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EVIL CULT KILLERS (True Crime) Page 19

by Ray Black

  Recognizing their support in the US, 700 members of the Falun Gong went to the World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle in November 1999 to begin a worldwide drive for acceptance of their movement, and to encourage the Chinese government to enter into negotiations with them. Yet the government did not relent, and fought back with an even greater campaign of discrimination against them. The plight of the Falun Gong became internationally known, and the popularity of the group began increasing. They were seen as victims of China’s religious bigotry, and consequently global institutions began to cease trade links with China in support.


  The Falun Gong was founded by Li Hongzhi in 1992. Hongzhi claims to have been born on May 13, 1951 – the birthday of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama – but the government refutes this, declaring that their official records state that he was born on July 7, 1952. They maintain that he is falsifying his birthdate in order to claim some kind of link to the Buddha, a link which Hongzhi himself has never asserted. Whether this is true, or whether they are merely attempting to discredit him is unproven.


  The basis of Falun Gong and Hongzhi’s teachings are the achievement of a higher level of spirituality and enlightenment. This is attained through a combination of exercise, to advance body and mind, and belief in a mixture of Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist philosophies which promote honesty, compassion and tolerance. Followers must demonstrate these three virtues in every situation with which they are confronted. There are many levels of this enlightenment and it is an individual pursuit to achieve them. Falun Gong concentrates on the development of each human being as opposed to the advancement of the group.

  According to Hongzhi the secrets of the Falun Gong were previously only disclosed by the master to an elite group of students. Such had been the tradition since ancient times in China as the teachings were very valuable and confidential. Li Hongzhi however, apparently on the directives of his own masters, made the teachings available to the public in 1992. As a result, the popularity of the movement grew.

  The accusation that Falun Gong is a ‘cult’ is fiercely denied by its members. They protest that it is not even a religion, but rather a discipline. Members of Falun Gong are free to follow any faith they choose. The movement is purely about the progression of the individual and maintains that no one should have their beliefs imposed upon them. Li Hongzhi, although the leader of the movement, is not revered as a God, and does not accept donations to Falun Gong or encourage any activity which raises money in its name. There is no hierarchy within Falun Gong; all members are equal and practice together as such.

  APRIL 25, 2000

  Yet, the government persisted in its persecution of the movement. On April 25, 2000, the anniversary of the first silent protest against the government action towards the Falun Gong, the authorities in Beijing were placed on high alert. They had warned Beijing in the weeks leading up to the anniversary that there would be a showdown with the ‘doomsday cult’ which was still capable of raising the Devil in China.

  They had anticipated the movements of the Falun Gong correctly, as members did return to Tiananmen Square to hold another protest. Yet although the government’s fears had been justified, the action they took against these peaceful protesters was not.

  In small groups, the Falun Gong protesters would unfurl a banner or would raise their fists in silent solidarity. Some simply sat in a circle to meditate. Plain-clothed policemen launched themselves at the groups, knocking down men, women and children indiscriminately. But throughout the day, as one group was led away by the authorities, another would arrive in its place and continue the protest. So, the day went on, with the police becoming more and more heavy-handed in their treatment of the protesters. Over the course of a very long day, many members of the Falun Gong were injured and many arrested.

  Yet in spite of the arrests and the police brutality, the events of that day proved that the government were unable to crush the Falun Gong, who just kept rising up time and time again. That there was no decisive conclusion, or the anticipated ‘showdown’, was seen as a failure for the government.


  The events were seen in a negative light internationally, and the Clinton administration in the US attacked the Chinese government, claiming that they had again violated international human rights. At a time when the US was debating whether to pass a trading deal with China which would allow it the same low-tariff privileges as its other trading partners, the government’s action and the arrest of innocent and peaceful protesters caused the US great concern. China retaliated by accusing America of hypocrisy. The US was fighting its own domestic terrorism, yet criticized China for its crackdown on the Falun Gong.


  Several theories have been put forward as to why China so vehemently victimizes the members of the Falun Gong and stamps down on the movement itself. Some claim that the Communist Party fears the Internet and the global access and international membership possibilities with which the Internet can provide the Falun Gong. For a country which had traditionally been so cut-off from the rest of the world, this was a frightening prospect. Also unnerving, the membership numbers of Falun Gong (according to the movement itself yet denied by the government) had exceeded that of the Communist Party, and it was also rumoured that members of the Communist Party had joined the Falun Gong themselves. Perhaps the most contentious feature of the Falun Gong movement was its focus on spirituality. This directly contravened the Chinese government’s atheist principles.


  Some believe that although the Falun Gong has won a lot of favour globally, the government will eventually win over and the movement will disintegrate. Currently, it is believed that China has arrested tens of thousands of Falun Gong members, and sent over 5,000 to labour camps without trial. The precedent set by the Falun Gong cannot be destroyed though, and if the movement itself does crumble under the enormous governmental pressure, it is thought that in its place more religious and spiritual movements will rise up as Chinese citizens strive to challenge communist dictates and look for meaning and guidance through the meditation and exercise which the Falun Gong promoted.


  © 2010 Omnipress Limited


  This 2010 edition published by Canary Press

  an imprint of Omnipress Limited, UK

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 978-1-907795-29-9

  Canary Press

  An Imprint of Omnipress Ltd

  Chantry House, 22 Upperton Road

  Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 1BF


  Typeset in Great Britain by Omnipress Limited

  Cover and internal design: Anthony Prudente

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  The Heaven’s Gate UFO Cult

  David Koresh

  The Order of the Solar Temple

  Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments

  Reverend Jim Jones

  Siberian Satanist Cult


  Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo

  The Kirtland Killings

  Aum Shinrikyo

  Luke Woodham

  Charles Manson

  The LeBarons

  The Jombola Cult

  The Lafferty Brothers’ Message from God

  The Ku Klux Klan

  The Thugs of India

  Roch Theriault

  Francisco Bezerra de Morais

  Yahweh Ben Yahweh


  Twelve Tribes

  Falun Gong


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  Document authors :

  Ray Black


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