The Soul of a Vampire #1

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The Soul of a Vampire #1 Page 9

by Rachel E Rice

  “But I’m married to the head of this clinic.” I wondered why I made a point to say that.

  “You are a young woman whose husband is a workaholic, and there are no patients in here.”

  “How do you know he’s a workaholic?”

  “Why, Sebastian told me. He says he has to leave here to go to another township to work.” I wished he had told me so our lies could match. I was saved by another hunter brought in with a wound to the leg.

  “Come,” David said. “I need your help.” He took my hand and led me through the doors.

  “What happened to you, Fred?” David ask the man who had wounds to his arms and legs.

  “Don’t know. Went ice fishing, and I’m sitting in my little cabin and a knock came to the door, I opened it and before I could blink, a large wolf of some kind grabbed me by the arm and bit into me. Good thing I had on my old goose down otherwise he would have taken my arm off.”

  David cut through his jacket. “Geeze did you have to do that. That’s my best coat,” Fred said looking disappointed. David examined him and I put something on his wound, and David put stitches in the cut, sowing up the wound he gave him something to sleep.

  “You can rest in the back, Fred.” David pointed to the room. Then he placed his arm around my waist. I pulled away from him and started walking.

  “I need to get home.”

  “What for, Sebastian won’t be there until later.”

  “I have to catch a ride with Ann.”

  “I can take you home,” he said.

  “Don’t you have duty here?”

  “No one comes here during the day. We have a nurse practitioner for that. We hired only one doctor because we didn’t need any. I ran this store front operation alone for years. With the help of maybe two other people, but when Dr. Sebastian came in and said he would be moving here permanently, I said why not.”

  “But don’t you have a need for a doctor. From what I saw last night, you need to hire more people.”

  “That’s because we’ve gotten a rash of wolf bites in the area. Before your husband came to this town, it was quiet. Now we’re averaging ten bites and wounds of different degrees on weekends.”

  “There seem to be quite a bit for a place like this,” I said. “All wolf wounds?”

  “As a matter of fact I had a few came in with wounds to the neck. Didn’t look like a wolf attack, but it will calm down when hunting season is over, and hopefully I can go back to my vacation. So what do you say?”

  Glancing at him with a raised eyebrow and tilted head, I had forgotten Ann offered me a ride home. By that time Ann stuck her head through the door.

  “I’m leaving now. My replacement is here. Coming?” Ann had her coat, boots and mittens on, and her purse slung across her shoulder.

  “I’m behind you.” And I began walking in her direction with David at my side. “I guess I won’t see you again unless you’re late. And I don’t think working in a hospital is my thing. I’m not too fond of blood.”

  David walked me out to Ann’s car. She drove a jeep and had it all warmed up when I jumped into it, and she took off, leaving David standing ready to start a new conversation.

  “He talks too much and dates all the eligible and married women in this town. Everyone knows all about him, but because he’s a doctor they seem to tolerate it. They don’t want him to leave. But since we have your husband, the town folks are beginning to tire of David’s arrogance and disregard for the men’s wives with whom he sleeps with. I bet Sebastian doesn’t know his reputation, otherwise, he would never let that wolf near you.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Doctor Sebastian looks like the type that nips it in the bud.”

  Ann was full of information. I guess that’s all they had to do in a town this small was mind someone else’s business.

  “David’s father owned this town and when he died suddenly, David took over. They say David is rich and he could be anywhere in the world, but he rather stay out here in the middle of nowhere and take care of the good people of this little village.”

  “I guess you could say it’s honorable,” I said looking at her.

  “I guess you could say that,” Ann said shrugging her shoulders as if she didn’t want to commit to how honorable David appeared. “Or you could say that he likes the idea that he can have sex with every woman between the age of twenty one and forty and no one bats and eye.”

  “Did he try with you?”

  “No. Because he knows my guy and he knows what he would have done to him. I suspect Dr. Sebastian is the same kind of guy but he doesn’t show that side of him.”

  That ride home was great to find out all that I needed to know about everyone in town. Or though I thought I knew everything. I was just beginning to learn something about the town people when she came around the bend and she stopped talking.

  Chapter Fourteen-Zoey

  After giving Ann directions to the house she turned down a narrow highway with trees darkening the way on each side of the road. “I didn’t know they built houses out here.”

  “I’m as surprised as you,” I said keeping my eyes on the road in case I spotted a deer or werewolf, I thought shaking my head. Even now I can’t believe it.

  “Isn’t it dangerous to be out here alone?”

  “I don’t think so. Sebastian never would have bought this house if he thought it was a dangerous place to live. We’re planning on raising a family.” Since she was the town gossip, I gave her a bit of talk to pass around. That would fit into Sebastian’s scheme.

  “I guess so. But my boyfriend says these woods have strange creatures running around.”

  “Stranger creatures than David?”

  “I guess you have a point there, Zoey. Good thing the sun is up. I never want to be out here in the dark. You should talk to Dr. Sebastian about moving into the city. Well, it’s not really a city. Not with thirteen hundred people. But we are close to large cities.” Ann glanced my way, “We have to take a ride into Vancouver or maybe go across the border into Seattle for some shopping.”

  “You’re on,” I said giving out a smile.

  She continued driving up the driveway until she saw the house setting on a hill and alone.

  “Oh wow. You’re rich.”

  “I never thought of myself as being rich.” The house was a large prison I wanted no part of. I would rather be in my father’s home in Seattle than hiding away in a forest with a vampire.

  “When are you going to invite me over?”

  “Soon, when I’m settled. Have to buy some furniture.” I opened the door. “Thank you.” I stepped out and waved. Ann took off in her old jeep shooting fumes out of the exhaust and a bang from cheap gas.

  By now I was dead tired when I saw something out of the corner of my eyes. It was like a fog. It didn’t look right so I rushed to the door and before the fog could reach me I was safely behind the door. And then I heard the bell. I was holding on so tight to the door it jarred me and I lean to the side to look out.

  “Can I come in?”

  “No. What do you want, Samantha?”

  “I thought we were friends.” She had a hardening of her voice.

  “You tried to kill me,” I shouted holding on to the door, and making sure I had turned the locks.

  “If I wanted to kill you, I had my chance. I didn’t really want to kill you. I just wanted you to suffer a little because Sebastian loves you and not me.” Well she got that off her chest early.

  “Just open the door and let me in so we can talk. I know Sebastian is sleeping and he won’t wake until tonight. So invite me in,” she said her voice low and impatient. She could charm any man by the sound of that voice. Samantha was in her late twenties or early thirties. A beautiful dark haired woman with black eyes.

  “How do you know Sebastian?”

  “Sebastian promised to marry me and he never did and then I learned about you. I guessed you were the reason for his betrayal.”

“What did I have to do with him not marrying you?”

  “You stood in the way of my happiness.”

  “How can he marry you, a witch?”

  “Because I’m the only one who could marry him. Do you know who and what he is?”

  “Yes. He told me.”

  “Then you know you never can be happy with him. Let me in and we can sit together and come to some understanding. I can explain how you a human can never hope to keep him,” she said, “Only I can do that. Only a witch of my magnitude will be able to hold him. All you will do is get him killed.”

  “I thought vampires can’t die.”

  “They don’t die like you. Even I won’t meet my end the way you will.” Her voice dark and sinister with a trace of irony.

  “If you are a witch like he says you are, then you figure out how to get in,” I said. I had enough of her predicting my death. Besides, I hadn’t plan on dying yet and not by her hands. She began pulling on the door and banging loud and screaming. Making a shrill ear splitting sound with her voice as if she had whistled and the tone kept getting louder and louder until I couldn’t stand it.

  “You’re no witch. You’re just a disgruntled girl friend who can’t stand to see him with me. If you were, you would find a way to get in here,” I taunted her. Then I heard a low moan and it kept increasing and increasing until it reached a shrill high pitch, and the outside glass cracked and split. A crack traveled from the top of the window down the front glass.

  Looking at the bottom of the glass, I saw that the window was double thick. Sebastian must have known this would happen, and that’s why he built this house and out here. But how did she find him?

  I stood riveted behind the iron door, my heart beating loud unable to move. Trying to catch my breath. What has Sebastian gotten me into? “Just let him wake up. I could kill him if he wasn’t already dead,” I murmured. “I sound like an idiot,” there’s nothing wrong with him that a good psychiatrist can’t cure. Just face it, you’ve found yourself with a nut you happen to love. And a jealous woman is trying to kill you for him. That’s all there is,” I murmured.

  “Maybe I can get him help,” I mumbled. But what about that witch of a bitch trying to destroy me. If she continues, I’m going to the police. I was determine this time.

  By now I wasn’t tired, but wide awake, and her screaming woke me, and messed up my body clock. I really needed to get some food I can cook. Not the canned meat and frozen pizzas in the pantry.

  I would need all my energy to deal with that bitch.

  Chapter Fifteen-Zoey

  Finally Samantha must have known something I didn’t know about that house, and she left. I walked into the kitchen. Does he think I can exist on this every day? I threw another frozen pizza into the microwave oven.

  After scoffing down a small pizza for breakfast, I was determined to get out of this house and find a grocery store. I needed real food. I’m eating pizzas every day, before nothing could be more real than enjoying a night out with a slice of pizza in my mouth. However, if you eat anything for too long your body rebels.

  That was the one food I cherished as a child. How did I know that? It seems my memory of my childhood is coming back. Why now I ask. Why not when I needed it when I was fifteen to be able to remember who the people were who kept me hostage since I was five years old.

  In a way I was happy and frightened at the same time. There were things I didn’t want to live through again. Like the day I was taken by these people.

  My stomach was full and I yawned. I had to get to bed. Climbing up the stairs had me tired and by the time I reached the second floor and my room, I dropped in bed with my clothes on.

  When I woke it was dark in the house and I saw two eyes staring down at me.

  “Why are you looking at me like that? You can’t come in my room and go around here whenever you want. You frightened me to death. Say something. And please get some light in here.”

  “I can go wherever I want,” he said.

  “You are such an ass and too arrogant for me.”

  “It’s not that I’m arrogant, I’m stating a fact.”

  “Well I haven’t accepted your facts yet.”

  “Would you rather I lie to you.”

  “Well no, but some of what you are saying and doing is making me afraid. You’re making me fearful of everything around me. I have this problem since I was kidnapped and I can’t get over the fear that something terrible is about to happen.”

  “Not with me. I will never do anything to harm you,” he said.

  “But what about all those people who’s trying to hurt you and me?”

  “It’s not me they are trying to harm, but you. I’m trying to prevent them. I need to have you around me because only I can protect you.”

  “Where were you when that she devil came to the door?”

  “You didn’t let her in?” His bluish green eyes grew large. There was a raise of his voice.

  “No. I probably wouldn’t be here today if I had. You could have said how crazy she is and she’s planning on killing me to get to you, and when did you get engage to marry that witch?” I said with a hint of jealousy in my voice.

  “I didn’t know she was a witch then. It was before I became a vampire, and she’s been following me and killing the women I’ve been in love with.”

  “I thought you said you loved only me. I thought I was your first love.”

  “That was years before you. What? Are you jealous?”

  “No. I’m not jealous. Well yes. Didn’t you say you have to love someone to be jealous?”

  “Something like that,” he said to me with a wide smile. I had never seen him smile like that before.

  I placed my hand across my chest and let out a small huff. “I’m just concerned about my life. I’m the only one in this triangle who can die.”

  “We all can die. But it’s harder to kill me or her.”

  “Just as I said, I’m the one who is vulnerable. Why did you choose me?”

  “I had no choice. I fell in love with you. We don’t choose who we fall in love with.”

  “I wouldn’t know about that. I’m still young enough to know that good sex doesn’t equate to love.” When I made that statement, I could see the sadness of his eyes in the dark. They no longer had this brilliant glow about them, but had a dullness as if the light left his eyes.

  “Sooner or later you will have to make a choice,” he said his voice settling on coolness. He had lost that warmth he had in his voice before I made the statement about sex.

  “Well I choose, and I don’t want to be in love with you. I have a lot to lose by being in love with you. Just bring me back to Seattle and I will take my chances. I must have been crazy to listen to you.” I stood and tramped to the light switch and turned it on.

  The dimness had Sebastian standing in a kind of darkness, the kind of darkness where you are sitting at a restaurant with a date you are enthralled with, and the lights are dim, and the atmosphere makes the person you’re with more beautiful, and in his case, he was more handsome than I have ever seen him.

  His face carrying me away. His eyes glowing with a fierce inner fire striking me like summer lightening. I wished he didn’t look at me that way. I felt the warmth of him, and was reminded of how he lay over me and seduced me, and I opened my body to him, and he took me and left me weak and wanting more of him.

  Now I felt angry because of how much I knew I needed him and desired his body. When my body is next to his, I forget that I am burning up with this constant fever. But I looked at him with contempt.

  “Can’t you get brighter lights in here? This isn’t going to work out. I can see that. I want a man I can love and I want a family. There’s no hope for us. I’m human and you’re dead. I’m warm and you’re cold.” I turned away from him to hide my tears of love and despair. My breathing shallow, and I stiffened when I felt the coolness of his body behind me.

  He turned me around and wrapped his arms around me
. Held me close to his chest. With my head to his chest, somehow I felt I had been in this position before. Not recently, but when I was a child, and I was crying for my parents. It was that cool chest that I had sought to protect me and calm me to sleep.

  Angry about all the mystery of my youth, I hit him in his chest and hurt my hand. I kept hitting him. Finally he grabbed my hand. “You will hurt yourself.”

  “What difference does it make,” I said. “I’ll be dead soon.”

  “Don’t say that.” He gritted his teeth and a wave of annoyance covered his face.

  “I could have turned you, but I couldn’t bear to, just like I can’t bear to be away from you.” He held me. “Can’t you understand? Can’t you stay with me for a while and I will let you go. I have to make things right so you can live without being hunted.”

  “Why am I being hunted? Why can’t you tell me?”

  “I can’t discuss that now. I have to go to the hospital.” He turned and I walked down the stairs behind him.

  “Tell me why your family is hunting me. Make me understand. I need to know.” I screamed at him.

  Pivoting around on the stairs he said, “I can’t tell you now.” Before he walked into the underground garage he said, “Don’t go out. It’s not safe without me.”

  Rushing down the stairs behind him, looking at him as he walked to the car, I shouted, “It’s not safe with you. You just bark these commands at me and you won’t tell me what I’m against. Why do you think I act the way I do. You are the reason,” I shouted.

  He never turned around he kept walking and got into the car, started the motor, open the garage door and zoomed away with me standing there.

  Chapter Sixteen-Zoey

  Showering was the best part of living here. I could stay in it as long as I wanted. I had forgotten about school, everything. One more semester and it would have been over. I had planned on leaving Seattle but then I wouldn’t have met Sebastian. Which is good and bad. Good because I wouldn’t have to be confronted with this nightmare. Bad because I’ve never met anyone like him.


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