by Renard, Loki

  Should I be fighting this pleasure? Could it be dangerous? Could it kill me? As heat sweeps up my body and another one of those flash-forced orgasms rocks my body, my thighs trembling, my body sweating, I realize that it doesn’t matter. This is the kind of pleasure that makes little things like life and death look like the irrelevancies they are. Everyone I have ever known is gone, but that doesn’t matter right now, not as a scream erupts from my throat. The animal monster is taking me with even more intensity, pushing a second finger into my anus, a place where no being belongs, and yet which seems to be blessed with all manner of sensitive nerves relaying desire from my weeping wet pussy to my hard nipples, making me arch off this bed where I am bound. It does not matter how I yank at my bonds in orgasmic throes, I am still kept in place for his fingers, his mouth, his will.


  She is soaked. Every moan she makes brings a fresh supply of that sweet female desire flooding my mouth. The taste and scent of it do incredible things to my chemistry. I can feel the human suit falling from me, unable to contain my form as it grows. I should stop. I should exercise some self-control. I should avoid scaring her. But I can’t. I fucking have to take her. And not with some fake human cock. With my true body. I want to feel her hot, wet little cunt wrapped tightly around my organ. I want to absorb her desire through my skin. I want to fill her with my mating fluid, make her ready for implantation. I can’t stay inside this human skin. I have to break free. I have to….



  One moment a man is pleasuring me, the next there is a monster between my thighs. A huge serrated beast with two tongues, eyes like fire, a body larger and more powerful than a mythical minotaur. I let out a scream of fear which turns into a shriek of orgasm as he thrusts something thick and hard inside me. His cock. Or whatever he has that approximates a cock. My sex has been teased and licked and swollen so now the monstrous appendage can fit inside me, stretching my sensitive walls to what feels like their extreme.

  He rips my legs from the bindings which held them down and pushes them high, spreading me obscenely wide. I look into those eyes of fire, barely recognizing what is behind them as a soul. Is this an intelligent being? Or is it merely a sex starved beast using me to sate its lusts?

  Again the fear of death rises inside me. I don’t know what this thing wants, or what it will do to me. I don’t know if it will rut me until I fall apart completely, nothing more than ragged flesh around its alien cock.

  Then it starts to move, and once more those fears flee. This thing knows my body. I don’t know how that is possible, but I feel it push inside me until the head of that throbbing appendage hits the end of my internal channel, then it withdraws, even though I am sure there is extra length. There may even be extra girth. These things make themselves smaller to fit into the human costumes they wear, so who knows how big they and their cocks can be if they want to be.

  I reach out and try to take hold of him, but my hands are still tied down. I can’t do anything besides submit to this ravaging and know that whatever part of me survives this, my innocence is forever gone.

  He thrusts, and I take it. He holds me in place, and I am pressed against his alien form which is so dangerous in so many ways. He is obviously capable of retracting the sharper parts of himself, that is the only reason I am not cut to ribbons as he holds me high and pulls me up and down on his gleaming dark rod, my juices making him shine with desire as I am fucked thoroughly and deeply, pleasure rushing through me in a chemical wave I cannot resist.

  MINE he growls. It might be a word. It might be a coincidental sound, but it fills me with the knowledge of possession. I am his. I can feel myself surrendering to him, welcoming him, the tight inner walls of my once virginal sex clasping him with eagerness.

  I want more.

  It is madness, but I need more.

  And he gives it.

  He handles me like a toy, bouncing me on the head of his massive cock. I look down and see the fire red splay of my pubic hair spread wide with the lewd stretching of my lower lips. He pulls me down and that thick, hard thing sinks all the way inside me, claiming me completely.

  Now I am free from the shackles, I can reach out for him too. I can hold on to him. I can touch him. He is hard and unyielding, a very dangerous animal indeed. His eyes search mine, those hot red flames burning into my soul.


  Again the word falls from his mouth and wraps around me, pulling me close on the inside as that cock of his continues to torment my tender little slit.

  He pulls me free and turns me around, my hands against the wall, my hips suspended in his hands, my toes not even close to touching the ground as he slides back inside me from the rear, introducing me to a new set of sensations. I can’t see him. I can’t touch him. All I can do is stare at the wall as he fills me up time and time again, ravaging my soft flesh with his impossible hardness.

  I am a helpless human female. I have always known that. It has been reinforced by cruel fate and harsh nature again and again. Being conquered sexually should make me feel weaker still, but it does not. The pleasure he is unleashing within me makes me feel strong. It sets me free from my body and lets me reach for something greater. I feel a connection with him, and with all things as a climax rushes over me, making me shriek and squirm and shake so hard he has to clamp down to hold me there on his cock, my body convulsing with pure pleasure.

  By the end of our sexual marathon, I have endured many orgasms already at the hands and appendages of this beast, but the final one that takes me is more powerful and complete than any of the others that have gone before. It is like an internal flesh quake, a complete rearranging of my senses, every nerve firing at once as I collapse against the table which holds me captive, dripping with sweat and seed.

  Chapter Seven - The Consequences


  “You mated with the human.”

  Tarkan is not pleased to discover on his return that the little human has been claimed. I’d deny it, but the ship is small and the stink of sex and pheromones is powerful. He knew it the moment he stepped through the air lock.

  “I leave you alone for a matter of minutes, and she is no longer pure!?” He booms the words at me, his fangs flashing with pure fury. As I suspected, he did not wear his human suit down on the surface. He must have taken it off in his search for another female. His mood tells me that he did not find one.

  “Does it matter if she is pure?”

  He makes an exasperated sound. Virginity doesn't matter to us, but there is no male anywhere in the universe who wants to be second. He assumes I will share her, but I have already decided that he will not have her. She is mine. Mine alone.

  “Just tell me you didn’t infect her with our DNA.”

  I am usually the practical one, the tactical one, the one who follows protocol and ensures that we won’t be arrested outright when we next set foot on a station. But now I find myself trying to explain to Tarkan how completely irresistible she was, and I’m failing.

  “Did you keep your human suit on?”

  “For a while…”

  He glowers at me. “Did you use your mating appendage?”

  We are endowed with two sexual appendages. One is a multipurpose cock of sorts, capable of adapting to all manner of vaginal canals. The other is our ejaculatory appendage which supplies genetic material to compatible species.

  “I used the one we always use on humans. The pleasure cock. She’s still open for breeding.”

  That’s what he wants to hear, but he’s still not happy.

  “We should have taken her together. Or at least decided fairly who was going to have her first. You just took her.”

  He’s angry. I should have considered the likelihood of that before I claimed the woman, but it was not a matter of thought. It was a matter of instinct and need. If he had been in my place, he would have taken her too, and I doubt he would have been as considerate as I was. I did my best to introdu
ce her to the carnal world slowly, sensing her innocence, knowing she would be afraid, aware of the tenderness of her body. I have done no harm to her. I have given her a gentle introduction to the world of sexuality. She has been left feeling satisfied and safe.

  “We should be sharing her.”

  Those words bring an immediate rage rushing through my body. He’s right. We should be sharing her. We have shared everything our entire lives, but the idea of sharing One fills me with the kind of aggression usually reserved for our most vicious enemies.

  “I’m not sharing her.”

  He stares at me, as if my words do not compute. I know on some level that they don’t. We are not usually possessive of our conquests. As broodmates, we are very nearly the same creature. There is no separation between us. Except for right fucking now.

  “I will have her,” he growls, not understanding how fiercely I am prepared to defend her. “Where is she?”

  “You will not have her,” I snarl right back.

  “You make yourself her guardian now? You tell me when and where she can be mated?” He is snarling with his mouth part way open, and I know it is because the scent of sex is still in the air. Her pheromones are being drawn into his nostrils, making him mad with the need to mate. I hit the ventilation controls to try to clear the air. He will still be angry when the scent is gone, but he will not be consumed with the need to fuck her.

  “Don’t try to distract me,” he growls, seeing what I have done. “Your rank will not protect you. She was mine to take.”


  “I scented her first. If it were up to you, we would never have found her at all. You insisted on staying in that human suit. I was the one who sensed her. She was mine.”

  “You disobeyed my order and found her faster than we might have otherwise, but she’s mine. She gave herself to me.”

  “Really,” he says. “She gave herself to you? Or you took her, ravaged her innocence, left her flooded with your seed?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Does it matter!?” Tarkan’s voice rises to a shout. “Stand aside!”

  Tarkan has been suppressing his natural rebellious instincts well lately, but this is too much. Being told he cannot have the human causes him to break the hierarchy between us in an act of insubordinate violence that will have consequences.

  I knew this might happen when I took her. I didn’t care. I had to have her. There is something between us, some cosmic connection, some animal attraction, a bonding and a joining I could not and did not resist, and I will never regret that action. Being inside the human was like coming home and claiming the world for my own. As I reached my climactic peak inside her, I felt the release of pure freedom and a rush of something I think the humans call love.

  As Tarkan snarls and throws himself at me, I feel the strangest calm. I am ready to defend my human, even against my own broodkin. This is not the first time Tarkan and I have done battle. We have fought hundreds of times before. Though I am commander, my victory is not guaranteed. In past brawls we have both won in equal measure, though this time the odds are in his favor. I have spent my energy in mating, while he is fresh with the call of the rut. His horned ears are pinned back against his skull, his teeth bared, his rear spines bristling. But this is a fight I cannot lose. It is not me at stake. It is the human who is at risk. If I lose, Tarkan will not be careful with her. He will pierce her roughly. He will cause damage to her. I will kill him before I let that happen.

  We lock in the war stance, the hard razor ridges on our forearms growing to full prominence, our outer flesh hardening into battle exoskeleton, our fangs extending long enough to pierce that armor. This is no little skirmish. This is a fight to the death.


  I’m going to kill him. He took my mate. I found her. She was mine to have. I would have shared her with him, but his refusal to let me touch her has driven me to the point of madness. Thinking of what he was doing when I was out hunting fruitlessly for humans only fuels my battle rage. I should have been able to trust Reaper, but instead he stole her, marked her with his own scent, filled her with his bonding seed. She will be forever responsive to him now. She is possibly already in that chemical state humans call love, but she was mine, and she will still be mine.

  His fist crashes into my skull. Mine meets his thorax. Our limbs swing and strike, fists clenched, vicious ridges slashing at thick epidermal layers, serrated blades of bone capable of ripping into one another and bringing forth the black seeping liquid which bonds our wounds almost instantly. It is not easy to kill a Scythkin. From the moment broodkin are hatched, they begin to do battle, and our bodies are uniquely designed to be able to take almost endless damage. But they are not without their failings, and I know all of Reaper’s weaknesses, just as he knows all of mine.

  Reaper believes the fact that he hatched moments before I did means that he has some authority over me, but we are not a typical brood, and I will not take lower ranked status to him, not in matters like these. We’ve never fought over a female before, but there’s never been one worth fighting over.

  “Stop it!” He shouts the command at me, inflaming my rage all the more. I aim a blow directly at his face, which he deflects with the rough blade of his forearm, pushing my arm back, opening my guard, and reaching forward with his other hand to grip my throat with a powerful grasp, his fingers digging into the breathing passage. His leg sweeps around the back of mine and we fall together. I land on my back, the air forced out of me, that hand depriving me of fresh oxygen.

  “Stop,” he growls down at me. Usually I am the warrior, and he is the tactician. I forget sometimes that he is just as powerful as I, and that he is equally practiced in combat. Remembering that now does not do me any good. I am still determined to do battle with him, to win the sex of the girl, to take her as thoroughly as he did. But the deprivation of oxygen is weakening my muscles and though my spirit is strong, my muscles are growing weaker with every missed breath.

  “Do you concede?” He asks the question, the full weight of his body crushing what little air is left inside me. When his hand is not enough to choke me out of consciousness, he puts his knee there, crushing the very life out of me.

  All I have to do to breathe again is surrender and forfeit the girl. I will not do that. I will resist to the bitter, bloody end. I will test his resolve, see what he will do. Will he kill me to have her?


  Tarkan stares me dead in the eyes as he slides out of consciousness. Beating him wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I was focused, while he was caught up in that mating rage which made him do nothing but attack. He got a few good slashes in. I can feel the healing fluid seeping from my skin in several places. That’s going to hurt later, when my pain receptors come back online.

  “Idiot,” I curse under my breath as I get up, leaving Tarkan’s senseless body lying on the ground. He will wake up in a matter of minutes, probably somewhat subdued, but possibly ready for another round. I grab a bottle of synth from the bar, pull the cork from the neck and take several strong pulls from it. The liquid burns like fire and helps to neutralize some of the aggressive hormones racing through my body. I do not like doing battle, especially not with my only brood sibling, but it is part of being Scythkin. We do battle, with other species and amongst ourselves. I think that might have been one of the qualities which drew us to humans. They are also prone to conflict, and so we see ourselves in these soft prototypes of all sentient creation.

  I hear the sounds of stirring behind me. I don’t bother to turn around. If he comes at me again I will thrash him twice as hard and I will not give him the sweet privilege of being unconscious in his defeat. I will make him beg for mercy. I will…

  “Are you done with that bottle?”

  Tarkan is up, his hand extended. I hand the synth over and wait while he drinks nearly the whole thing. That will put him into a stupor, but I’m not complaining. He needs to calm down, accept that what happened alr
eady happened and there’s no point arguing about it now.

  * * *

  We don’t talk about the fight. We don’t talk about the human. The matter is over now, settled in the most full and final way possible.

  “Did you find any other human traces?” I ask the question, still without looking at him. It will be some time before I treat him in a familiar way. Apparently he needs a lesson in the chain of command, and I intend to teach it.

  “No,” he says. “I think we have to keep looking.”

  “Agreed. You return to the surface. Let me know what you find. I’d like preserved samples if you get any. Maybe we can use them to work out what happened to the planet.”

  He grunts. Not exactly a respectful response, but he may be having trouble vocalizing given how much pressure I put on his neck. He will do as I say. He will go out, find human DNA samples and return them to me.

  It’s not going to be possible for me to breed with One. Our genetic material is compatible in terms of being able to make a viable zygote, but it would kill her when the fetus inside her grew all the aggressive ridged and bladed appendages native to our species. There is a reason we gestate inside eggs. A female would be torn apart by her infants before they had the chance to be born, so nature has ensured that we grow inside reinforced shells which are resistant to predators and ensure that the clutch has an optimal chance at survival.

  If she is the last of humanity, and we have some reason to believe she could be, I want to fabricate some human semen in our laboratory and breed new humans. It may be possible to save the species, perhaps even repopulate the planet.

  “Was she good?”

  I look over at him. “I’m not talking about that with you.”


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