The Protectors

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The Protectors Page 4

by T. N. Simmons

  “I think you will be safer staying here for a while. Besides, I have plenty of room at my place, and you will eventually move into your parents’ home. Once it’s been cleaned up a bit, that is. It’s been empty since they disappeared.” He winked at me. “But for now, it looks like you’re stuck with me.” A big cheesy smile crossed his face.

  “Well, I guess it beats staying with my monster friend, Troy.” I stared out the window. “I’m just ready to find Krista. That’s all I’m worried about right now.”

  “Don’t worry, love. We’ll find her, but first we have to figure out how.” He placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed.

  I squirmed away. It felt nice, but it terrified me, all the same.

  “Tonight, we’ll head over to my place and get settled in. Tomorrow, I’ll give you a tour of the compound and introduce you to the Elders.” A yawned escaped his mouth.

  We turned down a bricked road and in front of us sprawled a very large white plantation style house with a big magnolia tree in the front. It was breathtaking, and I couldn’t stop staring at it.

  “That, sweet Jai, is the Weaver home. Which means, it’s your home once the Elders verify your bloodline.” He pointed at the house.

  “Wait! What? That beautiful house is mine?” I squealed and flipped up to stare out the back window as we drove past the house. “This all feels like a crazy dream.”

  “This is the Alexander house. My house, to be exact.” Corbin gave me a proud look. “My parents have their house at the back of the lot, and I had this one built a few years ago. It’s one of the newer houses in the compound.” He turned the car engine off and opened the door.

  We got out of the car, and I stood in awe, gaping at his home. It wasn’t as big as the Weaver house, but it didn’t lack beauty. It was a log cabin type house, but larger, with a lovely wraparound porch decorated with colored lights and wicker rocking chairs. Tall trees marked his property line.

  I breathed in the sweet smell of the cool night air just before Corbin opened the door and welcomed me inside.

  “Your home is very charming.” I smiled up at him.

  “Thank you. I’ll give you the grand tour tomorrow, but let’s rest now.” He put his hand on my lower back and led me down a hallway.

  My skin tingled as his hand touched my back. We bypassed the living room and kitchen.

  “This room to the right is my room, if you need me. Your room is across the hall.” He opened my door and flipped on the light, revealing the gorgeous room.

  It was lilac purple and trimmed in cream. The canopy bed was full of fluffy pillows and looked like it should belong to a princess. There was a tall maple armoire just across from the door. I let out a gasp and walked inside.

  “Well, if you like this part, just wait until you see the bathroom.” Corbin smiled from ear to ear.

  I walked to the bathroom and stood in absolute amazement. A big Jacuzzi tub stood just in front of a walk-through shower.

  The room smelled of fresh roses and was decorated to match the bedroom. The mirror lined the wall above the sink and was lit up by six candle-shaped light fixtures. There was a makeup counter, fully stocked with fancy makeup, and a small stool was placed under the counter. Why did he have all this girl stuff in his house?

  “Corbin, thank you for letting me stay here, and thank you for being so kind.” I looked up at him, hoping these wasn’t his girlfriend’s things. I had never seen such kindness, and we had only known each other a short while. I was confused as to how I should act in return.

  He picked up my hand, and tiny electric shivers ran up my arm in response to his touch. I didn’t understand why he had such an effect on me. He lifted my hand to his soft lips and planted a gentle kiss on it. I almost melted on the spot.

  “It is my pleasure, beautiful,” he said in a silky voice. Then he turned to walk out of the room, but stopped just before he got to the door.

  “There are some clothes in the closet that should fit you, and plenty of girlie stuff in that bathroom. Help yourself to whatever you need. My sister, Mandi, stays here when she visits, and she leaves a supply of everything she owns because she’s too lazy to pack. So, she probably has you covered. Tomorrow, we can get anything you need that isn’t here. In the meantime, I’m off to bed. If you need me, please don’t be afraid to wake me.” And he closed the door.

  I didn’t know what I wanted to do first—try out that bathtub or jump on that fluffy bed. A yawn escaped my mouth, which told me my body had made the decision for me.

  I opened the closet to find several pastel nightgowns and some fresh underwear on the shelf. It was hard to choose which one to wear because they were all beautiful. I picked one out and changed. I hardly recognized myself when I looked in the mirror.

  I was breathtaking. The pale green satin gown complimented my still swollen jade eyes while the low-cut lace in the front showed just enough skin to be sexy.

  I walked over to the bed, removed about ten perfectly placed pillows, and put them on the love seat. Then I climbed into the comfortable bed and was asleep in minutes.

  I woke to a soft knock at the door. Yawning, I got up and made my way over and opened it, realizing it was morning and for the first time I could remember, I didn’t have my nightmare.

  Of course, I had lived it the night before.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” Corbin said and handed me a cup of coffee. He quickly averted his gaze, and I realized I was still in my nightgown. His reaction lead me to believe he liked what he saw, and I was secretly pleased.

  “Thanks, and good morning.” I set my coffee down on the dresser and grabbed a robe.

  “Walter and Mary will be over shortly to meet you and to verify your DNA.” He stared at his feet. “Then, we can begin our tour of the compound and get a training schedule together. I made you breakfast.” He seemed excited for me to eat what he cooked.

  “You cooked for me?” I asked.

  “Well, yes, I’m not going to let you starve. I didn’t know what you like, so I made a lot of stuff. Hope you’re hungry.” He chuckled.

  I walked into the kitchen to find pancakes, waffles, omelets, and fresh fruit.

  The kitchen was amazing. It was tiled in gunmetal gray and had a center island with a small vegetable sink in it. There was a stainless steel double oven and a massive gas stove. I figured he enjoyed cooking from the layout of the kitchen and the wonderful breakfast spread out for me.

  “You did all of this for me?” I piled a plate full of food. No one had ever cooked like that for me. I was used to fending for myself. Even when I was little, it was cereal and frozen burritos out of the microwave. “Corbin, you’re a man of many trades.” I swallowed a big bite of my omelet. “This is delicious, thank you.” And I continued to stuff my mouth.

  “You, my dear, are very welcome, and I am honored you like it.” He took a bow. We both laughed.

  “Who are Mary and Walter, and is this DNA thing going to hurt?” I asked, feeling nervous.

  “They are two of the Elders, and no, it will not hurt. I promise.” He looked straight into my eyes. It felt like he could see right through to my soul, and I enjoyed every second of it.

  We finished up breakfast and cleaned the kitchen together. We worked perfectly in sync with one another. I washed and rinsed while he dried and put away.

  I would steal a glance at him from time to time when he wasn’t looking. He was so handsome, even in his plain white T-shirt and jogging pants. He had a tattoo around his left arm in the form of a tribal band, and his sleeve barely covered it due to his muscles. Not too big, and not too small.

  He was perfectly built, and I wondered how I’d managed to meet him again. I was lost deep in thought when Corbin managed to snap me out of it. “They’re here.” He sounded almost too chipper.

  Why was he so excited about helping me, anyway? Maybe to help solve the puzzle of the missing Weaver couple, AKA my parents. Well, either way, I was grateful for his hospitality and protection.

/>   Corbin grabbed my hand as we walked to the front door to meet Walter and Mary. They were older than I expected. Mary was lovely, her white hair curled in tight spirals around her round face. Her baby blue eyes twinkled as she smiled and reached out to shake my hand. She was short and plump and reminded me of an old Santa picture with Mrs. Claus. Walter was tall and slender; his dark hair was streaked with gray throughout. He was very tan and dressed in a flannel shirt and a pair of blue jean coveralls. I assumed him to be an outdoorsy, gardening-type man.

  Like Mary, he also had baby blue eyes, and I immediately felt safe and, odd as it seemed, I felt loved by them. Walter gave me a big hug instead of shaking my hand and at that moment, I knew I loved them, too.

  "Where would you like to set up?” Corbin asked after he welcomed them inside.

  "How about the garden out back?" Walter pointed to the French doors leading to the backyard.

  Mary just smiled, shook her head, and whispered, "That man loves the great outdoors." I got the impression they were married, although Corbin didn’t mention that to me.

  We walked out to the garden area. What a lovely place. Perfectly maintained flower beds despite the cooler temperatures, and beautiful statues of women and children decorated the landscape.

  There was a wooden bench over by a birdbath that looked inviting to me. It would make a perfect reading spot. I giggled as I passed a small area where spinach, collard greens, and kale grew in abundance. I didn’t picture Corbin as a greens-and-beans kind of guy.

  Even though the scenery seemed to take the edge off my nerves, I was still worried. I understood we were preparing to verify my DNA. It was supposed to be a good thing, but what if it wasn’t?

  What if I wasn’t Jaime Grace Weaver? What if Sister Ann Marie gave me someone else’s key? Ready or not, it was time to find out.

  Chapter Five


  “So, Walter and Mary will perform an incantation in attempt to unbind you,” Corbin explained as we walked over to a cement bench and sat down. “In the process, it should reveal your DNA via colors of your aura.”

  Mary placed a small wooden chair directly in front of the bench. I felt the warm sun settle on my face, and I welcomed its relaxing gleam. It was time to reveal my true colors, literally.

  “Jai, love, I need you to sit on this chair and close your eyes,” Mary said with a low and caring voice as she patted the chair in front of me. “Walter, Corbin, and I will be chanting as we hold hands around you. Do not attempt to chant with us, do not stand up, and last but of most importance, do not open your eyes.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” My voice cracked a little. My body was tensed and nervous. I focused my attention on the sun’s inviting rays as they connected their hands together.

  “It’s time to close your eyes, dear. This won’t take long, and I’ll tell you when you can open them,” Walter said.

  I did as I was told and focused on the sun’s warmth again.

  “Picture a belt around Jai’s waist. You must believe it’s there. Imagine it beaming bright silver as the magic is released from the belt and into her body,” Mary instructed, to Walter and Corbin, in a low soothing tone of voice. “Focus like your life depends on it. Envision the belt lose power and turn black as Jai gets stronger. Now, repeat after me.” In a louder, more serious voice, she said, “With the power of three, we unbind thee.”

  They repeated it, over and over, for what seemed like forever.

  I grew impatient.

  I was not sure what was supposed to happen, but I didn’t feel any different. They got quiet for a moment, and I wanted to open my eyes, but I restrained myself from doing so.

  “Mary, what color is the belt?” Walter asked.

  “It’s black, completely black,” she replied.

  “Corbin, is the buckle fastened?” Walter whispered.

  “Yes, sir, it is still fastened.”

  “It appears it will take more time to regain her full power, but we have managed to release a good deal. Her parents enforced the spell in stages, and it will just take time for her full potential to emerge,” Walter explained. “They must have been afraid for her life.”

  “They were hiding her from something or someone, and this was to ensure that in the event she was captured, only a fraction of her power would show.” Mary paced blindly around me. “Thus, they would never know her full potential. She is very powerful and in the wrong hands could bring mass destruction.”

  “We will begin teaching her to use what has been restored tomorrow morning. You can open your eyes now,” Walter said.

  I was beginning to think it wasn’t working until that moment. Everyone stared at me with open mouths. Could we say “Awkward!”?

  I opened my mouth to ask what was so interesting when I realized I was floating. In the air. Oh, sweet mother of trolls, I was floating!

  “Guys, a little help here would be nice.” I squealed and squirmed in the chair, afraid I would slip off and fall.

  “Somebody… Anybody, want to tell me how to get down from here?” I screamed, as I was getting annoyed.

  “Sunshine, calm down and picture yourself slowly lowering to the ground,” Mary calmly said as she put her hands in front of her and lowered them to the ground.

  “Okay, here goes.” I pictured myself slowly lowering to the ground over and over, rather quickly, as my heart pounded, and my entire body trembled in fear. I hit the ground rather abruptly with a thud, causing the chair to splinter beneath me. I should have kept my eyes open. I quickly realized I would be feeling that fall later.

  “Well, that could have been much worse.” I stood up and smiled at the group. They were all looking past me like I was invisible. I turned around to see what they were looking at, and I saw the most beautiful pink and gold swirling light in front of me. It was so bright, I could barely see beyond it. Wait… there was someone in the light. A woman, a beautiful woman.

  “Jai, my sweet baby girl. I have waited for so long to see you. I cannot stay for long, as I am being held prisoner, and they can sense when I attempt to reach out. You hold the key to finding us inside yourself.

  “Don’t be afraid to be what you are destined to be. There is a room in our family home. Your bracelet is the key to unlocking the door and finding the answers you seek.

  “Please hurry, my child. I fear your father and I cannot last much longer. Your grandparents and Corbin will keep you safe.” She pointed to Walter and Mary.

  “Mom, Dad, it’s so good to see you. I miss you both so much. I love you, but I must go now before they know what I am doing. Please keep her safe.” Then she faded away.

  We all just stood there for a minute, looking at each other. A tear rolled down Mary’s cheek. It just seemed natural to go to her, so I walked over and hugged her. I no longer felt awkward with physical gestures.

  I suppose that was what I was missing all my life—how natural it felt to care for someone. Even though we had only just met, at that moment, my entire heart went out to her.

  “I will find them. I don’t know how yet, but I give you my word. I will bring my parents back,” I said, while still embraced in Mary’s arms. Walter walked up to me and took my hand. I looked up at him to see he, too, was crying.

  “We found you. We have been looking for you for so long, and now you are here.” He wrapped his arms around Mary and me. “My dear grandchild, how I have waited for the day I would hold you in my arms.” We sat there embraced for a good bit before Corbin spoke.

  “I hate to interrupt, but this demonic creature has Krista hostage, as well. We need to figure out where and what exactly he is as soon as possible.”

  I released my grandparents. “Wait, you mean there is more than one kind of demon?”

  “There are several types of demons, angry spirits, and yes, even the devil,” Corbin said. “They range from annoying and harmless to deadly, and they all have one thing in common—they want to cause havoc and get revenge on innocent souls.”

e have found a ghost or two that has come back to help or check on us from time to time,” Mary said. “So, not all are evil, but the majority are.”

  “How do we find out what Troy really is?” I asked.

  “Well, for a start, we get your home cleaned up and ready for you.” Corbin walked over and put his arm around my shoulders. “While we are doing that, you need to be trained. We need to find out what abilities you have. I have a feeling it’s going to take all of us to get your parents and Krista back.”

  “These things must maintain a lot of energy to trap and hold your parents.” Walter picked up the pieces of the broken chair. “They were the strongest in the compound.”

  “Jai, this is going to be a rocky road, but from the looks of it, you are just as strong or even stronger than your parents.” Mary brought out a garbage can to collect the wooden pieces from Walter. “With the entire compound behind you, we will get them back.”

  “You can stay with me until your home is ready, if you want,” Corbin said.

  Mary winked at Walter, and I had to fight to hold in my grin and hide my embarrassment. “That would be great, thank you.”

  “I think it’s time we have a council meeting,” Walter said as we walked back inside the house. “I’ll let you know how it goes later.” We hugged again, and I walked my grandparents to the door.

  “I am so thankful to have found you, dear.” Mary hugged me tight. “From now on you should call us Grams and Gramps, if you want.” Mary said and winked at me.

  I smiled back at them. Their eyes sparkled with happiness and it made me feel good. “Thank you, Grams, I will see you both later.” I smiled and closed the door behind them, and watched through the window as they walked away hand in hand.

  “Well, that was interesting, but other than being emotionally wiped out, I don’t feel any different.” I held up my arms to show my nonexistent muscles and laughed. “Shouldn’t I be feeling all powerful and stuff?”

  “Not really. I mean, the power was always there, just dormant inside you.” Corbin handed me a glass of water. “You will feel it once you start accessing it. We can start training after we tour the compound, if you want.”


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