Betting on Grace

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Betting on Grace Page 28

by Nicole Edwards

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Grace had no idea how long she’d been sitting in the dark, but her butt had gone numb some time ago. From her perch near the edge of the water on the blanket she’d hijacked from the stable, she could hear the sounds coming from the arena and see the glow of the lights above the rise that circled the lake.

  She was scared to go back, not wanting to endure the sideways glances that she was surely going to receive now that Darrell had spouted off. She had no idea just what he’d actually said, but based on the way he had barged in on them the other night, she wouldn’t put anything past him. The man was crazy. And right now, she had more than her fair share of crazy to deal with.

  After what could’ve been the perfect night was blown to shit thanks to Grant’s father, Grace really just wanted to crawl into a hole for the next few weeks. Even though she had tried to slow the bleeding that was sure to take place by going to her father directly, Grace knew that Grant and Lane were going to be negatively impacted by what had happened tonight.

  As much as she wished it weren’t her fault, she couldn’t help but assign some of the blame on herself. Three months ago, she’d been weary of the two cowboys, doing her best to stay as far away from them as possible. At the time, she’d had no clue that they were bisexual, or that they had a thing for one another, but from the moment that she had realized the truth, Grace had been captivated. She had let down her guard, and in walked both of them right into her heart.

  “Why the hell do I really care what he said?” she asked no one in particular, thinking back to Grant’s father’s presence at the ranch.

  And if she were completely honest, she didn’t necessarily care who knew that the three of them were together. Darrell could tell whoever he wanted, for all she cared. It was the other stuff … the way Grant’s father would portray their lovemaking although he didn’t have the first clue what it was like other than the moment he’d ripped their privacy clean away from them as though it didn’t matter one bit.

  Grace had spent her life on the straight and narrow, doing what she felt was right, what would make other people happy. To a degree, anyway. She’d always been strong, and she had proven she still was by approaching her father and not waiting for him to get wind of the relationship she had with two men.

  Yes. Two men.

  And her father hadn’t even batted an eyelash at that little revelation, although she knew he was a little surprised and probably a lot confused.

  But Jerry hadn’t lost his temper. In fact, the only question he’d really cared to have answered was whether or not she was serious about them. When she’d confirmed with a firm yes, he had merely nodded his head.

  She had his blessing.

  Yet it seemed that everything had still blown up in her face.

  And worse, she didn’t know how to fix it.

  After Lane had walked out last night, Grace had been determined to fix things. And for Grant to have come back to her place, obviously hoping to make amends, she’d been convinced it was time to stop hiding the truth. To not allow anyone to come between her and the two men she loved. But just like always, there were too many hoops that she had to jump through.

  And now she was tired.

  “So damn tired,” she muttered aloud.

  “You can’t give up yet.”

  A scream lodged in Grace’s throat when the deep voice sounded from behind her. She turned, trying to see the man who belonged to the voice, but she couldn’t make out Lane’s features in the darkness, nothing more than his silhouette backlit by the full moon overhead. She heard the sound of his boots shuffling in the grass, and she waited for him to join her.

  “Did they get everything under control?” she asked.

  “You could say that,” he said, and Grace heard the sadness in his tone, which immediately put her on red alert.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Lane didn’t respond, but he did lower himself to the blanket beside her, lying flat on his back with his knees bent.

  “I don’t know, Gracie,” Lane whispered long minutes later. “I don’t know how to do this anymore.”

  Grace swallowed, the lump in her throat nearly strangling her. “Do what?” she asked, not wanting to hear his answer.

  “I don’t know how to make this enough.”

  Oh, God. That was not what she wanted to hear. As defeated as she felt, Grace wasn’t ready to give up. The pity party had been just that — a moment to feel sorry for herself, which usually helped her to put things into perspective. Grace wasn’t the type to give up, though.

  Turning so that she could face him, Grace crossed her legs and adjusted her skirt so that it covered her, although she doubted Lane could see her in the dark. Placing a hand on his warm chest, she rubbed lightly. “I know I haven’t said how I feel about you, but Lane, I really want you to know—” Grace didn’t get to continue her sentence because Lane moved suddenly, his mouth covering hers as he lowered her to the soft earth beneath her.

  Instinctively, Grace reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him to her, giving in to his kiss, the sweet, sensual way his mouth mated with hers. To her horror, tears stung her eyelids, but she fought them, refusing to let them spill over. She did love this man. More than she’d ever thought possible. But she couldn’t help but feel that his kiss was some sort of good-bye.

  Holding on to him more tightly, Grace pulled him closer, until he was practically crushing her into the ground, his full weight upon her though he was kneeling between her thighs as she wrapped her legs around him.

  “Make love to me, Lane. Right now,” Grace murmured against his lips.

  She could hardly make out the whites of his eyes in the blackness that was night, but she felt the tension in his shoulders, the way he held himself away from her. When he didn’t lean back in to kiss her, she added, “It wasn’t a request, cowboy.”

  His gruff chuckle reverberated through her chest, rattling her heart and making those damn tears threaten to fall again.

  But Grace wasn’t going to let this moment pass her by. Releasing him, she slid her hands between their bodies and released the button and lowered his zipper, struggling to force his jeans past his hips. Finally, with a little help from him, she freed his heavy erection, wrapping her hands around him and stroking slowly.

  “Make love to me, Lane,” she whispered again, this time softly.

  Grace took control, did all the work as Lane stared down at her, one hand caressing the top of her head, the other holding himself above her. With a little creativity, she managed to slide her panties off without forcing him to move. And then, without asking permission, Grace lined up the tip of his cock with the entrance to her pussy, holding her breath as she did.

  They didn’t have a condom, but even if they had, Grace wasn’t sure she wanted one. She didn’t want anything separating them right then. She wanted him, skin to skin. It would’ve been that much sweeter if they could’ve been naked, but that was a risk she wasn’t willing to take. Anyone could come over that rise at any time and catch them in the act. This way, they stood half a chance of not being caught.

  “Gracie,” Lane breathed as he flexed his hips, pushing himself inside of her just a little. “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” she told him.

  Lane nodded and then, sweet mother of all things wonderful, he was inside her. Grace’s body fought to accept him, but a few seconds passed, and he was lodged to the hilt, unmoving.

  “Oh, God, Gracie,” Lane moaned as Grace used her hands to search his face in the dark, running her fingertips over his smooth cheeks. She lifted her head to meet his mouth, stealing his kiss as he gently began to rock inside her.

  Sweet heaven. He was so big, so hot…

  And then there was glorious friction, but Lane never lifted off her, their bodies sliding together as one.

  “Lane,” she whispered, cradling his face in her hands, staring into his eyes. “I love you.�

  Grace thought he was laughing, but then she realized it was a choked sob that had rattled through his chest, and she held him closer, lifting her hips to meet his slow, deep thrusts.

  “Oh, God, Lane, you feel so good. Please…”

  “Gracie, baby.” Lane continued to move, going deeper but keeping his pace unbearably slow.

  “Harder,” she said, pulling his head down to hers and crushing their lips together, exploring his mouth with her tongue, moaning uncontrollably as the tension grew, her body bowing from the climax that was building to a crescendo. She was going to come, and she wanted him to be right there with her.

  Squeezing her internal muscles, Grace thrust her tongue into his mouth and sucked his tongue when he answered in turn, mimicking the thrust and release of their bodies until Lane’s shoulders tensed, his hips ramming against hers, burying himself incredibly deep.

  “I’m coming,” Grace whispered, unable to control the release that exploded in her core and radiated out through every limb, every finger, every toe.

  Lane groaned, his body stilling above hers, the pulse of his release detonating another miniature explosion that had her eyes closing from the sheer ecstasy of it.

  To her relief, Lane didn’t move away, he stayed right there, still lodged inside of her body, his cock softening while his mouth brushed hers.

  “Say it again, Gracie,” Lane whispered, the words barely audible.

  “I love you, Lane. I love you more than you will ever know.”

  And no truer words had ever been spoken.


  Grant had remained with his father until Darrell had managed to get himself under control. He had listened while his father broke down, clearly falling apart, crying about how his wife had left him, how he’d ruined everything. Grant hadn’t been able to disagree with his father, so he’d never said a word, just remained in Jerry’s office with him until he’d regained some of his composure.

  And when his father had calmed down, when the tears had finally dried up, Grant finally had done something he’d never done before. He’d stood up to his father directly.

  “I want you to understand somethin’,” Grant stated harshly. “I’ve tolerated your abuse all my life. I’ve put up with more than anyone should have to put up with. That ends here, Dad. No more. Those two people that you’re tryin’ to hurt, they mean everything to me. Everything. And you will not fuck this up for me, you hear me? I’m not gonna sit back and worry what you might do or say. I’m done. The next time you interfere, the next time you try to blackmail me, you’ll never see me again. Got that?”

  Darrell’s eyes widened, but he didn’t argue. Grant could see the understanding there. Considering Grant meant every single word, that was a good thing.

  During the walk back to Darrell’s truck, Grant informed his father that he would be by in the morning and they would check him into rehab. There was still a part of Grant that didn’t believe this was happening, still waiting for the other shoe to drop. But, hoping against hope, Grant tried to remain optimistic, even shooting Morgan a text to let her know what was going on and informing her that he’d be calling their mother tomorrow.

  They needed to come together to get their father through this. As expected, Grant didn’t receive a response from Morgan. They’d all been burned by Darrell more than once, but Grant just couldn’t give up on the man, no matter how much he wanted to. His father was sick, and he needed to get help. As long as he was willing, Grant was going to get him through it.

  During the time that he’d been sitting with his father, Grant had continued to think back on Lane’s comment after Grant had torn into him about instigating the fight with Darrell. Grant knew he’d been wrong, but at the time, he’d been blinded with his hatred for his father. Rightfully so, Grant felt like a royal shithead, but he’d been freaked out by the turn of events. So much so that he’d taken it out on the one man he should’ve been leaning on. He should’ve been protecting Lane, not the other way around. So now, as he walked back to the arena from the bunkhouse, unable to locate Lane there, he was beginning to get worried.

  He didn’t want to ask anyone if they had seen Lane or Gracie, not wanting to endure anyone’s stares or questions after what had taken place. He had no idea what all had been said, other than what Lane had told him, and he knew he had to fix this. But first, he needed to apologize to Lane and Gracie for allowing this to happen.

  On his way to the arena, Grant looked out at the lake, the moon shimmering off the water, and that’s when he saw them — Gracie and Lane walking hand in hand over the rise, heading toward him. Taking a deep breath, Grant prayed that Lane would listen to him. He wouldn’t blame the man if he didn’t; after all, what Grant had done was unforgiveable.

  On all counts.

  Grant was like dynamite — once his fuse was lit, he went off, damn the consequences. Like when he’d assumed the worst about Jerry, thinking the man would knowingly fire someone for something as trivial as wanting to date one of his daughters. Or assuming that by paying off his father, Grant would be able to buy the man’s silence. Or, worst of all, assuming that Lane and Gracie knew how he really felt about them without ever hearing the words.

  Why he’d never bothered to tell them that he loved them, he didn’t know. Ever since that first time when he’d mouthed the words to Gracie, he’d felt the all-encompassing emotion building inside of him, overwhelming him with its intensity, yet he’d never had the balls to say the words out loud until last night.

  But he still hadn’t said the words to Lane.

  He was a jackass, that’s what he was.

  “Hey,” Grant greeted the couple when they approached.

  Lane was looking at him warily, and Gracie was watching him intently, worry apparent on her beautiful face.

  “Are you okay?” he asked Lane, his chest constricting from the emotions threatening to strangle him.

  God, he just wanted this day to be over. To go home with them, fall into bed, and start fresh tomorrow. The only thing he needed was to hold them, to know that they could get through this, that eventually they could forgive him.

  “I’ve got a few things to say,” Lane said abruptly, releasing Gracie’s hand and stepping close until he was right in Grant’s face.

  Grant sucked in a deep breath, ready to hear the worst.

  “If you ever feel the need to put me in my place, make damn sure you’ve got your facts straight,” Lane began, his hand gripping the front of Grant’s shirt. “If you ever doubt me, even a little bit, you better have the balls to talk to me first. And lastly—”

  Grant cut Lane off, yanking the man to him and crushing his mouth to Lane’s. He got it. He had royally fucked up, and he deserved every bit of Lane’s wrath, but right then and there, the only thing that mattered was that Lane was okay. That Gracie was okay. And that they weren’t ready to tell him to go to hell. God knew he deserved it for all the shit he’d stirred up lately.

  The kiss exploded, and Grant had never felt as good as he did right then when Lane wrapped his big arms around him, pulling him impossibly close, their tongues dueling, their hands searching. And the only reason Grant pulled back was so that he could suck in air.

  Okay, maybe that wasn’t the only reason.

  “I love you,” Grant said, cupping Lane’s face, his eyes locked with Lane’s. “I should’ve told you a long damn time ago.”

  They stood like that for several seconds, and then Grant glanced over at Gracie. Dropping one hand from Lane’s chiseled jaw, Grant held out his hand to her, and when she took it, he pulled her close. “I love both of you. You deserve to hear it every damn day. I’m sorry.”

  Gracie’s arms came around him, her head nestled against his chest, and he thought for a moment that she was crying. But this was his stubborn cowgirl, and he knew her better than that. She was, without doubt, the strongest person he knew.

  Releasing Lane, Grant gripped Gracie’s shoulders and held her away from hi
m so he could see her face. “You went to your father and told him about us. I wish like hell that I could say I’d eventually have the nerve to do that, to stand up for us, but these days, I’ve doubted everything I’ve done.”

  “You would’ve,” Gracie said, an affirmation that he didn’t quite believe. “You both would’ve eventually.”

  “But you did. You didn’t hesitate. I’m not sure you even realize how much that means.”

  “I did it because I’m not willin’ to let anyone come between us,” Gracie said firmly, her chin jutting out. “I don’t care what happens, or what people think. The three of us, we’re gonna make this work.”

  Lane stepped close again and wrapped his arms around Gracie, pulling her to him. Grant didn’t release her, either, and the three of them stood there for the longest time, no one saying a word.

  While the party continued in the arena behind them, the laughter and cheering echoing out across the acres of land that belonged to Dead Heat Ranch, Grant simply stood right there and thanked his lucky stars. He wasn’t sure he deserved either of these two incredible people, but he knew one thing for sure…

  He damn sure wasn’t going to let them go.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Sunday morning

  Race day

  “Where’s Mercy?” Lane asked Grace as she walked into the stables.

  “I … uh… I don’t know.” Grace thought that Mercy would’ve come straight to the stables to get Shadow Mist ready for the race.

  Grace hadn’t been up for long, having slept in after Lane and Grant had loved her until she was completely boneless the night before. They had stayed at her place, at her request, something they had actually talked about at length. The three of them were ready to take things to the next level. And since the world hadn’t come crashing down around them last night after they had ventured back to the party for a few minutes, Grace had decided now was the time to take that step.


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