Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4

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Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4 Page 1

by Evangeline Anderson

  Brides of the Kindred Volume One

  Books 1-4

  Evangeline Anderson

  Brides of the Kindred Volume One, 4th Edition,

  Contains the first four books in the Brides of the Kindred series: Claimed, Hunted, Sought and Found

  Copyright © 2011 by Evangeline Anderson

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Art Design © 2018 by Reese Dante

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writers’ imagination or have been used factiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  Cover content is for illustrative purposes only.

  Any person depicted on the cover is a model.


  Author’s Note


  The Brides of the Kindred


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Brides of the Kindred Glossary


  Author’s Warning


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Brides of the Kindred Glossary


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43


  Brides of the Kindred Glossary


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Brides of the Kindred Glossary

  Leave a Review


  Chapter 1

  Lock and Key

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Give a Hot Kindred Warrior to a Friend!

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  Also by Evangeline Anderson

  About the Author

  Author’s Note

  Dear Reader,

  thank you so much for buying this compendium.

  Readers have been asking if I would put a number of the Kindred books all in one volume and though it would be too enormous to carry around as a print book, ebooks make all things possible.

  I hope you enjoy the first four books in the Brides of the Kindred Series. When I first started this series, I thought these four would be the only books in the Kindred library. My muse has since proved me wrong. The main Brides of the Kindred series is 24 books strong with more coming and the side series, Kindred Tales, has over 20 books as well. I love the Kindred universe and I hope you will as well. As long as my muse keeps coming up with new and interesting ideas, I will continue to write in it and I hope you will continue to read. The entire series is listed in order below in my Also By section.

  Hugs and Happy Reading!

  Evangeline, January 2020


  Brides of the Kindred, Book 1

  Brides of the Kindred—

  * * *

  A race of Genetic Traders from beyond the stars.

  Three very different types of Alpha males all focused on one thing…claiming their brides

  * * *

  In all their years of travel the Kindred have come across only three worlds with species close enough to their own to initiate a trade.

  Earth is the fourth.

  Olivia Waterhouse is a
bout to be Claimed.

  Olivia Waterhouse has just graduated from nursing school and has her whole life ahead of her—until she gets drafted. Problem is, she isn’t being forced into the Army, she’s been chosen as a Kindred bride.

  The Kindred are huge alien warriors—a race of genetic traders whose population is ninety-five percent male. After saving Earth from the threat of invasion they demand a reward—the right to find brides among the population. The chances of being chosen are about the same as those of winning the lottery—guess it’s just Liv’s lucky day.

  Baird is a Beast Kindred who recently escaped imprisonment and torture at the hands of the malevolent Scourge. Through the torment and pain only one thing kept him sane—the thought of finding and claiming his bride—Olivia. His need to possess her is a burning intensity that threatens to consume them both.

  Angry at having her future and her family taken away from her, Liv vows to fight back the only way she can—by resisting. She has one month on the Kindred Mothership with Baird—their claiming period. If she can keep from having bonding sex with him during that time, she can go home and get on with her life on Earth.

  But Baird isn’t going to make it easy for her. Every week he is allowed to touch Liv more and more intimately and according to the contract she signed, she has to let him. She’s determined to resist him but his touch sets her on fire. And just as she thinks she knows what she wants, a twist of fate and an attack by the faceless Scourge AllFather changes everything…

  The Brides of the Kindred

  Dear Reader,

  one of the great pleasures of writing science fiction is the opportunity to start from scratch and make up new worlds and the people that inhabit them. In Claimed, the first book of the the Brides of the Kindred series, I am introducing a race of genetic traders who have traveled the universe for centuries looking for viable matches to expand their gene pool. Since a genetic anomaly ensures that their population is ninety-five percent male, they are specifically looking for women.

  A race of Genetic Traders from beyond the stars

  Three very different types of men

  All looking for one thing…their brides

  The three genetic trades the Kindred have already made have resulted in three very specific types of men. But though they take on some of the physical characteristics of the race they are trading with, the Kindred gene always ensures three things: physical prowess, extremely large and muscular body structure, and undying loyalty to the female of their choice.

  Beast Kindred come from Rageron—a jungle planet full of beautiful but deadly flora and fauna. They have dark hair, golden eyes, and hot tempers but their most defining characteristic is the mating fist. The mating fist is an area at the base of the Beast Kindred’s shaft which engages fully only during bonding sex with his chosen mate. This ensures sex that is both tantric and multiorgasmic for both partners.

  Blood Kindred are blond with pale blue eyes and come from Tranq Prime where ice, snow, and arctic-like temperatures are the norm. To combat the severe weather conditions, the Blood Kindred have higher than normal body heat with double the human amount of red blood cells. They have developed specific biting rituals to share their supercharged blood and take the blood of their mates during their own version of bonding sex. They have a set of double fangs located where a human’s canine teeth would be. These fangs do not develop fully or become sharp enough to pierce flesh until a Blood Kindred is with a woman he wishes to mate and bond with.

  Twin Kindred come from Twin Moons—a world of vast, stormy oceans dotted with craggy but beautiful islands. True to their namesake, Twin Kindred always come in pairs. The brothers are not identical, however. There is always a light twin and a dark twin. These labels refer not just to skin, hair, and eye coloring but to the twin’s moods and perceptions of the world. The dark twin in the pair is usually more moody and withdrawn while the light twin takes a substantially brighter view of life. The twins are psychicly linked and able to hear and sense each other’s thoughts and emotions. They cannot be separated by long distances or for long periods of time without severe pain. They must also share a woman, linking her into their mental and emotional exchange for very intense ménage sex.

  In all their years of travel the Kindred have come across only three worlds with species close enough to their own to initiate a trade.

  Earth is the fourth.

  After saving the Earth from the ravaging attack of the Scourge (actually a genetic trade gone wrong, a fact which most of the Kindred are unaware of) the Kindred warriors demand compensation from the governments of Earth—the right to call brides from among our world’s population. Having no choice (the Scourge are still out there) Earth agrees. A type of draft is set up and every unmarried woman between the ages of nineteen and thirty-five is required to register. The chances of winning this “bed-an-alien” contest are about the same as winning the lottery—very rare—but it does happen on a regular basis. Before calling his bride, a Kindred warrior will become aligned with her and they will dream-share—or see each other’s memories and daily activities in dreams regularly.

  Women who are drafted are required to go up to the Kindred Mothership and spend a thirty day “claiming period” with the warrior who has chosen them. If, at the end of that time, they have managed to resist the charms of their Kindred mate, they are allowed to go back down to Earth and resume their normal life. However, if they succumb to their Kindred male’s seduction, they are mated for life and must move to the Kindred ship to live, leaving everything else behind and seeing their family and friends on Earth only infrequently. And the Kindred have a secret weapon—devotion to their female’s pleasure and attention to detail during incredibly hot sex.

  The Rules of the Claiming Period

  The Claiming Period lasts for four weeks:

  The Holding Week: the Kindred warrior may hold his bride only

  The Bathing Week: the warrior and his bride bathe together and he is allowed to massage her with scented oils.

  The Tasting Week: the warrior is allowed to perform oral sex on his bride.

  The Bonding Week: sex is allowed but it is completely up to the bride whether she will take things a step further and allow bonding sex which is a special and specific process to the three different types of Kindred males.

  The only way out before the claiming period is up is a breach of contract. This can happen if the Kindred warrior does not strictly follow the rules and tries to skip forward in the order of allowed events or by breaking one of the rules laid down by the Kindred High Council. These rules—mostly to do with restrictions on communication with Earth—are for the safety of everyone aboard the Mothership and are nonnegotiable.


  Dusk was falling on Idlewild Avenue. Rows of identical townhouses, lit softly from within, lined the street which was overshadowed by huge old oak trees. A light evening shower had just passed and now the atmosphere was heavy with moisture. Tendrils of steam rose from the asphalt and the sweet scent of honeysuckle filled the air.

  In number eleven at the end of the row a slender female figure moved in front of a large picture window—one of the selling points of the otherwise unremarkable houses. She was walking back and forth, placing objects on a table, or perhaps taking them away—maybe cleaning up after dinner. She moved with ease and grace as she did the mundane chore, completely unaware that she was being watched.

  Across the road from the lighted window and the slender figure, two pairs of eyes looked on avidly as she moved. One set of eyes was a pale, piercing blue that was almost white and the other set was a warm amber-gold that wouldn’t have looked out of place in the face of a tiger.


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