Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4

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Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4 Page 84

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Sylvan,” she whispered, pressing forward, wanting to give him more. “God, that feels so good.” Sparks were flying from her breasts to her pussy, making her hot, making her want him. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter, more and more ready…

  Then Sylvan pulled back and looked up at her. “You’re feeling better then?” His breathing was ragged but his eyes were determined.

  Damn! Sophie’s heart sank. He’s only going to do what he has to in order to make me feel better. He’s not going to go any further unless I push him. Well then, she would just have to push.

  “My nipples do feel better,” she admitted breathlessly.

  “Good.” He started to sit back but she touched him lightly on the arm to stop him.

  “But…but Sylvan. Where it really hurts is…you know.” She nodded at the juncture of her thighs and saw with a kind of pleasurable embarrassment that her tharp had ridden up, exposing her pussy again. “I mean, you don’t have to…to do what you did for my breasts,” she added hastily. “But if you could just examine me and make sure everything is all right…”

  Sylvan put a hand over his eyes for a moment and made an agonized sound deep in his throat. “Sophia, forgive me but what you’re asking…it may be difficult for me to be professional.”

  “That’s all right.” She stroked his arm gently. “You know I won’t be offended if you…you know, lose control a little.”

  “But that’s exactly what I can’t afford to do.” He looked at her, his eyes half-wild with need. “I have to be careful with you, Sophia. So careful…”

  “You won’t hurt me,” she assured him again. “I trust you, Sylvan.”

  “You trust me too much. More than I trust myself,” he said grimly. “Very well, let’s take a look and make certain you’re all right. Lean back and spread your legs for me.”

  God, if only he was asking me that for a different reason. Sophie shivered involuntarily but did as he asked. Her tharp parted obligingly, leaving her completely naked and open to him. She bit back a gasp at the sudden feeling of intense vulnerability. Part of her wanted to close her legs and cover up at once but Sophie squashed that instinct immediately. She couldn’t give Sylvan any reason to doubt that she trusted him. So instead of shutting her thighs, she opened them wider as he leaned forward.

  “All right now.” Sylvan’s voice was dry—obviously he was trying desperately to remain impersonal. “Let me check your sensitivity first. Does this hurt?” Lightly he ran a fingertip over her outer pussy lips, making Sophie squeak and jump slightly.

  “Uh, no,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “It…it mainly hurts on the…on the inside.”

  “Very well.” He looked up at her briefly. “I’m going to spread you open, Sophia. Are you ready?”

  It reminded her so much of the first time he’d marked her—tasted her—that her breath caught in her throat and a shiver of anticipation coursed through her body. “Yes,” she whispered at last. “Yes, Sylvan you can open me. I want you to.”

  “And I want to, much more than I should,” he murmured, his voice hoarse with need.

  He stroked her outer mound once more and then she felt the broad pads of his thumbs opening her, parting her pussy lips to bare her inner folds for his inspection. “Well?” she murmured after a long moment of silence. “Do…do I look okay?”

  “You’re certainly very wet.” His deep voice sounded strangled. “And I can tell you’re a little swollen too. Mostly…mostly around your clitoris. Here…” Licking his lips, he pressed a gentle kiss to her throbbing clit.

  Sophie jumped and moaned softly as he prolonged the kiss, parting his lips to lave her little bud with the tip of his tongue. She squeezed her hands into fists at the intense sensation. She was so much more sensitive now that even such a gentle touch made her feel like she’d been struck by some kind of sexual lightning. It felt so good but she needed more…so much more.

  At last Sylvan pulled back, licking his lips. “Gods, your honey is so sweet.” His voice was a low growl of lust. He looked up at her. “Did that help or does it still hurt?”

  Sophie bit her lip. “It helped some but to be honest, I’m still in a lot of pain. Could you…do you think you could…”

  “Ease your pain?” His eyes were burning red and half-lidded with desire but his voice still had that stubborn ring to it, as though he was determined not to go too far.

  “Yes, please,” Sophie whispered. “If…if you don’t mind.”

  His eyes softened. “You know I don’t, Talana. Tasting your pussy is a great pleasure to me. Even if I’m only doing it to make you feel better.” He frowned. “But we’ll have to be careful. Your increased sensitivity will make it easier for you to come and I don’t…don’t think that would be a good idea right now.”

  Because he doesn’t think he could stop himself from biting me, Sophie thought with a little shiver. Fear and anticipation were warring inside her, creating an emotional mixture more potent than anything she’d ever felt. God, how she wanted him. But she didn’t need his fangs in her thigh—she needed them in her neck, piercing her at the same time as he filled her with his cock. Unfortunately, she still had no idea how she was going to manage that but she would take what she could get for now.

  “All right,” she said, nodding. “I…I’ll try not to come.”

  “And I’ll try not to make you come,” he said seriously. “I’m just going to press my tongue against you and let you rub against me. That way you can control exactly how much pleasure you receive.”

  It was an intriguing and embarrassing notion. “So…I’ll be in charge?” She raised an eyebrow at him and he nodded.

  “Exactly.” He pressed a soft kiss to the inside of her thigh and looked up at her. “I’ll be at your service. Are you ready?”

  Sophie nodded hesitantly. “I…I guess.”

  “Then spread your legs wider for me, Sophia. Open yourself and let me in.”

  Despite what he’d said about her being in charge there was a note of command in his deep voice that she found it impossible to disobey. Spreading her thighs wide, she leaned back against the leather couch and opened herself completely for him.

  True to his word, Sylvan didn’t try to kiss her or tease her with his tongue. He didn’t even lap up the excess honey which had collected on her inner thighs. Instead he simply pressed the flat of his tongue against her, covering the entire length of her open pussy.

  Sophie gasped at the sensation of enveloping heat. Even though he wasn’t moving it, his tongue seemed to be everywhere at once. It felt amazing—hot and wet and perfect—but she wanted more. And she could have more, couldn’t she? After all, hadn’t he told her that she was in charge?

  Tentatively, she moved against him. Sylvan gave a soft growl and tightened his grip on her thighs. Sophie froze. Shouldn’t I have done that? Is he upset now? She dared to look down at him but when his eyes met hers, he nodded very slightly. Go on, it’s all right, he seemed to be saying. So his growl must have been one of lust—apparently he was as affected by what they were doing as she was.

  Encouraged by his wordless approval, she did it again. And then again and again until she was rubbing against his tongue shamelessly, working herself against him as her pleasure built and built until she felt like she was going to explode. “God, Sylvan…Sylvan,” she gasped, burying both hands in his hair and pulling him closer. The delicious feeling of his hot tongue against her sensitive pussy was amazing—intoxicating and she was close…so close… But just as she was about to jump over the edge, he pulled back.

  “That’s enough.” He was panting, his mouth shiny with her juices.

  “Why?” Sophie was ready to cry with frustration. How could she ever seduce him when he was so damned determined not to let himself be seduced?

  “Because.” He licked his lips with obvious pleasure but then looked at her sternly. “You were close, weren’t you?”

  “Well…yes,” she admitted. “But…but how coul
d you tell?”

  “I could feel your body tensing. And your pussy started making even more honey, my numala.”

  Sophie felt her cheeks getting hot but a sudden thought occurred to her. “You told me back at the cabin that it was a good thing to be a, uh, numala. That men, er, males who had one for a mate were envied. Why is that?”

  Sylvan sat back beside her on the couch, looking uncomfortable. “We lack the hormones that the Beast Kindred have, which allow their mates to accommodate their shafts. So a female who makes a lot of cunt honey will have an easier time accepting a Blood Kindred’s cock deep in her pussy.”

  “Oh.” Sophie felt like her cheeks must be on fire by this point. “I…I didn’t know.”

  “It’s the same reason we make so much precum,” he went on dryly, as though lecturing her on the subject would take his mind off what they had just been doing. “For lubrication—to ease the way.”

  “Well you are kind of large, uh, down there,” Sophie said, scarcely able to meet his eyes. “In fact…” Wait a minute. A thought tickled the back of her brain…a way to make him go even further.

  “Yes?” Sylvan spoke politely, though it was obvious he was as on edge as she was.

  “You…what you just said gave me an idea,” Sophie said candidly. “I know you don’t think you should, you know, taste me any more because I might accidentally come. But I’m still hurting and sensitive so I was wondering…”

  “Yes?” he said again.

  “Well…you said that the healing compound was in all your, uh, fluids, right?”

  He nodded.

  “But it’s strongest in your essence and in your…your, uh, seed?”

  He nodded again. “But I’m not going to come in you, Sophia.” His voice was a low, dangerous growl. “That would be much, much too risky. I couldn’t possible hold myself back.”

  I don’t want you to hold back! The words were on the tip of her tongue but she swallowed them back down. “You don’t have to,” she said instead. “I was thinking that you could just, you know, rub yourself against me. That way enough of your, uh, precum would get on me and make me feel better until I can take the antidote.”

  “You are still going to take it?” He searched her eyes earnestly. “It’s very important, you know. I can tell by your increased sensitivity and the deep color of your nipples and pussy that the fever is progressing rapidly in you. You need to be cured.”

  “Of course.” Sophie nodded. “Of course I want to be cured.” Just not the way you think! “But right now it still hurts…hurts a lot. Please, Sylvan…please?”

  He ran a hand through his hair in obvious agitation. “So you want me to rub the head of my shaft against your open pussy without entering you? Without filling you completely with my cock?”

  Sophie bit her lip. “I…I guess so. Do you…am I asking too much?”

  “Only the impossible.” He laughed ruefully and then gave her a serious look. “Gods, this isn’t going to be easy but I can deny you nothing, Talana. Sometimes I wish I could.”

  “It’ll be okay,” Sophie reassured him softly. “We won’t go too far.” She was already unbuttoning the pale blue shirt he wore to bare his broad, muscular chest. Hopefully he would take care of his pants himself. She might be in seductress mode but it would be really embarrassing if she had to go fishing around in his black flight pants and pull out his cock herself.

  Thankfully, Sylvan got the hint and unfastened his pants. Immediately his cock sprang free, the broad, plum shaped head already shiny with precum.

  Sophie bit her lip at the sight of it. Somehow she’d managed to forget exactly how very large it was, and how thick. Will I really be able to take all that inside me? Even though she was, as he said, a numala, could the extra lubrication her body made really enable her to take something so big in her inexperienced pussy? Well, I’m going to find out, she decided firmly. If she could get over her fear of his fangs, there was no way in hell she was going to let a fear of his size keep her from consummating this relationship. And besides, she wanted him inside her, wanted to feel that thick shaft filling her completely while Sylvan held her and called her Talana. She wanted to be his Talana—his mate—in fact as well as in name.

  Here goes, she told herself as Sylvan motioned for her to straddle him. Just try to take it slowly or he’ll suspect and this will all be over before you can get anywhere.

  She got herself settled with one knee on either side of his thighs, feeling her pussy part wide in the new position. It made her feel hot and vulnerable at the same time, being naked in his lap and spread out in such a shameless fashion. She was pretty certain that the old Sophie would never have done anything this blatant but she was the new Sophie now. She’d made a vow to herself aboard the Scourge ship—a vow to not waste another minute of her life—and she wasn’t about to go back on it just because the position she found herself in felt embarrassing and naughty.

  “Is this good?” she asked, when she was settled comfortably. The head of his cock wasn’t quite touching her open folds but she hadn’t lowered herself all the way down yet.

  “Very good,” Sylvan growled softly. “All right.” He put his hands on her hips and nodded down to where his shaft was jutting up between them. “I’m going to let you take the lead. Just take me in your hand and rub me against you.”

  “L-like this?” Hardly able to believe she was doing it, Sophie wrapped her fingers around this thick, hot shaft and brought the broad, slick head to her slippery folds. She liked the feel of him in her hand—it was like holding a heated bar of iron covered in velvet. Even better, though, was the delicious friction of his flesh rubbing against hers. His precum felt warm and soothing against her swollen clit and the intimate contact made her toes curl with pleasure.

  “Yes, exactly like that.” His deep voice was strained and she could feel his fingers gripping her hips tighter and tighter. Clearly this was a real test of his self control—a test Sophie was determined to make him fail.

  “Thank you, Sylvan,” she murmured. “I’m feeling better already and I think it’s helping with swelling and sensitivity. See?” Reaching between her legs with her other hand, she parted her pussy lips with her middle and index finger. The new position gave him an excellent view of the head of his cock sliding over her swollen clit and slippery inner folds.

  Sylvan groaned at the erotic sight. “Gods,” he said hoarsely. “Be careful, Sophia.”

  “I’ve done this before, remember?” she reminded him breathlessly. When you were…were marking me for the second time in the cabin.”

  “Yes, but then you were just rubbing yourself up and down my shaft,” he rumbled. “This time you’re rubbing the head of my cock against your open pussy. And since we’re both extremely wet, it would be very easy for me to slip into you.”

  “You mean like this?” Deciding to take a chance, Sophie slid the broad head down the length of her slit until it lodged in the entrance to her pussy. At first she wasn’t sure he would fit but when she allowed herself to relax and spread her thighs a little wider, the spongy tip slid completely inside her channel, followed by at least two inches of his thick cock.

  “Sophia, what are you doing?” Sylvan’s deep voice was a soft, warning growl but at least he made no move to pull out of her. In fact, he held himself completely immobile inside her, as though he didn’t dare to move an inch.

  “I just wanted to feel you in me—just a little bit,” she whispered, biting her lip. Had she gone too far? The look on his face and the tension in his big body made her wonder for a moment. But she needed to go this far and farther if she was going to have Sylvan in her life permanently. “Please, Sylvan, don’t be mad,” she murmured, daring to cup his cheek. “It just felt so good on the outside and, well, I hurt on the inside too.”

  His gaze, which had been almost scary in its intensity, softened at once. “I didn’t know you had pain on the inside as well.”

  “I do,” Sophie told him, lying only a little. To be hon
est it was more like intense sensitivity than pain, but it was true that having him inside her, leaking precum in her unprotected pussy was making her feel better. She was even getting used to the thickness of his shaft—although she knew it was much thicker toward the base. “Sylvan,” she murmured, wiggling her hips just a little bit. “Do…do you think you could put it all the way in me? Just once?”

  “To ease your pain?” he asked sternly. “Or do you have some other motive, Sophia?”

  “Both.” She looked him boldly in the eye. “I’m curious. I want to know what it feels like to have you all the way inside me.”

  “You’re taking a risk, you know.” But he was already moving, sliding the two inches she’d managed to capture along with the head of his cock out of her and then back in.

  “How…how do you mean?” Sophie moaned as he pressed even deeper into her.

  “My blood is burning.” His blood red eyes flashed, emphasizing the truth of his statement. “And filling you with my cock makes me want to do more than just fuck you—it makes me want to bite you. To bond you to me. And if I do that—if I sink my fangs in you and inject my essence while I fill you with my cum—you’ll never be free of me.”

  “What…what if I don’t want to be free of you?” Sophie could barely get the words out. Despite his harsh words, Sylvan was fucking gently into her, entering her slowly, inch by inch, to allow her pussy to get used to the thickness of his cock.

  “Don’t say things you don’t mean,” he growled, thrusting a little harder. “I know how you feel about me, about my fangs. I’ve looked into your eyes when I gave you an injection and I’ve seen the fear and pain there. I don’t want to see that look every time I make love to my bonded mate.”

  “You won’t,” Sophia promised him softly. He was almost all the way in her now—she could feel him stretching her wider with every shallow thrust. Soon he would fill her completely. “I…I swear you won’t, Sylvan,” she murmured.


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