The Protectors

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The Protectors Page 8

by T. N. Simmons

  “Who are you and how did you get in here?”

  “I am Jonathan Logan, a distant uncle of your mother. I have been sent to aid you in the collection of your parents and friend.”

  “Who let you in here?” My voice grew louder each time I addressed him.

  “Jai, dear, who are you talking to?” Grams asked as she looked around the room.

  “Uncle Jonathan.” But when I turned around, he had gone. “Jonathan, where are you?”

  “I’m here,” he answered.

  “Where? I can’t see you.”

  “I’m right in front of you.” He slowly appeared out of thin air.

  “Whoa!” I ran and hid behind Corbin.

  “What’s going on?” Corbin tried to pull me in front of him.

  “Didn’t you see that man appear out of nowhere?” I pointed my finger at Jonathan.

  “What are you talking about?” Corbin looked around the room and under the table. “There is no man over there.”

  My grandparents started laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” Corbin and I said at the same time with a frustrated loud tone.

  “It appears that you have also gotten one of your father’s many gifts,” Gramps said. “He could see ghosts, too. Jonathan used to visit him from time to time, teaching him valuable lessons.”

  “Don’t be afraid, dear. Jonathan is on our side.” Grams took my hand and led me out from behind Corbin. “He will be of much use to us.”

  “Okay. So, I’m a little freaked out about this whole ghost thing. I don’t want this gift. Can I just give it back or something?” I tried not look at Jonathan.

  “No,” Gramps said. “You can tune it out once you learn to control it, but for now we need to know why Jonathan has come to pay us a visit.”

  “They only send him when there is trouble brewing.” Grams stated.

  “What news do you bring, old friend?” Gramps stared into the blank space in front of me.

  “The demons are trying to open the doorway to the Dimension of the Dead. You must not let this happen. They are syphoning off energy from your parents and friends to accelerate the process. Which has made them very strong.” He paused for me to convey the message to the group.

  “Those who do not draw energy from the elements may not survive. They can regenerate as they draw from the elements. Those that cannot will die.”

  As I passed his message on, I realized Krista couldn’t regenerate. My blood ran cold through my veins. “What am I supposed to do? I can barely control my power, let alone battle some crazy-strong, energy-sucking demon.”

  “All you need to do is get there and destroy that amulet without getting caught,” Jonathan said.

  “Oh, yeah, simple enough. Especially the not-getting-caught part. Maybe it sounds easy for those who have trained their entire lives for this, but I…” I looked down at my hands, frightened at how little I could do, how little I knew. “I can barely complete a drop kick, let alone fight anyone.”

  “You can do this.” Corbin grabbed my waist and pulled me back toward him. “You’ve already learned so much in such a brief time, and even Shaun is impressed with your fighting skills. Listen to your heart. It will guide your body through the actions you need to take. Just trust yourself.”

  I tried to take strength from his words and his embrace.

  “Okay, time to get this plan put in place,” Gramps said.

  We spread the map on the table and decided to send some scouts to search the area to see if they saw anything unusual.

  “I’ll meet him at the deli, but I won’t take the amulet.” My confidence began to return. “Corbin will stay back and await my call. The only way this demon is laying eyes on that amulet is If I see my parents, Krista, and all the scouts he has in his possession. Then and only then do we bring out the amulet.”

  “What do we do if he doesn’t comply?” Grams asked.

  “Then I take my handy lighter out and torch the creep! I imagine his lovely followers are watching and waiting. I’m sure one of them will be more than happy to comply once their fearless leader is engulfed in flames.”

  “Well, you do make that sound easy,” Corbin said as he bent down and plotted areas on the map. “You know it will never be that easy, right?”

  “Yes, I know, but it’s a start.”

  “Fine, so we do this, he tells us where to meet with the amulet, then what?” Gramps asked.

  “Then we meet. But since I possess the power of Aether, we don’t need the amulet. We crush it, and while he is distracted with fury, we kill him.” I waved my hand like I was stabbing the invisible man.

  “I don’t think this is going to be as easy as you think, my dear,” Grams said.

  “Either way, I need to see Krista, and if it means I must fight, then so be it. I’ll fight until I can’t fight any longer if it means there’s a chance I can save her.” I slapped my hand down on the table for emphasis.

  We all looked at each other and shook our heads in agreement.

  I covered my uncertainty with false bravado. They were all trained well in magic and fighting, while I’d barely learned to control water and fire, let alone fight a power-hungry demon. But it all came down to me, and I had to get their buy-in on the plan. The only way to do that was to feign confidence. It was all I had to work with. I had to save my friend, my parents, the scouts. Even if it was with a half-thought-out, desperate plan.

  We all parted ways. Corbin and I went back to the plantation and headed to the garden area. We walked through the double doors and were immediately hit with a gust of cool air. The leaves were scattered around from the swift wind. I pulled my zipper up on my jacket and made my way to a swing. The flower beds that once contained vibrant flowers were now just covered in leaves. There was a bird bath with no water and a seedless bird feeder in the middle of the yard, surrounded by cement benches.

  I closed my eyes and listened to the leaves rustling in the wind. It was peaceful out there. I ran my plan over and over in my head. If I just let my heart guide me... The thought replayed over and over, but I had no idea what that meant. My heart told me a great many things, but how to fight wasn’t one of them.

  Corbin and I sat out there the remainder of the afternoon, rocking back and forth in the swing and not speaking a word. Tomorrow was the day. We may not survive, but I would do my best.

  Corbin slept in the room with me again that night. I didn’t feel as frightened when he was around. Funny how that was. Growing up in the foster care system, I was always terrified of men and certainly wouldn’t trust one in my bed. But Corbin was different. He didn’t scare me and certainly knew his boundaries, although sometimes I wished he didn’t. I drifted off with the vision of me and my baby in my head.

  At least that gave me comfort that I would survive this fight, and seeing me with a child, I believed Corbin would, too. What I didn’t know was how far in the future that vision was.

  Chapter Nine

  Face to Face

  Time to meet the traitor I once called my friend. I didn’t know what hurt me more—the fact that I trusted him or the fact that I let my friend near him.

  I wanted to punch his glowing-eyed face into the ground for what he had done to us. For now, I decided to remain calm and allow him to think I was some weak-minded little girl with no strength. If it got me what I wanted, I’d play any role. But when the time came, he would be praying for mercy as I made him suffer in ways he never thought possible.

  I felt something building up inside me, and a rage I’d never before known engulfed me. I looked into the mirror—I no longer recognized myself. My usual jade eyes glowed mustard yellow.


  He immediately ran to my aid. “What’s wrong?” He recoiled and pointed at my face. “What’s going on with your eyes?”

  “I don’t know.” I raised my voice and called out, “Jonathan!”

  “Hello, Jai,” he said, all too chipper.

  “Please tell me you know wha
t’s wrong with my eyes.”

  “I sure do!” He clapped his hands together. “You, my sweet girl, are part werewolf. It’s the reason you can see me. Canines, or those that are part canine, can see what the human eye cannot."

  “Am I going to turn all hairy and smelly? Why didn’t my grandparents tell me about this?” I began to freak out. My breathing was fast as I was close to a panic attack.

  “Only if you want to. Calm down, Jai. Take a deep slow breath and exhale slowly.”

  As if.

  “They probably didn’t tell you because half-breeds can’t shift, or none that we’ve ever seen could. They are only able to see ghosts. I’m not exactly sure why you are able to do it. The only thing about being in wolf form is you can’t use any other magic. Those abilities only work when you’re in human form,” he explained.

  “What use is my wolf form, other than letting me see ghosts?”

  “You will have more strength than usual as a wolf. You will also be able to find things or people with your enhanced sense of smell. With practice, you can do these things in your human form when you channel your wolf side.”

  I continued relaying the information to Corbin as I tried to process everything Jonathan said.

  “You must use caution, however, because if you channel your wolf side too much, you will fully transform and have no magic. It’s a delicate balance, and your emotions are the trigger points.”

  “So, when I feel fear or anger, my wolf side will emerge?” I wasn’t sure I fully understood.

  “Precisely!” He clapped his hands again.

  “Then it’s a good thing I’ve learned to control my temper over the years.” I smiled, then I looked at Corbin who was staring at his feet. He had a concerned look on his face.

  “Jonathan, will you leave us for a moment, please?” I asked.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He disappeared.

  “Corbin, does this change how you feel about me?” My nerves went crazy in my body.

  “No. It’s just that I worry about you, and now there’s this additional aspect. If you lose focus and transform, you won’t be able to protect yourself from their magic. I just want you to be careful.”

  As much as I wanted to tell him not to worry, I knew that would not calm either of our fears. “I promise I will do all I can to stay calm. I’ll just think of how cute and fluffy I’ll be when I go all doggy on that creep.” My gentle teasing lightened the mood, and we both laughed.

  “Now it makes sense why he calls you ‘little wolf’ all the time.” Corbin fluffed my hair with his hand.

  “What I don’t understand is how he knew.”

  “I’ll leave you to finish getting dressed. Mary and Walter will be here soon, then we’ll all head to our destinations.” Corbin planted a kiss on my forehead. “Just remember—stay calm and stay alive for me.”

  I pulled out a pair of black leather pants and a black turtle neck. Both had been infused with some sort of protection spell by my grandmother. Apparently, that style of clothing is what the Protectors wore when they went on hunts. I laced up the combat boots and took one last look at myself in the mirror. I looked pretty good. If anything, maybe I could impress Troy with my figure.

  It was almost time. My grandparents were waiting for me. I inhaled a deep breath and slowly exhaled, attempting to calm the butterflies in my stomach.

  There was a knock at the door, then Shaun and Alan came in.

  “You didn’t think I was letting you do this on your own, did you?” Shaun patted me on the back. “I’m coming with you.”

  “Shaun, are you sure?” I gave him a huge hug. It meant a lot knowing he would stand and fight beside me.

  “I won’t let my favorite new student get beat up by a worthless, power-hungry demon.” He smiled. “I am certain.”

  “Thank you.” My watch beeped, letting me know it was time to leave.

  Corbin handed me a cell phone and a pin that had four different triangles on it. One regular blue triangle facing down, one red-orange triangle, one green triangle facing downward with a horizontal line through the peak and one yellow with a horizontal line through the peak.

  “What is this?” I asked as he pinned it to my shirt.

  “My father did some research. This represents the four elements. Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. When combined, they form a star for the fifth element, Aether” He placed a kiss on my cheek. “It’s to remind you that you are part of the universe, as it is a part of you.”

  “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” My voice cracked as I tried to contain my emotions.

  “Thank my father.” He pointed to Alan. “He made it for you.”

  “You are a brave and strong young lady,” Alan said and gave me a hug. “You can do this if you believe in yourself.”

  This was only the second time I had spoken to Alan, but he seemed to be a gentle and loving soul. That explained so much about Corbin. My heart, and my courage, were fortified.

  I took a deep breath and turned around. Then we all headed out of the compound to our set destinations.

  The scouts we sent out returned empty-handed, but they remained stationed all over the city. Most them were around the deli in case I needed backup. Which was comforting to know.

  Shaun squeezed my hand and reminded me to breathe. “Just remember, he needs that amulet. He won’t hurt you until he has it, and you must not allow him to see you draw the power of the fifth element, or he won’t need the amulet at all. He’ll take you, instead.”

  “Duly noted.” I opened the door to the deli and we entered.

  Troy sat at the bar holding a short glass of gold-colored drink. He looked over at us and met my gaze. “Ah, how sweet, you brought a friend along. What’s the matter, little wolf? Are you scared of little old me?”

  “I’m not afraid of you. I despise you.” The sight of him made me want to vomit. “He’s here to help me with my friends, as I’m sure you’ve had your gritty fingers all over them.”

  “Enough. Where is the amulet?”

  “Where are my friends and family?” I placed my hand firmly on my hip.

  “Oh, they’re far from here, little wolf.” He sneered.

  I wanted to slap his mirth right off his face. “That’s too bad, because you’re not getting the amulet until I have everyone back. Krista, my parents, the scouts… everyone.”

  “Don’t toy with me, child. I’ll rip you in half.” He growled, and his eyes flickered crimson.

  I smiled, because I had irritated him. It only enticed me to continue. “Go ahead and try. You’ll never get your precious amulet if you do.” I laughed to show him I wasn’t scared. I was terrified, but no way was I going to let him know. “If you want your valuable amulet, you’ll bring my parents, Krista and the other protectors unharmed to the park on Twenty-Third Street in one hour.” I walked backward, bumping into the glass door on my way out.

  His eyes glowed bright red. Part of me was proud that I held it together, another part thrilled that I made him so angry, but a third part—the biggest part—was chomping at the bit to get away from him.

  We made it to the car without incident. Thankfully, Shaun drove, because my hands shook too much to control a car. I could barely get my seatbelt fastened.

  “I did it! I managed to stay alive and call his bluff.” Relief flooded through me.

  “Don’t get too excited, Jai. The hard part is yet to come,” Shaun reminded me.

  I called Corbin to let him know how the meeting went.

  “That’s wonderful news. I’ll call the scouts to see if they can follow him. Maybe we can get lucky and find the location of that power supply.”

  “All the other scouts will be stationed around the park to assist us if needed. Mary and Walter will be close with healing potions and supplies for everyone.” Shaun spoke loud enough so Corbin could hear, too.

  “Jai, don’t get too excited,” Corbin said. “Troy will bring many friends with him. We must play this by the book. Remember, the second that amulet
is crushed, you better be ready for impact, because he is going to unleash all hell on us.”

  “I know. I just wish I knew how to control my powers better. If I could, he wouldn’t stand a chance. If we just had more time.”

  “That’s what everyone says when times get tough, love. All we can do is hope your powers come naturally. Like an extension to your hand. Don’t think too much, just feel and act. And we’ll all be right there with you.”

  “I’ll try my best. See you in half an hour.” I hung up the phone. We arrived at the park in exactly thirty minutes, and the scouts took their positions.

  The sky was full of clouds, the air thick with humidity.

  “A storm is brewing.” I pointed at the sky. Then I sat next to Corbin, cross-legged on the ground to meditate and calm the storm also brewing inside of me.

  If I felt the elements, maybe my power would come more naturally. I reached my mind out into nature. One-minute I was sitting there, and the next I was in a vision. There was to be a fight. Corbin crushed the amulet, and glittering shards rained from his hand. Troy ran over and grasped him by the throat. His mouth gaped wide as he gasped for air. Troy had some sort of dagger with symbols on it. He plunged the blade between Corbin’s ribs, seeking vital organs. Blood spurted from the wounds, then Corbin’s body dried up. Something—I assumed it was his essence—was absorbed into the dagger.

  No, no, no!! That cannot happen.

  “Jai, wake up. It's almost time.” Corbin shook me alert.

  I came to, stunned to realize I was in the same place I was before the vision.

  “Corbin, you have to go. Now!”

  “I’m not leaving you”

  “I’ve seen your death. He has a magical dagger that draws your entire soul into it. You must go. Please,” I pleaded as I tugged on his jacket collar.

  “I trust you, and I’ll leave, if only not to distract you. But I’m not going far.” He handed me the amulet. “If he lays one hand on you, I’m coming back.”


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