Sexual Healin': A BWWM Billionaire Romance

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Sexual Healin': A BWWM Billionaire Romance Page 6

by Sherie Keys

She smiled when she thought of him, and it warmed her heart. It didn't matter to her anymore if it was wrong to do. The money was too good, and spending time with him had become the one thing she looked forward to more than anything else in her entire week. Her crush had begun to change and evolve into something deeper.


  Veronica walked into the kitchen and when she saw Kyle, she began to slam things; the refrigerator door, the cup in her hand, the gallon of orange juice. Kyle sighed and sipped his coffee, looking up at her with a stoic expression.

  "What's bothering you, Veronica?"

  She slammed the refrigerator door again and glared at him. "You know exactly what's wrong!"

  "I'm afraid I don't. Perhaps you could help me out and give me a little clue,” he said in his still tone.

  She walked over to the table with her glass of orange juice and sat down beside him. "I can't believe you're acting like you have no idea what's going on! How dare you! Here I am, waiting every day, and no word from you, no effort at all, you just come and go and ignore me. You ignore my needs, and now you act surprised when you see me get angry with you!" She erupted at him angrily.

  He sighed. "Veronica, if you want me to spend time with you, just tell me! You've pushed me away every time I've tried to get close to you, so I didn't think you wanted to be with me!" He looked at her in surprise.

  She scowled at him and made a face. "I don't want to spend time with you! I want my yacht! I've been waiting and waiting for you to take me to buy it and you haven't said or done anything!

  “McKenna Witherspoon has been taking all of our friends out on hers and everyone is having so much fun with her, but no one can come to a party on my yacht, because I don't have one!" Her voice grew louder until she was almost yelling at him. "You are neglecting your duty to me!"

  He narrowed his eyes at her. "This is about the boat you want?" he asked, amazed at her shallowness.

  She sat back in her chair and raised her hands as if she had been blown away by the wonder of the truth coming from him. "He gets it! He finally gets it. Look who's finally paying attention."

  She snapped at him. "Yes, this is about the yacht that I asked you for days ago and you haven't lifted a single finger to take care of it for me! You only worry about yourself and what you're doing and what you want! You never think about me and my needs! You're so selfish!" She pouted and looked at him bitterly. Kyle sighed, finished his coffee, and stood up. "Well, my dear, you're going to have to wait a while longer on the yacht. Not only do I not want one, I'm not going to sit around here and let you harp on me about it. I'm headed out of town for the weekend. I'll see you on Sunday night or on Monday, whenever I happen to run into you here. Take care,” he said, walking to the dishwasher and placing his cup in it.

  She gasped and shrieked at him in fury. "You absolute bastard! How could you do this to me?" she yelled at him as he walked out of the kitchen door. She picked up her empty glass of orange juice and threw it at the closed door, sending shards of busted glass flying in every direction and then she turned and looked out of the wide windows overlooking the back garden, scowling angrily.


  Kyle picked Brandy up in the limousine and in no time at all, they were out at a small airport where he walked her to a private jet that was waiting on the tarmac. She was shocked at the sight of it.

  "You have your own plane?" she asked in wide-eyed wonder.

  He nodded and chuckled. "Yes, I do. Come on." He smiled as he helped her board it.

  When they were in the air, he nodded to the attendant that was taking care of them, and she brought out a bottle of champagne, pouring each of them a flute. He raised his in a toast to her.

  "To you, and to this weekend together; I hope it's one of the best we'll ever have," he said with a grin.

  She grinned back and toasted him, and then they sipped champagne and ate strawberries together as the plane took them high over the world. When the champagne was gone, Kyle took her to the back of his plane where a small bedroom was located, and he closed the doors behind him.

  "This thing has a bedroom?" she asked in surprise.

  He nodded, his eyes locked on her as he walked to her and reached for her. She loved it when he looked at her that way, as if there was nothing else in the world except for her, and she was all that he could see.

  His fingers moved over the buttons on the front of her sweater and one by one, they came undone, showing him her full rounded cleavage and her pretty lace bra. He ran his hands over it appreciatively and then slipped her sweater off her completely, kissing her shoulders as he bared them, then lowering his mouth from her shoulders to the top swell of her breasts and kissing them. He pulled the straps of her bra down, reached behind her and with a flick of his wrist, he removed her bra from her completely, freeing her breasts. His hands moved over them, cupping them, squeezing and kneading them as his mouth moved to her nipples where he licked and sucked at her, biting now and then just to drive her crazy.

  Brandy sighed happily and kissed his forehead as he busied himself at her breasts. She ran her hands through his wavy golden hair and rubbed his neck, making her way to the front of his shirt and unbuttoning it to pull it from him.

  "Come here a moment," he said, pulling her close against him. "I love the feel of your chest against mine,” he whispered, and they held each other that way and kissed for a long moment before he reached for the zipper on her skirt, pulling it down and then sliding her skirt from her. She took his pants from him and then he pulled her onto the bed with him, laying on his back and kissing her softly.

  With soft wet kisses, she made her way down his neck and over the muscles of his chest, biting at him in return and making him laugh and moan. She moved further down his solid stomach to his groin and teased him by kissing around it before she slid her fingers over him and began to massage him. He grew hard in moments, his thick erection anxious for her attentions and her touch.

  She grinned up at him and ran her tongue along the shaft, licking it hard and making him groan with need as he clung to the pillows at his head. Her tongue went to the tip of him where she teased and kissed, sucking softly at it until she opened her mouth wide and swallowed nearly all of him. She made him cry out in pleasure as she moved her mouth over him and he began to pump himself into her parted lips.

  It was several long minutes before he came close to coming. But just before he did, she lifted her mouth from him and he pulled her up to him, kissing her hard and hungrily as he reached his hands to her hips and gripped her firmly.

  "You make me crazy with need. I can't wait to be inside of you," he whispered roughly as he rolled them both over so that she was on her back and he was above her.

  She slid her legs around him and lifted her body to meet his. "Come inside me then," she told him with a seductive grin. "I want you.”

  He laughed a little and shook his head. "Oh no, not yet. We've got more to do before I take over that beautiful body of yours,” he told her softly as he kissed her and fondled her breasts.

  Slowly, tortuously slowly, he made his way down her neck to her breasts and nipples, and as his mouth tugged at them, sucking and biting, his fingers moved between her legs and he rubbed her gently and rhythmically, making her moan with need for him. His kisses finally moved past her breasts and he made his way over her belly to the center of her. Kyle slid his hands over her thighs and looked into her gray blue eyes. "You have skin like satin. It shines. I love the feel of it." He lowered his mouth hungrily to her body.

  His soft kisses, that teased and tickled her at first, became urgent and wanting in no time, and he pressed his tongue hard against her, flicking it back and forth over her and making her wriggle and squirm with intense pleasure beneath him. He slipped his tongue into her body and tasted her, running it all over her and making her cry out softly until she came, arching her back and clinging tightly to his solid shoulders, and then he looked up at her with a satisfied grin.

  "Now I'm going to
make love to you," he said in a low and hungry voice. He moved his hands along her thighs and spread them wide open, positioning himself above her and slowly, tantalizingly slowly, he pushed himself into her, inch by inch, as she gasped. When he was in her fully, she wrapped herself around him and clung tightly to him, clenching herself around him as they began to move in unison, sliding against each other and creating the perfect friction of heat and pleasure with one another's bodies.

  His hands moved all over her as they rocked, holding her tightly and squeezing her curves, possessing her as she gave herself to him in those moments. She had never known the kind of pleasure that he gave her every time he was inside her, and it had become like a drug for both of them, wanting and needing the feel of the other, the heat of their passion and the hardness and softness of their bodies coming together.

  They wrestled in the sheets, loving and moving, moaning and kissing hungrily until the fires that ignited their desire overwhelmed them both and they came, crying out with the release of their orgasms, and at last they fell together, laying in the sheets and breathing hard against one another.

  "There's no one like you,” he said breathlessly as he laid there and tried to still his body.

  She nodded. "I feel the same way with you. I didn't even know that it could be like this between lovers."

  "It hasn't ever been like this for me with anyone else."

  She looked at him sidelong and traced her finger over his chest. "Am I the first lover you've had outside of your marriage?" She had wondered, but she had never brought it up before.

  He looked at her in surprise. "Do you think I do this kind of thing with others?" he chuckled and then laughed. "No. I've never had another lover outside of my marriage."

  Brandy leaned up on the pillow and looked fully at him. "What made you do it?" Kyle looked thoughtful and then a little sad. "Well, when I first got married, I thought everything was going well. I thought we were going to be happy and things would work out, but she just seemed to grow more and more shallow as time passed. She was more interested in what kind of things we could have, rather than what we could have with each other, and anytime I would try to touch her or be with her, she would pull away and leave me alone.

  “Eventually it got to a point where I didn't expect it any longer. In fact, it's been so long that the last time we were together, it was so that I would buy her a new car she wanted. I caved to it and gave in because she had made me wait so long before that to be with her that I was desperate and a fool, and we had sex just that once, just so she could have her car, and then she got the car and left me cold and alone again.

  “It's been a couple of years and I just got used to it, but she came to me not long ago and told me she wanted a yacht, and she tried to seduce me, she tried to tell me that I could have her if I bought her the yacht. Well, when she did that, I realized I'd finally had my fill of her and I decided that I was not going to rely on her to satisfy my needs."

  He looked at her and touched her face softly, kissing her mouth and then staring into her grey blue eyes. "You're the only woman who I trusted to do this with. You're the only one who was already intimate with me. The way you massage me; no one else touches my body, and you touch it with compassion and healing, and it made me need you. It made me want to seek some comfort with you. You turned me on so much, and finally I couldn't keep it from you and I had to make the offer."

  He kissed her again. "I am so glad you accepted. I didn't think I was ever going to feel like this again in my life. I needed it. I needed you. You do so much more for me than you could ever realize, and I'm so glad. I don't mind paying you every time, it's nothing at all for me, and I know it helps you out so much to have that extra money coming in. This really has worked out to be the perfect situation for us both." He smiled at her and kissed her mouth again, slowly and softly.

  There was a soft ringing noise in the bedroom and she looked around. "What was that? Is everything okay?"

  He nodded and climbed up off the bed. "Yes, everything is fine. That's the staff letting us know that it is time to go out there and buckle up again. They're going to land the plane."

  She smiled and nodded. "Okay." She stood up and pulled her clothes on. "I'm so sorry that you are in such a loveless and cold marriage. I wouldn't want anyone to live like that,” she told him as he buttoned his shirt back up.

  "Well, my wife doesn't seem to mind it, but I don't like it, and I am so glad that I have you to change it for me so I don't have to live like that." He kissed her once more and then they went out to the cabin and buckled themselves in for the landing. The plane brought them back down to earth again, landing them on an island that was surrounded by white sandy beaches and pristine blue water, covered in green foliage everywhere and filled with quaint old houses and dozens of little shops and cafes.

  They walked together through the little town, on cobblestone streets lined with old Victorian buildings and tall trees canopied together to make a shady promenade for them. They wandered through the little shops, sampling sweets and cheeses, stopping for coffee, admiring little items for sale, and enjoying the wonderful quality of each other's company as they walked hand in hand through it all.

  "It's a little warm today!" Brandy said as she looked around them, feeling the heat and fanning herself a moment.

  He looked around and nodded. "It is warm. Let's get some ice cream; I know a great little place on the next street over." He smiled and wrapped his arm around her, walking with her down the small side street to the next one.

  They turned the corner and found the humble little ice cream parlor with pretty scrolled chairs and little cafe tables out in front of it, and a striped canopy over the front window and door. Sweet light music was playing and together they walked in and ordered their ice creams, and then went back outside to sit under the umbrellas on the tables and enjoy their treats.

  Nearly done with them, Kyle smiled at her and laughed a little. "You've got lemon ice cream on your lips. Come here. Let me help you with that." He leaned forward and with the tip of his tongue, carefully licked it from her, and then he leaned back and kissed her softly and sensually, the heat in their bodies growing warmer than the air around them. He slid his hands around her and pulled her close to him, rubbing her body and squeezing her with his fingertips as she slid her hands up his thighs.

  "Brandy, I think we should go back to the house for a little while. Then we can wander around again later, after it's cooled off and I've had some more of you,” he whispered to her in a husky voice.

  She breathed thickly and nodded with a smile. "I think that sounds like a great-"

  "Kyle? Kyle Jamison?" a high pitched and thin sounding voice called out, and Kyle and Brandy turned suddenly and looked up at a slender woman with dark brown hair tied up in a ponytail behind her head. She was wearing a short little dress and carried a big expensive bag on her shoulder.

  Kyle was quiet a moment and then smiled slightly and nodded at her. "Candice, how are you?" he asked disinterestedly.

  She smiled and shrugged. "I'm great. I'm just out here for the weekend with some of my friends... and you? Where's Veronica?" she asked, looking pointedly at Brandy, narrowing her eyes.

  "I'm not sure where she is,” he answered. "I'm showing an old friend around the island today. We're actually just leaving. Would you like this table?" He stood up and held out the chair he'd been sitting in. "No, we're headed to a tennis match in just a little bit." The woman’s eyes stayed on Brandy a few moments longer, and then she walked over to Kyle and touched his hard stomach, leaning in close to him, but not so close that she couldn't be overheard by Brandy.

  "You know, Kyle, I thought you and Veronica were monogamous, but if you're looking for a little more... excitement and fun, you can call me anytime. I'd love to play with you." She gave him a seductive smile and a wink and then turned around to walk off, with a little wave of her fingers before she disappeared.

  Kyle sighed and took Brandy by the hand, walking wi
th her to their rented car.

  Once they were in it and heading to the house, Brandy looked at Kyle, but he didn't say anything, he only looked out of the window the whole time. They reached the house and walked into it together in silence. But once they were inside, Brandy was shocked. There were flowers of different colors and varieties all over the home.

  She walked to the first vase of flowers and breathed in their glorious scent, and then the second vase, and then the third, and then she turned and looked at Kyle in amazement.

  "Where did these come from?" she asked with a huge smile on her face, turning to see nearly every surface in the house covered with vases of flowers.

  He smiled at her and leaned against the wall, watching her enjoy them.

  "I had them delivered while we were out today,” he said lightly.

  She turned to smell more of them and then came back to him, overflowing with happiness. "I love them! Thank you so much!" she breathed happily.

  He stood against the wall, staring at her with serious eyes and a small smile. His almost haunted look made her stomach tighten, and she leaned up to him and kissed him slowly.


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