My Regelence Rake

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My Regelence Rake Page 15

by J. L. Langley

  Dalton strolled up to them with a tumbler full of an amber-colored liquid. No doubt something he shouldn’t be drinking. “Who’re the two of you looking for?”

  “Plume,” Aiden answered at the same time as Colton. They glanced at one another and shared a smile.

  Dalton swirled his drink before taking a sip. He too began searching the crowd. “Barnaby Plume? He’s an arsehead. Why do you want him?”

  “We don’t want him. We’re trying to see what he’s up to. Does this mean you haven’t heard the rumors?” Colton asked.

  “What rumors?”

  “Where have you been? I hate society, and I’ve heard the rumors.” Aiden stopped a passing footman and grabbed a drink from his tray.

  Dalton shrugged. “Not all of us have a gorgeous husband to, er…entertain us. Some of us have to actually seek out our amusements, if you know what I mean.”

  Aiden offered his drink to Colton. “Here, take this. You’ve earned it.”

  “In other words, he’s been hanging out in brothels and gaming hells rather than soirées.” Colton took the glass and sniffed. Alcohol of some sort. What the heck? He had earned it. What was the worst that could happen? He’d get called on the carpet by Cony. He’d been called on the carpet before.

  He swigged back the drink. Dust. It sucked the air right out of him and stung his insides all the way down to his stomach. An uncontrollable round of coughing racked his body, and tears streamed from his eyes. Good galaxy, he was going to die.

  Dalton began pounding him on the back.

  Aiden grabbed the glass. “Cripes. You weren’t supposed to try and down it in one gulp.”

  Now he tells me. Colton tried to inhale deeply. Several moments passed, but his hacking subsided into wheezing. When he was able to breathe normally, he glared at his brother.

  Ignoring the glare, Aiden gripped Colton’s arm and started walking. “Come on, everyone is going into the music room to find seats.”

  Dalton grasped Colton’s other arm and leaned around him to talk to Aiden. “I still can’t believe you married Captain Hawk.”

  “Admiral,” Aiden corrected.

  Dalton went on like Aiden hadn’t spoken. “The man is a legend. Half the soldiers I know are in love with Hawk.”

  “Too bad.” Aiden smiled at Dalton and drank from the tumbler. “They can’t have him.” Un-looping his arm, Aiden handed Colton the glass again. “Here take another drink. A sip this time, not a gulp.”

  Colton swallowed another drink, and Aiden explained the events surrounding the gossip to Dalton. By the time Aiden got to the part about Plume seeking Colton out tonight, Colton was seeing blurry figures rather than actual people. Whoa, was the room moving?

  Dalton’s arm tensed under Colton’s hand. “I’ll see if I can find out what rumors are going around. I’ve a good mind to call Plume out.”

  Blah blah blah. Colton tuned out the conversation and stifled a chuckle. He shouldn’t think blah blah blah when his family was trying to come to his aid, but he couldn’t seem to help it. Colton hiccupped and slapped a hand over his mouth. For some reason that was hilarious. His hand did nothing to hold back the laughter. Hiccupping again made the giggles increase. His limbs were loose and heavy…floppy.

  He needed another one of those coughing drinks. One more drink, and he wouldn’t care about anything. No wonder Trouble was always trying to pilfer strong spirits.

  “Give me some more of the coughing drink.” Colton snatched the drink from Aiden’s hand and swigged. It stole his breath, but he didn’t cough this time.

  Why were Aiden and Dalton staring at him? He glanced behind him. Just a plant. Hmm… When had they made it to the music room?

  “What?” He hiccupped again and smiled.

  Dalton frowned, snatched the drink away from Colton and handed it back to Aiden. “Look what you started. I can’t believe you gave him that. You could’ve at least waited until dinner, so he’d have something in his stomach.”

  “It was just a little scotch. I had no idea it would affect him like this,” Aiden said.

  A lord—he had to be a lord because he had a pompous air—gawked at them. Oh, so was the man beside him. And the one over there by the marble column.

  Should Colton glare back or wave? Hiccup. He was in much too good a mood to give in to rudeness, so he waved.

  Aiden jerked Colton’s hand down. “Cut it out.”

  Colton tugged at his cravat. The room was getting hotter.

  “Maybe we should go look for some coffee,” Dalton suggested.

  Across from them, Lord Roth, Lord Francis and Mr. Fareweather entered the music room.

  Waving, Colton smiled. His head swam, making him a little dizzy.

  Lord Roth looked his direction and turned away, giving him the cut direct. Lord Francis did the same. Mr. Fareweather lifted his hand, but before he got it past his waist his smile faded, and he glanced back at his friends. He followed the other two men but spared Colton a backward glance.

  Colton’s stomach dropped and flopped like his other limbs. This rained meteors.

  “Let’s get a seat. Maybe sitting down for a bit will clear his head. Just help me hide him from Father and Cony. Dinner is right after the performance. We’ll get him some coffee then.” Aiden led Colton toward a row of seats a few aisles back from where the pianoforte, a harp and some chairs with smaller instruments on them were set up.

  Hiccup. Head still spinning, Colton scooted sideways through the narrow line of chairs with Aiden in front of him and Dalton behind him. Dalton only had to steady him once.

  As they took their seats in the middle of the row, someone behind them spoke Colton’s name. He listened intently but only made out whispers after his name, not actual words. Maybe the lack of clarity was because his head was so foggy. As they sat, he glanced at Dalton to ask if he’d heard.

  Dalton stared straight ahead with a goofy grin on his face. It was doubtful he’d heard anything the way he seemed mesmerized.

  Following his gaze, Colton found Blaise Thompson setting his sheet music on the piano.

  Colton leaned close to Aiden and lost his balance. “Whoops.”

  Aiden pushed him back in his seat.

  Hiccup. “Can you make out what the men behind us are saying?”

  “No. I only caught your name.” Aiden dragged his attention away from where the musicians were setting up. “But I found the jackass.” He tilted his head in a jerky manner toward the front of the room.

  Plume stood in the front row. With a smirk, he held up a champagne flute in a mock toast. Downing the liquid in the glass, he gave Colton his back and sat.

  A chill went through Colton.

  Nate slid into the chair next to Aiden. Resting his hand on Aiden’s thigh, Nate leaned forward to catch Colton’s gaze. His jaw was tense and his brows lowered. “You’ve apparently become Wentworth’s paramour.”

  As soon as Sebastian walked in the front door of Townsend Castle, Thomas handed him a note. “Lord Wentworth, this just came for you.”

  The black wax seal bore the Duke of Knighton’s coat of arms.

  Sebastian broke the seal. Fear clawed at his gut as he read the words. Your presence is required at Thompson House posthaste. There is a problem with Colton. He needs you.

  A problem with Colton? Every possible scenario flashed through Sebastian’s mind, and they were all bad. Had Colton been injured? Kidnapped? Killed? Oh galaxy no.

  Pain twisted in his gut as he turned and headed back out the front door. “Jeffers, have the lift return immediately.”

  A cold blast of air hit him in the face as he strode down the front steps. Gads, not only was he still holding the note, his hands shook. He stuffed the letter into the breast pocket of his evening coat, but there was nothing he could do about the quivering. What if he never saw Colton again? What if—?

  The lift pulled up, and Sebastian jumped in. “To the Duke of Eversleigh’s townhouse.” The coach was dimly lit, but Sebastian pulled out his pock
et watch. Hoping to borrow some light from the streetlamps, he held it up toward the window. What time was it? How long had the note been waiting for him? Sebastian stuffed his watch back in his waistcoat pocket. He had no idea when Rourke had sent the note and couldn’t see the blasted watch anyway. His skin crawled with nervous energy. If this bloody lift didn’t hurry… “Faster. This is an emergency.”

  The lift sped up marginally.

  “Bugger.” Sebastian closed his eyes, fisted his hands and clenched his jaw. He opened his eyes. This was still faster than walking. If only he’d ridden Max this evening. He’d taken a lift to investigate Admiral Jenkins’s townhouse and gotten nowhere. He now had even more questions and no answers.

  After what seemed like forever, the lift slowed. Outside the window, the Duke of Eversleigh’s townhouse glowed with life.

  Sebastian jumped to his feet and swayed as the lift stopped suddenly. The door opened, and the sense of calm he’d always gotten before going into battle claimed him.

  The street was deserted, yet the house held a warmth. The atmosphere was tranquil. Normal. The night was cool but refreshing. A nice hum came from inside the mansion. Death and injury had a way of seeping into the air, and there was no evidence of it here. No screams, no frantic pace, no emergency lifts, nothing.

  Feeling much more in control, Sebastian ascended the steps. It would be nice to know what he was walking into. When he saw Rourke, he was going to instruct him on how to write a proper note.

  The foyer was empty except for a doorman. Music floated in from the open music room doors. The place was packed. Everyone was enjoying the show.

  Scanning through the crowd, Sebastian searched for Colton. He found Knighton first. The duke sat several inches above everyone else. The admiral was easy to spot since he was also taller than most. Aiden sat next to him. On Aiden’s other side was a dark-headed man and then Ashbourne. Colton must be there somewhere.

  By his second survey of the music room, Sebastian’s uneasiness was beginning to return. He’d located all the Townsend offspring except Colton. He returned his attention to the man between Aiden and Ashbourne. That had to be Colton.

  The music came to an end, and the audience broke out into applause. As he clapped, the ebony-haired man turned his head slightly. It was just enough to show off the high cheekbones and a stubborn chin. Colton.

  Sebastian frowned. Why had he dismissed Colton at first? Colton’s shoulders didn’t look as wide as they normally appeared. Nor did he seem as tall. Colton was slouching. Something was definitely wrong. Maybe it was from the hours on horseback or from his upbringing, but Colton always held himself upright. Some would call the posture arrogant, but it wasn’t. He had an innate self-confidence.

  Careful not to draw attention to himself, Sebastian eased away from the door and sought out the doorman. He offered the man a hundred pounds for his silence about Sebastian’s presence and asked for paper and pen. When the man returned, he’d jot a quick note and have the man deliver it to Colton.


  Turning, Sebastian came face-to-face with Steven. “Your Highness.”

  “I’m glad you’re here. Come with me.” Making an about-face, Steven walked away.

  Combined with Colton’s slouching, Steven’s pace didn’t give Sebastian a warm, fuzzy feeling. Sebastian hurried to catch up. “I got a note from Knighton saying Colton needed me. What’s going on?” He jogged to keep up. The unease he’d had in the lift came back full force.

  Steven went into Eversleigh’s parlor and closed the door as soon as Sebastian cleared it. The room was empty and mostly quiet. Music could still be heard, but it was muted. Steven walked to the fireplace and faced him. “The rumors have gotten worse. Now the predominant one is that you and Colton are lovers, rather than the two of you stealing the horse.”

  “Bugger.” Heat suffused Sebastian’s face and neck. His muscles bunched. That same fierce protectiveness he experienced before rose in him. “Are people shunning him?”

  “Yes.” Steven didn’t sit down as Sebastian expected but paced back and forth in front of the fireplace. “Oh don’t get me wrong, they aren’t stupid enough to talk about him in mine and Raleigh’s presence. But I’ve seen several peers watching Colton and whispering when they don’t realize I’m looking.”

  The thought of Colton being treated so unfairly made Sebastian sick to his stomach. How had things spiraled out of control so quickly? True, he hadn’t done much to quash the tales, but even still he’d done nothing to encourage them. He could only think of one way out of this. One way to protect Colton.

  The muscles in Sebastian’s throat constricted, and his palms began to sweat. He didn’t know if he could do it. Old self-doubts gnawed at him. Could Colton live with him? The real him? Could Colton deal with Sebastian’s past? Giles couldn’t.

  Sebastian would just have to keep Colton from learning the truth. What mattered was protecting Colton. A little voice niggled at the back of his mind telling him not to jest with himself, he wanted Colton, but he ignored it. It didn’t signify. His wants and needs didn’t play into this. If they did, he wouldn’t be about to do what he was about to do.

  Sebastian composed himself. “I don’t think there’s any stopping these rumors now. Steven, with your permission I’d like to ask Colton to marry me.” No turning back now.

  Smiling, Steven strode forward with his hand extended. “My boy…” When Sebastian grabbed his hand, Steven pulled him into a hug and pounded him on the back. “Not only do you have my permission and gratitude, but you’ve made me very happy. I’d welcome you to the family, but you’ve been part of our family for years.”

  A burning sensation started in Sebastian’s chest. He hugged Steven back, feeling like a fraud. “I’ll take care of him and protect him with my life.”

  “You always have.” Steven let go of him but continued to smile. He cocked his head to the side as if he were listening to something.

  The sounds of footsteps and people talking had replaced the music.

  “Sounds like it’s time for dinner.” Steven patted Sebastian’s back and strolled to the door. His step seemed a little bouncier than usual. “Why don’t you go find Colton and join us in the dining room? Eversleigh will not have a problem with you joining us.” He opened the door and held out his arm as if to say after you. Yes, he was definitely happy about this arrangement.

  Sebastian smiled even though it felt as if a heavy weight had been dropped on his chest. He still had to ask Colton for his hand in marriage. What if Colton said no? Sebastian’s lungs constricted.

  Oblivious to Sebastian’s unease, Steven slapped him on the back again and strolled into the crowd coming out of the music room.

  Sebastian turned the opposite way, swimming upstream against the throng for only a moment before people began stepping out of his way. He became cognizant of the stares and whispers. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. The smell of sweat, cologne and liquor stung his nose, and the press of bodies closed in on him. Even though he couldn’t see it and knew it was his imagination, the weight of the stares pressed against his back, propelling him forward at a pace above his normal walk. Was this what Colton had dealt with all night?

  “Seb.” Rourke stood right outside of the music room door. “You got my note?”

  “Yes. And I just spoke with Steven. Where’s Colton?” Sebastian stopped beside Rourke.

  Several heads whipped back around as his gaze landed on them. “Good galaxy. Have they nothing better to do with their time?”

  One corner of Rourke’s lips turned up. “No. They live for this sort of thing. And to answer your question, Colton went out the other door.” He hitched his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the music room. “Toward the washrooms with Aiden and the admiral.”

  Inside the music room, past the rows of chairs, another door stood open. People milled about like a flock of sheep in the hallway beyond.

  “Thank you.” Sebastian started into the
room but stopped. “We need to discuss your missive writing.”

  Rourke chuckled. “There isn’t a thing wrong with my missive writing. It got you here, didn’t it?”

  He supposed it did. Growling, Sebastian continued through the room and into the hall. Only a few of the washroom doors were closed. Everyone seemed to be leaving and going to the other end of the passage, Colton included. With his shoulders slightly slumped, he walked between Aiden and Nate.

  Sebastian frowned and hurried to catch up. “Your Highness.”

  Aiden and Colton both turned.

  As soon as Colton’s gaze met Sebastian’s, Colton smiled. The genuine response went right to Sebastian’s head. He returned the smile, feeling much more in control.

  “Good evening, my lord,” Colton said as Sebastian drew near.

  “Hello yourself.” He took Colton’s hand and brought it to his lips, ignoring Aiden’s grumble. Sebastian found that despite his reluctance at marriage, he wanted to kiss Colton. If they’d been alone, he would’ve done just that. Did Colton still have a mark on his neck from last night? Dust, he had to stop thinking like that or he was going to get an erection.

  Nate stepped closer to his consort and rested his hand on the middle of Aiden’s back. “I trust you’ll be escorting him to dinner?”

  Sebastian nodded. “I will.”

  Glancing around, Aiden put his hand to the side of his mouth and practically hissed, “There are already rumors.”

  Sebastian had always respected the Townsends and their loyalty to one another, but it still caught him off guard from time to time. Taking Aiden’s hand, he bowed over it. “I know. I’ve come to help dispel those rumors.”

  “We’ll save you both a seat.” Nate steered his consort around.

  “But…” Aiden glanced up at his husband with a frown.

  Nate didn’t relent. He kept moving Aiden forward. “Boy, behave yourself.”


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