Billionaire's Only Marriage

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Billionaire's Only Marriage Page 13

by A P Gore

  “Ouch, that hurts.”

  “Take one more.” She elbowed him again. He was getting so much more expressive. Pulling her in hugs, talking about kisses, and calling her wife.

  “Sam,” he whispered again. “Would you come to dinner with me when we get back to New York?”

  Tilting her head at an angle, she took in the serious expression on his face. Why would he ask something like that?

  “If you let me choose the restaurant. Then yes.”

  He smiled, a full smile that eased her heart. Why didn’t he smile like that more often? It had a power to heal a heart. At least her heart. “As long as you’re with me, I’ll go anywhere you ask.”

  She replied with a smile. His words, they had a strange warmth attached to them. Maybe. Maybe she could think more about this marriage.

  Chapter 35

  A sea as vast as his imagination spread across the horizon as Gavin stepped out of the plane with Samantha beside him. A wind edging on chilliness blew across the tarmac, raising the hairs on his neck. He glanced at Samantha in concern. Why hadn’t Rosie bought her a jacket?

  Gavin shed his own and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Don’t give it back. You’ll catch a cold.”

  She smiled at him and pulled his jacket closer. They started down the stairs.

  “Aaron’s jet will land in a couple of hours,” he said. “We can wait on the beach till then. I hope Aaron likes it here.”

  “He’ll love it. When Misha told him about the sea, he kept asking me to take him there.” She grinned, making him happy in turn. Seeing her happy eased his heart. Somewhere along the way, making her happy had become a source of happiness for him.

  “Then he’ll love the water museum here. It’s quite famous. We’ll take him there. Mom’s already dying to meet him. She’s been nagging me about marriage and kids for years. She just loves kids.” His mother had been overjoyed when he showed her Aaron’s photo. He had taken it when his bandage was removed, and he was allowed to move around. The kid had a beautiful smile like his mom.

  “Then why did you wait? You’re handsome and rich. I bet you’ve never had any problem finding a date.”

  Gavin rubbed his neck. “Guess I was waiting for you.” He glanced at her oval face. Finding her was a gift he thanked God for. Maybe she was his destiny.

  “Don’t flirt. Just tell me about your previous dates. You can’t say no one pierced the walls around your heart.” She tapped his chest, sending lightning bolts to his heart.

  Even through the fabric, her touch sent desires raging through his body, like the desire to wrap her in his arms. God knew why, but he found solace in hugging her, like it was the most comfortable place in the world.

  He sighed. “I did. Occasionally. But it never went past a few dates. I just didn’t have time. My work has been my everything. And most of the girls I met were after my father’s money. I could see it in their eyes.” Not a single one had touched his heart like Samantha did. Not a single one he remembered, anyway.

  She slowed, falling a couple of steps behind him. “Gavin,” she said softly. “I hope you find someone good. Someone like Rosie. She’s a perfect match for you.”

  Again? Why was she stuck on Rosie? At first, the jealousy was entertaining, but now she was overthinking things.

  He turned abruptly and stepped in front of her, grasping her arms. Slightly leaning forward, he met her eyes on the same level. “Sam. Listen to me, okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Stop fretting about Rosie. She’s my cousin, so we’re not a good match. And the truth is, I don’t have a single woman in my life other than my family and you.” And he would never have one.

  Red rushed to her cheeks. She closed her eyes and turned away from him. Recently, she had been doing this cute thing frequently, hiding like a rabbit.

  “Come on, don’t hide now.” He chuckled. “Rosie is gonna find this amusing when I tell her about it.”

  She turned back and grabbed his ears, her bare fingers clinging to his earlobes, her full lips parting to say something. Darn, why couldn’t he kiss her?

  “You’re not telling her about it. Got me?” Her brows shot for her hairline, and her eyes shot daggers at him.

  Tan came to a stop nearby and rolled her eyes. “Geez, you guys. Get a room.”

  Giggling, Rosie stopped next to Tan.

  He pulled Samantha in his embrace, hiding her face against his chest. “Knock it off. Stop teasing her. I’m her husband, and I can kiss her anytime I want.” Leaning down, he planted his lips on Samantha’s exposed cheek. Her skin felt warm and cold at the same time, giving him a rare burst of ecstasy.

  A quiver passed through her, and she grabbed his shirt. He tightened his grip around her and pulled her closer.

  Rosie giggled. “Tan, let’s go. You can’t keep scaring her. If she gets angry, she’ll drag you through your home and...”

  Samantha abruptly turned around. “Like this.” She grabbed Gavin’s shirt and dragged him away from them, leaving the two of them frozen in place. “You’re in for it today,” Samantha growled under her breath. “I’ll drag you around like this for every kiss you steal from me.”

  He wrestled down his chuckle and walked behind her like a criminal, speculating that getting dragged around like this would soon become his hobby if in return he would get a kiss from her.

  He was about to step forward and drag her closer when an unfamiliar woman stepped in front of Samantha and slapped her.

  Chapter 36

  For a moment, Samantha didn’t realize what had happened. She was still in the spell of Gavin’s kiss and the beautiful sea spread across the horizon. The humid air and the thought of spending alone time on a beautiful beach with Gavin left her preoccupied. And after that kiss, she was anxious to know what might happen on the beach. Would he kiss her again? Or just talk?

  Her heart rate was leaping up and down when the woman stepped in front of her and slapped her hard. Pain shot across her face, making her eyes sting with tears. She blinked rapily to clear her suddenly watery eyes and nearly fell over in shock as she recognized the woman in front of her. That wrinkled nose, those fiery black eyes, that sharp chin... painful memories rose up. Pain, misery, and suffering followed it.

  “You—” A very offensive word spilled out of Gracie’s mouth, reminding Samantha why she decided to get closer to God. Gracie’s hand flew again. She hadn’t changed at all.

  Before the strike could land, Gavin her backwards. Stumbling, she crashed into his firm chest.

  Gavin stepped around her, grabbing Gracie’s wrist in midair. “Hey! That’s my wife!” His voice came out spiky and sharp.

  Samantha knew what those words would do to Gracie. If she processed his words, she would go berserk, something Samantha was loath to face.

  “Gavin, no.” She pushed her fear down and pulled him back. He shouldn’t have said those words to her. Stepping forward, she kept her eyes lowered. “Gracie, please. He didn’t mean that. He’s not my husband.”

  Gavin grabbed her arm. “What’s going on? What nonsense are you blabbering? Who’s this woman?”

  Samantha pleaded with him with desperate eyes. “Please, Gavin. Go away for now. I’ll explain everything later.” She turned to face Gracie, ready to take more punishment.

  Gracie stomped her foot. “You...” she cursed“...woman. How dare you come back here? You swallowed my son, and now you’re coming here to celebrate with your boyfriend? Have you no shame? Don’t you fear God will send the Devil to take your soul?”

  Her words stabbed like a knife, just as they did four years ago.

  “Gracie, please.” Samantha clasped her hands in front of her, fighting tears. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

  Another slap came her way. She braced herself for impact. Two or three weren’t anything to her four years ago. She had faced worse than this, and even if it took twenty slaps to calm Gracie down, she would happily take them. Just to ease Gracie’s heart. To make amends for Jam
es’s death.

  But the slap didn’t reach her. Gavin again stopped Gracie’s swing in midair. “Look, lady. I don’t know what you’ve got on Sam for her to foolishly accept your beating, but I won’t let you harm her. Not in my life.”

  “Gavin, please!” Samantha couldn’t hold it anymore. The pain, the memories, everything came back to her like a flood. A tremor passed through her knees, and she dropped to the ground, broken.

  Strong arms lifted her and carried her away. But that meant Gracie wouldn’t be satisfied. She struggled against Gavin’s grip, but he was too strong to resist, and he didn’t stop until he’d stuffed her in the waiting limo.

  Leaning back in the seat beside her, Gavin sighed. “Change of plan. Rosie will pick up Aaron and bring him to our villa.”

  “Gavin, please let me go back and talk to her.” She pleaded, but he didn’t reply. The car started after a few seconds, and they were on their way to their destination.

  Gavin spent the next half hour in silence. Samantha spent it in painful regret. Regret for not letting Gracie slap her. Regret for reminding a grieving mother of her dead son. What must she be thinking right now? If she had slapped Samantha ten or twenty times, she would at least be satisfied by punishing her. Instead, she’d probably be agitated and frustrated.

  Samantha thought about asking Gavin to take her back, but judging from his serious expression that seemed highly unlikely.

  When the limo finally stopped, she glanced outside. They had stopped in front of a big old house. She was too depressed to take in much else. She needed a pillow to cry into, nothing else.

  Gavin led her to a bedroom on the second floor.

  “Is there a bedroom on the ground floor?” she asked, her voice hoarse.

  “Yes, but it’s not good as—”

  “Aaron runs out at random times, and I don’t want to put him any danger.”

  Gavin rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, I didn’t think it through. I’ll get the ground floor bedroom ready for you.”

  And that’s why he wasn’t a good choice to be a husband. He didn’t even know basic safety measures for a kid.

  “That’s why coming here was a bad idea,” she said. “You don’t even know basic things.” Her words came out a bit harsh, but it was the truth.

  For a moment, he seemed taken back, but he recovered swiftly. “I’m sorry. I’ll be careful next time.”

  “As if there will be a next time,” she whispered. After meeting Gracie, she wanted to finish this drama and get back to New York as soon as possible. It was her fault to think this could lead anywhere but disaster. There was no way a fake marriage would be anything but fake. This was all a lie, and the sooner it was over, the better.

  “Sam...” He pulled her into his embrace.

  That was the last straw. Pushing him away with both hands, she said, “Stop doing that! We’re not a real couple, and I don’t like it. Do you get that, Gavin Hamilton?”

  He gave her a pained look but walked away, leaving her heartbroken and devastated.

  Chapter 37

  Turning the A/C on, Gavin glanced out the wall-length window overlooking the golf course. The green had enticed him when he’d visited this resort five years ago, but not today. Today, the grass waving on the breeze didn't ease his mind, nor did the colorful butterflies dancing in the villa’s back garden. His mind was stuck on Samantha’s words. She said she didn't like him hugging her. Of course, she was in pain, and he could feel the negative vibes coming off her. He just wanted to tell her that everything would be all right, that he would take care of things.

  He turned punched the wall next to the window. Pain radiated through his hand into his bones and then to his brain. Why couldn't he be the one to comfort her? And what had that old woman’s words meant? Why did she say Samantha swallowed her son?

  Gavin thought back to Samantha’s breakdown a few days ago. She kept saying she didn't kill him. Was that related?

  Pushing his hair back, he paced the room, trying hard to fit the puzzle pieces together, but nothing fit. And the pain in his heart kept growing.

  It had been five years since he took a vacation, and he’d thought he would enjoy this one with Samantha and her kid, but now everything seemed like a distant dream. It was all because of that crazy lady. Why did she come here? And how did she know Samantha would be here? When she hit Samantha, he’d wanted to punch her straight in the face. If it had been a man, he would have broken his hand in two. No one touched his wife. No one.

  Taking a deep breath, he tried to settle his rage. It boiled inside his veins like someone had put a molten hot lava stone in there. It had been ages since he’d felt something like this, an urge to hit someone.

  He dialed the housekeeper. “Get me a vanilla latte, please. Please send one to my wife's room as well.” Only coffee would give him some peace right now.

  His phone buzzed, pulling him out of his trance. It was his dad.


  “Son, did you think about my request? Can you save that company for our family?”

  Gavin gasped, having forgotten all about the conversation on the plane amongst the drama-laden arrival. It was his dream to see appreciation in his father’s eyes, and here was his chance. On the flight, his father had asked him to revive one of their subsidiaries as an independent company. He knew it was a test, and he was itching to dig deeper into it and get his hands dirty. That way, he would prove his father that he was worthy. He’d even agreed to forgo Gavin’s debt if he worked for this subsidiary. Any other time, he would have said yes in a jiffy. Even working as the CEO for two companies wasn't an issue. It would stretch him thin, but he could manage.

  But now, the issue was Samantha.

  His debt was his only reason he had to hold on to Samantha. What if she said goodbye once his debt was absolved? The debt was like a lifeline, and his father wanted to take it away. He wasn’t ready for it to end. Not yet. Not ever. If it took remaining in debt to remain Samantha's husband, then he would do that.

  “I need some time to think about it,” Gavin said.

  “Think about that child as well. She seems like a nice woman, and using her like this will hurt her and your mom in the end. Didn't you see how excited your mom was to meet her grandson?”

  His father’s words were true. Continuing this fake marriage would only hurt Samantha and his mother in the end. He had to put an end to this fake marriage.

  “Dad, give me few more days please.”

  A long sigh came from the other side. “Two days. Think about it, and let me know.”

  Two days. That wasn’t long enough to figure out what Samantha wanted. His plan was to spend some nice time with her and ask what she wanted to do. God. He squeezed the phone, but it suddenly buzzed, startling him. It was Rosie.

  “Gavin, Aaron's jet is delayed a couple of hours because of weather.”

  “Okay.” He started to disconnect but paused when he remembered something. “Rosie, did you receive the background report on Sam and her husband?”

  “Not yet. I should have it in a couple more days.”

  “Can you check the airport logs for me? See if someone named Gracie visited the airport today, and find out what you can about her, too. I need details on everyone related to Sam. Got it?”

  A noisy crash behind him sent him spinning around to find Samantha holding an empty tray. Coffee and broken crockery littered the floor at her feet.


  She spun around and ran downstairs. “So, now you're running background checks on me as well?” Samantha's voice echoed up the stairs after her.

  “Sam!” He hurried after her. “Rosie, I'll call you later.” He stuffed his phone in his jeans pocket as he ran.

  Samantha was already at the bottom stairs. Skipping few steps at a time, he caught up with her, grabbed her hand, and tugged her to a halt. “Sam, would you please listen?”

  She spun to face him. “What's there to listen to? You ran a background check on me.
Are you afraid I'll ask you for more money?” She yanked her hand away. “I can't stay here anymore. I'm going back to the airport and taking the first flight back to New York with my pumpkin.”

  She stormed into her bedroom and emerged with her small bag in hand.

  Gavin stepped in front of her, his hands spread wide. “Sam, please calm down. I can explain. I just wanted to protect you. That's why I asked Rosie to check your background, so I can eliminate anything coming at you.”

  Samantha shot daggers at him with her ice-cold eyes. “That's a breach of my privacy, Mr. Hamilton. That wasn’t in the contract. So, please, get out of my way.”

  Chapter 38

  Gavin stood on the stairs until the housekeeping lady set up Samantha’s bedroom on the ground floor. It was small but quite a nice room with a window opening to the view of green grass and a small dense patch of trees.

  When she opened the window, a breeze blew into her room and made it a little colder.

  Gavin knocked on her door and dropped a big bag on the small table beside the door. Without another word, he left.

  Curious, she glanced in the bag and found four jackets. Two were kid's jackets, one ink black and one sea blue, while two were her size. She liked the dark gray one for her.

  Touching the jackets, she felt the warmth of his hug and then felt bad for her words. He didn’t really deserve her angry words. All he’d done was try to protect her from Gracie. And how was he supposed to consider the safety of a child when he didn't have one of his own? Heck, he didn’t even have any nieces or nephews that she knew of.

  Dropping on the comfy double bed, she rubbed her temples.

  Jesus. She was too mean to him. He didn't deserve her anger. He was just trying to protect her. She could have gotten her point across in a nicer way. He was doing all sorts of things for her and Aaron. He even got a private jet to fly her son here.


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