Little Lucy and the Doctor

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Little Lucy and the Doctor Page 8

by Chloe Carpenter

  "You're hot, Miss Peters. Very hot. And I know exactly what to do about it. I'm going to give you some rather special intimate stimulation, and I think we'll find it will elevate your temperature even more. However, on no account are you to orgasm without my permission. Is that clear?"

  "Yes sir," said Lucy breathlessly, her pussy clenching in anticipation.

  "Very well." Simon held up the fingers of one gloved hand, and waggled his index finger around. "This finger is going to be inserted into your rectum. Like so." He demonstrated, watching Lucy's face as he did so. Next, he held up his other hand, two fingers pointing skyward. "And these two fingers are going to be inserted in your vagina." Again, he demonstrated. Then, leaning forwards on his stool, he gave her a lascivious smile. "To further medical research, I need to assess how well your clit responds to oral stimulation." He lowered his head and began to lick her bulging clitoris.

  "Ohhhh!" Lucy felt as though all her birthdays had come at once. Her eyes rolled back in her head. This was heaven. This was bliss. This was ... "Please! Please," she begged.

  Simon paused just long enough to shake his head, and then he continued with his research, circling her clit, teasing the hard nub between his teeth, licking and flicking as he stimulated her simultaneously with his fingers.

  Lucy began to babble about how very badly she needed to cum. Her body had completely taken over. Her nipples stood out to attention, and her juicy pussy felt just incredible, and that combined with the sensations in her ass was driving her demented. Her hips rocked as she thrust her pelvis up.

  "Now," came the command, and she obeyed - though she couldn't have disobeyed even if she'd wanted to. She came loudly, thrashing around, moaning and mumbling inarticulate words.

  It was just what the Doctor ordered...


  The next Friday evening, Lucy arrived at Simon's place two hours late.

  "Where have you been?" he asked her. "I called twice and there was no answer. We'll have to order pizza or something because the dinner I prepared earlier and put in the oven is ruined." He opened the oven door and took out the charred remains.

  "Sorry, sorry Daddy." She flung herself at him and hugged him, then reached up for kisses. "After work I had a soak in the tub with a magazine, and the water was all lovely and bubbly and hot and ... I fell asleep," she said sheepishly. "But I'm nice and clean!" She flashed him a bright smile.

  "You're a naughty girl," he said in a certain tone of voice. "And we know what happens to naughty girls, don't we Lucy."

  She pulled a face. "They get spanked," she said resignedly. "But can I get spanked after dinner? 'Cos I'm absolutely starving! Come on, get me my pizza now and don't be a mean old man." As soon as she had said the words, she knew she was in trouble.

  And she was right ...

  Simon narrowed his eyes and looked at her sternly and slowly shook his head. "You can wait for dinner. You're going to get a spanking right now for your impertinence, and another one before bed for being late."

  "Oh, but ... two lots of spankings? That's so not fair!"

  "There's only one person who determines what is and isn't fair, young lady - and that's me. Go upstairs and bring me the hairbrush from the guest bedroom."

  Lucy pouted. "But why Daddy?" she whined. "I spent ages brushing my hair just the way I want it and I don't need it doing again," she said crossly, stamping her little foot. Simon's hand shot out and slapped her bottom hard. "OW!" she squealed and rubbed her rump.

  "Now, Lucy." Simon's tone was icy. He was not used to being disobeyed. He picked up the ruined dinner and went outside to dump the contents in the bin. Lucy watched him go out the door, and then her little hand dived into the cookie jar and pulled out three fat white chocolate cookies.

  My favourites. I'm having them. Daddy can go boil his head. Anyway, he'll never know.

  She shoved one in her mouth and chomped it hungrily. It tasted so good. She chewed and chewed but it was rather a large cookie and she wished she hadn't stuffed it all in at once. Her cheeks bulged like a hamster's, and oh no ... now she could hear the sound of Daddy's feet crunching on the gravel path outside the back window. In a moment of panic, she looked for somewhere to hide the two remaining cookies she clutched in her hand. There was nowhere. The door was just beginning to open. In desperation, she shoved the cookies down the back of her panties. Then she swallowed and coughed, sending a spray of crumbs all over the kitchen floor.

  Simon entered the kitchen and closed the door behind him. He put the oven dish on the sink to soak the charred bits of food that clung to the sides. He looked up and frowned.

  "Lucy... why haven't you gone to fetch the brush as instructed? Do as you're told."

  "Yes Daddy," Lucy mumbled as she left the kitchen.

  "What did you say?" he called after her.

  "I.. um, I said 'Yes Daddy'," said Lucy who still had pieces of cookie in her mouth.

  "Are you eating anything?" Simon followed her to the foot of the stairs.

  With a big gulp, she swallowed the last piece, and answered truthfully. "No Daddy, I'm not. See." She opened her mouth wide, quite failing to spot the crumbs on her dress and on the carpet.

  Simon smiled grimly, and said one word. "Brush."

  It was then that Lucy realised the brush was for her naughty bottom, not her hair. She scampered upstairs, cursing herself for having a big mouth. The brush sat on the dresser upstairs. She picked it up. It felt heavy in her hands. It was paddle shaped, which was somewhat appropriate, given the circumstances under which it would be used. She stared at it in disgust. She loved good girl spankings, the fun ones with lots of squeals and slaps and hot sex afterwards, but the punishment spankings were different. She didn't like those at all. So preoccupied was she with the hairbrush, she quite forgot the cookies stuffed down her panties. With a moue of distaste, she took the brush downstairs and handed to Simon

  "I am disappointed in you, Lucy. Very disappointed."

  Lucy looked at her feet. "Sorry, Daddy."

  "Not sorry enough. Come with me, girl." He led her into the lounge and sat on the sofa. Pointing to his lap, he said, "Over."

  Reluctantly, Lucy got into position.

  "Bad girls don't get fun spankings. They get proper ones. Hard ones," he said menacingly.

  "Oh dear." She balled her fingers into fists as she braced herself for what was to come.

  Simon raised his right arm and brought the brush down firmly on Lucy's bottom. He was determined to prolong this spanking, first over her skirt, then over her panties, and lastly on the bare bottom. Lucy immediately started to wriggle, and as the spanks continued, her little legs began to kick. "Is this getting through to you? Or maybe I should do it a bit harder?"

  "Nooooo!" squealed Lucy, thinking it was quite hard enough, thank you very much.

  A couple more spanks later, Simon flipped up Lucy's little skirt. Arm raised, brush poised, he stopped in mid air. There was a squishy, crumby mess seeping out of the side of Lucy's pale pink panties. Putting the brush down for a moment, he peeled down the panties, revealing a very naughty little bottom covered in squashed cookies.

  So that's where the little minx hid them!! He wanted to laugh, but he kept his voice stern.

  "Now I see where you hid the cookies."

  Oh God, the cookies! Lucy blanched. She had forgotten all about the wretched cookies. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I really, really am. I was greedy - but only because I was hungry."

  "I don't mind you eating cookies - but I DO mind you lying to me." He brought the brush down sharply on her bare bottom. The sound of wood on flesh echoed around the room like a gunshot, and Lucy yelped in pain. "I will NOT tolerate lies." The wicked brush came down again, bouncing down over the chubby cheeks, leaving her sit spot blazing. He interspersed the lecture with crisp spanks. "You DELIBERATELY lied to me, Lucy." Down came the brush, falling again and again on the same spot, leaving blurry crimsoned splotches in its wake.

  "Aaaahhh!" Lucy wailed. This was dre
adful. The pain was awful. And Daddy was so mean to her. But all the same, she knew she deserved it. "Ow! Ow!" she bleated.

  But the lecture, like the spanking, was far from over. "You were late. You were rude and impertinent. You lied to me. And," he added, managing somehow to keep a straight face, "you hid food down your panties!!"

  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  The wicked hairbrush whacked Lucy's bare bottom. Simon delivered six strokes in rapid succession across her bouncing buttocks, then moved a little lower, applying half a dozen stingers on the soft under-curve of the cheeks of her throbbing bottom to keep the colour fresh and vivid.

  Lucy's wails were frantic as the fire built in her poor burning backside. It throbbed. It stung. It hurt. It hurt some more! She whimpered and yelped and squealed so much she gave herself a sore throat with all the yelling. But when Simon parted her thighs to deliver a dozen stinging strokes to the inside of each tender thigh, she soon vocalised her distress once again.

  "Do you deserve this spanking, Lucy?" Daniel asked sternly.

  "Yessirrrrr! Oweeeee!"

  There was a brief pause and she slumped, thinking it was all over, but a sudden swift rain of strokes landed yet again, over and over on exactly the same spot.

  "Yeooowwww!!" she screeched. "It hurts! Daddy, it hurts! Ow!"

  "Yes it hurts, and I know one bad little girl who will be eating her dinner standing up. Very well, you may stand. Hands on your head, and no rubbing. Stay exactly where you are." He left the room and went upstairs.

  Lucy stood sniffling, longing to rub her poor battered bottom but she didn't dare. She turned her head when Simon came back into the room. She noticed he carried something blue in his hand, and something else - a tube of toothpaste.

  It wasn't toothpaste. It was lube.

  For the second time that evening, Lucy was upended over Simon's lap, this time to endure the indignity of having her red smarting bottom cheeks prised apart and greased up, only to have a butt plug slowly inserted up inside her. It was the ultimate in a humiliating punishment.

  "There, all done." Simon slapped her bottom, his hand driving the butt plug in a little further, eliciting a further tortured howl of protest from Lucy.

  "Ohhhh!" she wailed. "I don't like it."

  "Tough. Go and stand in the corner. Keep your hands on your head. No ... don't bother pulling up your panties. They can stay bunched up round your ankles. You may waddle over to the naughty corner so that I can sit here and admire the blue plug in your red bottom."

  Pouting, Lucy shuffled over to the corner. Her bottom was red and sore and throbbing - and there was the new sensation of the plug to contend with too.

  Simon leaned back and crossed his legs. He smiled at the sight, then reached for the phone and dialled the number for The Pizza Palace and gave their order. "Thirty minutes? Yes, that's fine. Tell the delivery man to ring the front door bell." Putting the phone down he then informed Lucy, "You can stand there until the pizza man has been and gone. Stay exactly where you are and don't move an inch."

  "B-but D-Daddy - he might see my b-bare bottom if he l-looks in through the w-window," gulped Lucy.

  "That's right. He might. And if he likes the look of it, I shall ask him if he wants to spank it too! Now be quiet and still while I read my newspaper."

  Lucy sulked in the corner. Usually, corner time wasn't too bad - it could even be kind of fun in a kinky sort of way - but not this time, because this time she had one very sore bottom, which she was quite desperate to rub. After ten minutes had passed, she angled her head a little, thinking that if she could steal a quick glance at Daddy busy reading the newspaper, he wouldn't be likely to catch her rubbing her poor bottom. But the moment she moved her head, his voice rang out like thunder.

  "Lucy! Nose to the wall, and keep still!"

  Lucy wasn't used to keeping still for half an hour, and it was relief when the pizza delivery man drove his car up the drive. She held her breath as he rang the doorbell, hoping and praying he wouldn't take a few steps to the left and peer in through the window and see her bare bottomed in the corner. Fortunately for Lucy, he didn't, but she was in a foul mood with no sign of her usually sunny disposition.

  As Simon predicted, she ate her dinner standing up, glowering at him as she ate. He could have put a nice soft cushion down for me, she thought as she frowned at the nasty hard wood kitchen chairs. Her mood didn't improve when Simon opened a bottle of wine and wouldn't let her have any because she had been naughty. Instead, he gave her a glass of milk.

  She looked at it in utter disgust, "Milk? Milk?! You can fuck right off, I'm not drinking THAT!" Without thinking, she picked up the glass and threw it against the wall, where it smashed and sent its milky contents trickling down onto the floor.

  Immediately, she regretted it. Her heart sank. Daddy would be livid. Oh why oh why did I do that?! She looked at him pleadingly. A small vein in his temple was throbbing ominously. She had noticed that before. It happened when he was cross about something. But Daddy didn't say anything. Not a word. He just sat there calmly finishing his pizza and drinking his glass of wine.

  Lucy began to babble on about how terribly sorry she was and promised she would never ever do such a stupid thing again. Still no response was forthcoming. Nervously she looked for the dustpan and brush and swept up the broken glass. Next, she went to get the mop and bucket and cleaned the messy section of the floor. The kitchen wall was a real mess - oh why had she thrown the glass of milk on the wall with the new wallpaper on? She stood opposite Simon, her hands covering her sex as she waited for him to speak.

  When at length he spoke, he said, "Come here. Time for the slipper, girl."

  "What?" Lucy stepped towards him. For a brief moment, she thought he meant he was going to put his slippers on, but no - he was already wearing them. He grabbed her and hauled her over his lap, reached down and removed one, grasped it firmly, and brought it swiftly down on her bare bottom.


  "Yeoooww!" yelled Lucy. "That bloody HURTS!" It did too - it hurt even more than the hairbrush if that were possible. And it hurt even more because he spanked her over the but plug.

  Simon tapped the rubber sole of the slipper on Lucy's bottom, then drawing his arm back he whacked the slipper down again.


  Lucy's eyes bulged as the stinging exploded across both cheeks of her already sore bottom. She squealed loudly and kicked her legs wildly as her little fists pounded against the floor. Her bottom felt so sore that she could not imagine it getting any worse. But it did, as Simon methodically continued the task in hand.

  "Oww! Ow! You're killing me!" Lucy wailed, and began wriggling in earnest.

  "Rubbish. A well-spanked bottom never killed anyone. Now keep still or you'll get extra."

  "Ow! But it stings real bad! Oww! It burns!"

  "That's right. It shows I'm doing it properly."

  Crack! The beastly slipper made another red splodge on her blazing bottom, eliciting a high pitched shriek. Simon observed her rosy red cheeks with great satisfaction. If ever she deserved a proper spanking, it was now.

  "Noooo, Daddy, pleeeease!" wailed Lucy, tears springing from her eyes at the horrible pain he was inflicting on her bottom.


  "That's all for now. But let me remind you that you have still another spanking promised before you go to bed."

  "Oh no - not another one!!"

  "I always mean what I say, Lucy. It's about time you learned that."

  Lucy cast him a pain-filled look as she hopped about, both hands clutching her stinging rump. Although in pain, she was still full of anger. She lashed out and kicked Simon's shin defiantly.

  His calm reaction was not at all what she expected.

  "That was very childish behaviour, Lucy. You have been punished, though evidently not enough. I'm going to remedy that." He then picked her up effortlessly and tucked her under his right arm, carrying her upstairs in this very un
dignified manner. Depositing her on the bathroom floor, he ran a bath, then had her bend over the side of the bath as he removed the plug and delivered twelve stinging spanks on her little red bottom. "Wait there," he said curtly, and left the room.

  A few minutes later came the scraping sound of the loft ladder, and the creaks it made as Simon went up into the loft. Shortly afterwards there were a few thuds and bumps. Lucy wondered what the heck was going on. She began to realise, when in came back into the bathroom carrying a child's plastic potty.

  "Ill tempered, childish little girls will use this." He reached for her and sat her down on it.

  "Nooooo! Nooooo! I'm NOT using a potty! I'm not!"

  "Oh but you are," said Simon in a tone that defied disobedience.

  Lucy sat there. Both sets of cheeks flaming. She was desperate for a pee but didn't dare do anything. "I can't with you stood there," she mumbled.

  "Tough. I'm not going anywhere."

  To her shame, she began to pee. She just couldn't help it. The flow of urine gushed. She was mortified and stared at the floor unable to look him in the eye, and when he lifted her in the bath, she yelped as the water made contact with her sore bottom, then made not a sound as she bathed as she was still so embarrassed. But there was worse to come.

  "This evening you will sleep in the twins room. And because you have behaved like a baby, I'm going to treat you like one. You will wear a diaper to go to bed in."

  Lucy stared at him in disbelief. He deposited her on the twins bed and fastened a diaper on her, pulling the tabs so that it was all secure. And as if that wasn't bad enough, the noises she heard earlier was the sound of Simon getting the old crib out of the loft. He had quickly assembled it and dusted it down and put clean linen inside plus a stuffed toy. To Lucy's horror, she was lifted from the bed and put inside the crib.


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