Recipe for Lust: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Novel

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Recipe for Lust: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Novel Page 11

by Ward, Alice

  “This looks like our cue to leave,” Jackson said as he tapped Asher on the shoulder. “How about I go get you some dinner? You must be starving.”

  “Yes, famished!” Kennedy exclaimed. Her eyes widened at the mention of food, and she began to rub her belly. She was getting big, not just her belly, but her face had filled out too, as well as her breasts that were now at least three cup sizes larger than I remembered.

  “Breadsticks?” Kennedy asked hopefully.

  “Of course,” Jackson replied with a grin.

  “Pasta, anything with red sauce, and meatballs,” Kennedy added.

  “Of course.” He raised an eyebrow. “Salad?”

  Kennedy wrinkled up her nose. “No, I don’t think so.”

  Jackson smirked. “Of course not.”

  Asher stood from his chair and moved towards Lauren. I watched as his hands gripped her shoulders and squeezed as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. Lauren tilted her head back and pushed her face into his lips for the kiss. They were so cute together. Seeing them made me miss Aiden.

  “Do you ladies want anything?” Jackson asked.

  “A milkshake, strawberry,” Lauren said and licked her lips.

  “What about you, Claire, a milkshake too, or anything else?”

  I smiled at him. “A milkshake sounds good.”

  Jackson went to Kennedy and leaned in for a quick kiss. His hand rested on her belly for a moment as his eyes lingered on hers. “I know, you want a milkshake too. Chocolate though, right?”

  Kennedy nodded and smiled as he left the room with Asher following close behind.

  “So, spill it. What’s this drama you’re surrounded in?” Kennedy asked as soon as the door shut.

  I tried to start as close to the beginning as possible without making the story too long. I started with Shep, which immediately created another conversation about what he was like in person, if he was as cute as he was on TV, and what it was like being with him every day.

  When I got to the part about him showing favoritism towards me and explained that he was actually flirting, both Kennedy and Lauren let out a squeal.

  “Oh my God, that’s awesome!” Lauren exclaimed.

  “I’ve heard a lot of good things about that man,” Kennedy said.

  “You have?” I asked, surprised.

  Kennedy’s eyes narrowed. “Is what I heard wrong?”

  I shook my head, not willing to throw Shep’s good name under the bus, but also needing my friends’ advice. “It’s just some things Aiden told me,” I admitted.

  “Who’s Aiden?” Lauren asked. I hadn’t gotten to that part yet and wasn’t even sure how to begin.

  “Aiden Maxim, he’s one of the contestants.”

  “Really? I know that name.” Lauren tapped her lips in concentration. “Isn’t he a professional chef?”

  I nodded.

  “So, what is he saying about Shep? Does he know him personally?”

  “I don’t think he knows him personally, just stuff he hears from others in the industry, I guess.” I lifted a shoulder and fiddled with the edge of Kennedy’s sheet. “It’s nothing major, just that he was a womanizer and a bit of a drinker.”

  “Oh, so he’s jealous,” Kennedy said and leaned back into her pillows. “That’s Jealousy 101 if you ask me. They make up stories to push the other guy out so he can make his move.”

  I had thought about that; I couldn’t deny it. But I couldn’t imagine that Aiden would out and out lie to me about Shep, especially over something that tainted his reputation. Kennedy was amazing at reading people though, so I had to consider her opinion.

  “Have you seen Shep drink?” Lauren asked, and I shook my head. “Has he made a move on you?”

  I shook my head again. “He’s mostly a gentleman, but he’s definitely flirty and a little too free with his hands. The other contestants have noticed.”

  “Well, look at you in those hot little shorts,” Lauren said with a chuckle, then grew serious. “It doesn’t sound like he is either of the things Aiden says he is.”

  Kennedy agreed. “Has Aiden made a move on you?”

  I instantly blushed at her question. He’d done more than that.

  “Oh my God, you like Aiden!” Lauren exclaimed.

  My face burned as I struggled to control the giggles pouring into my throat. “Yes,” I admitted.

  “So, how far has this relationship gone?” Kennedy asked. Her tone was so serious, so lawyer-like that I instantly felt like I was on trial.

  “Pretty far,” I replied and looked down at my twisting fingers.

  “So, you two are knocking boots?” Lauren asked.

  Kennedy threw a pillow at her. “Lauren, that is so crass!”

  I smiled at my friends, so grateful to be here even as I sat in the hot seat of their inquisition.

  “So, are you?” Lauren asked, more serious now. Her voice was gentle and calm as she reached for my hands.

  I nodded and looked for any censure in their faces. Any hint that I’d disappointed them or they were worried I’d made a mistake.

  Lauren gripped my fingers tighter and squeezed. “I’m so happy that you’re putting yourself out there.”

  When I looked at Kennedy, her eyes shifted from mine, and her lips were pressed together. It was obvious she wasn’t as happy about my love affair as Lauren.

  “You’ve only been there five or six weeks,” she began quietly. “How long has this gone on?”

  Again, I felt like I was on trial. Her eyes were clear and full of authority. I wanted to lie, but I couldn’t. “The first week,” I admitted.

  She sagged in the bed. “Oh, Claire, that is so soon.”

  I knew she was right. I believed it had been too soon as well, but he was so damn sexy.

  “So, is that what the drama is about? You and Aiden?” Kennedy asked.

  “It’s a mixture between that and Shep’s attentions,” I confessed.

  I braced myself for her response because I knew Kennedy wouldn’t sugarcoat her opinion on the matter. She was always straight forward and honest, and if she had an opinion about something, she voiced it.

  “Well, I hate to say it, but by having a fling with another contestant, especially so suddenly, you kind of set yourself up for this type of drama.”

  “That’s why I just want to leave,” I said sadly.

  “Why would you leave?” Kennedy asked sharply. “Are you having an affair with Shep too, or leading him on in any way?”

  I shook my head. “No, not at all.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “And, this Aiden guy, you like him, right?”

  I nodded, unable to speak past the knot in my throat.

  She hugged a pillow to her chest, and her voice grew more gentle. “Then you may have made yourself an easy target, but that doesn’t mean you have to just sit and take it.”

  “What should I do?” I whispered. I’d been so protected all my life with my boyfriend and best friends by my side. I’d never had to deal with anything like dating or making new friends. Reading people? I felt so incredibly stupid and naïve.

  Kennedy’s eyes softened with compassion. “I think you should be careful with Aiden. I think he manipulated you away from Shep, and that worries me about his true character. And you should absolutely keep Shep at arm’s length because it will appear as favoritism if he gets too close. But leaving the competition? No way. You’re too good to walk away. You can win this thing.”

  I looked toward Lauren, waiting to hear what she had to say. “I agree with Kennedy. You shouldn’t walk away.” She took a deep breath and leaned back into the leather chair she’d claimed once Jackson left. “But, as far as Aiden… if you like him, it doesn’t matter how soon it was. Chemistry is chemistry, and sometimes it’s too strong to deny.”

  A tear escaped, and I quickly brushed it away. I needed to think this through logically.

  I told them about the sabotages and the tampering of my stuff. They were both concerned that a lunatic was on the
loose until I assured them that I believed it to be the Barbie look-alike behind it all. “She’s harmless, just annoying. I was really hoping she would be sent home in the last competition though.”

  “How many are left?” Lauren asked.


  “Even more reason for why you can’t quit now, that’s amazing. You’re so close.”

  “I’ve been careful to steer clear of Shep lately, and I think things have started to calm down,” I said. “At least last night there was nothing tampered with in my camper, and I got through the competition without salt in my sugar or any other sabotage.”

  “I believe you should continue on, show them what you’re made of, and to hell with the men,” Kennedy said sternly. “Push Aiden to the curb before he causes you any more stress.” It was obvious she didn’t trust him at all.

  My stomach hurt at the thought. “It would cause more drama to dump him now, don’t ya think?”

  Kennedy shook her head. “Who knows what he’s capable of,” she said softly.

  Lauren spoke up. “I’m not sure I agree. Dumping him would be more drama, but more importantly, you like him.” She leaned forward and grasped my hand again. “You’re a smart girl, just keep your eyes open and don’t let him pull the wool over them.”

  So, it was unanimous on the competition. They both wanted me to continue on, but the Aiden topic was certainly divided. Kennedy pushed for me to completely end it with him while Lauren told me to have fun. I was so confused.

  What if Kennedy was right? Then again, what if Lauren was?



  Jackson and Asher walked into the room carrying milkshakes and bags from a local Italian restaurant. Kennedy pushed herself up against the pillow of her bed and reached for the small bag in Jackson’s hand. She pulled out a breadstick and shoved it into her mouth, making me laugh. She was always so classy, so delicate when it came to food, only eating fresh organic products, mostly salads. She devoured half of the breadstick and started digging in the bag for another.

  “Sorry, I’m starving,” she said. “You want one?” She pushed the bag towards me and then Lauren. We both declined and took the milkshakes Asher handed us.

  “So, are they keeping you overnight?” I asked.

  “Yes, but just for observation,” she said through a mouthful of bread. “I’m fine. You guys go home. Come back when there’s a baby to see.” She pointed a breadstick at me. “Not you. Go to wherever you’re going and kick some culinary ass.”

  I grinned at her and crossed my fingers over my heart. “I’ll let you eat your dinner in peace.” I leaned forward to give her hug and the butter from the breadsticks glazed my arms as her fingers pressed into my skin.

  Jackson leaned in quickly and hugged me once she released her tight grip. “Where are you headed next?”

  “Illinois. I have a borrowed car, so I have to drop it off at the airport and meet them there.”

  “Knock ‘em dead!” Kennedy yelled as I walked out the door with Asher and Lauren.

  “We’re going to stay tonight and check on her in the morning,” Lauren said. “I’ll keep you posted.”

  “I’ll get a hotel and book a flight for the morning, so I’ll be here if you need me to change my plans.”

  Asher grinned and picked up his phone, and I immediately knew what he was up to. His thumbs flew over the screen, tapping buttons. Less than a minute later, he was stuffing the phone in his pocket. “Your flight leaves at nine tomorrow morning.”

  “Let me guess, first class?” I asked, shaking my head at his magic thumbs. How in the world did he do that so quickly?

  He smirked and nodded. “Only the best for you.”

  “Thank you, guys, but you didn’t have to do that,” I said but was thrilled that he did. My new career goal was to be wealthy enough to fly first class too. After flying that way to Texas, I was spoiled.

  “Just win that competition and make us proud,” Asher said.

  “Yeah, and then open up a restaurant so we can come eat for free,” Lauren added with her adorable snicker.

  We retraced our steps down the same long hallway we’d so anxiously walked when we arrived and stood at the elevator doors while Asher pushed the button repeatedly. “That doesn’t make it come any faster,” Lauren laughed.

  Asher smirked and then pushed it one last time. The doors opened, and he pressed his hand on the side to keep it from closing as Lauren and I entered.

  “I want to meet this Aiden guy,” Lauren gushed, grabbing my arm.

  “Who’s Aiden?” Asher asked.

  “Claire took a lover on the show,” Lauren said playfully, and I blushed while Asher shifted his weight onto his left leg and then back to the right.

  He stared at me, his eyebrows pushed up on his forehead, his lips parted into a forced smile. “Oh my, little Claire is growing up so fast,” he muttered.

  The elevator doors opened, and we stepped out into the lobby. The registration desk sat empty, and the gift shop was locked. It was already dark outside as we neared the revolving doors. I hadn’t realized how tired I was until right then. My shoulders ached from slouching over the steering wheel for hours, and my eyes were growing heavy at the thought of a soft bed. I still wasn’t looking forward to going back to the competition, but after talking to Lauren and Kennedy, I knew it was something I needed to do.

  Humid air clung to my skin as I made my way through the doors. A taxi blocked our passage to the sidewalk that led to the parking lot. The back door opened, and I froze as Shep stepped out.

  “Claire,” he called out. “I’m so glad I caught you.”

  Lauren gripped my arm and pulled me close. “Is that…?”

  “Yes,” I breathed, unable to say anything more.

  “To hell with Aiden, Shep is even hotter in person,” she insisted playfully.

  Asher stepped up and extended his hand to Shep. “Asher Reynolds, and you are?”

  I loved watching him in action; he was the big brother I never had.

  “Shep Thompson,” Shep replied, his eyes meeting mine. “Can we talk?”

  I was flabbergasted that he was here, and confused as to why. Lauren gave me a wink. “Will you be okay?” she asked.

  I nodded and attempted to smile without much success.

  Asher seemed reluctant to leave me alone with a man he didn’t know. He had just heard about me taking a lover, and he probably thought this was him. Lauren pulled at his arm and broke him from his stance. “If you need anything, call,” Asher said.

  The taxi drove off, leaving Shep alone with me in front of the hospital. I watched Lauren and Asher climb into a red sports car and drive away.

  “I’m sorry, Claire. I just had to talk to you,” Shep said.

  I thought of all the reasons he could be here. Was something going wrong on the show? Was I being asked to leave? Was more drama stirring with me away, and if so, how would it look now that both of us were gone?

  “Are you driving?” he asked.

  “Y-yes,” I stammered, motioning towards the black Lincoln parked in the lot. “I borrowed a car from the set. Gretchen said it was okay.”

  Shep nodded. “Of course, that’s not a problem.”

  Then what was the problem?

  “Have you found a place to stay yet?” he asked, and I shook my head, swallowing hard.

  “I was just getting ready to book a room,” I admitted.

  My phone beeped, and I pulled it from my pocket. I swiped the screen to turn it on and noticed Asher’s name beside a new text message.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized to Shep and clicked the message to read it.

  Asher: Please call if you need me. You have a room booked at the Four Seasons, love you.

  I quickly thanked Asher for the generous gesture and told him I was fine.

  “Well, looks like I do already have a room booked,” I said, pushing my phone back in my pocket.

  “Well, would you mind giving me a ride? I
’ll get a room, maybe we can talk over dinner?”

  I was beginning to get very curious as to why he rushed all the way here. “Shep, is something wrong? How did you even know where to find me?”

  He shoved a hand through his hair. “I’d prefer to be able to relax before we get into it, but nothing’s wrong. I promise.”

  I started walking to the car, and Shep followed beside me. At the car, I clicked the keychain to unlock the doors and climbed into the driver’s seat. It felt strange with Shep sitting beside me as I pulled out of the hospital parking lot. We were heading to a hotel. In the midst of all the drama and rumors, I was actually planning on walking into a hotel with Shep Thompson.

  The drive was quiet. I focused on my GPS while Shep stared out the window. The valet opened my door at the hotel and helped me out.

  “Any luggage?” he asked.

  “No,” I said and instantly felt his eyes shift to my raggedy jean shorts. What did I look like, I wondered? I was checking into a hotel wearing daisy dukes and a low cut tank top with a famous chef and no luggage. Yeah, I knew what I looked like.

  Shep waited for me on the other side of the car and placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked towards the front doors. The hotel was fancy, too fancy for how I was dressed. I was certain my hair was a mess from the long drive after the competition, and I knew I looked like I belonged in a Super 8, not a Four Seasons.

  A smiling man in a well-pressed uniform opened the heavy golden doors. Shep continued to guide me with his hand as we walked across a floor that looked like black ice. A man at the long wooden counter looked up and smiled. “How can I help you?” he asked.

  “I have a reservation,” I said quickly and gave him my name.

  “Yes, Mr. Reynolds suggested you stay in one of our suites,” he said. I could tell by the look on his face that he disapproved of my attire. “There is also a credit for the hotel boutique, compliments of Mr. Reynolds.”

  “Thank you,” I said without showing my insecurity.

  “Is this your guest for the evening?” the man asked.

  Guest for the evening? Oh my God, I did look like a hooker.


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