Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1)

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Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1) Page 15

by Rachael Orman

  He turned to face me and tilted his head. “For what?”

  “For tonight. I enjoyed it and missed you as well, sir,” I answered, closing my eyes afraid to see his reaction. I wanted him to know that I felt the same way for some reason.

  “That makes me very happy,” he said, then left the room.

  The next morning, I stared at my reflection in the mirror after I showered. Not only had his bite left angry red marks, but also a massive bruise on my thigh. There were only two small puncture sites where his sharpest teeth had made me bleed. After examining it, I quickly dressed and rushed to get his breakfast ready.

  When I brought him his coffee and a croissant, he nodded but didn’t acknowledge me in any other way so I went about my chores for the day. After completing a few, I dropped by his office to see if he needed a refill, but he declined and quickly hung up his phone.

  “I have made you an appointment to get waxed again today,” he said, finally looking at me.

  “Yes, sir. What time would you like me ready?” I asked, not wanting to be late.

  “In two hours. I will be riding with you,” he answered before turning his attention back to his work.

  Time flew as I rushed to complete as many of my chores as I could, knowing that I’d be losing time I normally had to do them for the appointment. Matteo was waiting for me at the door when I ran down the steps in one of my nice dresses, hair damp. Even though we weren’t going anywhere fancy or planning to see anyone, I knew he’d expect me to be out of my cleaning dresses.

  The ride to the salon was quiet. He stood nearby as I had all of my private hair torn out before escorting me back to the car for the ride home. I’d tried to not break the silence if that’s what he wanted, but I had to say one thing.

  “Matteo?” I said softly.

  “Yes?” he sighed.

  “I just wanted to tell you that you don’t have to worry about me running. I don’t need to be escorted every time I leave the house. There is nowhere I’d rather be than in your home,” I stated, keeping my eyes averted.

  “Why would you say that?” he asked, clearly confused.

  “I just got the feeling that today you came with me because you wanted to make sure I didn’t have a chance to go anywhere,” I said.

  “Maybe I just wanted to make sure no one put their hands on what is mine. Not that it is your place to question me, and you’d best remember that I do what I want. I don’t have to explain my reasons to you. Ever,” he warned.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to assume anything, sir. I just wanted you to know I’m happy where I am,” I placated.

  “Fine,” he exhaled.

  When the car returned us to the house, I went to change and resume my chores without another word to him. He didn’t make a move to stop me as he went toward his office.

  I didn’t see him the rest of the day, but he appeared in my room that night for another round of rough sex, leaving another bite on my opposite thigh to match the first one.

  That was how the rest of the week went. I worked like I normally did and when I did see him it was in passing with the barest of acknowledgements. Yet every night he came to my room, leaving me with another bite mark.

  By the day before his wife was due back, I was starting to look like I’d been attacked, but most of the marks were easily hidden under my normal attire.

  I was surprised when he called out to me, asking me to join him in his office, shortly before I was due to deliver his lunch. Since his wife had left, he’d asked me to bring him every meal in his office, but I didn’t have his food ready yet. Nervously, I pushed open the door and stood with my hands folded behind my back to hide their shaking.

  “Strip,” he demanded.

  My head snapped up, but I quickly pulled my dress over my head, letting it pool on the floor.

  “Sit on the desk,” he instructed me, and I flashed back to when he’d cut my panties off.

  I wished I had taken them off when I’d taken my dress off, but it was too late. Resting on the edge of the hardwood, I spread my thighs knowing how he wanted me.

  His phone rang and he smiled as he leaned back in his chair, answering it. He spoke in Italian to whoever was on the other end of the phone. Reaching around me, he picked up a fancy-looking pen from the desktop and started writing notes on my thighs as if I were a piece of paper. Once he was done, he pushed back on my chest, making me lean back onto my elbows. As his conversation continued, he dragged the blunt end of the pen over my exposed center and the seam where my legs met my hips.

  I couldn’t believe how at ease he seemed talking while teasing me at the same time.

  Looking up at me, he grinned wickedly and pulled the scissors from his drawer. When he slid one side of the blade through the side of my panties, he made sure to press hard enough to not just tear through the fabric, but also slice into my skin.

  I couldn’t hold back a soft cry of pain and he pressed harder while glaring at me. Blood welled up and dribbled down my hip.

  He did the same to the opposite side, leaving another cut behind.

  It was obvious the man was turned on by seeing me bleed, but I still hated the blade and sharp burn that followed. I’d take a bite over the cuts, but it wasn’t up to me.

  With a hand on my hip, he forcefully yanked the fabric from under me which moved my hips to the very edge of the desk. While chatting away on the phone, he calmly slid his fingers through the blood he’d drawn and used it to paint random shapes over my abdomen. He ended one call and immediately dialed another number. When the blood flow started to ebb, he pushed a finger into each cut causing me to scream in pain, but he only smiled and did it harder. Someone must have answered on the other end of the phone as he started talking again and resumed swirling blood over my skin.

  Finally, he abandoned the finger-painting and pulled a stapler from the drawer. Lowering the phone, he asked, “How do you think it’d feel to be stapled?”

  I couldn’t hold back the shudder that ran through me.

  He shrugged and to my surprise he pushed the rounded edge of the stapler between my legs.

  I wasn’t wet enough to take it into my body, but that didn’t stop him.

  He pushed until finally my opening gave way and he could push it partially inside. Leaning back in his chair again, he smiled as he looked at me and talked into the phone. At one point, he picked up the pen and made more notes on my leg, then resumed his position while toying with the stapler, forcing it in a bit more before pulling it out just as much.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ending the phone conversation, he put the phone aside and rolled even closer to me.

  “You look very beautiful like this. I could have you sit here every day just like this while I deal with business,” Matteo said with a wistful smile on his face. He sighed in resignation after a few minutes. “Too bad it won’t be happening. You have too many things to take care of anyway.”

  I wanted to say I would happily sit there every day if he got someone to help with the cleaning and Aida was back to help cook. However, he yanked the stapler out of me before I could even think how to verbalize it without getting into trouble.

  He stood, undoing his belt and pants. Shoving his briefs down to his thighs, he lined himself up and filled me just as quickly as he’d removed the stapler. Slamming his hips into mine, he groaned. He was rough and hard, but then slowed to a lazy pace as he kissed my neck and ear before taking my lips. His tongue stroked mine while one of his hands cupped a breast. Flicking his fingers over my nipple, he moaned and stilled completely. He rested his forehead against mine breathing hard.

  I wrapped my hands around his back, holding him close to me. He didn’t normally let me touch him, but he let me hold him for a few seconds before he resumed the rapid roll of his hips.

  Biting down on my lower lip, he smiled then nipped his way down my neck before sucking hard on the sensitive skin. Normally he went for the lower part of my neck, but he was just under my jaw, some
where it’d be much harder to hide from prying eyes.

  Heat gathered in my core; I was getting close as he continued to suck. His fingers flicked my nipple again before pinching it. Throwing my head back, I cried out and exploded around him. As I was coming down from my release, he moved just a bit lower and sank his teeth in my neck, grinding his teeth together, making me scream and tense around him.

  It caused his own orgasm to take him and he bucked against me a few more times before collapsing against me, his forehead lying on my shoulder.

  We sat, both struggling to regain our breath for a while until he pulled back and fixed his underwear and pants.

  I stayed where I was, waiting for his instructions.

  “My wife changed her flight and will be arriving tonight, so you need to prepare dinner for two. Make sure all your other tasks are finished by that time as well,” he said, sitting in his chair again. He looked up, raising an eyebrow. “Leave.”

  “Yes, sir,” I muttered, gathering my discarded clothing and scrambling to the kitchen so I could redress and resume my chores. I was sore everywhere. A shower was in my future as well since the blood was drying from his playing and my neck was bleeding enough I’d need to bandage it or somehow stop the blood flow. It throbbed worse than his other bites so I wanted to inspect it in the mirror as well, but I had too many tasks lined up to do it right away.

  After a few hours of scrubbing everything in the house and cleaning the floors, I made a quick stop in my room to shower. Thankfully the cuts on my hips had stopped bleeding and my neck had as well. I’d have to soak my dress to get out the blood that had seeped into it, but overall I could hide his marks. I tied a scarf around my neck in an attempt to hide the bandage I put over the bite.

  Miraculously, I managed to get all my chores done and have dinner ready in time. I hadn’t thought to call and reschedule the driver service, but apparently it wasn’t necessary as the Missus made it home just fine.

  She’d slammed the front door and yelled for Matteo when she’d arrived, but that had been the only noise I’d heard from her in the hour she’d been home.

  When I peeked into the dining room, no one was there, so I went to Matteo’s office to find it was empty as well. Sighing, I trekked up to his room, the one he shared with his wife, only to stop short. Moaning and sounds that couldn’t be described as anything but sex were coming from the room. Quietly, I returned to the kitchen as my gut boiled uneasily.

  It bothered me that he’d already taken her to bed, but really I shouldn’t have expected anything different since he had a high sex drive and he rarely touched me when the Missus was around.

  Over an hour passed before I heard the chairs moving in the dining room, and I pulled the plates from the oven where I’d put them to stay warm. They burned my fingers as I carried them to Matteo and Monique, but I bit the inside of my cheek to endure it.

  “Careful, the plates are hot,” I murmured, wanting to warn them.

  “That scarf looks terrible on you,” Monique said as if I hadn’t spoken.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am,” I whispered, not knowing what else to say. After a few days I could probably go without it, and I’d have to endure her snide remarks until then.

  Returning to the kitchen, I cleaned the dishes and leaned against the counter waiting until they’d finished eating. I jumped in surprise when Monique walked into the kitchen holding her plate.

  “Here, take this,” she said thrusting the plate at me. “And take the damn scarf off. I can’t have you looking like that in my house. What will people think if they see that? You already look bad enough as it is.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I mumbled and tugged the scarf off after setting the plate into the sink.

  “What is that?” she sneered at the white bandage I’d revealed.

  “I, uh, had a cat bite me when I was in the garden,” I improvised.

  She scoffed and stomped back into the dining room.

  I could hear her yelling at Matteo about stray animals and how dare he let such nasty things near her home. I sighed in frustration, then went to gather Matteo’s plate, not wanting to put it off any longer. I knew a punishment would be coming from upsetting his wife unnecessarily.

  He grabbed my wrist when I reached for the dish. Monique wasn’t in the room anymore, but he pulled me down until his mouth was near my ear.

  “You are lucky I am expecting guests tomorrow. You have one day of peace. Enjoy it while you can,” he growled in my ear before releasing me.

  “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir,” I said, barely able to keep my voice from breaking.

  I didn’t sleep that night. Tossing and turning the whole night, I couldn’t settle my gut and the uneasy feeling that bubbled in it. I’d known I couldn’t avoid punishment forever, but it didn’t make it any easier knowing it was coming.

  The next day passed slowly, each minute dragging out the thought of the torture that was coming. By the time dinner rolled around, I was shaking and sweating just from all the inner agony I’d put myself through.

  There were six people I had to feed, and at least focusing on preparing the food helped for a while. I still hadn’t gotten the hang of cooking, but I followed the instructions Aida had left very closely and had learned enough to not burn meals.

  When I went to serve the plates, I froze when I spotted Matteo’s father at the head of the table where Matteo normally sat. I swallowed the ball of nerves that grew in my throat and tried not to trip while dropping the plates off. I couldn’t place my finger on exactly why the man bothered me so much, but he scared me more than any of the other men that hung around Matteo.

  Thankfully, dinner went without a hitch, and I didn’t embarrass myself or Matteo through all five courses. However, I knew what was coming, so I was even more of a mess by the time I finished scrubbing all the dishes. I slinked up to my room, hoping I could avoid everyone for the rest of the night, but not one minute after I shut my door it was opened again.

  It was Fausto.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I think you may have entered the wrong room,” I said, fighting the urge to go to my knees. The man had a commanding presence.

  “Oh no, sweet thing, I’m exactly where I want to be,” he said in a gravelly tone.

  I took a step back for each one he made toward me. My throat was suddenly dry. I didn’t know what he wanted, but I wasn’t in a position to deny him anything, either.

  Suddenly, I felt the wall at my back and a sinister look came over his face.

  “Perfect,” he said, pressing his body against mine.

  I gagged, but his hand clamped over my mouth, fingers digging into my cheeks.

  “You will stay absolutely quiet. Understand?” he whispered directly into my ear.

  I nodded as best I could as tears welled in my eyes. Fear skittered through me.

  He ripped off the bandage at the side of my throat, and I clenched my eyes from the sting of the tape pulling off my skin.

  “Seems my son has been fucking you even though he denies it,” he said, shaking his head slowly. Licking his lips, he released my face only to spin me around so I faced the wall. His hot breath cascaded over my skin just before he licked a line up the column of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. “Mmm, I love when they quiver in fear.”

  Tears ran down my cheeks as I struggled to hold back a cry for help. I didn’t think anyone would care anyway, so what would be the use? My heart was beating so fast all I could hear was the whoosh of my own blood and his breathing.

  His hands crawled up my legs, pushing up my dress as they went. Once he found my panties, he yanked them down aggressively while pressing my face to the wall with a hand on the center of my back. Having them out of the way, he yanked open his pants and shifted until he released his hot flesh against my bottom.

  “Should I fill you with my come, and then if you get pregnant it’d be my child within you instead of my son’s? Or maybe I’ll take that sweet little ass,” he huffed, thrusting against me.

bsp; My entire body shook, but I made no effort to answer him.

  “Ass it is then,” he said, lining his cock up to my back entrance. “I’m gonna take you so hard you’ll never think of my pansy-ass son.”

  Clenching my eyes and biting my lip, I barely managed to hold back a pain-filled shriek when he entered my clenched rear hole. I wanted to wail and cry, but fear held me back from doing either.

  Uncaring that I was struggling to hold back my sobs, he thrust into me repeatedly without any lube. It was brutal and painful as he shoved my face into the wall and yanked at my hair at the same time. Reaching around me, he wrapped a hand around my neck, digging his nails in deep enough to break the skin and bring my agony to a new level.

  Time ceased to exist as he pummeled into me. Each time he entered me, pain seared through my hole.

  Finally, he lost his rhythm and bucked rougher a few time before biting into the opposite side of my neck as Matteo had. Apparently it was a family thing to bite upon release, but Fausto’s teeth seemed sharper and sank deeper than Matteo ever had.

  I couldn’t hold back the single yelp of pain and he slammed my head into the wall.

  He’d been coming in me, but pulled out and stroked himself a few times to milk the last of his release out onto my lower back.

  “You stupid cunt. Couldn’t stay quiet, could you?” Fausto asked angrily before yanking me around with a firm grip in my hair, then backhanding me hard enough to split open my lip. He let me drop to the floor just as a gasp came from near the door.

  “I... I’m sorry,” Monique squeaked before backing out the door and running down the hall.

  “Now look what you did, whore.” Fausto kicked me in the stomach, forcing me to fall onto my back. He fixed his clothing and stomped from the room, slamming the door behind him.

  I curled into a ball and cried softly.

  The next time my door opened, it was Matteo. He looked enraged.

  “On your feet now,” he shouted, pulling on my arm when I didn’t move fast enough. Tightening his grip, he led me from the room and down to the dreaded basement. Without another word he secured me to the wall with my arms above my head. “Just couldn’t help but give it up to my father, huh? Did you think I wouldn’t find out? That Monique wouldn’t tell me what she caught you doing?”


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