UNASSUMED: Zara Zee and the Unassuming Case of the Billionaire Heir

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UNASSUMED: Zara Zee and the Unassuming Case of the Billionaire Heir Page 11

by Kailin Gow

Chapter 13


  Leo walked aimlessly through the factory that was so still and silent. He could still remember the purr of the automated packing machines. It’d been a deafening purr.

  Turning into a corridor, he headed to the laboratory, the part of the factory that had impressed him the most. So many innovative products had been concocted in the large, white and sterile room.

  The door was ajar and he peered into the room, surprised by how dusty and rundown it seemed, but when he went to push the door open wider, he stopped at the sound of voices.

  Male voices came from inside the laboratory and Leo suddenly realized they were still in danger. How could he have been so blinded by Peter and Zara’s tender embrace that he’d ignored the possible danger that still surrounded them?

  Two men stood by the window, their silhouettes backlit by the strong sunlight that streamed in, but aside from the silhouettes, Leo could make out no features whatsoever. Even more frustrating, he couldn’t make out what they were saying.

  Why had they not come running at the sound of the gunshot? he wondered.

  The answer came to him quickly enough. The walls of the laboratory were thick and well insulated.

  Concentrating, he tried to put a face to one of the voices. Though muffled, he could make out the distinctly gruff and authoritative tone of an older, more mature man.

  He’d heard that voice before, but his foggy, boyhood memory refused to cooperated and give him any clues as to who it could be.

  Backing up against the wall, Leo looked around for any sign of other thugs in the factory. Before he made a move, he had to make sure he was alone. Once certain, he doubled back and headed back to Peter and Zara, determined to break up their loving embrace once and for all.

  He was almost at the corridor that would lead him to them when a strong hand came down hard over his shoulder. Without bothering to turn to see who it was, he rammed a heavy elbow into the assailant’s gut and turned around to see a large man stumble back.

  “What the hell?” Leo said.

  The big man answered him by pulling out a sword and waving it in Leo’s face. A large silly grin came over the man’s face. “Leo Lee. I’m a big fan.”

  Right, Leo thought.

  “I’ve always admired those moves of yours.” He tossed the blade into his other hand and back again. “Now let’s see what kind of kung fu moves you have in real life.”

  Circling Leo, the big man deftly swung the sword up and around, then took a swift leap at him, ready to lop off Leo’s head.

  Snickering at the foreseeable move, Leo leaned back to avoid the blade, his back low and parallel to the floor. Grateful he’d kept limber and flexible the past years, he straightened up and grinned. Had he neglected to stay in shape, his head would be rolling on the floor.

  “Cool move,” the big man said. “But you're going to run out of cool moves before I’m through with you.”

  Leo knew he was right. He needed to get his hand on a weapon, or get the hell out of there. With no possibility of finding a weapon, he opted to run, hoping the big man would prove unable to move quickly, but the big guy was swift and quickly had Leo up against the wall.

  While the man raised the sword high above his head and prepared to bring it down on him, Leo reached for a nearby rusted baking sheet and held it up as a shield. With a clang, the blade came down on the baking sheet, denting it, but saving Leo from the cutting blow.

  Leo dashed out from under the man, throwing the baking sheet at his head as he ran.

  “You can run, but there’s not much place to hide, movie star. Where you gonna go to when you don’t have a director telling you what to do? Huh? Can you think for yourself, little rich boy?”

  Running at full speed, Leo turned abruptly and headed towards the big man, zigzagged at the last second, ran a few steps up the wall behind him and flipped up into the air, coming down on the man from an angle that completely caught him off guard. With a solid punch to the jaw and Leo’s fingers drilling into his eyes, blinding him for life, the man fell to the floor screaming in pain.

  “How’s that for a cool move?” Leo said as he landed on his feet and looked down at this handiwork.

  Rubbing his bloodied eyes with his massive hand, the man remained on all fours as he groaned and cursed.

  Leo turned to head back to Peter and Zara, but the distinct whizzing sound of metal slicing through the air made him turn back in time to see the sword flying towards him. Moving aside just in time to see the sword embed itself in the wall behind him, Leo was stunned when he heard a gunshot.

  “Peter,” Zara called out.

  Leo turned to pair who’d quickly run up to the fallen man.

  “What have you done?” Zara said to Peter.

  Leo came up behind them. Disgusted by the sight of the man’s blown out face, he quickly turned away.

  “I had to do it, baby,” Peter said. “You saw the man. He tried to slice Leo’s head off.”


  “I did what I had to do to protect the heir to Lee Holdings. I had no other choice. He’s the last one left and we have to ensure his safety.”

  Zara sighed as she looked down at the dead man. “You're right,” she finally said. “You had no choice.”

  “Come on, you two,” Peter said. “There’s nothing else to do here. I’ll call ahead to have the two bodies taken in and the place swept.”

  “You should’ve never come out here on your own to begin with,” Zara said as she walked beside Peter, Leo lagging behind. “How come you didn’t call for back up?”

  “It all happened so fast. I just wanted to get out here as quickly as possible.”

  “Well, you could’ve been hurt, but I’m glad you made it here fast enough.”

  “And now it’s time to take you home, get you into a nice hot shower and then out for a great dinner.”

  “Peter,” Zara said. “I told you earlier. I’m not ready for that yet.”

  “Not ready for a shower and a good hot meal? Come on.”

  “I know very well that’s not all you have in mind.”

  “Okay, so I want to show you just how much I love you. Damn it, even filthy and disheveled you are the most beautiful and amazing women to me, Zara.” He came to an abrupt stop, pulled Zara into his arms and smothered her with a hungry kiss.

  Grinding his teeth, Leo took a good look at the pair for a sickening moment before walking past them. Peter was rubbing it in. So he’d gotten the girl. Good for him. No need to make a show of it.

  As he exited the old factory, he remembered the man he really was; the heir to billions and a sexy and talented movie star. He could have any woman he desired. Zara wasn’t the only hot woman in Hong Kong, and it was time he put the detective out of his mind and get back to what he did best; casual flings that involved a lot of hot sex with no strings at all.

  Chapter 14


  Stepping out of the old factory, Leo stopped to look around the old ghost town. He knew he was stalling. While every ounce of testosterone told him to move on and find a sexy body to vent all his frustrations on, something held him back.

  Nostalgia, he tried to tell himself. Being at Da Hwa made him feel closer to his father, but that was a lie, just a pretense to remain standing there thinking and feeling… all for Zara.

  She’d been shadowing him for weeks, and he ought to be relieved to have her off his back. He could return to his real life, the life he’d always loved. But he had to admit, she’d grown on him, and fast. He felt safe and secure around her, but not because of her ability to protect him. It was a certain emotional safety he’d found with her. He could just be himself around her and that had been worth all the money in the world.

  In the distance he saw the whirr of red and blue lights from two police cruisers. That was fast, he thought. Might as well stick around to see if he could learn anything new about the assailants.

  The police cruisers came to an abrupt stop right in front of
him, and four officers stepped out as if performing a well-choreographed dance. They came around the front of the cars, all four of them looking at Leo.

  “They’re still in there,” Leo said pointing to the door that led to the loving couple.

  But he needn’t have pointed it out. Peter and Zara emerged from the building and spoke briefly to one of the officers while the others went inside.

  “I’ve got to hurry back into town to write up a report,” Peter said, his hand discreetly caressing the small of Zara’s back. “I’ll drop you off at the clinic,” he told her.

  “I’m fine.”

  He glared at her.

  “Fine. I’ll go.” She turned to follow him to one of the cruisers. “But I know I’m fine.”

  “Ty,” Peter called out. “We’re going to hitch a ride back into town with you.”

  The young officer who’d just come out of the building stopped to confer with his superior then headed to the car. Zara didn’t look back at Leo as the young officer started the car, backed up and sped away. He was all but forgotten.

  Well, he’d have to do what was necessary to forget all about her. Never mind how sexy and alive she was. Never mind how she turned him on without even trying. Never mind that he thought his world had changed forever just by knowing her.

  Never mind how the thought of her in Peter’s arms almost drove him to insanity.

  He sat at the wheel of his expensive little sports car, pulled out his smart phone and pulled up all his female contacts. Surely there was a woman who could rid him of all the frustrations Zara had left him with.

  “Vanessa,” he murmured.

  They’d met as teens back when her father, Bohai See, had been his father’s partner. She’d been an awkward teen with long skinny limbs, breasts smaller than his own and teeth that desperately needed work, but the photo she’d put on her social media pages showed a whole new girl; silicon breasts that were large and round like melons, perfectly aligned teeth that sparkled brilliantly white. All of the awkwardness of her teen years was gone, thanks to surgery, as displayed in a photo of her lying back in bed with her stiletto clad feet up in the air to better show the perfect fit of her lace panties.

  “I guess you’ll do,” he said with a smirk.

  Although Bohai See had moved on from Lee Holdings and now ran one of the top conglomerates in the country, Vanessa had retained her reputation as a wild child and she didn’t shy away from sharing her exploits with the world of social media. Photos of her drinking the night away competed with photos of her new sexy body clad in as little clothing as was legally allowed.

  She was exactly what he needed. Mindless sex.

  He looked further into her background and her past times. A page was dedicated to her favorite past time; sex. The page boasted photos she’d posted of herself with various men, many of them in scandalous positions. It was a veritable who’s who of wealthy young bachelors in Hong Kong, and she’d been pestering Leo for months to join that list. Being who he was, he was sure she wanted him as much as he wanted her…purely physical, and for her, another notch on her bedpost.

  Pride had kept him from joining at first, and then he’d met Zara, and all thoughts of Vanessa had faded away, but now… he dialed her up.

  “Vanessa, what are you up to?”

  Recognizing him, she groaned deep in her throat before her helium-balloon high voice said, “I thought you’d never ask.”

  “How about dinner tonight? Let’s say the Qi Quon Qiang Inn at eight o’clock.

  She squealed with delight, a piercing and persistent sound that forced Leo to pull the phone away from his ear.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” He brought the phone back to his ear. “We’ll have dinner in my favorite suite.”

  “Oh,” she squealed again.

  “See you then.” He put the phone away, happy with the step he’d taken to permanently put Zara out of his mind, and started his car.


  Leo wore the sleek black suit that made him feel alive again. It fit his body perfectly, and he loved the luxurious feel of the expensive garments. It was good to be back to his old ways, and when he answered the knock at the door and saw Vanessa, he knew he was in for a good time.

  Wearing a red floor length gown that was slit up to her pelvic bone and cut strategically low between her enormous breasts, she was the perfect uber rich slut, ready to do anything to please a man.

  “How do you like it?” she said as she turned her backside to him. The back of the dress was just as sparse as the front.

  It was a little too tacky for his taste, but the sexual effect on his cock was undeniable. Wild sex was on the menu and he couldn’t wait to dig in.

  “Come in,” he said. “I was just opening a bottle of champagne.”

  She sashayed in and immediately made herself comfortable on the pristine white leather sofa. She didn’t even glance at the dining table that was elegantly set with fine china and glimmering silver.

  Leo poured champagne into two flutes and joined her.

  “Thanks.” She took the champagne flute, tapped it to his and gulped back the contents before setting it aside. “I love the good stuff,”

  “I’ve had a sumptuous dinner prepared for us.”

  She ran her hand over his lap and reached for the zipper on his pants. “You’re all the dinner I need.”

  “Hang on.” Leo took her hand. “We have all night.”

  “Don’t worry, baby. I plan on keeping you busy all night, and then some.” She kicked a tanned and toned leg up and draped it over his knee while her hand resumed its quest for freeing his member, rubbing and massaging her fingers all over it through the expensive fabric of his pants.

  “I thought we’d build up the sexual desire slowly.”

  “Honey,” she said matter-of-factly. “I’ve been dreaming of this for years. Believe me. Sexual desire is at its ultimate high.” She unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants and pulled his engorged cock out. “And judging by the size of your love machine here, your sexual desire is right up there with mine.”

  She leaned into him and brought her face to his crotch. Just the thought of what was coming nearly had him exploding. Running her tongue over the length, she moaned and sighed before swallowing it whole into her mouth.

  Leo’s eyes rolled back as she deep throat him.

  “Damn you smell and taste great,” she said, “And you’re so wide and long…”

  Setting his champagne down before he lost his grip on the delicate crystal flute, Leo leaned back and let Vanessa take over. She licked him again and again, as she brought her mouth up and down his shaft before taking him all into her heated mouth.

  “Oh, my God,” Leo let out.

  She sucked on him with practiced precision, putting just enough pressure as she pulled him in, and just enough suction when she pulled back.

  “Where’d you learn to do that?”

  “I’d be lying if I said you were my first,” she said with a sensual smile as she sat up and looked at him. Arching her back, she thrust her bust at him. “I didn’t have all this work done just to fill out a bikini. These girls have been hard at work attracting attention, mesmerizing men and… well, you’ll just have to wait and see.”

  Leo pulled his aching and swollen shaft back into his pants, and tried to regain control of the situation. “So how come a great catch like yourself isn’t engaged or married yet?”

  “Oh, please. I’ve spent the last few years fucking the brains out of virtually every hot and rich guy around, but do you really think I have what it takes to make for a good wife? I mean, look at me. I’m not exactly socialite material.”

  “Aren’t you underestimating yourself?”

  “Don’t feel sorry for me, Leo. I’m having the time of my life. I have more fun than any of those men’s wives. I mean, how dull must it be to have to prepare crustless finger sandwiches for a bunch of blue haired hags?”

  Leo winced. “That’s pretty rough.”

>   “Hey, life’s rough. You gotta get your kicks where you can.” She stood and pulled the panel of her dress back to expose her bare crotch. “Speaking of which…”

  Leo’s cock throbbed with the need to feel her lips around him again, but instead of reaching for him, Vanessa ran her fingers over herself and moaned.

  “I am so wet and ready for you, you have no idea. You're even sexier than I remember. So hard, so muscular, so perfect, I can barely believe it. You have the best body out of all the men I’ve ever fucked.”

  Straddling him, Vanessa thrust her breasts into his face and nestled her warm crotch over his erection. “I’m going to ride you all night long, Leo. You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of having you in me…since we first met. I’ve had the biggest crush on you as a teen, but you were far too pretty and popular for me,” Vanessa said, “but not tonight.” She slipped himself in her and grinded on top of him like a professional dancer, rotating her hips while moving back and forth in a steady and quick motion.

  Through the fuzz of arousal, Leo heard a knock at the door, but his body refused to respond to it. He sighed and let Vanessa’s movements over his cock bring him to the brink of exploding.

  But the knocking at the door became insistent and the determined pounding finally proved impossible to ignore. “I’d better get that,” Leo said as he gripped Vanessa’s hips and stopped her sensual motions.


  He firmly lifted her off him and set her on the sofa beside him, pulling up his pants and tugging his shirt back in as he got up. “I’ve ordered a few things for dinner.”

  “Oh, and maybe some dessert, too?”

  Smirking, he headed to the door. “Maybe. Management knows I’m here and they’ve been known to surprise me with specialty items before.”

  He pulled the bolt on the door, unhooked the chain and pulled the door back, but instead of facing room service, he was faced by a large uniformed man. A delivery? Leo thought, trying to remember if he’d ordered anything other than dinner. “Are you married? Seeing someone, Vanessa?” Leo turned to ask her. “Because there’s a man out here who I have no idea…”


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