Lord of Temptation

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Lord of Temptation Page 11

by Lorraine Heath

  So as she sat there dining on exquisite fare and drinking fine wine, both of which rivaled anything served at her father’s table, she contemplated the regrets that might haunt her where Captain Crimson Jack was concerned. When they arrived at the docks on the morrow, she would disembark from his ship and never see him again—except in her dreams. She was fairly certain he would frequent her there. Much to her chagrin.

  She’d not expected to like him, to be drawn to him, to be fascinated by him. She’d not expected to be able to peer beneath his rough exterior and discover a kernel of goodness within him that rivaled that of the most generous lords she’d ever known.

  “Where will you go?” she asked. “When next you leave England?”

  His plate now empty, he leaned back and swirled the wine in his glass, but his gaze was riveted on her. She was no longer uncomfortable by the intensity of it. Rather she found it oddly soothing, indeed flattering, that he would give so much attention to her as though she were all that mattered in his world. “The Far East most likely. Would you care to come with me?”

  Her heart stammered at the improper suggestion, even as a small corner of her mind considered it. What would it be like to be free of all societal constraints? She suspected in time that she’d miss them terribly. It was what she knew, what she understood. “I wasn’t made for this vagabond of a life you lead. Does it not become mundane, traveling about, with no permanence in your life?”

  “I have permanence, Princess. The men who serve with me, the sea always around me, and the knowledge that I’ll discover something new on every journey.”

  “Even this one?”

  His eyes never leaving her, he took a slow sip of wine before saying, “Especially this one.”

  She was incredibly tempted to ask him exactly what he’d discovered. But that was only her vanity nudging her. They’d formed an odd bond of intimacy that she couldn’t deny. It was something else that she’d not expected to happen.

  “A bit scandalous not to have your maid in here watching over you, isn’t it?” he asked.

  “Her clacking needles were about to get on my last nerve,” she said. A partial truth. Dare she voice the real reason she was alone with him?

  He chuckled low. “Especially when they speed up in disapproval.”

  “Yes.” She felt the heat suffuse her face. Martha would most certainly disapprove of the journey her thoughts were now taking because they led to the captain not leaving these quarters until the sun rose. “I’ve—” She cleared her throat. “I’ve instructed her to stay in your first mate’s empty cabin for the night.”

  “Have you now?”

  She nodded, her throat threatening to knot up. “I think she rather likes him. Your first mate. Mr. Peterson.”

  “He’s quite smitten with her.”

  “Is he?” She couldn’t stop herself from smiling. “How lovely for her. I suppose. It would be a rather lonely life, though, wouldn’t it? With him at sea?”

  Before he could answer, a knock at the door had her nearly leaping out of her skin. She didn’t know why she was so skittish. Perhaps because her not having Martha in attendance had little to do with her irritating knitting needles and more to do with the fact that she was seriously contemplating giving him far more than a kiss.

  She wanted to announce that she trusted him, but all she trusted him to do was misbehave. She was counting on it, in fact. It was as though she had changed on this journey, had become as liberated as his ship. It had the power to carry them anywhere, to reveal sights never before seen. It tempted her—he tempted her—to do her own exploring. What would she discover of him … and herself? Did she want to know? Or did she wish to remain forever naive?

  They said that ignorance was bliss, but she was learning that it was little more than irritating. Better to know than to forever wonder.

  With the lithe movements to which she’d grown accustomed, he got up from the table and opened the door. Mouse and Jenkins skittered in and cleared away the dishes. When the door closed on their retreating forms, she found herself standing, not certain what she should do next.

  He was leaning against the wall, studying her, his arms crossed over his chest. Had she really considered that he could pass for a gentleman? His attire was well tailored, fit him to perfection. She suspected he’d paid a pretty penny for it. But still, beneath it hovered an untamed element, like the tempest that rose up unexpectedly. His life was coarse and harsh, had shaped him into the fascinating creature that he was. But just as his ship didn’t stay at port long, she suspected he wasn’t one to stay in her life for more than a short period.

  They would never have more than this time together. And it was quickly drawing to a close.

  “Can I interest you in a bit of after-dinner brandy?” he asked.

  She nodded, grateful for something to do with her hands as the silly things wanted to reach out and touch him, skim over his chest, his shoulders, his back. “Yes, please, thank you.”

  He prowled to the corner cabinet where he kept his spirits. She watched as he poured liberal amounts of brandy into two snifters before bringing them over to where she stood like a blasted mast. Whatever was wrong with her?

  She took the glass he offered and he clinked his against hers. “To the end of a successful voyage.”

  “Is it something to celebrate?”

  “We survived.”

  “Was there any chance we wouldn’t?”

  “There’s always a chance, Princess. We can’t control the seas.”

  Or our own destinies, for that matter, it seems.

  She took a healthy sip, savoring the flavor, felt the familiar burn as the liquid went down but the vapors wafted through her nostrils, stinging. She smiled.

  “What’s so amusing?” he asked.

  “I was recalling the first time I sipped brandy, after pilfering it from my father’s cabinet. I went into a wretched coughing fit. My worst fear was that he would hear me, come to investigate, and discover what I was about.” Not daring to look at him, she tapped her finger against the glass. “I always strive to be so damned proper.”

  “You say that as though you’re not quite pleased with that aspect of your character.”

  She lifted her gaze to his. Why was it that he seemed to know her so well? She swallowed hard. “I believe there are times when one shouldn’t be quite so proper.”

  “Like when climbing a mast for example?” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “I was quite daring, wasn’t I? And the reward—the view from atop the ship—was so very worth it.” She took a deep breath. “You claimed your kiss there.”

  He released a long suffering sigh. “Yes, I did, didn’t I?” He then proceeded to finish off his brandy.

  She followed suit, and this time, it felt as though the vapors invaded her brain. She felt lightheaded and bold. “It wasn’t as you promised.”

  He arched a brow. “Oh?”

  “You said it would be slow, leisurely, and long. It was none of those things. Quite honestly, Captain, I’m not certain you’ve been fully paid for your troubles.”

  “I did say a kiss, the moment of my choosing.”

  “But I think it was a kiss brought on by pity.”

  “Never. I don’t pity you, Princess. It was simply that I could no longer resist and we did have an audience.”

  “We don’t have one now.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  He was watching her intently, and she realized that he would never force her, would never take what she was unwilling to give. She’d instinctively understood that of course. She’d have not boarded his ship otherwise, but now she fully comprehended that all the power was hers. “This long, slow, leisurely kiss of which you spoke … where does it lead?”

  “Wherever you want it to.”

  She felt the weight of responsibility, but more she sensed the depth of yearning for something she’d been denied. “I believe I would like to … explore the possibilities.”

bsp; “And where exactly do you want it to lead?”

  “I don’t want to say. In case I get frightened and change my mind. But we’ve shared so much on this journey. I would like a little more.”

  He touched her cheek. “At any time, all you have to say is ‘stop.’ ”

  “And you’ll stop?”

  “Even if it kills me.”

  “You’ll get angry.”

  “I won’t.”

  Walter had. He’d called her a tease, because she’d dared to allow him to kiss her until they were both breathless. She didn’t want to think about that now. She only knew that she was drawn to this man who stood before her, and she didn’t want to look back on these moments with regret. She knew only that if she heard of his death, she didn’t want to have to journey to the other side of the world to beg his forgiveness. She knew that the kiss he’d given her in the crow’s nest was not the one he’d envisioned that long-ago night when he’d stood in her bedchamber and made a bargain with her.

  During the days and nights since, she’d come to anticipate what he’d promised. She didn’t want to leave the ship without acquiring it—and perhaps a bit more.

  “Well, then, Captain, I don’t see that the kiss you bestowed upon me this afternoon—as lovely as it was—really fulfills my obligation to you at all.”

  A corner of his mouth hitched up. “I certainly wouldn’t want you to disembark tomorrow feeling as though you’ve failed to live up to your part of the bargain.”

  Never taking his eyes off hers, he wrapped his long fingers around her snifter and set it on his desk. He was progressing so remarkably slowly that she wanted to shout at him to get a move on. Did he not want to truly kiss her? Did he not find her desirable? Perhaps that was the true reason that he’d been willing to be content with a light brushing of lips.

  But when he turned back to her, she saw desire smoldering in his eyes, and she saw with alarm how very good he’d been at holding his true feelings at bay. She almost backed up, almost changed her mind, but before she could fully acknowledge that she was suddenly terrified by the intensity of what she saw, he snaked an arm around her waist, brought her up flush against him, cradled her face with one rough callused hand, and lowered his mouth to hers.

  No light brushing of the lips, this. No sweetness, no gentleness.

  It was as though he were a starving man, devouring his first meal after years of deprivation. His mouth pressed firmly against hers as his tongue enticed her lips to part. He explored as she’d discovered he did everything: boldly and without hesitation. His tongue thrust and parried, gentled and waltzed. Of their own accord, her arms wound around his neck, bringing her closer to him. His hand skimmed along her throat, halted. She could feel her pulse thrumming against his fingers as his mouth continued its leisurely plunder. He tasted of rich brandy, fine wine, tart oranges. He tasted of desire. His mouth was hot, wet, and so very, very talented.

  Lethargy seeped into her bones, heat swirled through her, pooled between her thighs. Her toes curled, her fingers dug into his scalp, keeping him near. Not that she expected him to leave.

  She didn’t think it possible, but the kiss deepened, became more, became everything until nothing existed except for him and the incredible sensations he was stirring to life. She had been dead for so long. She hadn’t realized exactly how dead she’d been, but now she was being brought back to life—her body, her soul, her heart.

  They were all beginning to regain a sense of awareness. They could feel again. They wanted to feel again. She thought she should be terrified by this immense awakening that she was experiencing, but all she knew was a gratitude that threatened to overwhelm her, to make her weep for what she’d denied herself for so long.

  His mouth continued to work its magic, never leaving hers, never ceasing its explorations. She was beginning to wonder if she’d ever truly been kissed, because this was like nothing that she’d before experienced. It affected her entire body, made her want to crawl over him, made her want to sink into him until they were one. The cabin had grown so very warm that she wanted to rip off her clothes. Or maybe it was her, heated from the inside out, from the outside in. She barely knew any longer. Had little rational thought save for pleasure, pleasure, pleasure.

  Long. Slow. Leisurely. It was all there, and yet in spite of that, the kiss was wild, untamed, unyielding. It commanded, it tempted, it seduced. Thoroughly, irrevocably. She understood better now his restraint, because what he was unleashing had the power to conquer her, to have her writhing in his arms with no care for the consequences that would follow. She wanted what he was offering, wanted it all. Wanted nothing to go unexplored.

  His hand slid lower and cupped her breast. She moaned with the intimacy of it, the pleasure that tripped through her when he skimmed his thumb over her pearled nipple.

  She broke off the kiss, pressing her mouth to his chin, his jaw, his neck. She damned the cravat and the blasted buttons that kept her from going where she wished, from tasting him fully. Why tonight of all nights had he decided to prove that he did indeed understand the purpose of buttons and buttonholes?

  He cradled her face between his strong hands, forced her to meet his smoldering gaze.

  “I was wrong, Anne. I won’t be able to stop. So tell me now: do I take you to my bed or do I jump into the sea to cool off?”

  She wanted to laugh, but all she seemed capable of doing was pleading, “Don’t go.”

  Thank God, Tristan thought. Thank God.

  He’d known she’d be exquisite but none of his imaginings had prepared him for the reality of her responsiveness, her flavor, her heat. His burgeoning desire astounded him. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life. Even his past hunger for revenge was dwarfed by the need clawing through him to possess her completely and fully.

  He wanted to exhibit the slowness with which he’d taunted her but he wanted her too badly. And she was wearing so damned many clothes. In between kisses he released buttons, untied ribbons, dragged off petticoats—

  In between kisses she unknotted his cravat, gave his buttons their freedom, tugged at his clothes—

  Between caresses he removed her slippers, rolled down her stockings—

  Between caresses she pulled off his boots, drew his shirt over his head—

  It seemed hours but he knew it was only mere minutes before they were breathing harshly, taking each other in.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he rasped. Her breasts were high and firm, her nipples a pale pink that he longed to taste. Her belly was flat, her hips narrow. He watched as her gaze traveled over him, and he couldn’t mistake the appreciation in her eyes. It was without arrogance that he knew he had much to offer, but he also knew that for a virgin it could be frightening to see the clear evidence of his desire for her. He should have doused the blasted lamps. He should have—

  She placed her warm hand on his shoulder, met his gaze. “I want you.”

  She devastated him with so little. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her to his bed, set her on the sheets with care, then followed her down.

  Anne welcomed the weight and length of him as he covered her body with his and once again took her mouth. She wanted to touch all of him, every inch. He was magnificent. Long legged, strong, powerful. She’d seen his muscles bunching with his movements as he made his way about the ship. In her innocent imaginings, she’d never envisioned that a man could look so beautiful. A handsome face, yes, but a beautiful body that promised something that went beyond pleasure. It was a fanciful thought, but it had raced through her mind when she’d finally managed to unveil him. She thought perhaps she should be frightened by what was to come, but she seemed to be capable only of anticipating it.

  She skimmed her fingers over his chest, his shoulders, his back. She felt the raised welts that marred that incredible expanse of muscles and sinew and wanted to weep, knowing that he had once suffered such damaging punishment. She wrapped her arms around him, squeezed him tightly, wishi
ng she could take the painful memories from him.

  But she supposed they were partially responsible for shaping him into the man he’d become, the man who fascinated her, the man she now yearned for more than her next breath.

  His mouth left hers to trail along her throat, and while she almost cried out at the loss, she welcomed the new sensations that arose with his explorations. He seemed to be intent on not leaving an inch of her unknown to his questing tongue. He lightly nipped her collarbone before easing down. He skimmed his lips over the swells of her breasts. He was wedged between her thighs. She rubbed her soles over his calves, arched her hips upward—

  “Not yet, Princess.”

  “Is this too to be long, slow, and leisurely?” she asked on a sigh.

  “Long, slow, but hardly leisurely, once we’re into the thick of things.”

  She wanted to laugh. Instead she moaned as he closed his mouth over her nipple and suckled gently. Conflicting sensations poured through her. Tension and lethargy battled. She wanted to relax beneath him, tighten herself around him.

  He journeyed to her other breast and bestowed upon it the same attentions. She’d never imagined such dedication, had never realized the full extent of caressing, tasting, touching that making love would entail. She had always thought it would be over quickly. Instead she was discovering that it might last forever.

  He ran his tongue up and down the valley between her breasts, turning his head one way to kiss an inside swell, then the other. She scraped her nails along his scalp, welcoming the long strands of his hair curling around her fingers. Easing lower, he dipped his tongue into her navel and her body tightened in response.

  She raised her shoulders from the bed, clutched his, tried to pull him toward her. “I want another kiss.”

  His eyes were heavy-lidded, held a hint of wickedness in them as he met her gaze. “I intend to give you one. Only on another set of lips.”


  “Relax, Princess. I’ve thought of this too long to deny myself the pleasure of it.”


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