Phantom Embrace

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Phantom Embrace Page 8

by Dianne Duvall

  “Yeah,” another male added with a laugh. “Save it for the new year!”

  Yuri broke the kiss and stared down at Cat. “I can’t wait that long!”

  Face flushed, she shook her head. “I can’t either!”

  Opening his coat, he looped an arm around her and tucked her up against his side. Curses and disgruntled shouts rose around them as he muscled his way through the crowd, but Yuri would let no one deter him from leaving.

  When they finally reached the edge of the massive horde, Yuri took Cat’s hand and began to jog past the men and women just arriving.

  Cat’s laughter reached his ears, lightening his spirit until a huge grin split his lips. He felt so happy. And young. And carefree.

  It seemed to take forever to reach a street with no pedestrians.

  Stopping, he released Cat’s hand, bent, and lifted her into his arms. “Hold on tight,” he told her.

  She smiled. “I will.”

  * * *

  Cat’s breath caught as the tall buildings around them blurred and Yuri carried them through the streets of New York at preternatural speeds.

  She couldn’t believe she had done it. That she was here in his arms. That she could feel him against her. His shoulder beneath her cheek. His muscled chest against her breasts.

  She laughed again at the pure joy of it and heard a responding rumble in his chest.

  As the noise faded, she buried her face in his neck, drew in his scent, reveled in the feel of his warm skin.


  Her Yuri.

  Yuri stopped in an alleyway, tall structures on either side of them. The building he turned her to face was old and worn and boasted a single, nondescript door that rested at the top of three steps.

  Yuri climbed the steps and, balancing her with one arm, dug some keys out of his pocket.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “My home. Sort of. The network owns this apartment building,” he told her as he unlocked the door and opened it. Stepping inside a stairwell, he closed the door behind him and locked it.

  He dropped the keys back in his pocket. “Humans live on the lower floors,” he murmured, reclaiming his hold on her with both arms. “All of them are single, early-to-bed-early-to-rise professionals who are dead to the world during most of the nighttime hours. The top two floors have been soundproofed and provide apartments for Immortal Guardians. Stanislav, me, and six others. Our Seconds have adjacent apartments. This is our private entrance,” he said, nodding to the door through which they had just passed, “so none of the other residents in the building will see the damp patches on our clothes or blood smears on our skin and panic.”

  The stairwell blurred and cool wind whipped Cat’s hair as he raced up she-didn’t-know-how-many flights of stairs and stopped before another door. Opening it, he stepped into a hallway that reminded her a little of Sublevel 5 at network headquarters. Just beyond the door lay a desk, behind which half a dozen men sat. Instead of wearing black fatigues, however, they wore suits.

  All still bore automatic weapons, though.

  One of the men rose. “Evening, sir.”

  Yuri nodded at them and strode past.

  Cat felt the curious gazes cast her way. But none questioned him.

  Yuri jogged up another set of stairs and, at last, stopped before what she assumed was his apartment. Lowering her to her feet, he opened the unlocked door. Then he took her hand and led her inside.

  He flicked on a light.

  Cat got a quick impression of a large open space with modern furnishings before he closed the door and turned a lock on it.

  She stared up at him, pulse racing.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” he whispered. Drawing her into his arms, he hugged her close and buried his face in her hair. “I can’t believe you did it. That it worked.”

  Cat burrowed into him, so happy to finally feel his big, hard body against hers, to have his arms tighten around her instead of passing right through her.

  “I know I said the tingling your touch inspires is pleasant,” he murmured, pressing his lips to her ear, “but this is soooo much better.”

  Cat laughed, tears rising, and nodded against his chest.

  “Let me get this coat off.”

  Stepping back, she surreptitiously wiped her eyes while he shrugged off his coat, then tugged the sweater beneath it over his head, revealing a plain black T-shirt bereft of bloodstains.

  Once more, he cupped her face in his hands, smoothed his thumbs over her cheeks.

  Cat reached up and curled her fingers around his wrists, needing to touch him again. “I don’t know how much time we have,” she whispered. “If you should awaken for any reason . . .”

  A slow smile curled his lips. “I’m a sound sleeper. But just in case . . .”

  He lowered his head and claimed her lips in a long, slow kiss that made her pulse race. Sliding a muscled arm around her waist, he drew her up against him. Without the coat as a buffer, she could feel how hard he already was for her.

  Her heart began to pound with excitement . . . and with a hint of nerves.

  “What’s wrong?” Yuri murmured against her lips, resting his hands on her hips and slowly walking her backward, farther into the apartment.

  How had he known?

  “Is your heart pounding because you want me?” he asked, his glowing amber eyes peering into hers, “or because you’re nervous?”

  “Both?” she responded with some despair. She wanted to be bold and passionate like Sarah and Krysta and the other immortal women she’d accidentally caught making love with their husbands. But . . . “I’ve only ever been with Blaise,” she admitted.

  “Your husband?”

  “Yes. And it wasn’t . . . It didn’t . . .” make her throw back her head and moan in ecstasy.

  Yuri arched a brow. “It didn’t knock your socks off?”

  She laughed. “Yes. It wasn’t like what we heard in the romance audiobooks.” How those had made her flush!

  “Don’t worry,” he said and pressed a light kiss to her lips, “I won’t do anything you won’t like.” He kissed her again. “And will do many things you’ll like,” he purred.

  Cat’s nervousness dissipated as she smiled up at him.

  “That’s what I want to see,” he said. “Now put your arms around me.”

  When he leaned down, she slid her arms around his neck.

  He straightened, taking her with him and lifting her feet off the floor. Fisting his free hand in her long skirt, he drew it up to her knees. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Cat did as bidden, heat climbing her cheeks.

  The glow in his eyes brightened as he released her skirts and slid a hand over her bottom.

  The heart of her rested against his erection, still separated by their clothing. His eyes never leaving hers, he strolled down a hallway and into a smaller, darker room illuminated only by the light that spilled into it from the living room. Every step created delicious friction. Sparks of what Cat came to understand was desire shot through her with every brush of him against her core.

  When he halted, she didn’t want the wonderful feeling to end and arched against him.

  He hissed in a breath. “You aren’t going to let me do this slowly, are you?”

  She rubbed against him again. “Not if everything you’re going to do will make me feel like this.”

  He shook his head and released his hold on her, moaning when she slid her legs down his body and leaned against him. “This is just the beginning.”

  Stepping back, he kicked off his big boots and tugged his shirt over his head.

  Cat visually devoured the muscles he exposed.

  A belt circled his hips, equipped with several sheaths that held blades of various sizes. He unbuckled the belt and set it on a dresser behind him. “In all of the times you came to my room,” he said, his hands going to the button on his pants, “did you ever peek at me while I was in the shower?”

e shook her head, her gaze fastening on his hands.

  “Did you want to?”

  She nodded as he unbuttoned the button and drew down the zipper.

  “Shall I turn the lights on then, or leave it dark?”

  “Lights on,” was all she could squeeze out.

  Taking two steps backward, he reached over and flipped a switch.

  Light flooded the room.

  Then he tucked his thumbs in the waistband and drew his pants and boxers down.

  Cat’s heart began to thud even harder. She had never really seen a naked man before. Had only caught glimpses ...

  He kicked the pants aside and let her have a nice long look.

  “You’re beautiful,” she murmured. All muscle and sinew and strength, his arousal jutting toward her.

  He approached her with panther-like grace. “Now it’s my turn.”

  His fingers went to the buttons that ran down the front of her blouse.

  “I wanted to dress like the women of this time,” she admitted as he eased the first button free and moved on to the next. Another mystery in this existence: All she had to do was imagine clothing and it would appear on her form. “A short skirt. A low-cut blouse.” Something that would set him aflame. “But it felt like I was wearing a costume.”

  He shook his head and moved on to the third and fourth buttons, his long fingers surprisingly deft. “I wasn’t born in this century, Cat. I was born long before you were, as you know. And this”—he gave the material a little tug—“is what I enjoy seeing you wear. I don’t need your breasts shoved up to your chin in one of those push-up bra things and spilling out of your blouse. I don’t need a skirt so short it leaves nothing—and I mean nothing—to the imagination when you sit down or bend over. I like using my imagination. I like getting just a hint of cleavage that makes me long to see what is hidden beneath all this material. I like guessing what your lovely curves look like unclothed.” He drew the end of her blouse up and out of her skirt. “I like knowing,” he continued as he reached the last button at her waist and parted the soft cloth, revealing the nearly transparent chemise beneath, “that I’m the only man who can see you like this. The only man you’ll allow to see you like this.”

  She let him draw the shirt down her arms, heard it hit the floor with the faintest sound.

  He reached behind her, unfastened her skirt, and let it fall to the floor at her feet.

  Beneath she wore the bloomers that had been popular in her time, nearly transparent like the chemise.

  He rested his hands on her hips, tightening his hold as he examined her. The amber glow in his eyes intensified. “I love old-fashioned underwear,” he hissed.

  She bit her lip. “You don’t prefer the tiny panties and bras women today wear?”

  He shook his head. “If you knew how many times, as a boy, I tried to catch a glimpse of underwear like this beneath frothy skirts, you’d know that this is what turns me on.”

  She smiled, imagining it.

  Then he slid his hands up her sides and drew his thumbs over the hard peaks of her breasts.

  Cat sucked in a breath as sensation shot through her. Surprised, she looked up at him.

  A sensual smile curled his lips. “I told you you’d like it.”

  Cupping one breast in his palm, he leaned down and closed his lips over the other, his tongue rasping over the sensitive peak and dampening the thin material of her chemise.

  Cat moaned and buried her fingers in his hair. His soft, thick hair that she could touch at last. Every pull of his mouth, every flick of his tongue, made liquid heat pool low in her belly. Made her want to writhe against him. She gave his hair a little pull. “Take it off.”

  He raised his head. “What?”

  She reached for the hem of her chemise. “Take it off. Now that I can finally feel you, I don’t want anything between us.”

  He smiled, a low growl rumbling in his throat. Releasing her breast, he gripped the delicate material. One tug and it tore down the back. He dipped his long fingers in the front of her bloomers and tugged again. Wispy material floated down to the floor, leaving her bare to his gaze.

  “I love your strength,” she declared.

  Grinning, he picked her up and tossed her backward.

  Cat shrieked as she flew through the air, then landed on the soft cushion of an enormous bed she hadn’t even realized rested behind her.

  * * *

  Yuri dove after Cat and drew her beautiful body up against his, settling them on their sides. “You feel so good,” he groaned. “I still can’t believe I’m touching you.” He slid a hand down over her hip, hooked his fingers behind her knee, and drew her leg up over his hip, opening her to him. Rolling his hips, he slid his erection along her slick center. She was already wet for him.

  Cat moaned. “I can,” she said on a gasp, “because I’ve never felt like this before.”

  He palmed one of her breasts and pinched the tip as he continued to tease her with his cock.

  She moaned again. “I didn’t even know I could feel like this.”

  Yuri rolled her to her back and took her lips in a deep, devouring kiss. His tongue plunged inside to dance with hers.

  Cat caught on quickly, giving as good as she got, ratcheting up his desire until he shook with the need to be inside her. Just the feel of her arms sliding around him and urging him closer . . . Imagining those small hands of hers sliding down and gripping his ass to urge him on as he plunged inside . . .

  Yuri abandoned her breast and slid a hand down her soft, flat belly, buried his fingers in the dark thatch of curls at the juncture of her thighs.

  She jerked and gasped when he touched her clit. He continued to stroke the sensitive nub and to apply rhythmic pressure with the heel of his hand as he slid his fingers lower still. She was so ready for him.

  The hands at his back urged him closer as she squirmed against him.

  Yuri dipped a long finger inside her sheath. So tight he could almost come just from imagining those warm walls squeezing him. Another long finger followed. She arched against him as he began to pump them inside her. He buried his face in her neck, listening to her gasps of pleasure as he drove that pleasure higher and higher until her tight flesh clamped down and spasmed around his fingers as a first climax struck her.

  Cat cried out, stiffening and arching against him, her heart pounding beneath his chest. After a long moment, she collapsed against the covers, her breath coming quick. “What was that?” she asked, peering up at him as Yuri rose above her.

  “Only the beginning,” he said, settling himself between her thighs. He dipped his head and stole another kiss. “I wanted to taste you first, but—”

  “You are tasting me,” she said and kissed him back.

  “Not like . . .” He trailed off, realizing that she had no idea that he meant he wanted to taste her everywhere his fingers had just stroked her. “Never mind,” he promised with a kiss. “I’ll show you next time. Now I just need to be inside you.”

  She nodded and locked her gaze with his as he positioned his cock at her entrance and slowly pressed forward. Her lips parted as she drew in a breath.

  She was so tight, squeezing him with such delicious pressure.

  “Okay?” he asked. Since she could clearly experience pleasure here in the dream realm, he assumed she could also feel pain and wanted to ensure he didn’t cause her any.

  She nodded. “You’re so big.”

  Though he clung to control by his fingertips, he laughed. “You’re so small.”

  She smiled. “But it feels good.” Wrapping her arms around him, she urged him closer. “It feels very good. I like having you inside me, Yuri.”

  And that did it.

  Those words and his name on her lips obliterated his control. Nearly withdrawing completely, Yuri plunged inside again. And again and again. Harder and faster. His lips finding hers. His hands exploring her curves with urgent caresses he hoped wouldn’t leave marks. But he just needed her so damne
d much. Needed this.

  Passionate sounds erupted from her lips as she threw her head back and arched against him, meeting every thrust with eagerness. Her hands slid down and gripped his ass, urging him on as he had imagined so often.

  Yuri slipped a hand between them and teased her clit.

  Cat called his name, her damp walls clamping down around him in a second orgasm, squeezing him even tighter.

  So fucking good. Yuri stiffened above her as a climax ripped through him, so intense it almost felt like it was his first damned time.

  Collapsing atop her, he tunneled his arms beneath her to hug her tight. The bulk of his weight propped on his elbows, he buried his face in her neck and just savored her as his racing pulse slowed.

  His heart gradually ceased slamming against his ribs and settled upon a more sedate beat.

  Cat wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.

  He heard a sniff and started to rise, fearing he had hurt her and made her cry.

  She wouldn’t let him.

  Rolling to his side, he let her burrow into him.

  “I love you, Yuri,” she whispered.

  He eased back until he could see her face.

  No pain. Just the love she had spoken. And the same joy he felt over what they had shared.

  His own eyes burned as he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “I love you, Catherine.”

  And if this was the only way they could be together—the only way they could touch—it would be enough for him.

  Chapter Six

  Cat watched Yuri sleep in his bedroom in David’s home. She wasn’t sure what had yanked her out of his dreams, but his sleep was now too shallow for her to rejoin him.

  And, truth be told, dreamwalking had left her weary.

  Even that she welcomed, though. It felt so normal. So like the living.

  Yuri stirred, rolling over onto his back, his large form sprawled beneath covers that had fallen to his waist.

  Her pulse picked up as she recalled the feel of those large hands on her body. And the remarkable change she had undergone beneath his passionate explorations. She had become like Sarah. She had thrown her head back and moaned and done things to Yuri with her own hands that made her cheeks burn when she remembered them.


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