Shapes of Autumn (Boxed set, books 1 - 5)

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Shapes of Autumn (Boxed set, books 1 - 5) Page 38

by Veronica Blade


  He bent toward me but instead of kissing me, he nuzzled my neck. A web of tingles swept over my skin and I shivered. I dragged his mouth to mine and opened. His hand slipped under my shirt and his hot fingers on my bare skin woke me up from my Zack-induced haze. Obviously, Zack’s will power had completely deserted him. If he went any further, I wasn’t sure I could stop either.

  I flattened my palms against his rock hard stomach. “As tempting as this is… no. We need to go.” I backed away, turned and snatched up my purse before darting outside.

  He joined me on the front porch, grinning. “Once again, you saved me from myself.”

  I groaned. “Yes, well, it’s not easy. What are we doing today?”

  “I was thinking of a museum. There’s an arboretum just a few minutes from here, if you’d prefer that.”

  “The arboretum sounds good.” I beamed.

  † † †

  We held hands, ambling through the narrow paths past the exotic plants and the scents of fragrant blooms wafting up to invade my senses.

  “What exactly does your mom have?” I asked.

  “Autoimmune disorder.” He glanced at me, then faced ahead again, veering around a boulder. “Her body attacks itself. She takes suppressants to calm her immune system, but they leave her open to getting sick easily.”

  “That’s why she’s weak and stays in bed?”

  “She’s weak because over the years, the various illnesses have damaged her heart and lungs.”

  “I feel so bad for her.” I stared at the sidewalk as the cracks in the concrete passed under my feet.

  “Me, too.” He stopped, interlocking his fingers with mine and bringing the back of my hand to his lips. “She’s doing better, even up and around, since the antibiotics.”

  “That’s great. So much improvement in just a couple days.”

  “The last few weeks have been rough, but she’s not usually in bed all the time. It’ll be a while before I lose her.”

  “Which means you’ll stay here as long as she’s alive.” I gazed into his deep green eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. When a couple and two children squeezed by us, I was vaguely aware we were blocking the trail.

  Zack averted his eyes. “Charles talked to the king’s people, which means it’s too late. I’m already on their radar. They’ll send someone else for me, Autumn. I’ll still have to leave when school is over.”

  “Yeah.” I dropped my arms and turned.

  He followed my lead, continuing our walk through the rows of plants. “I wish I had better news, but we need to be realistic.”

  “Let’s get something to eat,” I said, changing the subject.

  † † †

  When we’d seen everything at the arboretum, we walked the nearby streets of the quaint little town of Montrose, occasionally poking our heads into gift shops. Zack asked me about the places I’d visited and I regaled him with the stories of all the states I’d lived in — all but Hawaii, Alaska, and a handful of others.

  “It’s strange how much your parents move around. Almost as if they’re running from something,” he said.

  “Avoiding werewolves maybe?” I raised a brow.

  He shrugged. “You’ll never know until you find out. After today, we won’t be spending as much time together. You’ll have a chance to snoop around.”

  “Yeah… I guess we won’t be hanging out together if we’re broken up.” I stopped and stared unseeing through the window of a novelty item store. It wasn’t just about pretending we were only friends — we’d actually have to stay away from each other in public.

  “I can still hang out with my cousin and you’d hang out with Maya. So at school, for instance, we can sit at the same table. If our break-up fight isn’t too ugly, no one would think it was strange, right? If anyone asks, we could say we get along better as friends.”

  My chest pinched and I forced a smile. “It’s a great plan.”

  “It’s a terrible plan,” he said. “But we don’t have a choice.”

  “Yes, we do. Let’s just skip the breakup and take our chances.”

  “And if we get caught by Alura and her uncle, then what?” he asked, his voice low. “You think we’d be as lucky next time? At least this way, we still have our nights. That’s better than death.”

  “Yeah, a lesser of two evils,” I whispered, a dull ache taking up residency in my chest.

  We sensed a presence at the same time and looked discreetly toward the end of the block. Alura headed our way with her uncle Renzo. As usual, she looked stunning, the skirt of her white sundress swishing around her thighs. He didn’t exactly look like a hobo either in his snug T-shirt and black jeans.

  Zack nodded toward the door of the store. I smiled and waved to Alura, then went inside. Moments later, the door creaked open, then shut. They’d followed us. Knowing Renzo would talk telepathically to Zack, I looped one arm through his and picked up a purple glass paperweight with my free hand.

  You seem to be missing a supervisor, Renzo said silently.

  Zack pretended to examine a picture frame. What makes you think Charles is missing?

  He hasn’t checked in with his supervisor for a couple days. Scouts don’t leave their recruit, especially without informing anyone. Something’s up.

  Charles and I spoke on Friday, but not since. Zack set the frame down and meandered down the aisle. I stuck close, wanting in on every silent word.

  Let’s assume the worst, that he’s dead, Renzo said. His absence would be noticed and there would be an inquiry into his death. And he’d be replaced by at least one more.

  That’s up to King Mortimer. I’ll just do whatever I’m supposed to, Zack said.

  And that’s what you want? Renzo asked. I would’ve loved to see his expression. But since I wasn’t supposed to be aware of their conversation, I let my gaze wander the shelves and pretended to be oblivious.

  Of course. My life is about joining a pack. Why wouldn’t I want that, to be with my own kind? Zack paused to pick up a figurine. “See anything you like?” he asked me.

  “Not so far,” I answered.

  “Me neither. Let’s check out the next shop.”

  We left and Renzo stayed behind with Alura.

  Do you think Renzo’s an ally or setting a trap? I asked as soon as we we’d passed a couple buildings.

  I’m not sure, but dropping my guard would be too risky, Zack said.

  Let’s get out of here, I said. He makes me nervous.

  Hopefully, we’ll see them tonight at Bill’s Bean and Brew though, so they can witness our breakup. He steered me to my car.

  † † †

  That evening, as Zack and I cruised through the driveway of Bill’s Bean and Brew, I caught a glimpse of Renzo and Alura already seated at one of the wrought-iron tables. After parking, we picked a table where we’d be easily seen. Zack didn’t want the werewolves to miss the show. Moments later, Maya and Trevor arrived.

  “Hey, Alura.” Maya flashed her a smile. “Did you have a good time last night?”

  “Sure, after I dumped my date.” Alura grinned, then took a sip of the steaming liquid from the paper cup. “It was a nice crowd.”

  “Did you find anything you liked in any of the shops today?” I asked, trying to keep a slight distance so she couldn’t catch my scent as easily. With my increase in strength, in theory my scent should follow.

  “No,” Alura answered. “It’s a great little street though. I’d love to come back around Christmas. You all know my uncle Renzo?”

  “Nice to meet you,” Maya said. “I’m Maya.”

  “Hey.” Trevor gave him a man nod. “Trevor.”

  “A pleasure to meet you. Thanks for taking such good care of Alura last night.” He took a sip of his coffee and switched to silent communication. Any sign of Charles?

  No, Zack answered.

  Renzo observed us while Zack pretended not to notice. Maya made small talk with Alura while I eyed Zack from under
my lashes. He met my gaze, lifted one brow a fraction of an inch, and I remembered why we were there. I dreaded Maya’s disappointment to our breakup. Worse, I wasn’t looking forward to the werewolves witnessing my humiliation. Most of all, I knew I was losing Zack in some small way.

  Remember, anything I say means nothing. He rested a hand on my thigh and squeezed. Do it.

  “I know she’s pretty, Zack,” I raised my voice slightly. “But you think you can stop staring for just a few minutes?”

  Zack glanced at me. “What do you mean?”

  “First you dance with Gina, then you stare at the new girl.” My voice grew louder. “I’m not enough for you?”

  We had Maya and Trevor’s attention, the werewolves riveted.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Zack narrowed his eyes.

  “Zack, of all the things you could have done, dancing and flirting with Gina was the worst. And if you could take your eyes off Alura for just a minute, you’d see what a jerk you are! I mean, did you think I wouldn’t notice? Or did you think I’d be totally fine with it?”

  “Autumn, you’re paranoid. I’m not interested in either of them.” Zack slammed his cup down and caramel liquid sloshed over the rim.

  “Yeah.” I stood, reaching for my purse. “That’s what Daniel used to say. At least if you admitted you were staring, maybe I could get over it. But the fact that you’re denying it only makes me lose faith in everything else you say.”

  Zack rose too, grabbing my wrists. “Autumn, don’t do this. Sit down and we’ll talk about it.”

  “I can’t be with a guy I don’t trust.” I shook my head. “I’m not mad, Zack. I just think maybe this was a mistake and we’re better off as friends.” I switched to Trevor. “You’ll drive him home?”

  Trevor nodded, stunned into silence. Maya stared at me, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted.

  “I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow.” Spinning away, I bolted toward my car without looking back at Zack, my friends or the werewolves. I hit the clicker before I passed through the parking lot. When I reached for the door handle, Alura had moved in front of the door, blocking me from getting inside.

  “Autumn, I—”

  “You’re really pretty and he’s a guy. Can’t blame him, right?” I forced a smile, waiting for her to step aside so I could get in my car.

  “There’s nothing going on between us. I swear. I’m engaged and even if I wasn’t, Zack doesn’t interest me in that way. Besides, I could never crush on a guy who has a girlfriend.” She rested a hand on my arm, her eyes pleading.

  “That’s no longer an issue.” I sighed, shaking my head as tears burned the back of my throat. It felt like we’d broken up for real. “It doesn’t matter. I like him a lot, but things were easier when we were just friends. This isn’t your fault. Really.” As if the whole thing wasn’t traumatic enough, now I had to console the girl who’d broken us up.

  “Okay. But it’s a shame, that’s all,” she said. “He obviously cares about you.”

  “The real shame is starting something we shouldn’t have. I need to go.” I nodded pointedly toward my car door.

  “Oh, sorry.” She moved aside. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around.”

  “Yeah. ’Bye.” I flung the car door open, scrambled in and peeled out of the parking lot.

  When my car hugged the curb outside my house, my fingers still trembled on the steering wheel. As if in a trance, I let myself in through the front door, hung up my coat and keys, then sat on the couch and stared at the wall.

  Should I wait for him to call or should I just show up in his room?

  Are you okay? Zack asked me from wherever he was.

  Not really. You?

  Trevor and Maya are taking it hard. Trevor thinks you’re being hormonal. Says you’ll calm down if I give you some space. But Maya isn’t speaking to me anymore. Right this second, she’s demanding that Trevor spend the rest of the evening talking some sense into me.

  It didn’t slip my notice that he hadn’t answered my question. I’d asked about him, not Trevor or Maya. Wasn’t he freaked out at all? I hope they don’t start having problems because of us.

  Me too. I really don’t like lying to them this way.

  Was that all that bothered Zack? He wasn’t the one who had to do the dirty work and upset his friends by acting like a jealous psycho. It’s good practice for lying to your mom and Cara.

  Yeah, but we don’t have to deal with that tonight. Man, I’m not looking forward to tomorrow.

  What about tonight? Was he looking forward to me sneaking into his room or did he not care anymore? Me neither.

  It’ll be interesting to see what happens when all the guys at school realize you’re on the market again, Zack said. And when I say interesting, what I really mean is annoying. Are you coming over?

  I wanted to let him stew in it since the whole unpleasant thing had been his idea. But I couldn’t. I needed to see him. When do you want me? Seconds later, his answer still hadn’t come. Zack?

  My head swam with pain and a hint of nausea crept up my throat at how real our fake breakup felt. To distract myself, I darted upstairs to take a shower.

  It wasn’t just Zack that upset me, but Maya too. She’d interrogate me tomorrow and once the news spread through school, everyone would be whispering. Gina would gloat, of course.

  Sorry, Zack said, while I was scrubbing with suds in my hair. Maya was saying good-bye to Trevor, but she had to scold me first. We’re heading home now. Let me know when you’re on your way.

  I will. I closed my eyes and the warm water rolled over my face, rushing past the threatening tears.

  Breakups sucked.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next morning, I woke to Zack’s lips nuzzling my neck. My eyes fluttered open and I met his gaze with a sleepy smile.

  Today, everyone finds out about the breakup, he said. And then we’ll meet here tonight, right?

  My smile faded. It would be more than twelve hours from now before I could be alone with him again.

  Just remember it’s not real. Zack’s fingertips caressed my skin as he swept up a lock of my hair and gently moved it away from my face. We’ll be fine.

  The bed creaked as he rolled over on me, hooking a hand under my thigh. My greedy fingers hungrily sought his bare skin and raced up his back, pulling him closer. Our lips touched and he released a shaky breath, then he growled and rolled off me. You’d better go before we’re too weak to move.

  And that was a bad thing? Oh, right. Of course it was. I shook my head and the Zack-induced lust-trance began to fade. Not all the way though. Forcing myself out of his bed, I muttered a quick good-bye, morphed into a tabby cat and scurried out his window.

  † † †

  Once I found a parking spot at school, I dialed Maya’s number. After my fake spat with Zack at the café, she had to be dying for the scoop. Maybe even crazy-worried about me. I’d been too wrapped up reminding myself the fight wasn’t real that I’d completely neglected calling my best friend. I should’ve let her know I was okay. Some BFF I was.

  She picked up after one ring. “Hey, Autumn! Where’ve you been?”

  “Home. I needed to be alone. I’m sorry for not calling you.” The lie stung but I knew I had no choice. “Just got to school.”

  “We can talk in a minute. Zack’s about to pull in now.”

  Of course. Now that he wasn’t driving around with me in my Mustang, he had to repossess his Jeep that he’d let Trevor use. Maya and Trevor got to drive with Zack, but I couldn’t. A pang of sadness just about swallowed me whole. Only a few hours and I’d be with him again. I could do this. Zack, what did you tell Maya?

  I told her you were fine and she didn’t need to worry. That we talked on the phone last night and agreed to be friends.

  And she bought that? Just then, I spotted the old, red Jeep rounding a row of cars.

  She will when you confirm it. Zack turned away from his passengers to shoot
me a smile as he slid the Jeep between a car and the chain link fence.

  I gave him a half smile, feeling a little awkward and uncertain. How were people supposed to act as only friends after being so intimate just that morning?

  Maya strode ahead of Trevor and Zack and ushered me into the ladies’ room without giving me a chance to say a word to Zack. She ducked to check under the stalls for feet, before grasping my arms. “I called you a million times yesterday. What happened? How are you?”

  I dug into my purse for my cell and scanned the missed calls. The last four were from her last night. “Oh. I forgot my phone in the car, then stuck it in my purse this morning without looking at it.”

  “Seriously?” Maya gave my arms a gentle shake. “You broke up with Zack. I’ve been worried out of my mind.”

  “I’m sorry.” It seemed backwards to be apologizing to her when I was the one who’d just lost my boyfriend.

  “Thought you really liked him.” She exhaled noisily. “Why don’t you look upset?”

  “Numb, I guess.” I shrugged and checked my face in the mirror, even though I knew it didn’t need anything. “Him dancing with Gina was too much. Then Alura last night. I can’t do that again, be with a guy who isn’t totally into me. You know?”

  “Yeah, but he was totally into you.” Maya tilted her head. “I was so sure of it.”

  “Maybe things were getting too serious and he got scared. Whatever. I’m actually relieved.” I gave her a smile, which was a million times brighter than my mood. I really hated lying to my best friend.

  Maya rolled her eyes. “So long as he doesn’t start dating Gina, I’ll deal.”

  I shrugged. “He’s not my problem anymore. Let’s get to class,” I said before I gave in and spilled the whole scheme to Maya.

  † † †

  John snuck peeks at me during fourth period like he knew something was up, but when the bell rang, he said good-bye and rushed off to meet Janine for lunch. Thankfully, he wouldn’t be interrogating me about Zack.


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