Betting on Grace

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Betting on Grace Page 22

by Nicole Edwards


  “Hey, baby,” he greeted.

  “Hey,” Jan replied, sounding happy to hear from him.

  Why, Jerry didn’t know. He felt as if he’d spent the last eight months unable to introduce her to his family. It didn’t matter that she was usually the one who talked him out of it.

  It was time to change that.

  After all, Grant seemed to be stepping up to the plate, proving that he wasn’t the type of man to hide his relationship from anyone.

  Jerry knew it was time for him to do the same.

  “I want you to come to the dance on Saturday,” he told her.

  “Are you sure?” Jan inquired.

  “Absolutely. I’m…” Shit, how did he put this? “I’m done pretendin’ this is less than it is, Jan. I want us to move forward.”

  There was a pause that lasted long enough to give Jerry heart palpitations, but then Jan said, “Okay. The dance sounds fun.”

  Jerry knew she heard his sigh of relief.

  “Are you sure about this?” Jan asked before he could say anything in return.

  “More than sure.” Jerry leaned back in his chair, feeling somewhat lighter, as though he were no longer carrying around a two-ton anvil on his shoulders. “Oh, and Jan…”


  “Plan to stay the night.”

  The feminine giggle that was her answer made Jerry’s heart swell to enormous proportions.

  Yeah, it was certainly time.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Lane was sitting on Grant’s miniscule love seat, trying to pretend not to eavesdrop on the conversation Grant was having. Based on the way Gracie was staring back at him, a tiny little smirk on her lips said he was failing miserably.

  They’d been at Grant’s place for the last half hour. About twenty-eight of those minutes had been spent waiting to hear back from the cell phone provider. Grant hadn’t hesitated before he’d called them during the walk back, but at that point, they had no new information. Lane got the feeling they weren’t going to receive a call, either. From what he’d gathered from eavesdropping on that conversation — something he hadn’t bothered to try to hide — they’d suggested that Grant call the police.

  For whatever reason, Grant was hesitant to do so.

  But now, someone was on the phone with Grant, and he wasn’t doing well to keep the conversation private although he had stepped out onto the front porch.

  “Who do you think that is?” Gracie asked, practically voicing Lane’s direct thoughts.

  “No idea.”

  Lane looked toward the door, as though that would improve his hearing.

  “Thank God,” Grant exclaimed. “Put her on the phone.”

  There was a long pause, and Lane glanced over at Grace. She was sitting on the edge of her seat.

  “Mom, where the hell have you been?” Grant asked.

  Another long pause.

  “Shit. You should’ve told someone you were leavin’,” Grant inserted. “And they sell those things at Walmart. You coulda picked up another one.”

  Lane noticed the doorknob turning, and he continued to watch, waiting for Grant to step inside.

  “I’m just glad you’re all right.” Pause. “Okay. Well, when you decide to head back, let me know.” Pause. “All right. Talk to you later.”

  When Grant came back inside, his eyes were somewhat glazed. Without saying a word, he stabbed the phone, ending the call before he came over to the couch and dropped down beside Lane.

  Like, right beside him, their bodies touching from hip to knee. Lane turned his head to look at Grant, but the other man wasn’t looking at him or at Gracie.

  “Everything okay?” Gracie asked.

  “I think so, yeah,” Grant muttered.

  “Was that your mom?” Lane asked when it was clear Grant wasn’t going to share the information without them prying him open with a crowbar.


  “And?” Gracie asked, sounding incredibly anxious.

  “She showed up on Morgan’s doorstep a couple of hours ago.”

  “Oh, my God, Grant, that’s great,” Gracie said, rising to her feet and moving toward them.

  For the first time since he’d ass-planted on the couch, Grant looked up at Gracie. Lane watched as Grant reached for her, pulling her down toward them both. Lane instinctively covered the family jewels as her knee came down between his legs, her other knee going between Grant’s.

  She was straddling their legs, her full attention on Grant.

  “What did she say?”

  “My mom said she left my dad. For good. From what I gathered, she started out on a road trip to see Morgan and had some car trouble. She had to stop in some rinky-dink town on the way to Kansas to have it looked at. That’s when she realized she left her phone charger at home, so her cell’s been dead for at least three days.”

  “She didn’t think to stop and pick one up at Walmart?” Lane asked skeptically.

  Grant turned his head, meeting Lane’s eyes as he smiled. “That’s exactly what I asked her. She said she just wanted to get to Morgan’s. She sounds good. Tired but good. It doesn’t sound like the trip was an easy one.”

  “Why didn’t she call to tell you she was leavin’ in the first place?” Lane questioned.

  Grant’s eyebrow cocked, his expression one of disbelief. “My mother? Call me? It would’ve been a first. She said she just had to get away from my father. According to her, she’s done with him.”

  Lane wasn’t sure whether that was relief or concern in Grant’s piercing blue eyes, but either way, it was better than the sheer panic he’d witnessed there earlier.

  Gracie leaned over and wrapped her arms around Grant’s neck, hugging him tightly. One of Grant’s arms wrapped around her; his other hand reached over and clutched Lane’s.

  Yeah, so that was relief he’d seen — the proof was in the reassuring squeeze of Grant’s hand.

  “I’m so glad she’s safe,” Gracie said, drawing back and then pressing her lips to Grant’s.

  Lane hadn’t been planning to watch the kiss so closely, but the way Grant’s hand tightened on his had him turning. Grant was pulling Gracie in, thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

  Okay, so maybe relief was an understatement.

  Grant didn’t release her, and the heat in the room intensified tenfold. At this rate, the air conditioner was going to have to kick into overdrive if it was going to keep up, because the flames these two had ignited were beginning to lick at Lane’s balls, making his dick hard.


  When Grant released Lane’s hand, it was only so he could slide it beneath Gracie’s shirt, quickly and efficiently relieving her of the confining cotton.

  Oh, yeah.

  This was a fantastic way to end an emotionally draining day.

  Lane had resigned himself to watching the action, but Grant stunned him when he reached over, pulling Lane to him, their mouths fusing together. And all thought evaporated as Grant’s tongue slid into his mouth, warm, soft, and … adamant.

  Allowing Grant to take the lead, Lane kissed him back, his arms pinned to his sides by the position they were in. With his eyes closed, his mind whirring from the intensity of Grant’s kiss, Lane nearly leapt off the couch when he felt a firm hand cupping his dick through his jeans.

  The only response he had was to continue kissing Grant and to thrust his hips forward, driving his erection against the wonderful friction the hand was causing. When it was time to come up for air, Lane looked down to see Gracie was rubbing him, grinding the palm of her hand against the solid length of his rock-hard cock as she watched them both.

  “I want to watch,” she whispered.

  Lane’s dick twitched, and he would be surprised if there wasn’t an imprint of his zipper now.

  “Us?” Grant asked, sounding as breathless as Lane felt.


  To prove she was serious, Gracie jumped up from her perch on their thighs an
d moved back toward the recliner she’d been sitting in earlier.

  “And what are you gonna do while you watch?” Grant asked.

  Good thing Grant was in his right mind because Lane was feeling a little lightheaded.

  One minute he’d been worried about Grant, the next his dick was hard enough to pound nails from a measly kiss. Then again, there wasn’t anything measly about that kiss.

  “Play with myself.”

  “Christ, woman!” Lane exclaimed, his head snapping around. “You’re gonna kill me.”

  Her response was to bestow a glowing grin upon him.

  He watched in utter fascination as her hands moved to her belt buckle, deftly unhooking it, her fingers then moving to release the button on her jeans before lowering the zipper. He could see shiny red silk peeking out from the V in the fabric.

  “Oh, hell,” Grant mumbled, his hand sliding up Lane’s thigh.

  Again, Lane pressed his hips up off the couch, trying to get closer to Grant’s hand, wishing like hell he was naked so he could feel Grant’s callused palm stroking him.

  Lane continued to watch as Gracie removed every last stitch of her clothing, her eyes moving back and forth between them as she did. By the time she was stark naked, Lane was panting.

  “You boys have on too many clothes,” she told them as she lowered herself into the recliner, purposely driving them mad as she spread her legs wide, giving them an unobstructed view of her pretty pink pussy.

  Grant nudged him, but Lane couldn’t move. He couldn’t pull his eyes off the soft, glistening flesh between her legs. He was desperate to taste her, to drive her crazy with his tongue.

  “Nuh-uh,” Gracie said, causing Lane to jerk his eyes up to her face.

  “What?” he asked dumbly.

  “I’m watchin’. The only person who’s gonna touch me tonight is me.”

  He was just about ready to argue, but then Grant abruptly pushed him. And before his mind could process just what was happening, he found himself flat on his back, the sexiest cowboy on the planet lying atop him.

  And at that point, nothing else mattered.


  Grant was having an out-of-body experience.

  His adrenaline level was higher than it’d ever been. Between that and pretty much crashing from the relief of knowing that his mother was okay, his head was buzzing.

  Gracie wasn’t helping with her declaration that she wanted to watch, either. On top of that, he was contemplating all of the things he wanted to do to Lane while she watched. But the good thing was that his family was now the farthest thing from his mind as he focused his full attention on the cowboy beneath him.

  Staring down at Lane, Grant studied Lane’s handsome face, drinking him in. Lane’s dark eyes were smoldering as he peered back at him. The shadow of beard growth on his jaw was intensely sexy, not to mention, something Grant didn’t usually see. Lane was always so clean-shaven, but now the hard contours of his face were camouflaged by the short, dark stubble.

  Grant couldn’t help himself; he slid his fingers down Lane’s jaw, letting the prickly hairs tickle the undersides of his fingers.

  “You drive me crazy, you know that?” Grant whispered, his eyes darting to Lane’s mouth.

  “Ditto,” Lane said on a breathless moan, his hips rising toward Grant.

  With one knee between Lane’s legs, Grant pressed his thigh against Lane’s erection, grinding ever so slightly until Lane was moaning, his eyes fluttering closed.

  “Damn, that feels good,” Lane mumbled.

  Grant didn’t linger for long. As much as Grant enjoyed teasing this man, he really wanted Lane naked.

  Pushing back so that he was sitting on his heels, one knee still perched between Lane’s thighs, Grant made quick work of freeing Lane’s cock from the confines of his jeans. In order to get him in the position that he wanted him, though, Grant had to get up. When he did, he glanced over at Gracie, who was eyeing them intently.

  “Can you get the lube and condoms?” he asked her, his eyes sliding back down to Lane. “I intend to bury my cock deep in his ass in the next few minutes.”

  Gracie sprang up from the chair, her sexy nude body drawing Grant’s eyes back toward her. He checked out the sexy sway of her heart-shaped ass as she sauntered into his bedroom.

  Knowing she wouldn’t be gone long, Grant hurried to lose his clothes while keeping his eyes on Lane. He was just lowering his jeans to his ankles when Gracie came back in with a bottle of lube and the entire box of condoms in her hand.

  “That’s a little optimistic there, don’t ya think?” he asked with a laugh.

  “You never know,” she said with a smile before making her way back to the recliner.

  Stepping out of his jeans, Grant peered down at Lane, who was still lying flat on his back on the short couch, his knees bent, feet propped over the arm because he wouldn’t fit otherwise.

  “Your turn,” Grant told him, holding out his hand to Lane.

  When he took it, Grant pulled him, helping him to his feet before going to work on removing Lane’s clothes.

  And then Lane was blessedly naked, and Grant was incentivized to go to his knees directly in front of him, desperate to put his mouth on Lane’s thick cock jutting out from his body.

  Grant was rewarded with a sharp gasp from Gracie and a deep, rumbling moan from Lane.

  On his knees, he looked up the length of Lane’s body while he engulfed Lane’s cock in his mouth, tormenting him until Lane’s hands had fisted into his hair.

  “I need to feel you,” Lane groaned. “I need to feel you inside me.”

  Grant understood the urgency. He was still riding the adrenaline high from the afternoon’s events, so he didn’t hesitate before rising to his feet. Standing directly in front of Lane, he pressed up against him, using his fist to wrap around both of their cocks, sliding them together before pressing his mouth to Lane’s.

  As much as he loved kissing Lane, he couldn’t do so for long because they were both moaning as the friction intensified.

  “Grant,” Lane said on a sigh. “Oh, damn, baby, that feels good. Keep stroking me. Fuck.”


  Again, Lane had called him baby, and Grant’s heart swelled in his chest, making it difficult to breathe.

  Or maybe that was because he was gliding his cock along the silky smooth length of Lane’s, the sensitive head rubbing just right… “Oh, damn,” Grant bellowed. “I need to fuck you. Right now.”

  The sweltering dark pools of Lane’s eyes were trained on him, and Grant felt the heat, felt the energy that coursed between them. Knowing he wasn’t going to make it through this unscathed — why would this time be any different from the last? — Grant released their dicks and gripped Lane’s hips, pulling him.

  He walked backward until they were near the end of the love seat, and that’s when he smiled. Lane apparently knew exactly what Grant wanted, and when he turned around to face the couch, leaning forward and putting his hands on the arm, Grant’s dick throbbed painfully.

  “Is this what you wanted to see?” Grant asked Gracie as he leaned forward, pressing his lips to Lane’s back.

  “Yes,” she answered on a breathless moan.

  Grant trailed kisses down Lane’s muscular back, sliding his tongue down the deep ridge in the center as he lowered himself to his knees once again. He wasn’t just going to take Lane like a barbarian, he was going to work the man up and then he was going to fuck him hard and fast. Even if it killed him.

  In order to do that…

  “Oh, fuck,” Lane shouted.

  Grant was kneeling behind him, using his hands to separate Lane’s cheeks while he pushed his tongue deep into the crease of Lane’s ass.

  “Oh, shit, that feels so good,” Lane moaned, his legs spreading farther apart to give Grant better access.

  Grant rimmed Lane’s asshole with his tongue and then thrust in deep, pulling Lane’s hips back so that he was fucking him with his tong

  “Grant, oh… Don’t stop. Oh, fuck.”

  Lane was offering his own support by pressing back against Grant’s face. He continued this for a minute or so, reaching around and jacking Lane’s thick cock, swiping the precum from the head with his thumb.

  When Grant’s cock began to pulse incessantly, he knew he couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to slide deep into Lane’s ass so he could ride him hard before they both came.

  “Did you like that?” Grant asked, speaking to Lane but looking at Gracie.

  They both answered with a resounding “yes.”

  “Good.” He quickly donned a condom and put a thick coat of lube along his cock while slicking two of his fingers at the same time. While he stroked himself, he slipped those two fingers into Lane’s ass, going deep and twisting. He continued the motion because he knew Lane enjoyed it.

  “Grant… Son of a...” Lane mumbled. “Keep that up and … uh… Oh, God, that… Keep it up and I’m gonna come!”

  Grant pulled his fingers out after massaging Lane’s prostate two more times and then lined up and thrust into him in one forceful push.

  “Oh, yes,” Lane yelled, pushing back against Grant.

  “Fuck, you’re tight,” Grant groaned, gripping Lane’s hips as he withdrew slowly. “I love the way your ass grips my dick.”

  Another sharp inhale from across the room had Grant looking over at Gracie.

  He nearly stumbled into Lane, damn near plowing him over as he watched Gracie finger her pussy as she watched them.

  Heaven help him.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Gracie was going to come.

  She was going to explode from watching Grant have his wicked way with Lane and witnessing Lane enjoy the hell out of it.

  There was something to be said about watching two men like this. To see the sheer pleasure etched on their faces, the emotion that they thought they were hiding was right there for her to see. These two loved each other; there was no doubt about that.


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