The Protectors

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The Protectors Page 11

by T. N. Simmons

  “How hard is it to find a virgin around here, anyway?” the other guard said. They looked almost identical in appearance.

  “Troy is not going to be happy if we don’t find him a virgin before the ceremony,” Guard One said.

  “They don’t have all the pieces they need to complete the Harvest,” I whispered. Hope began to fill me.

  Corbin took out a bow and shot an arrow at one of the men. He fell, causing blood to splatter the other guard in the face. Corbin ran in and stabbed him before he even knew what had happened. As his mouth frothed, he choked on his own blood, gazing ahead in disbelief as he fell to the ground.

  “See, I told you, I’m crazy fast.” He bounced on the balls of his feet.

  “Yeah, yeah. I see. Just don’t get yourself killed.” I rolled my eyes and mumbled, “Showoff.”

  The trail of gore led to a bloody room washed in death. Mutilated, decayed bodies were spread throughout. There were no cages there, just blood-filled tables and death. We walked down the dark hallway and listened for any signs of life.

  A loud boom made me jump. A scream escaped my mouth before I could stop it.

  Corbin quickly wrapped his hand around my lips and pulled me back behind a pillar.

  “Who is there?” Troy growled.

  I’d recognize his voice anywhere. We stayed still, knowing we needed to destroy that energy unit before we attempted to eradicate Troy.

  He closed the door with a sharp snap.

  Corbin released his hand from my mouth, and I breathed a soft sigh. “Well, at least we know where he is.” I whispered. We crept passed the door and made our way farther down the trail. I saw the cages in the distance.

  “I think we found it.” I spoke a little louder than I wanted. A quick glance around showed no guards. Or anyone else. All the cages were empty.

  We walked farther, and I noticed Krista’s black high heel shoe in the corner of one of the cages. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the dried blood in the cage.

  I tore my gaze from the devastation and continued my search for the energy unit. Corbin felt me tense up and placed his hand on the small of my back, giving me some comfort.

  “Look, there are the chairs.” Corbin pointed to my left.

  It was dark, and I had to strain my eyes to see. “I see them,” I whispered. There were a set of twelve chairs in one cage and a set of two in another. All of them had lines running into this massive square box.

  It didn’t look like what I had expected it to. It was solid black metal that reached all the way to the ceiling. There were no buttons or lights on it indicating how to shut it down. We walked closer, and the lights in the room sprang to action, causing us to turn around quickly.

  Troy stood behind us, smiling, a hungry look of satisfaction on his face. “I knew you would come running back for vengeance, little wolf.”

  “You’re mistaken. I’m not here for vengeance.” My inner wolf was clawing to come out. “I’m here to put an end to you, once and for all.”

  I stepped backward, hoping to get closer to the energy unit. There were about twenty steps between me and the monster.

  Corbin turned and ran toward the unit.

  I exhaled, throwing a blast of wind toward Troy. It caught him off guard, but he didn’t budge from his position.

  “You’re going to have try harder than that, child.” He laughed, satisfied to show his strength.

  I heard Corbin messing around behind me, trying to figure out how to release the energy built up in the unit. To give him time, I continued to taunt Troy. “Why do you want to open this stupid portal, anyway?”

  “Why do you think, little wolf?” He snarled, revealing his razor-sharp teeth at me.

  “I haven’t the slightest clue, Troy. Or should I call you traitor?” I asked in a sarcastic voice.

  “I don’t really care what you call me.” He walked closer to me. “Don’t worry, little wolf, you and your little boyfriend will be side by side very soon.” He took another step toward me. “I will drain you both together, you see. I don’t need that pesky little amulet now that I have you.”

  Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, and my body tensed. I did all I could to control my inner wolf, but it was growing restless. I looked around the room to see if there was anything I could use to defend myself other than magic. I understood the importance of reserving my energy, now more than ever. I allowed my inner wolf to emerge enough to jump at him.

  He knocked me down in midair. I fell to the ground with a thud. A loud snap sounded as a bone cracked in my ankle. The pain radiated up my leg, but I managed to push it out of my mind. I had to get up.

  His laughing made my blood boil. I played off my injury as he walked closer. He knelt beside me, so close I could feel his hot, foul breath on my face.

  “Stop trying so hard, little wolf. There was never a chance of you defeating me.” He sniffed. “Ah, I can smell your delicious essence.”

  Catching him off guard, I elbowed him in the face, causing him to lose balance. Then, I kicked him over and over. He lay there, laughing at me as though my attack didn’t faze him.

  That only made me angrier.

  “Jai, don’t lose control! It’s what he wants!” Corbin yelled.

  I inhaled a quick breath and exhaled, using the power of wind to push him further away from me.

  “Any luck back there, Corbin?” I shouted.

  “I found a lever. I just can’t get it to release.”

  “Hurry. I can’t hold him back for too long.”

  “You will never be able to shut down that machine,” Troy gloated as he walked toward me. He jumped at me, knocking me down.

  I crawled backward quickly, and my hand stumbled upon a large piece of broken concrete. I held on to it as I waited for him to approach me.

  His hungry eyes never left mine. He growled and jumped toward me. I screamed and swung with all my might, hitting him with the concrete. It crunched his skull, leaving a bloody knot on his head.

  I tried to reserve as much energy as I could, but I realized the Void was right. It would take both of us to bring him down. I looked around for anything else I could use. No fire, no water… but I had earth. I quickly ran toward Corban. I closed off my mind and concentrated on the ground. It began to shake. I stepped back and grabbed Corbin’s hand.

  “Count to ten, then torch that machine with all you have,” I said. “I’ll join in once I get this creep out of here.” I waved my hand and stomped my foot. The ground vibrated and started to crumble between Troy and me.

  “You think that will stop me?” He grabbed my hand, pulling me away from Corbin.

  I wrestled my way out of his arms and crab-walked backward quickly to create some space between us. The earth crumbled more and opened between us. The open grave gaped wide, ready to receive him. I felt heat behind me, letting me know Corbin had started the fire. I released my restraint and allowed the earth to collapse beneath Troy and swallow him up.

  A cold light of fear shone in his eyes as he struggled to climb out of the broken earth.

  I jumped, calling on my animal instincts, and landed close to Corbin as the ground closed, trapping Troy underground in the process.

  “We have to hurry. That hole won’t hold him long.” The heat of the fire surrounded me. I began to focus on the fire Corbin had started and used my gift to make it grow and get hotter. The smoldering metal curled up around the edges. If we could keep it up, it might just break.

  “Wait, Jai. What happens when something hot is hit with freezing temperatures?” Corbin said.

  Wonderful idea. “I don’t know if I can do it, but I’ll try.” I inhaled and let the fire get close to me. As my skin started to burn, I began to exhale freezing wind, causing a blizzard of metal to explode around us.

  The next thing I knew, I was hit with a blast of light. I flew backward, hitting my head hard on one of the cage doors.

  Shards of metal were embedded in my skin. Warm sticky blood flowed down my face.
  I was so close. I would not give up.

  “We did it!” Corbin ran to me. He lifted me, revealing the shattered pieces of what used to be a powerful energy force. The wall behind it disintegrated from the explosion, leaving a gaping hole through which moonlight shone in.

  “What did you do?” Troy dug his way out of the earth. His eyes glowed a deep crimson.

  “We’ve taken what’s precious to you.” I laughed. I grew dizzy, either from the blood-gushing wound on my forehead or from the amount of energy I’d used. But I didn’t care. It was time to end it. “It’s time, Void. Do your worst!” Her intense power grew inside me, and I willingly allowed her to emerge within me.

  “You will not have the satisfaction of harming this innocent any longer!” we bellowed. Her voice was chilling and full of anger as she swerved her neck in a snake like motion.

  “You think you can challenge me?” Troy shouted as he walked closer. His gaze was hollow, his eyes cruel and dead.

  “You are no match for me.” We raised our hand in the air. The wind picked up and the roof began to fall in pieces around us. Our vision clouded with dust. I could barely see what was happening, but I still gave Void all control.

  I suppose that’s what she meant when she said we were more powerful together.

  Corbin ran and grabbed the dagger from Troy. Punch after punch, blow after blow, the men fought on. They wrestled, and I thought Troy had managed to stab Corbin at one point, but he was much faster than the demon and knocked the dagger away. Then he managed to pin Troy and hold him down on the ground.

  “Stop!” we yelled, then we pushed Corbin away from Troy with one finger-swipe of air. “Let the Dimension of the Dead swallow you whole, never to return to the land of the living.” A funnel began to form in the sky, causing the wind to blow fiercely around us.

  We opened our mouth and blew enough breath to push Troy into the air. We watched as he screamed, and his withering body was sucked into the spiral. Once the sky absorbed him, it returned to normal, allowing the stars to calm the storm within my soul.

  Then, I blacked out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Harvest

  Iwoke in the hospital, listening to a heart monitor beep.

  Corbin slept in a chair beside my bed, his face covered in stubble from lack of shaving. He looked exhausted. I must have been out for days.

  I sat up, looked around, and pulled the covers off me. I suppose there was some sort of alarm underneath me to alert the nursing staff I was attempting to get out of bed, because once I moved, an annoying buzzer repeatedly sounded.

  I could defeat a bloodthirsty demon, but I couldn’t get out of bed on my own. Ridiculous. I rolled my eyes.

  I was thrilled when it wasn’t nursing staff that ran to my aid. It was Krista. She had been in the tiny bathroom beside my bed.

  She looked radiant in a midnight blue sweater dress. Her hair was pulled up in a loose bun. Her bruises were gone, leaving her skin with its normal beautiful glow. She hugged me so tightly, I thought she was going to crack my rib.

  “I knew you would come back. You’re too stubborn to die.” She laughed.

  Corbin also woke after hearing the annoying bed buzzer. He stood and rushed over to me. “Good morning, beautiful.” He gazed into my eyes, and I could not look away. I reached for him, our lips meeting each other’s. I didn’t want to let go. I was completely consumed by him. He was the one who finally pulled away. He had a huge smile across his face, allowing me to see how happy he truly was. “Looks like we have a harvest to celebrate.” Then he ran off yelling, “She’s awake. She’s awake!” And he skipped into the hallway.

  “I guess we do.” I laughed.

  Krista sat on the side of the bed with me and took my hand. “There’s something very important I need to talk to you about, but your parents and grandparents are anxiously waiting outside. I’ll be back after they leave.” She kissed me on the cheek and left the room.

  My parents walked in looking refreshed and fully healed.

  “Wow! You guys look fantastic.” I said, and they both gave me a hug.

  “How did you do it?” Mom asked.

  “I can’t take the credit for Troy. That was my trusty inner Void, but Corbin and I totally destroyed that energy sucker!” Pride tinged my voice.

  “We knew when you did, too. We felt it. All our energy was restored instantly,” Dad said.

  “You two make a pretty good team.” Mom elbowed me and grinned.

  “Kind of reminds me of the two of us in our younger days, doesn’t it Robbie?” He winked at her.

  “Stop calling me that, Jimbo!”

  It was so good to see them playing and joking with one another. It still felt surreal seeing my parents alive and happy after all these years of waiting.

  “We never doubted you.” Mom hugged me.

  “Your grandparents are patiently waiting outside to see you. Besides, we have a party in your honor to plan.” Dad hugged me, and they exited the room.

  My grandparents walked in holding a pot full of orange and yellow mums.

  “Hello, dear. I thought you might enjoy a little color to your room.” Grams placed the flower pot on the window seal and removed the old one and threw it into the trash can.

  “How are you feeling?” Gramps asked.

  “I’m okay, weak, but I think I’m ready to get out of this bed.”

  “Well, the good doc says you can get up and out of here once that infusion stops.” He pointed to the IV pole. I didn’t even realize I was getting an infusion.

  “You have been asleep for a while, dear. You required nutrients and a blood transfusion. They had to shave some of your hair, but it isn’t bad. Most of that has grown back already.” Grams ran her fingers through my hair.

  “What? I had no idea.” I reached up to feel my head. I didn’t feel any bald spot or stitches. My ankle wasn’t in a cast, either, but I was certain I had broken it.

  “Well, of course you didn’t, silly. You were unconscious,” the nurse said as she entered the room to check my vitals. I recognized her as the blonde woman I met when I first visited the compound. She looked way more chipper than I remember her to be.

  “We all owe you a great deal of thanks,” Bethann said as she unplugged the bed monitor. “You saved my boyfriend, Zane, when you brought all those scouts home. I can’t say thank you enough for what you did. Also, I’m sorry for how I treated you before. Not one woman in this compound has been able to snag Corbin. I wondered what you had that I didn’t, and I was jealous.” She blushed.

  “I didn’t do it alone and you are forgiven.” I said as I smiled up at her.

  “We are aware of that, dear,” Grams chimed in.

  “That’s why we’re planning a celebration for everyone in the compound,” Gramps said. “We all worked as a team and proved how strong we are when we stick together.”

  “Speaking of celebration, we better get to cooking.” Grams picked up the phone to dial a number. “Alan, she is awake. We need to get your kitchen stocked. Yes, yes, I’m on my way.” She hung up the phone.

  “Goodbye, dear. We’ll see you soon.” She gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

  Krista and her mother, Jane, entered as they left the room holding a newborn baby wrapped in a pale pink blanket.

  “Jai, I want you to meet Alexandria.” She handed me over the beautiful baby girl.

  I was confused as to when Jane found out about the compound, but more so about the sweet baby in her arms.

  “She is just precious, but who does she belong to?” I felt oddly curious as to why she brought me a baby.

  “Me.” A large smile spread across her face.

  “Wait, what? When did you have a baby? How is that even possible?” Then I paused. “How long was I out?”

  “You were out for exactly a year to the day.” She said as she pointed to a calendar on the wall.

  “What? I lost an entire year?” I whispered. My heart sank, a bubble swelled in
my throat, and my eyes filled with tears. “What happened to me?”

  “The doctors weren’t really certain. You had some minor swelling on your brain, but not enough to cause permanent damage. The only thing they could come up with was you just lost too much energy and your body needed the time to refuel.”

  “You were in a complete coma. We weren’t sure if you would wake up or not. We just watched, waited, and hoped. Corbin only left your side long enough to shower and eat. We all visited several times a day. It was just luck that you woke up during our visit.”

  I tried to listen to her words, but my mind was full of questions. “Who is her daddy?” My voice cracked. I missed one of the most important days in my friend’s life.

  “Shaun. Why are you so sad?” She patted my back.

  “Why am I sad? Because I missed your pregnancy. I missed her birth.” Warm tears ran down my face. Alexandria’s little blue eyes looked up at me, and I planted a kiss on her tiny sweet hand.

  “She is absolutely incredible.” I sobbed, unable to take my eyes off her.

  “Momma Jane, I am so sorry I lied to you. I just didn’t know what to tell you.” I couldn’t look her in the eyes.

  “All is good. I am quite fond of my grandbaby.” She smiled at me. “It’s because of you that we have her.” She attempted to comfort me.

  “She is so perfect, Krista.” I kissed her again and took in the scent of baby lotion.

  “You’ll be glad to know you’re her godmother. I also named her after you. Alexandria Jai,” Krista said, with a great big smile on her face.

  “Wow, I’m a god-mommy.” I felt so proud. Tears flowed from my eyes again. My heart overflowed with emotion, just when I thought I couldn’t hold anymore.

  A soft knock on the door broke our attention. Corbin walked in holding a bouquet of flowers.

  “We’ll leave you two alone for a moment.” Krista winked at Corbin.

  I placed a kiss on Alexandria’s forehead, gave her back to Krista, and gave my friend and her mom a hug. Then they left us alone.

  Corbin knelt beside the bed and kissed my foot. I laughed and dried the tears off my face with the back of my hand. He had gone home, showered, and shaved. I could smell his aftershave. It brought back memories of the night I first saw him in that dance club.


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