Billionaire's Only Marriage

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Billionaire's Only Marriage Page 11

by A P Gore

  “Are you crazy? It’s a gift from your new mother-in-law, so you don’t have to return it.” Rosie giggled, smoothing her own stunning red gown. Well, everything looked stunning on her. Why didn’t Gavin marry her for real?

  Samantha shook her head. What was she thinking? Gavin was her... fake husband, now.

  “Don’t mind them too much,” Rosie added, adjusting the flower on Samantha’s gown. “It’s the first marriage in the family, and a secret marriage to boot. I bet Martha isn’t over it yet, so she might be a bit annoying for the next few days, but she’s a good person at heart. As soon as Robert told her about the wedding, she pulled me away and took me wedding gown shopping.” Rosie cupped her mouth for a long giggle. “She was complaining about the marriage the whole time, but when it came to choosing the dress, she went for the best. It’s her love in disguise.”

  Guilt plagued Samantha. What would Martha feel when she learned the truth?

  “Just take it easy with her.” Rosie adjusted the gown’s shoulder so it fit perfectly again.

  “It shouldn’t be an issue. We’ll hardly see each other, anyway.” Samantha said, twirling around, watching the stunning dress flare around her legs. She loved this dress. She wished Aaron was with her, wearing a little white suit.

  Sighing, she pushed that thought away. Actually, it was better he wasn’t here. First, he was still recovering, and second, the Hamilton gang would have scared him.

  Rosie giggled. “I can’t guarantee that, girl.” Her laugh gained an uncanny, mischievous air.

  Samantha ignored her tone and decided to FaceTime her pumpkin. The moment Aaron saw her, he was all over the iPad, trying to reach her. Too bad, he couldn’t. Seeing him like that, her heart ached. It was only two days but being away from him was like leaving part of her heart back in New York.

  After finishing the call, she turned to Rosie. “When are we going home?”

  “After your honeymoon.”

  Samantha nearly dropped her phone.

  Gavin entered the small room, his face drained of color like a blood-sucking vampire had paid him a visit. But other than his face, he was still the breathtakingly handsome husband she had kissed half an hour back. Unknowingly, her gaze jumped to his lips, wondering if he would taste same with their second kiss.

  Jesus. There would be no second kiss, Sam. Get out of your fantasy.

  “Thank God, you pulled her away.” He flashed Rosie a grateful look. “Tam was planning to take her shopping for a wedding present.”

  Rosie placed her hand on Samantha’s shoulder. “Never, ever go shopping with Tam. I repeat: Never.”

  “Why not?” Samantha asked, then shook her head. “Never mind. Gavin, what’s this I hear about a honeymoon?”

  Gavin’s face lit with myriad emotions. Reaching out, he pulled Samantha into his arms, sending tingles all across her body, his irresistible metallic scent invading her mind and sparking a storm of desire. Desire to raise her chin and kiss those kissable lips. He whispered into her ear, his breath hitting her earlobe. “Thanks for agreeing to it. I was worried about how to convince you.”

  Using all her might, she pushed him away. God, was he turning into a hug machine or what? Or did he think she offered free hugs? Why was he hugging her constantly?

  “Gavin, please stop—”

  A shadow appeared at the door, followed by Martha.

  “What are you doing in here?” Martha asked, arching her brow.

  Gavin quickly wrapped Samantha in a half hug. “Mom, do you need something?”

  Martha smiled mischievously. “Come on, knock it off already. Did you forget you’re in a chapel? Don’t start acting like you’re already in the Caribbean.” Her eyes widened, and she snapped her fingers, lowering her gaze.

  Samantha grabbed her head. This was getting out of control. What were they talking about? Who was going to Caribbean? That place, it scared her to the core.

  “Martha, Rosie, please excuse us for a moment.” Eyes burning with fury, she glanced at her husband. “Shall we husband?”

  Without waiting for his reply, she dragged him out of there. She couldn’t take this nonsense anymore. When she spotted no one in a ten-meter radius, she stopped, glaring at Gavin.

  “What’s going on? When did we agree to go on a honeymoon?”

  Gavin stared at her, dumbfounded. “Didn’t you just agree?”

  “No, and I’m not going on a honeymoon with you. That wasn’t in the contract.” Anger burned through her veins.

  Gavin grabbed her hands. “Please do this for me, Sam. Just this once.” He caressed her knuckles with his thumb. God, his touch. It beat against the protective walls she had conjured. “It’ll make my mom happy.”

  She yanked her hands away. “We had a clear agreement, and that didn’t include a honeymoon.”

  “Can you treat it as a vacation?” he asked, his eyes pleading. “I can fly Aaron there. Just think of it as time to enjoy with your son.”

  “I can’t.” She bit her lower lip. Why was it so hard to refuse him? “And I won’t. Not that place, please. Anywhere but there.”

  “Why not?” He stepped forward, encroaching on her personal space. “It’s like taking my secretary on a business trip. Can’t you just treat it like that and make my mom happy?”

  Stepping back, she closed her eyes. “I’m not your real wife, Gavin. Get it in your head and try to understand where I’m coming from.”

  His fingers clenched around her arm.

  “You’re hurting me.” She popped open her eyes and stared into his bloodshot eyes. “Just stop trying to be my husband already!” Her voice raised, but she immediately felt bad about it. She was going overboard.

  He released her and shrugged. “I understand.” His voice was little more than a whisper.

  “Please, understand...”

  Rubbing his forehead, he turned away. “I know. And I’m sorry for all this trouble. Actually, I’m even ashamed to say I’m sorry anymore. I’ve created this mess, so I’ll be solving it. Even if I don’t get the money.” With that, he walked away from her.

  Why did it pain her to see him disappointed?

  Chapter 29

  Gavin’s shoulders slumped in dismay. Why was it like this? A simple rejection from Samantha hurt like someone stabbed his heart. And it wasn’t like she’d betrayed him. She was simply sticking with the letter of the contract, what they’d discussed and agreed upon. She didn’t want any physical contact or proximity. Heck. He didn’t either. It was a fake marriage. A marriage of convenience. Then why this feeling? It was like someone cut a piece of his heart out and stomped on it.

  The click-clack of his formal shoes on the tiled floor didn’t sound right. Sitting on a bare metal chair, he checked his shoes. A small piece of one heel had broken off, much like what had happened to his heart when faced with her rejection.

  The shoes were garbage. Cheap and flimsy. He shouldn’t have shopped in a new store. A five grand pair of designer shoes, and they were coming apart like a cheap knockoff. Punching his own palm, he looked for Rosie. He was going to sue the shoe store. How could they sell a flimsy product like this?

  Jumping to his feet, he kicked the shoe off.

  As if on cue, Rosie came out of the chapel and down the hall, frowning as she spotted him standing there in only one shoe. “What’s wrong?”

  “There you are!”

  “What happened? Is Sam all right?”

  Gavin waved a dismissive hand. “Forget her. Find the store that sold me these counterfeit shoes and sue them.”

  Rosie’s eyes spanned wide. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Why?”

  “Because you don’t seem normal right now.”

  “What’s not normal?” He glanced down at himself. What wasn’t normal, other than the broken shoe?

  She pointed at his feet. “This. Suing a company for a broken shoe? This’s not like you. You’re losing your cool.” She grabbed his hand and pushed him into the chair. “Now, te
ll me what happened? Did you fight with Sam?”

  Suddenly, he realized what he was doing. Rosie spoke the truth. This wasn’t like him. He never lost his cool. Not even when the companies he bought didn’t show any promise at first.

  Rubbing his jaw, he stared at the floor, examining this new feeling invading his heart. What was it?

  He didn’t know. And he didn’t want to find out either. All the strange feelings he was getting around Samantha were counterproductive. He was supposed to be concentrating on his new company, but instead he was all tangled up in her and his family.

  That’s right. He would tell his mother that he couldn’t go on the honeymoon.

  But it would break her heart. She was so excited about sending them off.

  However, he couldn’t force this honeymoon on Samantha either. Torn between his feelings, he looked at Rosie. He needed her help to break the news to his mother.

  “No. It’s nothing. I just need your help to get out of this honeymoon.”

  Rosie sniffed. “You can’t. If you do, it’s like giving your father an opportunity to prove your marriage is fake.”

  “I know, but Sam’s freaking out.” His shoulders slumped. “She’s right. It wasn’t in the contract.”

  “Did you forget about the indicators Uncle Robert gave to you?”

  How could he? The envelope still burned like lava in his suit’s pocket.

  “No, of course not.” There was a provision in his grandmother’s will for the trustee to define the markers of a successful marriage, and his father had taken full advantage of it. Going on a honeymoon was at the top of the list.

  Gavin pushed his chair back and stood, collecting his shoe and putting it back on. “We’ll figure it out later. Right now, book a ticket on a commercial flight for me and Samantha to New York.”

  Rosie’s brows shot up. “Commercial flight?”

  “Yes. My jet needs some emergency repairs, and I’m not traveling back with my family. Sam would either kill herself or me by the time we got home.” He did the classic swipe over his throat, making Rosie giggle.

  “Then use my jet,” she said. “I’ll call my dad’s office.”

  Gavin tussled her hair. “Do you think your father would like that?” Rosie’s dad didn’t like her working for him. He wanted her to marry into a royal family. He’d even cut Rosie’s allowance. Using the jet would only fuel his anger.

  She sucked in her left cheek and nodded. Classic Rosie when she did some serious thinking.

  “Let’s go talk to Mom. You’ve to back me up on this.”

  They walked back to the chapel. Glancing around, he spotted his mother talking with Tan. Actually, Tan was doing most of the talking, with lots of hand movement. She seemed to be trying to convince their mother about something. Another shopping trip, maybe.

  “Mom.” He put on a sad face. Letting her see any other emotion would unleash her wrath. She wouldn’t stop until she’d dug a reason out of him or Samantha.

  His mother pulled him into a hug. “I’m so glad you got married. Tan and I were just talking, and she came up with an idea for a family vacation. We’re coming with you to the Caribbean.”

  “Mom, I—”

  She slapped his shoulder. “Don’t worry, we won’t disturb you. We’ve got five private properties on the island. We’ll stay in the one the farthest away from your resort. We might not even see each other the whole trip.”


  “We’ll fly out there together, of course, that makes the most sense. But that’s it. It’s not like I’m hijacking your honeymoon.”

  Tan slipped her hand in his. “Geez, brother, come on. I know you want the jet all to yourself, but can’t you stay away from your beautiful wife for a few more hours?” She pinched his arm and stood on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “I know you’re desperate, but...”

  Color drained from his face. Tan had just crossed eighteen, and she had a forward mouth.

  He smacked her head lightly. “Mom, you’d better keep an eye on who she’s hanging out with. She’s got a nasty tongue.” He chuckled. Thank God, Samantha wasn’t here. She would have fainted.

  “So, it’s settled then. We’re going to the Caribbean together.”

  Rosie pinched him from the other side. “Gavin, did you forget the office thing?” Her brows shot for her hairline.

  He’d almost forgotten why he’d come here. He needed to reject the honeymoon, and instead he had almost agreed to the most stupid proposal.

  “Mom, I—”

  “Husband.” Samantha’s voice called from the doorway, and his pulse raced. This woman. Even the sound of her voice made his heart flutter. What kind of magic did she practice?

  A smile played on his lips as he turned back to face his new wife.

  Stepping in between him and Rosie, she slipped her arm through his. “When are we leaving for the Caribbean?”

  Chapter 30

  Samantha stared at Gavin walking down the empty aisle between the chairs, disappointment plastered all over his face. His shoe cracked on the tiled floor and broke. He kicked his shoe away and dropped into a chair.

  Wanting to go to him, she got up, but when Rosie barged in, she held back. Even from a few meters away, she could see the struggle on his face. She could feel it in her heart, but she didn’t understand it.

  Why was he being like this? Did they talk about a honeymoon or include it in the contract? No. So, why the disappointment when she refused? And why the heck did she feel sad about it?

  Sitting alone in the corner, all she wanted to do was cry. Cry and forget about everything. He didn’t even ask why; all he did was to show his disappointment and run away. Did he think this marriage was easy for her?

  It wasn’t. She still had feelings for James, and now these strange feelings for Gavin. She didn’t ask for any of it. They just came and invaded her mind. What could she do to stop it?


  When she married James, she was naïve, in college, and it was love at first sight. Or she thought it was. Within a year after they met, they were married and living in a small apartment. In less than four months of marriage, she got pregnant. A few more months down the line, she was a widow. Did she ever ask for it? No. It just happened. So, when he asked her to go along with the honeymoon, why couldn’t he consider her reasons for saying no? Sure, he asked her to treat it as a vacation and enjoy time with Aaron. But did he even once think that this would be hard for her?

  She wiped the water from under her eyelids.

  For him, it was as easy as taking his secretary on a business trip, but for her, it was as hard as seeing him as a second husband. Even though it was a fake marriage. And, in the end, he left her here alone.

  Was she supposed to be left alone after half an hour marriage?

  Why couldn’t Gavin understand that simple thing?

  Pushing back her tears, she cleared her throat. No, she couldn’t get emotional over this now. She did the right thing. They were traveling on paths that ran parallel to each other. She’d be better off staying away from him.

  But it didn’t feel right. Her heart prickled every time she thought of his disappointed face.

  Maybe she could tackle it differently. Scolding him and asking him to not be her real husband sounded mean as she replayed the dialogue in her mind. He wasn’t asking to be a real couple, he just wanted to make his mom happy. What was wrong with that?

  The light above her head flickered and went off. Though the sunlight penetrated through the large windows of the chapel, the overhead lights acted as the main source of light.

  Maybe she should search for Gavin and discuss this in more detail. At least she could ease his mind. After what he had done for her, she should be more grateful.

  Rising from the chair, she moved toward the door. But before she stepped outside, a familiar grating voice attracted her attention.

  “Are you sure that will work? Gavin might suspect it,” Gavin’s father said.

er a pause, he chuckled. “I bet this marriage will fail in a month or two. It’s a fake, and I’ll prove it in no time.”

  Another pause. He must’ve been on the phone.

  “Yes, Gavin won’t suspect that. I’ll make sure that he himself walks out of the marriage.”

  More silence.

  “Don’t worry about the girl. She’s a single mother. I’ll throw some money at her and she’ll pick it up like a waitress.”

  Her insides churned. All she wanted was to wipe the grin off that old man’s face. How could he plot again his own son?

  Clenching her hands, she charged off in the direction Gavin went. She would show Mr. Hamilton that he couldn’t buy her. Not now. Not ever.

  Gavin stood with Martha, Rosie, and Tan. Rosie again. Standing close like a girlfriend, she leaned on him and pinched his obliques.

  Samantha’s insides churned rapidly. Gavin was a married man now, and she wouldn’t let anyone get near him. This was not happening on her watch.

  Stepping in between the two, she slipped her arm through his. She had an idea, and it was just crazy enough to work. First, they would fly out of here, but she would actually go back to New York, and Gavin would do whatever he wanted. As long as he didn’t show up in front of Mr. Hamilton, everything would be fine. Gavin’s family would think they had gone on their honeymoon, and that’s all they needed. “Husband, when are we leaving for the Caribbean?”

  Gavin’s face drained of color, like he’d seen a ghost. “No, we ca—”

  “It’s settled, then. Even she’s agreeing.” Martha faced her. “Sam— Is it okay if I call you Sam?”

  Samantha nodded.

  “Can you ask your nanny to fly with your son to the Caribbean? I’ll have a jet readied for him.”

  “Mom, wait!” Gavin raised his palm. “Aaron just had surgery. I don’t think it’s safe for him to fly.” He paused and looked at Samantha. “We should both go back to New York and postpone the trip a few days.”

  Martha cast a disappointed look at him. “Are you saying that you’ll break her heart? Look at her face and say that again.” She stepped forward and grabbed Samantha’s arm. “Sam, do you trust me?”


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