of people, I know where she is. When I finally find her blonde hair, I glance down at her face and grin. She’s made up, heavily, but it isn’t unattractive. I prefer her bare face, but she’s so fuckin’ pretty as she is, too.

  Making a detour when I’m close enough, I walk between the ring and the front row where security is lined up, until I’m right in front of her. I lift a brow at the tight, short, sparkly dress she has on.

  “A stylist,” she shouts with a shrug of her shoulder.

  Reaching out, I wrap my arm around her waist and tug her close to me. Her palms land on my chest as she leans over the barricade. “Kiss me, baby,” I demand.

  She licks her lips, her eyes searching mine before they tip up into a small smile. “You look good in your outfit.”

  Chuckling, my arms flex around her and without another word, I slant my head and press my mouth to hers. I’m sure this will do nothing except get people talking, but I don’t give a damn.

  Tulip is my woman and I’m going to kiss her before I step in that ring. She is the reason I have not only the strength, but the drive to win this fight.

  Breaking the kiss, I smile as I look down at her. Tulip’s lids are lowered, her lips parted and then slowly her eyes lift to meet mine.

  “Good luck, Louie,” she whispers.

  “Fuckin’ you in the locker room when I win,” I rasp.

  “Okay,” she sighs.

  My lips turn up into a smile. “Fuckin’ shit, baby.” Shaking my head, I touch my forehead to hers. “I love you, Tullie.”

  She inhales a breath through her nose before she whispers. “Kick his ass, Louis.”

  With a smirk, I let her go, taking a step back and I give her a wink before I turn around. What I didn’t know is that the camera was zoomed in on us the entire time.

  Everything was not only caught on the jumbotron for the entire arena to see, but also aired for everyone watching on their televisions, including all of the men and women that I consider family back in Gallup.

  Climbing into the arena, I stand in my corner while the announcer does his thing. I ignore everything. Blocking out the entire stadium, even Tulip, and I focus on one thing and one thing only, my opponent.

  Meetze narrows his eyes on me, he’s watching me, so fucking focused with a scowl on his face as he attempts to fuck with me. It doesn’t work.

  Aaron reaches for my robe and slips it off of my arms, the signal that this shit is getting ready to go down. Turning my head, I open my mouth as he shoves the guard in to protect my teeth.

  Bouncing on the balls of my feet, I make my way toward the announcer. Meetze doesn’t speak, his jaw clenched as he watches me. Tilting my head from side to side, I keep my body loose. We lift gloves and fist bump before taking a few steps back from one another.

  The bell rings and I stay in my spot, only moving when necessary. Meetze is bouncing all around, taunting me and expending far too much fucking energy.

  Pulling up my gloves, I cover my face and crouch slightly. When he’s close enough, I jab my arm out, my glove connecting with flesh. He groans, I hear it under his breath. We go on like this until the bell rings that signals us to move back to our corners before the next round.

  “He’s a fuckin’ pussy. You done playin’ with him yet?” Aaron asks.

  Turning to him, I grin before
I open my mouth. He squirts some water inside and I swish it around my mouth before I spit it in a bucket. Aaron shakes his head, his eyes fucking bright with the same adrenaline that’s flowing throughout my entire system.

  I’m not done playing with Meetze. Not by a fucking long shot. Thoughts of Antoni, of watching him die, completely melt away. I am in my zone, focused on one thing and one thing only—winning.

  The only thing that is different about this fight than any other, is the fact that I no longer use the expression, kill.

  I don’t want to kill anyone.

  I’m not a killer.

  I just want to knock my opponent the fuck out. I want to knock his ass to the floor. Then I want to kiss my girl before I carry her back behind the doors where I dressed and fuck her against the door. Then fuck her again, and again, until we’re both so goddamn sated and exhausted that we can’t move.

  Grinning, I stand up when the bell rings and I play a little more with Meetze. He looks tired, exhausted really. I, however, could run ten miles. I am ready for this shit.


  I gasp when the gloved fist smashes into Louis’ face. I watch as blood starts to drip down from his eyebrow. I’m sitting on the edge of my seat, my eyes glued to Louis as he bounces around the ring, throwing and receiving punches. My heart is slamming against my ribcage and I can’t breathe.

  For a while it looked like Louis was just kind of playing around, goading his opponent. Now, he looks fatigued. The fight is in its ninth round.

  I can’t take this much longer.

  I want it to be over with. Both men are breathing heavily. The crowd is completely out of control and I can do nothing but stare and hope that it’s all over soon.

  Mary-Beth reaches for me, wrapping her fingers around my forearm and squeezes. I don’t turn to look at her, I can’t. There is no way that I can miss even a second of this fight.

  Biting the inside of my cheek, I jump when Louis smashes his glove against Meetze’s face and his head violently jerks to the side.


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