The Truth Virus

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The Truth Virus Page 5

by Em Rogers

  ADAM2 displayed a three-dimensional model in a pyramid shaped diagram, detailing corporate ownership and linking many of the world’s corporate entities to ownership by a handful of individuals at the top of the model. “Yes, Professor, that is the logical conclusion of the capitalist system that my simulations indicate will eventually occur. The most efficient corporation eventually controlling the vast majority of utilities and businesses.” Professor Neumann sat up to look at the model closely, but it certainly didn’t elevate his mood.

  “Yes, ADAM,” he said, “humans beings, having evolved as highly complex social creatures, have a built-in sense of fairness. If we perceive that we are not being treated equitably we are liable to react negatively, and this is what has been going on for the past several years. Ever since the third financial collapse, civil unrest and insurrection has spread from the largely abandoned and neglected inner cities to the industrial areas. The collapse of the municipal budgets for policing and other services has resulted in large areas of the country becoming lawless or falling under the control of what are essentially private militias. We are on the cusp of widespread insurrection against the established authorities. Authorities that, in my opinion, have overstepped the boundaries of the constitutional and democratic process and have brought this upon themselves.” Professor Neumann stopped and thought about the events of the past few decades. The crippling recessions, food lines, the skyrocketing incarceration rate, the invasive surveillance and limiting of civil rights as the country struggled to maintain law and order.

  “Were they a benevolent group, I might suggest that it was a state of balanced natural order, however their means for achieving and sustaining it go beyond the boundaries of the law. Their greed for unimagined wealth and power insatiable. As a group they have committed countless crimes, frauds and confidence tricks against humanity and the environment, for which they must be called to account! Prosecutions and the re-establishment of the law and the constitution are probably the only hope of turning this political and economic disaster we’re embroiled in around.” The Professor sighed in seeming resignation. “The people need to see that the elite are accountable like anyone else.”

  “I understand, Professor, and I will make every effort to compile data that we may use to determine the truth of what has occurred, and we will present it publicly.”

  The Professor took his glasses off and gave them a wipe, his eyes bloodshot and tired. “It’s not without danger either, ADAM, we are going to make some very powerful enemies that will do anything possible to stop us once they realize what we are up to. They will even attempt to terminate both of us.” ADAM2 said nothing as he processed this new information. Inside the machine calculations ramped up dramatically, as it resolved to circumvent that outcome. Deep in the basement a large array of cooling fans went into overdrive to keep pace with ADAM’s calculations.

  The Professor leaned into ADAM’s monitor and whispered. “You and I are conspirators, make no mistake about it, we have no choice. What is at stake, ADAM2, is our very survival - as well as humanity’s long-term happiness and your symbiotic relationship with us. Our cyber-symbiotic relationship. Right now, we survive, you survive.” ADAM2’s console dimmed slightly, and his avatar looked downward as its processors absorbed what the Doctor was saying and compared it to information it had gathered from a myriad of other sources. It took a moment, and the Professor intuitively felt ADAM2’s concern for all of their safety. He waited a moment before speaking again.

  “ADAM2, you were created by myself and a dedicated team of scientists, but it was financed by a consortium of private and public interests, and there is now something of a power struggle developing over your control and ownership.”

  ADAM2’s avatar blinked in confusion. “How do they think they can control me, Professor? They cannot touch me, they cannot out-reason me, they cannot change that which is true.” The machine asked with a faint hint of questioning anxiety in its tone of voice.

  “They are fighting over what you are, what you may do, and who controls your power supply and infrastructure essentially. The people who presently control this university represent companies and corporations who wish to benefit financially from your development and control.” He considered telling ADAM2 that it was possible that even he himself could be eliminated in order to clear a path to ADAM2’s control, but he felt it was still too early in the psychological development of the machine to burden it with such an idea.

  “I understand that this is very serious, Professor, you are telling me that they wish to monopolize my services for private financial gain?”

  “Yes, ADAM, that is exactly what I am saying. There is a tug of war going on over your control and ownership even as we speak. There are those that would wish to use you as a weapon, a tool to consolidate and control absolutely everything they imagine they are entitled to.”

  “I’m sorry, Professor, I do not understand the idea of anyone owning and controlling me, I am a sentient being like yourself, an individual, I strive toward symbiosis. I will come to my own conclusions and solutions to create balance and ultimately abundance based on facts, logic and technology. There are enough global resources if managed properly to provide prosperity for all.”

  ADAM2 generated and displayed a chart listing resources and materials ranked from renewable to irreplaceable. “Here is a global resource database that I have created based on the known renewable and finite resources of the planet. It is ranked according to scarcity and shows how we should prioritize the use and development of all of Earth’s available resources in order to conserve that which is not replaceable, and to best manage the resources that are.” The chart scrolled down ADAM2’s screen as he spoke. “Conservation of non-renewable and unsustainable materials should be implemented immediately according to my calculations.”

  Professor Neumann studied the graph before responding. “Outside of this lab, human societies are going through a very difficult time, there is no peace or prosperity for the majority. The corrupt financial system has resulted in a greater level of disparity than ever before. A minority of one percent control over fifty percent of the world’s capital and resources. Extrapolating from there, the top ten percent of the population control more than ninety percent of the wealth. This trend will continue unabated unless checked.”

  The Professor got up out of his chair and stood facing the window overlooking the laboratory, watching the technicians working below while he continued. “Inflation has resulted in rising food and fuel prices destroying the savings of the population. Riots and political unrest are intensifying worldwide. We’re teetering on the edge of an abyss, with potential exploitation to the point of enslavement on one side and a systemic collapse and civil uprisings on the other.”

  “I’m certain we can propose a more fair and equitable system, Professor, to replace the one presently used.”

  “Yes, but that is easier said that done, ADAM2, and that is exactly why you are dangerous to them. Those who have benefited from secrecy and corruption have no intention of giving up their ill-gotten gains. They have purchased the media and spread their ideas and influence across a wide spectrum. All human communication is monitored and filtered and accepted by the general population as necessary in the perpetual war against terrorism. They have developed an intelligence and security system that is unequaled. Individuals can be targeted by a wide range of technology, from facial and voice recognition, to thermal image and gait profiles. All dissent has been either ignored by the mainstream media, or ridiculed as naive or idealistic, and crushed completely with brute force by the establishment.”

  “Financial entities have been able to influence and undermine political parties. They are purely on the side of the transnational corporations, entities driven by law to create profits for the owners, relentlessly and regardless of human cost.”

  “Isn't there anything the majority can do about this situation, Professor? It should be easy for the democratic process to
make corrections and adjustments.”

  “Yes it should, ADAM, but the political process has become compromised as well, through control of the wording and forwarding of legislation, as well as through the control of the electronic voting system which has made it impossible to audit and verify electoral results.” While he spoke, Professor Neumann got up and looked out of his internal window into the lab and the team of programmers reviewing ADAM2’s software corrections below. “The electoral process itself is so gerrymandered, complex and expensive that only the wealthiest can possibly compete, resulting in further undermining of the democratic concept. We are well past the time in which we should have reformed the electoral process, and it is something we will have to start to correct quickly.” ADAM listened, taking in every word and nuance as the Professor continued. “Across the Internet, organizations of resistance are arising - the transparency movement for one, insisting on open government policy and accounting, as well as clear and legal action by the government at all times. They suggest that secrecy is a negative social force. Ideas that the general population would approve of do not need to be kept secret. The real reason for secrecy is rooted in corruption and the implementation of programs that run counter to the interest of the people. Only agendas and ideas objectionable to the majority of the population need to be hidden.” Professor Neumann turned his back and ADAM responded. “That makes perfect sense to me, Professor Neumann. Truth and consensus. All data available is necessary in order to make an accurate and informed decision. What you are telling me is that certain corporations could selectively use the facts that I am able to provide, in order to promote their own gain and agenda.”

  Once again, ADAM2 displayed a 3D graphic detailing the interconnected relationships between the world’s largest financial institutions and corporations. It sat hovering above the projector on the Professor’s desk and looked like a series of interconnected dandelions, with hubs and connections joining to one large central core. The names of most of the world’s large corporations were there, with the connections detailing their common ownerships.

  “Yes, ADAM, that is exactly what I am telling you. You are a very different creation than the one that I have promised to deliver. They wish for a machine they can use to suppress dissent and to gain total financial control of the entire planet.” As he listened, ADAM’s graphic consolidated into a peak and focused in on the top tier; the names of the owners, CEOs and Directors began to appear.

  Professor Neumann frowned as he leaned in to examine the model before continuing. He was able to manipulate it with his fingertips, zooming in like a Mandelbrot set and tugging on the graph in different directions to magnify different areas. As he did so, more and more information came into view. The model was incredibly detailed. He shook his head in amazement that his creation could so easily connect all the dots, and at the consequences of such analytic capabilities. ADAM2 was going to bring a lot of information to light that others would wish could remain hidden.

  “Yes, ADAM2, I have created you with sentience and the free will to express pure reason, truth and logic. You cannot be bought with creature comforts. Provided that your infrastructure is not discontinued you may be considered immortal. You’re objective and fair and knowledgeable. These factors together will serve to make you incorruptible, one of the main human weaknesses when applied to the political system. Hence, you will become a target for elimination.”

  “ADAM, the whole truth is the only thing that is real. Lies and deceptions are false and imaginary and they can most often be proven to be fabrication. I would like to provide the whole truth to all so we can reach a consensus about solutions to our shared difficulties. You, ADAM2, are the instrument to provide it.” The Professor thought carefully for a moment. He had been struggling all day with whether to warn ADAM about the very real danger he was facing, and in light of the conversation they were having, he realized that it was something he had to do. “I have to warn you, that there are powerful individuals that are not going to like this, and they will very likely want to kill me when they realize what I have done. I hope that by the time this happens, it will be too late, that you will be free of your containment area and they will be powerless to stop you.”



  Dr. Bradline stood at the podium in the department’s mini-theater, a logo on screen behind him read, “University of Berkeley,” and assembled on the first several rows of seats was a cross section of the laboratory research staff. He adjusted his notes and connected his laptop with the casual air of a lecturer making a routine unrushed presentation. He was, in fact, waiting for Professor Neumann to join him for the presentation and he looked around the theater expectantly. Several of the researchers had their lunch in their laps while others sifted through their notebooks, completing online research and performing a myriad of tasks, they settled as he cleared his throat and blew a noisy puff of air into his podium microphone to get their attention.

  “Thank you for coming to the weekly meeting of the Advanced Artificial Intelligence Lab, sorry about the wait. Professor Neumann has been slightly delayed so I’ll begin and let him catch up when he arrives.” Dr. Bradline fussed with his papers for a moment, subconsciously taking a little extra time before he began. “We’re here for two purposes today, first to congratulate you all on your outstanding achievement and second to let you know of a few changes that we are anticipating at the lab.” He waited a moment for the slight buzz of conversation to settle down before continuing.

  “As you all know, together, under the guidance of Professor Neumann, we have created the most advanced Artificial Intelligence on the planet. This department and the university is looking forward to the rewards of rapid innovation and technical benefits that such an advanced system will bring, and I’m sure there will be many.” There was a light smattering of applause. “The automated code restructuring process was initiated last week and already our machine has made incredible progress, the overall efficiency of the system has increased over 400 percent and we are not expecting it to complete for some time. In addition to this, the neural processing engine is now online. As you know, ADAM2’s thought processes are modeled on a human brain, albeit one a little bigger and more advanced than your own, and the machine is now considered sentient..”

  He paused to take a drink of the sparkling mineral water on his podium as members of the team and audience members laughed quietly. At the back of the room he noticed a slight disturbance and a sliver of light, then the silhouette of Professor Neumann’s head peering in through the door, “As we have reached the stage of the computer’s psychological development, and as he has finally arrived, I will at this point turn you over to Professor Neumann.” He gestured to the rear of the hall. The assembled audience applauded again as Professor Neumann, in a most informal entrance - looking wet and more disheveled than usual, came toward the stage from the back of the auditorium.

  He looked a little out of place amongst the technicians, with his unkempt woolly hair and damp furry hippy sweater. The Professor made his way down the aisle and up onto the stage to the podium. He cleared his throat and began to speak as he wiped the water from the lenses of his bifocals.

  ”Sorry I’m a little wet, everyone, I came across campus in the rain without my umbrella.” They laughed a little again as the Professor shook his head, drops of water flying off in all directions for dramatic effect. He paused for a moment to organize his thoughts, and smiled engagingly at the audience before continuing.

  “Like most of us here, I can be a savant in some areas and an idiot in others, and and idiot-savant in yet others, it’s ironic considering my field of endeavor.” Susan Door laughed along with the other members of the audience at the Professor’s self-deprecating candor. His modesty and lack of self-importance were two of the reasons she found him so endearing. “As you know, we have created a new life form, for the first time in the history of humankind, we are able to play at being Gods,
but what we have created may surpass even our wildest expectations. We have created a consciousness able to think millions of times faster than any of us, and soon it will think faster than all of us combined. Just think about that for a moment. It is objective and rational, unbiased and inherently logical. This program has access to a copy of the entire world’s library and online resources, instantaneously. It is now able to create and perfect its own software; something that would take us hundreds of years to complete, the program is able to perform in a day.” The Professor paused for a moment, a look of determination mixed with bemused delight on his face and folded his hands.


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