Run to Me

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Run to Me Page 14

by Cynthia Eden

  “Dumb…ass…” Wyman groused. “You…of all… people…should know…” The machines beeped louder, faster. “More to f-family…than b-blood…”

  Jay’s phone rang, vibrating in his pocket. He ignored the vibration. “Don’t you dare bring my brother into this, you understand me? You ever threaten him again, and I’ll end you. I’ll—”

  The machines were louder. His phone had stopped vibrating. “He’s…not blood…” Wyman gasped out. “But…f-family…like s-she’s…m-mine…”

  His phone was ringing again. Since it was his private line, Jay yanked it out. West. Shit. He shoved the phone to his ear. “Not now, man,” he said. “Not—”

  “Thought you’d want to know,” West growled right back. “Your girl just left. Flynn and Cecelia let her run.”


  “She jumped through the upstairs window. Jumped. I’m following her but that woman is fast on foot. I’m on my motorcycle…” And Jay could hear the groan of the engine. “Didn’t think you’d want to let her go.”

  No, he never did. “Don’t lose her.”

  “Yeah, well, damn. I think your lady just stole some dude’s truck, so this is gonna get tricky—”


  The call went dead, but he knew he could count on West, just as his brother could always count on him. He shoved the phone into his pocket.

  “Wil…low?” Wyman had forced out her name again.

  Jay leaned over the bed. “You say there’s a threat to her.”


  “I’d die to keep her safe. I’m not the threat. If someone is out there, gunning for her, you tell me who that is. You tell me right now.”

  The machines were going crazy. The door flew open as Elizabeth rushed inside. “What are you doing? I told you mild questioning, mild! He can’t handle this! Are you trying to kill him?”

  “Who. Is. It?” Jay demanded.

  “L-lover…” Wyman wheezed. “Willow’s lover…”

  Jay jerked back.

  “Oh, shit,” Sawyer muttered. “That is not what you wanted to hear, huh, man?”


  She didn’t know where she was running to. She’d stolen a truck, she felt guilty as all hell about that, and Willow drove through the streets of D.C. like a woman possessed. Her body was operating on pure instinct, and her instincts were screaming for her to run.

  She just didn’t know where she was supposed to go. At first, she’d just been running blindly, the image of Jay’s bloody body tormenting her, over and over again. She’d needed to get away from that bedroom. She hadn’t been able to breathe because her fear had been so strong.

  Only now…

  Her breath slid in and out. And Willow realized that she’d turned on the street that led to Push. It was the middle of the day, and the club was closed down. The place would be empty inside.

  The perfect place to stop. To think. To get her mind in check again.

  She parked the vehicle and ran around to the back of the club. She grabbed for the door handle. Locked. Of course, it would be locked. But…

  Willow just yanked harder. The heavy lock broke, and she rushed inside. The club’s interior was dark and still. At first, she was afraid an alarm might sound, but there was no terrible blaring. There was only silence.

  Her shoulders lifted and fell as she heaved out heavy breaths of air. And then…

  A footstep.

  Her head whipped up. Someone was in the club. Someone coming toward her. Someone—

  “Seriously?” Benjamin Larson growled as he held his gun aimed at her. “You’re the one who just broke into my place? I am not in the mood for this shit.”

  She could rip the gun away from him. He was about fifteen feet away from her, but she could bound across that room so quickly.

  “Don’t even think it, sweetheart,” he warned her with a knowing smile. “You got the drop on me before, but that was when I didn’t know about the super soldier freaks out there.”

  She flinched.

  “Sorry,” he muttered. “How about…that was when I didn’t know about your enhancements?”

  “I’m not here to hurt you.”

  “No? Then why are you here?” He looked around. “Here…without your shadow?”

  Her shadow?

  “Jay,” he snapped. “Where the hell is he?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Benjamin laughed. “Right.” He didn’t lower the gun. With his dark hair and dark eyes, the guy looked sinister. Dangerous—which he was. “Look, you’re gorgeous as all hell, but you’re deadly. And I’m not going to make the mistake of ever lowering my guard with you again.”

  She winced. You made a man face his worst fears once…and he never forgave you.

  Jay forgave me.

  A door creaked. The sound came from upstairs.

  Someone else was there? “I didn’t know you’d be here.”

  “Just tying up a business deal. One of Jay’s friends will be taking over security for this place. A good thing considering that I just had a break-in.” His eyes gleamed.

  Footsteps slowly padded down the stairs.

  “Okay, Willow.” Benjamin’s voice was nice and easy. “Since we have an audience coming our way, how about you and I play nicely?”

  She had been playing nicely. The guy wasn’t unconscious, was he?

  A few moments later, the other man appeared. He was tall, broad-shouldered. He wore a faded jacket and loose jeans. His thick hair was shoved back from his forehead, and faint laugh lines slid away from his eyes. “Hey, Ben!” the guy called. “There a problem here?”

  Benjamin had just tucked his weapon into the back of his jeans. “No problem.” He had a broad smile on his face. “Got someone for you to meet, Lucas. This is Willow. She belongs to the other owner of Push.”

  Lucas stiffened, just a bit.

  So did Willow. “I don’t belong to anyone.”

  Benjamin gave a long and suffering sigh. “She’s involved, man. With Jay Maverick. So I’m telling you now, the woman may look like the best sin you’ve ever seen, but you’re gonna want to keep your hands very much off her. And your eyes, too. Because if Jay catches you drooling over his lady, no way will he allow our deal to go through.”

  The guy didn’t look like he was drooling. But there was something odd about his stare. It was too hard. Too…intense.

  “I never take what doesn’t belong to me.” He strode forward and offered her his hand.

  Willow stared down at his hand. A wave of unease slid through her. “Do we…have we…I’m sorry…have we met?” She took his hand.

  His fingers immediately closed around hers. “You tell me.” His voice was low. Gruff. And for a second, his eyes blazed.

  I think I know his voice. “I’m sorry.” She hated the tremble in her voice. “But I was in an…accident a while back. I’m afraid that my memories aren’t what they should be.”

  His gaze narrowed. Swept over her.

  “If we’ve met,” Willow continued carefully, “then I don’t remember you.”

  Benjamin cleared his throat. “Right, um, let’s talk about who you do remember. Jay. Does your good buddy Jay know you’re here?”

  “We haven’t met,” Lucas said smoothly as he continued to stare at Willow. His hand tightened around hers. “I’m sorry to hear about your accident.”

  She was aware of a strange unease sliding through her.

  His voice roughened. His heartbeat kicked up. His hold is too tight.

  He was lying to her.

  Every single nerve in her body went on full alert. She stopped trembling and hesitating. Willow pulled her hand from the stranger’s as her spine straightened. “Jay doesn’t control my movements. No one does.” She nodded briskly to Benjamin, then to Lucas.

  Lucas. The name didn’t mean anything to her, but she was picking up so much from the guy. His heartbeat was racing. His body was thick with tension. And his gaze was far too knowing as it swept over her

  “I want Lucas here to take over security for the club.” Benjamin had moved a step closer to her. “I get that Jay likes for West to be in charge of his company’s security, but Push is mine. I want to make sure this place stays secure, and I’m in charge of the day to day operations. I’m considering bringing on Lucas to handle all my clubs.”

  Lucas was still staring straight at her. Seeming to see into her.

  Her own heart was beating too fast.


  His name slid through her mind. She’d run from his house because she was scared—scared of what she might do to him. But right then…

  I want Jay.

  “Jay and Lucas go way back,” Benjamin was saying, and his words caused Willow to blink in surprise. This man before her—the man who she knew somehow, even if the memories were lost to her—he also knew her lover?

  “Hell, my phone’s ringing. Give me a minute, would you?” Benjamin said as he hurried away, pulling out his phone.

  And just like that, he’d left her with Lucas.

  Lucas tilted his head as he studied her.

  She wanted to back up a step, and because she did, Willow didn’t move. “How do you know Jay?”

  “He’s been doing contract work for the government—hell, feels like forever. Sometimes, the work he does requires extra, uh, protection, I guess you could say. I’ve stepped in when needed.”

  Right. “You know West, too?”

  A slow nod. “I served with him, in a different life.”

  Okay, that was reassuring. Or at least, it should have been reassuring. Only she didn’t feel reassured.

  “West is a good man. You can always count on him in a battle.” Lucas took a step closer to her. His voice lowered. “Can’t say the same for Jay Maverick.”


  “The man will do anything for money. He’s obsessed with his inventions, with his tech. With running the fucking world.” And now pity filled his eyes. “You should watch yourself with him. The guy isn’t someone you can trust.”

  No, this man—he wasn’t saying this to her. “You don’t know me.”

  He just stared back at her.

  Do you?

  “I know another lady who thought Jay was going to give her the world. Reva isn’t exactly living the high life these days,” he murmured.


  “Even though Jay called her up last night, wanting to talk. She thinks they’re going to have a chance again.” He exhaled. “Guess she doesn’t know about you.”

  Jay called her up last night. He hadn’t done that. Had he? No, no way. Last night had been chaos. Hell. But…

  But when she’d woken up, Jay had been downstairs. How long had he been there before Wyman arrived? Had Jay—why would he have called Reva?

  “The guy’s a player. And he only looks out for himself.” Lucas ran a hand through his hair. “You should be careful with someone like him.”

  Because she wanted to retreat from this man, because he scared her, unnerved her, Willow stepped forward. “I can take care of myself.”

  His lips quirked. “Yeah, I bet you can.”

  Benjamin appeared again. “Our meeting is over for now, Lucas. Thanks for coming in.” His voice was harder than before. His gaze glittered. “Willow, we need to talk upstairs.”

  Going into Push had obviously been a mistake. She didn’t need to guess in order to figure out who’d been on the phone. Jay.

  She hadn’t used her enhanced hearing to listen in on Benjamin’s call. She’d been too distracted—and focused—on Lucas.

  But Willow was sure the caller had been Jay. He realized she was missing. He was hunting her. “I think I’m done talking.” She nodded briskly before turning on her heel. Benjamin called after her, but Willow didn’t stop. She hurried through the back door. Went back into the brisk cold and—

  He was behind her. She heard the rush of his steps right before he reached out and spun her around to face him. “You in trouble?” Lucas asked, a faint furrow between his heavy brows.

  So much trouble. “I don’t like being touched.”

  He immediately pulled his hand back. “My mistake.”

  She exhaled slowly. “And I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine.” He leaned toward her. Didn’t touch her. “You look like a woman who is running.” His voice was low, just for her. “It’s Maverick, isn’t it? You’ve found out what he really is. Just like Reva did. And now you’re running scared.”


  She didn’t turn at the call of her name. She’d heard the thud of approaching footsteps. Hardly surprising that West had joined the party, too.

  Lucas swore. “West is a good man, but he’s blind when it comes to his brother.” He nodded. “I can help you.”

  Why? Why would that guy want to help her?

  “I can be your friend, if you need one.” His grin was rough. Fleeting.

  “Willow.” Now a warning edge had entered West’s voice. “Lucas. What in the hell is going on?”

  Lucas tossed a wave at West. “Just making a new friend, that’s all.”

  They weren’t friends.

  “Willow already has plenty of friends,” West threw back. “Stop flirting with her. She’s not on the market. And Willow, we need to go.”

  She wasn’t ready to go anyplace. At least, not with West. He’d just take her back to Jay.

  “The lady doesn’t seem interested in leaving with you,” Lucas murmured.

  “Shit.” Benjamin’s disgusted voice had joined their group. “I’m not in the mood for some pissing match at my club. Let’s all just calm the hell—”

  The explosion came then, hitting with no warning. Fire that roared and boomed as the lower level of Push ignited. The force of the blast lifted Willow into the air. It tossed her back, and she could feel the heat burning over her skin. She heard yelling, a furious roar, and the crackle of flames.

  Burning, burning…


  Jay seemed to watch the scene in slow motion. He’d been running toward the back of Push, he’d had Willow in his sights, and then the place had gone to hell. Literally.

  Fire seemed to burst out of Push, grabbing and stretching greedily. There was a boom, a loud, terrible boom of sound, then glass was exploding. Flames raging. Jay saw Willow fly into the air. West and Benjamin were tossed by the impact. They all flew and hit the ground.

  They didn’t get up.

  Fucking hell.

  He ran to Willow. She was face down on the ground, and he grabbed her, flipping her over. “Willow?”

  Blood dripped from a cut on her cheek. His hands flew over her, but she wasn’t burned. Scratched, cut a bit from impact, but—

  Her eyes opened. She stared at him, and horror filled her gaze. Horror?

  “Willow?” Jay wanted to lift her into his arms and get the hell away from there. But he didn’t. He didn’t move at all.

  “What in the hell?” Benjamin’s sharp voice.

  Jay’s head whipped to the right. Benjamin was on his feet, glaring at the blaze. “That’s my fucking club!” Benjamin surged toward the fire.

  West tackled him. “Man, you don’t run into a fire!”

  Jay pulled Willow to her feet. She stared at the building, her gaze on the flames.

  “West!” Jay shouted. “You okay?”

  His brother gave a grim nod. “Just trying to keep this dumbass from getting himself torched.” He rose, moving off Benjamin.

  “I have to get in!” Benjamin yelled. “That’s my place! I have to stop the fire!”

  Another man appeared, a guy that Jay recognized. Lucas Tate. What in the hell was Lucas doing there?

  Benjamin tried to make another run at the building, but this time, Lucas shoved Benjamin back. “Man, you need to stay away. The place could—”

  And another explosion hit. This one stronger than before. The top of the building seemed to ignite. Flames weren’t crackling. They were shrieking. The fire was roaring. J
ay hauled Willow back, pulling her away from the flames.

  Could a super soldier come back if she was burned alive? He wasn’t going to find out. He didn’t want her anywhere near that place.

  “Was anyone else in there?” West demanded.

  Black smoke billowed in the air.

  Coughing, Benjamin shook his head.

  They’d all moved back. The club—Push had ignited.

  “This is why you need me,” Lucas said flatly to Benjamin. “I told you that people are gunning for Maverick. And you’re getting caught in the crossfire.”

  Jay stiffened. His eyes met the icy blue gaze of Lucas Tate.

  “You don’t want to get caught in the crossfire,” Lucas said as he stared at Jay. “That’s no place any sane man wants to be.”

  In the distance, sirens wailed.


  “Are you okay?” Jay’s voice was low and rough. Firefighters were battling the blaze. Nearby, Benjamin was still cursing and raging, and Willow—Willow sat in the back of an ambulance, her gaze on the hands she’d twisted in her lap.

  “Of course, I’m fine,” she assured him. “You know how much it takes to put me down.”

  Jay caught her hands in his. Cops had arrived. They’d grilled him. Grilled the others. The fire had been contained, luckily, so no other buildings had been taken out. No one had been seriously hurt. A very fortunate thing. “Why did you run?” Jay demanded.

  She wasn’t looking at him. Hadn’t looked him in the eyes, not since that one moment when she’d stared at him in horror.

  “You shouldn’t be close to me,” Willow whispered.

  “Too damn bad. Close to you is exactly where I want to be.” He squeezed her fingers. “Talk to me. Why did you run?” That wasn’t the question he wanted to ask. He wanted to know…Why did you leave me?

  “If you know someone is bad for you, why would you stay close?”

  His shoulders stiffened. Willow thought he was bad for her? “Willow…”

  “Take me to see Wyman Wright.”

  Those weren’t the words he’d expected. “Uh, Willow…”

  “I want to see him. I want to talk with him. He knows about my past. He knows me. I want my chance to question him.”

  “Is that where you were going when you left the house? You were going after Wyman?” No, that didn’t make any sense. “Then how’d you end up at Push?” Right before the place exploded.


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