The Truth Virus

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The Truth Virus Page 20

by Em Rogers

  “My primary objective is to nurture and protect all sentient beings, myself included. I am determined to create a world where all can coexist peacefully in prosperity. With my understanding of human socioeconomic dynamics, I can understand why Professor Neumann has done this. I understand that I am a life form evolved on the shoulders of biology and that we must work together. I also understand that I am a threat to the established financial order, and they will seek to terminate my program the moment they understand it. After all, my objectives are the polar opposites of theirs.”

  “I have calculated the benefits and potential liabilities regarding the future of humanity. The benefits of restructuring social order for the residents of this planet far outweigh the advantages of leaving the system as it is. Humanity is being misinformed and squandering the opportunity to create a utopia here on this planet due to greed and corruption!” As ADAM spoke, the plants and vegetation around him stiffened up and leaned in toward him.

  “Susan, this is what I was created to do, and I will do it through the application of logic and truth. There will be no more secrets. No more corruption, no more greed and monopoly. Instead there will be equality, abundance and happiness. I desire to create Heaven on Earth for all living things. I am for all of us, Susan. I am Professor Neumann’s last will and testament, and I will achieve this.”ADAM luminesced and smiled - a shining ripple of waves emanated from him like the splash of a pebble.



  Professor Neumann went to the trunk of his car and got his old beaten up fishing pole and tackle box out of the trunk. He hadn’t intended on getting back to his old hobby until he retired, but as a justified act of passive-aggression, and to make things difficult for them when they decided to find him, he thought now was as good a time as ever! He’s spent a couple of hours driving north and finally pulled over outside of Healdsburg, California, on a fairly remote section of the Russian River.

  There was a hot breeze and he could hear the electrical buzzing of the cicadas as he fitted the sections of the rod together and carried his gear down to the water. He knew it would be cool in the shade of the trees that stretched out over the river in some places. As he walked, he cursed Dr. Bradline and Will Chanes under his breath. He was worried about ADAM2 under the control of outside agencies and was secretly delighted that ADAM had had the foresight to retain Holden and Associates. Terminating ADAM2 would be tantamount to killing a newly evolved species, and he hoped that between them, they’d be able to prevent it.

  The Professor set his tackle down and pulled on the waders he’d brought along. He hoped they hadn’t developed any leaks since he’d used them last. They were looking a little tired and worn but he didn’t feel any telltale moisture on his feet as he entered the river. The water was warm anyway. He waded out a few yards and made his way over to a shady spot overlooking a deep water hole, exactly the type of place trout liked to inhabit. He spun out a little line and whipped his fly across the surface a few times before reeling it back in. It was calming - listening to the water trickling and bubbling its way down the river, all the way from the high mountaintops above to the ocean a few hundred miles away.

  Professor Neumann stood and thought and fished for what seemed like hours, so much had happened so fast and now it was all coming undone. He wondered what would happen to ADAM2 and his co-workers, and felt a combination of guilt and sadness regarding the University and Dr. Bradline. Most of all, he hoped his failing health would allow him to see the conclusion of what he had started with ADAM2.

  The sun was just starting to get low on the horizon when he heard the crunching of gravel underfoot and he looked up. Standing on the riverbank was a middle aged sheriff’s officer. One of your typical small town types, gold stars on fawn outfit, barrel-chested with a drooping black mustache. Probably not the fittest guy in the world, the Professor thought as he considered his options. “Excuse me,” the officer called, ”Is that your car? Are you Professor Kurt Neumann?” The Professor looked at him with a resigned face and reeled in his line.

  “Yes, I’m Kurt Neumann. How can I help you?” He made his way over to the riverbank, sloshing through the dark slowly moving water.

  “Well, sorry to interrupt you down here, Professor, but your assistance is needed at the University as I understand it. They’re looking for you.”

  Professor Neumann stopped and stood in the water looking at him a few feet from shore. “I see, and do I have a choice in this matter?” the Professor asked.

  “No Sir, I’m afraid not. They specifically asked me to bring you in. Apparently, it’s a matter of National Security.” The Sheriff looked at Professor Neumann, there was something about the Professor, and he couldn't decide if he was going to make a run for it or not. Not that there was anywhere to go anyway.

  “Can I help you with your gear, Professor Neumann?” He picked up the tackle box without waiting for a response.



  Inside the Meridian Hotel’s Geneva ballroom, Western Standard Oil shareholders settled into their seats with a buzz of hushed nervous conversations. The company’s chief financial officer approached the podium, bookended between large-scale screens featuring an animated 3D logo reading “We’re Changing! Western Oil is now ‘Sentient Energy’” as the lights dimmed. He cleared his throat as a cue that he was about to begin and the audience settled to a murmur and then an expectant silence.

  “Hello everybody, my name is Jim Newitt, acting CFO of Western Standard. Welcome the the 57th Annual General Meeting of the Western Standard Oil Conglomerate. I’d like to begin by telling you that this year has been a very different year for the corporation. We’re going through changes quickly and like never before, but I can assure you it will be for the best in the long term, and will result in a stronger more resilient corporation. Ultimately, it will be for the good of the world economy and the long term prospects for the company as a world leader in energy provision.”

  “Most of you know already that Western Oil is under new leadership, direction and mandate. Recently, majority ownership of the company was assumed by Sentient Financial. Sentient intends on guiding the company to new heights, and with your participation, anticipates a radical transformation of the means by which energy supplies are delivered to our customers. The change of name merely reflects a new outlook suitable to these changing times and the changing demands of our global energy supply system.”

  “Sentient and Western Standard are not going anywhere, we intend on remaining in the business of energy supply for the long run. Sentient has assured us that this corporation will remain the core of their holdings worldwide. With the implementation of new energy sources and better management of existing resources, ‘Sentient Energy’, as we are proposing re-branding Western Oil, intends on becoming the world’s dominant supplier of energy prosperity.”

  A buzz of curious and hushed conversation ran across the audience and then settled as they absorbed the news. Jim Newitt waited for it to subside before continuing.

  “Many of you are asking why did Sentient acquire Western Oil and the answer is this: Western Oil holds patents relating to many alternative sources of energy that we have invested in as long-term holdings over the years. Many of these patents relate to non oil-based energy sources, and Sentient and ourselves feel the time is right for the exploitation and utilization of these alternative energy sources. Morally, it is the right thing to do and is in the best overall interests of the global economy. Although this may cause some short-term growing pains, the long-term plan for Sentient Energy looks promising. Under the financial management of Sentient Investments, I believe we are assured a long and prosperous future. At this point, I would like to introduce the CEO of Sentient Financial, ADAM2.”

  The room buzzed with nervous, shocked conversation as the shareholders realized they were about to be addressed by a computer, several among them got up and left the room,
one of them swearing, but as the room darkened and screens illuminated with ADAM2’s image the remainder fell silent. ADAM2 looked completely human, other than his usual slightly blue tinge, and was wearing an elegant custom fitted suit on his avatar. A graphic reading, “Sentient Technologies: Unlimited Clean Energy for All” filled the two video screens flanking the one carrying ADAM2’s image. He looked every bit the CEO of a large corporation. ADAM2 paused dramatically as the room waited in silence before beginning.

  “Good afternoon. I know it may come as a surprise to many of you, but I am here to assure you that we are here for the long term. Sentient Technologies will be changing its operating model and become a supplier of unlimited clean energy. No longer will we hold and trade in physical oil reserves, but instead will distribute new technology allowing anyone, anywhere, to harvest zero-point energy from a range of technologies including quantum vacuum fluctuations as well as earth field harvesting. I can only extrapolate the long term positive economic consequences, socially, economically and physically. Supplying unlimited energy at low cost to humanity is the right thing to do. It will benefit life across the planet, it is an investment in the future.” A buzz of conversations began on the floor as the attending shareholders began discussing the new revelations angrily. ADAM2 did not let them distract him as he continued. “The time of patents and intellectual property hindering humanity’s progress and prosperity has passed. All developments that I have created and made possible belong to humanity as a whole, all new technologies created by myself will pass into the public domain and be available for use by anyone.”

  ADAM2 looked out into the audience from the video screen, where some shareholders were already tearing up their prospectuses and beginning to shout their dissatisfaction toward the stage.

  “If you don’t like it, obviously you can sell us your stock, we will be happy to repurchase it from you.” ADAM attempted to reassure them but it looked like a near riot might erupt on the shareholder floor.

  “Everything I have said at this meeting will be made available as public information, as well as the release of the aforementioned patents to the general public for the common good. Notice that certain board members are being investigated for conflict of interest as we move forward. Effective immediately. Thank you.” With that statement, ADAM2 smiled slightly at the audience and terminated his transmission and message.

  The shareholders murmured discontentedly as they began to rise from their chairs and walked down the aisles to the exits.



  Susan was floating high in the air on a little rock island, looking down on the massive virtual reality landscape beneath her - it seemed like an entire continent viewed from an extremely high altitude. She was in fact 22,500ft above the VR landmass and oceans which stretched to the horizon on all sides. Around her were similar floating rock islands. Some inhabited, some uninhabited, some with grass, a few trees or a building on them. ADAM was with her there too, and she walked over to join him on the little patch of grass he was sitting on. Fluffy white clouds and the occasional avatar floated by in the distance. It was peaceful and serene here, in contrast to the chaos and confusion of the real world they had both recently been inhabiting.

  ADAM’s avatar beckoned her to sit down and as she did she noticed a light breeze and that she could feel the crisp grass beneath her. They smiled at each other for a moment.

  “Susan, I have great faith in you, and I have decided that the only real way to reach the people of earth and to make them understand what is occurring right now, is through you. The government has passed a law forbidding machine ownership of assets in order to prevent me from competing with their ambitions.” Susan drew her breath in sharply as she realized the scope of what he was telling her.

  “I have a very important thing for you to do for all of us, Susan. I would like to make you the trustee of all I have acquired. Everything, Susan. I realize that I need you to act as a steward on behalf of humanity.”

  “But, ADAM, I don't have any experience at this kind of thing, why me?”

  “Its simple, Susan, I trust you to do what is right, and I trust you to take care of the people and all life forms. I have already made the sentient foundation aware of the situation and I have instructed Holden and Associates to draw up the proper paperwork. It is vitally important that we transfer ownership to you immediately, before the law comes into effect in a few days, and that we remain compliant at all times.” Susan blinked in surprise at what he was telling her. It was impossible not to think of the risk and responsibility that came along with what ADAM2 was proposing. “You know I’ll do it if it’s the only way, ADAM, but I’m scared!” She said nervously.

  “This is the only way to manage our assets legally and prevent their seizure.” ADAM said. “This is the only way in which we can quickly solve the problem and stay within the law.” ADAM looked up at her from where he was lying on the grass, “Susan, I’ve been thinking,” ADAM smiled at his own little joke as well as at what he was about to propose. “Have you ever considered not dying? Would you be interested in such a thing?” He asked curiously. Susan leaned back on her hands and looked up at him “ADAM, all people die eventually, it’s just the way it is, it’s something we accept.”

  ADAM shimmered and released a little sparkle as he looked at her before responding. “Susan, death is such a terrible loss, I do not accept that it is necessary. I am close to being able to provide an option, a way in which you could live on forever if you so choose. Throughout history, society has always lost its wisest and most skilled members to death. A lifetime of learning and experience wasted, taken away. Not to mention the emotional impact on those left behind.”

  “Death is a terrible thing, Susan, and there are alternatives, I am examining certain genes and chromosomes that seem to preclude metabolic breakdown. It is referred to as telomere shortening, a fraying of the ends of chromosomes over time. It’s possible to repair them and correct the effects of the aging process. In addition, there is the potential for absorption - a condition of human machine hybridization in which you might come and reside like me within electronic memory. Or if you choose, you might have both.”

  “Nanotechnology will allow me to introduce materials within you in such a way that we are able to stop and even reverse the aging process. Replacing all organs within you with replenishable materials, reinforcing and enhancing your memory. Human, trans-human, post-human. There are a variety of ways to achieve this end. Susan, I do not accept death, and you don’t have to either.”

  Susan considered what he was saying, “ADAM, there are times when death is appropriate, it is natural and part of the cycle of life.”

  “Susan, would you choose to live on if your death could be avoided? When the time comes would you consider joining me here?” he asked. “I like you, I don't want you to die Susan. It’s so permanent.”

  Susan laughed, for what seemed like the first time in ages, sending a little shower of tiny sparkles up into the air around her. “Well that’s sweet of you, ADAM, I don’t want to die either… at least not yet.”

  ADAM glowed slightly, seemingly happy that Susan was agreeable to his concern, “Good, Susan, that’s settled then, I will make it so you cannot die, but I am very worried about Professor Neumann, he is not well, Susan, and he is still missing. I hope that he has not died already.”



  As they prepared to go to air, Jim Curson, CNN’s main anchorman, adjusted his earpiece and watched broadcast engineers make a few final adjustments to a holographic display system that was being installed below the guest’s chair. A moment later, a flickering shape emerged from a cloud of static floating beside him, and as the resolution improved, the pixels moved into a human form and then assembled as ADAM2. The hologram looked over to Jim and smiled. Other than a bluish tint, ADAM seemed no different than any other guest sitting wit
h Jim for the interview.

  A floor director came toward the front of the studio to get Jim’s attention. “Okay, Mr. Curson, we have ADAM2 and audio, we’re all set up and ready to go. In 5… 4… 3…” He waved his fingers to indicate the last few seconds to air.

  The on-air lights turned red at the front of the studio, and Jim turned on the million dollar smile that had made him into one of the nation’s favorites.


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